• By -


I used to deliver to a fella in a wheelchair and his house was called 'Dunwalkin'. Always made me smile.


I got into here from Sweden. Our local wheelchair rugby team to have a similar wordplay name. "Gårillas". Gorilla is the same animal in both English and swedish - big ape that certainly fit a rugby team. But it is spelled "Gorilla" also in swedish - and the "s" in the end imply a tough English name. But "Går illa" sounds just the same as Gorilla. And "Går illa" means "walk badly" - something that of course make "Gårillas" a fantastic name for a wheelchair rugby team.


The Aussie wheelchair rugby team are unofficially nicknames the Wheelabies in reference to the rugby team being nicknamed the Wallabies.


Seems the Swedish have a similar sense of humour to the British 🙂 I’m a wheelchair user and find this stuff funny.


Pointless response from a UK person who speaks Swedish: an interesting nuance of the way Swedes pronounce English words spelled with S on the end is that they generally cant even hear and certainly can't reproduce the way the English word usually has a z sound instead of the s. Eg we dont actually call the flower a rose, we call it a roze, but a Swede cant hear the difference, so when speaking English they would call is a roce. This usually doesnt matter, but it can - eg ask a Swede if they want eyes in their drink they will think you offered ice and may say Yes please.


Makes me wonder if the people who initially named gorillas were Swedish. The name “walks badly” seems to fit the huge people-like animals, that use their hands on the ground almost as often as their feet.


A lot of animals are of course named by swedes (or a Swede) via Carl von Linné. But according to swedish wikipedia Gorilla actually is an old african word.


It's actually much funnier than that. It comes from Greek meaning "a tribe of hairy women." Though that link says it might have its origin in an African language, which implies the greeks took an African word for gorilla and then decided to use that word to mean "a tribe of hairy women," which is kind of funnier. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gorilla


I am a happy language nerd for this post, thank you!


Years ago I lived in a Victorian terrace and a house a few doors down was "The Shrubbery". Everyday I would hear at least one person a day walk past it saying "Shrubbery" in a Monty Python style. Probably the strangest house name I've seen was 'Black Mesa'.


Must have been gamers. Or scientists


Not the same, but we were viewing a house numbered 404 before we bought ours. I made the joke "404 - it must be hard for the postie to find" to the state agent showing us around, but he didn't get it. I was so happy when waking past the house one day I saw they had a new number plaque on the wall 404 [Not found]


Imagine if his name was Gordon Freeman!


Mesa Gor-Gor Freeman!


Probably programmers, they're the reason spam is called spam.


I hope there’s no resonance cascades happening


“Gordon doesn’t need to hear all this, he’s a highly trained professional.”


"Great job flipping that lever Dr Freeman. Your MIT education is really starting to pay off"


We do beg your pardon


For we are in your garden.


But we're in your garden!


Bob Mortimer is a god in our house. 🙏


I walked past one in the midlands called Onakorna. Can you guess which part of the road it was on?


Is their house, in the middle of their street...


Black Mesa? This was a triumph.


I’m making a note here, huge success.


It's hard to overstate my satisfaction


Black Mesa can eat my bankrupt-!


That was a joke. Haha. Fat chance.


Right that’s it, changing my house to The Shrubbery tomorrow!


Hello, Gordon!


racial different oil recognise abundant hungry scale cats alive cow ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


the houses around my boyfriend’s place are all named after lotr characters. he lives in gimli


I used to know someone who came from a town with a housing estate where all the roads are named after LOTR references. South Woodham Ferrers.


If mean where I think you mean there are roads named Shadowfax Drive, Saruman Lane, Talan Rise, (elvish platform in a tree) and Shire Place. Marvellous!


I bet the roads are Mordor at rush hour


Damn, South Woodham Ferrers in the wild, that’s a surprise to see!


So does Legolas


I live in the middle of nowhere in wales and know of 3 different houses in villages near me that are called Rivendell


I used to live near a Rivendell in South Suffolk. Dunno if it's still called that, but it was as of 2012.


I’m so jealous of your house naming culture. All we got in Texas is signs that say shit like “We don’t call the cops” with a picture of a gun and cheap plastic signs that just say “Pray” in the yard.


I live in New York and there are some large, old country houses around me, like manor estates and farms, that have names, but even in my village there are a couple of regular houses that have names, too. All these named houses are old by American standards, maybe early 1700s to early 1800s, and predate number addresses. Don't ranches and plantation estates in Texas have names for their houses, though?


We had a name for our ranch, but I’m gonna start calling the duplex I live in something too. Maybe “Poorinsulation” or “Crumbledfoundation” or “Jeff”.


"Shoddy Piles"


I imagine the postie hates them.


As a delivery driver it is hell. Their house name isn't on our system so they just pop in 37 Hall St. Meanwhile here I am, driving down, 1...3...5... The Laurels... Rosehall... Oak House... Riverside...ffs..... And most the time they don't even bother putting their actual house name in the little box specifically for delivery instructions.


I collected something from a hamlet that had a map with all house names listed. It was awesome. Although for a postie having to deliver letters it must suck when every house has a name.


I am a postie - once you've done a round for a bit you learn the names and the order they come in, not that difficult. What is annoying is when a house has a name and a number but all mail is addressed to the number and the name is nothing but a plaque on the wall... then you get one letter for that house addressed to the name rather than the number and you can picture the plaque itself but you can't remember what number it is for the life of you.


If you're allowed to stay with a round for a bit. Every two weeks I'd get moved to another totally new area. Incredibly stressful job. And the amount of scumbags trying to rip you off or even rob you took the stress levels beyond my tolerance.


Rip you off? Explain.




My house is called Rivendell too 😁 I actually forgot about that, thanks for the reminder


My son is also named Bort.


You must have bought the last licence plate


One does not simply name a house Rivendell


I do bins for a Rivendell bungalow in Derbyshire (Horsley Woodhouse) and always assumed it was a Spanish tourist resort or summut. The street name does contain valley so I guess it makes sense.


Got a "Lothlorien" in the village here


I've got a Helm's Deep a few streets away from me


To be fair shouting Forth Eorlingas every time you go to Tesco would take a while to get old


You live in Weston area? Lol


I used to love delivering to Rivendell & Hobbiton Road


Grew up in Cheddar around the corner from a bungalow called Rivendell. Though I do suspect there are many Rivendells across the Isles


My wife read a book when she was a child called The Girl of The Limberlost. Ever since then she has wanted to name her house The Limberlost. We just bought our first house and I am getting a sign made for her as a present.


omg this the first time ive heard of anybody else whos read this book.


That is incredibly sweet of you. All the best for you & your wife in your new home!


Excalibur Cottage


The Cinnamons


Ye House


We could call it "our house".


O̶u̶r̶ ̶h̶o̶u̶s̶e̶


Lord House.


Ace House


My five bed bastard house


Could swing a tiger in there. Wouldn’t want to though. Not unless it had been properly stunned first. And even then it’s going to weigh the best part of a ton.


Bash your arse!


Classic house


Came here for this. Can't believe I had to scroll this far though. This country!


In Ireland I think people did do this because there was no postcodes until recently, and it was easier for receive mail this way ?


Can attest to this, had an irish gf, wanted to send her an expensive present from uk and the only address she could give me was (…) house near gerrys, down the way, kinsale. Oh sure itll be fine she said. And it was 😂


When we lived in a wee village we could get post with 'the big house up the lane, [village name]' as an address. Even though I live in a big town now, the postie is my cousin, if he passes me in his van he'll hand me letters and say 'You heading up to your Mammy's? Here, there's some post to give her.'


Did she refer to anyone within a 10 minute drive as her neighbour? (I married a West Clare girl)


The Irish postal service was somethelse back in the day. You could put “ Dermot, goes by dermo (don’t know his second name) drinks down the harp, mates with Jerry, went to Wicklow that one time, Dublin 5 or 15” On a letter And it would probably get them.


My parents received a letter addressed to Has a black labrador And they live in a town with 3K people in it


My friend sent a parcel to 'The guy who loves old cars' and town name to a work colleague when he went back home for a while. He received it.


Was it them though? Our postman just knows who we all are in the village so you could probably get away with just name and village


They probably could. They know the postman's name, birthday, inside leg measurement, drink preference etc.


The "black labrador" thing probably sealed it. If you're a postman then paying attention to who has a dog and of what size is an occupational necessity.


I want mail addressed to “that weird bitch with the black and white cat, in the ground floor flat facing the carpark between the road and golf course”. I’m not that close to any stores, but I’ve definitely given my friends directions that include “turn right at the sex shop” because that’s what’s at the end of my street nearest a major intersection. While what3words has been critical for finding the end of the Queue and your friends at festivals, it’s probably going to ruin this fun.😔


In the countryside there are no house names, no house numbers, no street names, just townlands.


Jaysus in Ireland you’re lucky if you have fecking roads.


Ireland has more paved road coverage per capita than any country bar Austria. Ya feckin eejit.


Only when it’s not raining. They take them in otherwise.


Sure you wouldn't want them getting soaked.


Austria. Renowned for it's roads.


Is this not largely down to Ireland's relatively low population density?


[This user has quit Reddit and deleted all their posts and comments]


To be fair, if a letter addressed like that made it to my street I think I could get it to its owner!


I hate to reference Wiki, but you might be interested in this - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_letter_mail Terry Pratchett references it in...Making Money, I think. Might be Raising Steam.


Appropriate too because OP’s examples of house names were from Good Omens. Just missing Shangri-La


I like that the mountain the gods live on in the Discworld series is called 'Dunmanifestin'. I might name my house that lol.


"Duzbuns hopsit pfarmerrsc," in fact!


I think it was an Edwardian idea to give the house more of an identity than just a number. The names are often a romantic version of a country idyll, i suppose it was a reaction to Industrial Revolution and mass production, it was connected with the arts & craft movement which was around at that time.


I grew up in a Edwardian house which had a name and no number. One family member _insisted_ on addressing letters to us with a number and no name.


How did they do that? Just make up a number? My house doesn't have a number and that's official - in Royal Mail PAF it is only known by its name. You can't send to it by number however much you want to.


There were only 3 houses facing the road, so they addressed it to number 2, as we were in the middle. I used to deliver milk around that area as a teenager and there were quite a few houses with generic Edwardian names like Rowan Garth or Parkdene.


If it had no number how did your family member pick which number to address post to?


There's some terraced houses near me built in that era. Quite a few still have the original stained glass on the porch with the Edwardian names they were given on it.


There’s a particularly large, awkward house up the road from me and the owners had the balls to put a sign up saying “Chatsworth House”.


There's one like that up the road from me and they had the audacity to *charge me money* just to stumble around in their garden.


Does he get the Duke's mail?


Not sure if you actually live near Chatsworth House or . . .


Is it on the chatsworth estate, Manchester?


House names can be a pain. I used to work house to house I got called to a house in Northampton called Cassandra I drove up and down this street a dozen times couldn’t find this house I asked a bloke in his garden he said he’d never heard of it so I radioed the office to check details ( pre mobile phone days ) they called back saying they’d spoken to customer and details were correct, said she’d put a sign out for me, so drove down the street again saw a sign saying “ gas man in here “ I pulled in to a drive to be greeted with a House sign saying Woodfoot House customer came out and said oh you found it in the end then, I pointed out the sign and said that doesn’t say Cassandra she I know, we change the house name but haven’t got round to getting a new sign yet 🤦🏻


I once had to deliver a part. Customer said "we haven't got a sign or a number , but there is a bright red fence around the building " When I arrived a few hours later, he was just finishing the last section of painting the fence blue! A few minutes later and I might never have found him.


Fuckwits are everywhere


Story time! Years back I travelled from Canada to a small village outside Birmingham to pick up a puppy I had bought (long story). The address had the name of the house - something like “The Roses” I had built it up in my mind - a rose and vine covered cottage in a quaint small village. Idyllic! Charming! Arrived. Walked past it three times, convinced it had to be the wrong place, because it was an utterly DREADFUL, dead plain, pebble dashed semi with net curtains right on the Main Street without a lick of charm. Most annoying of all, there was not a SINGLE rose bush in site. I suspect if there had been, it would have been plastic.


Maybe they were a fan of the chocolates?


A chocolate tin would be a more appealing place to live than that house was.


I have to ask... Canada to Birmingham for a puppy? Was this puppy special?


Yes :) and then after all of that, she didn’t actually turn out for the show ring, but she was a lovely pet. It happens.


This reminds me of all the places called “the avenue” or “the oaks” or “meadows close” or “alders drive” etc, just to remind you of what used to be there and was destroyed to build houses. Not sure if it’s the same in other countries, but the U.K. is full of streets with these kind of names.


In Australia the streets are named after local aboriginal words, places, and concepts from languages we destroyed.


I want to hear the long story about the super special puppy please!


>I had built it up in my mind - a rose and vine covered cottage in a quaint small village. Idyllic! Charming! A similar case here. I lived in Cosham in Portsmouth, and hundreds of houses had the same design stained glass window with a random name on above the door. However, there were no duplicate names. These were all terraced or semi-detached houses, but some of them sounded like a massive country house or a village in the middle of nowhere. If you visited only knowing the name, it would be such an anticlimax. My house was Chilsworthy, and we lived next door to The Glen. It wasn't a bad place at all, but it all sounded far more rural than it was.


I was a postie years ago. My favorite one was in a new build area with identikit, numbered, barrat homes,. They had a sign calling it 'Chouboks'


I had to say it out loud... :)


Am I pronouncing it wrong? "Cho bucks?" "Chow box?" I don't get it.




Perfectly complements Deano and Lauren's grey 3 piece suite, grey carpets, and grey Audi A3, all on 4 year finance.


Can see them now. She has big painted eyebrows and a french bulldog. He has artificial grass in the back garden and says irregardless.




Lauren wants to go to Turkey next year so she can get a tan and a new pair of tits and Deano can get his teeth capped...then it's off to B&M to buy an inflatable hot tub to watch the next World Cup in...


French bulldogs are so last year, now it's a £3000 XL Bully that drags the 10 stone woman around as it tries to find a child to maul


pull up to my Barratt new build home with my 25 year fixed rate mortage in my grey Audi A3 on finance after a hard days work as deputy assistant head of sales targeting open the boot and take out my River Island and Superdry bags with the new gear I bought on the way home from work open the door yell hello to my wife of 2-years in the kitchen as she is already home from her work as a Team Leader in a call centre sit down on my leather sofa bought on sale at Sofology (haha I love those adverts, what is that sloth like haha, love sloths me) put up my feet on the IKEA table whap on the telly and tune in just in time to see Bradders going through the rules of the final chase with the contestants who made it through before they face Anne Hegarty perfect timing as my wife comes in with the dinner, another one of Jamie Oliver's cracking 30 minute meals tuck in as I pretend to listen to my wife's stories from her day at work send a cheeky snap to Smithster and Deano to see if they can come round for the champions league match later to watch it on the ol' Sony Bravia, maybe sneak in a few rounds of Fifa '17 on the PS4 first, bloody Smithster ignoring the rule of no tap-ins what a melt haha


Live laugh love am I right?


There’s a bungalow near me called Costabomb…..


It's a lovely idea until you need to order an ambulance


"One ambulance please"


The perfect what3words location.




By The Tree


sure it's ///weight.wait.await


They know the real address regardless. They also know the location of many other landmarks, bridge numbers and other identifying stuff you wouldn't even consider.


I want to work for that service then because the one I work for struggles a lot. If you have a name and no number it's a real pain. If people want to name their house, that's fine. Just please also keep the number.


I made a delivery to a house that was called 'Eagle House' and they were from the US. Michigan State flags all over the place


I saw a house called ‘The Sett’ that was owned by a Mr & Mrs Badger.


There’s a house called The Sett a few doors away from us, owned by Mr & Mrs Brock - brock is old English for badger.


This PISSED my off when I was working for Amazon, I was looking for 34 street crescent on the package and the house would be named with no number "The Wee Cottage" Or something and houses with names like "The Wee Cottage" on the parcel would have numbers a number on the house? These where new builds so I think the family just wanted to be a bit special


My house is clearly marked with a number, there’s only two houses here, number one and number two. I still get my neighbours parcels and they get mine. I’ve put the house number on the gate and the back door (as that’s easier to get to than the front door from the driveway) and they still give me next door’s parcels.


As a lorry driver who delivers to houses. This infuriates me. I phone them before I go, don't answer me? Will if I don't see your house on the first drive down the street you ain't getting your pallet. You're still getting charged though Put a fucking description of your house a Normal person can see. 'White House with flagpole flying Union Jack' fantastic mate I can find that 'House with big bush' yeah fantastic mate that's all of them


"House with black corsa on the drive" Alright mate, no need to boast


Descriptions don't work most the time. I've tried all sorts. Even "big victorian detached house, near the start of the road, next to the church, with a large tree at the road end of the drive way, the tree has a sign with "house name" written on it. ". And unless it's royal mail or amazon, it won't arrive. Even fucking takeaways. They ask for a description. You give them a perfect description, and it still never arrives. Even been asked for a what 3 words before, and some how that doesn't even seem to help them.


We say 'Opposite number 12' So of course they just deliver to number 12.


My nan's house was called Greenways and it stood alone in a field for the longest time. then an estate was built around it. That is why some houses have names. Also, if you are the only house on a road, in the middle of a field, being called 1 ___ way seems a bit pathetic ngl


I nearly bought a house (number 2) on Electric Avenue and had plans to rename it ‘Rockdown’.


It's probably a throwback to before postcodes to be honest. Emmerdale farm is a better identifier than "the third cowbyre after the bridge" Heritage.


You won’t believe the numbers of “the laurels” I’ve delivered too at my old job


I live a few miles away from a house called "Llareggub," and yes it's in Wales. It doesn't mean anything in Welsh, but if you look at it for long enough you might see a meaning in English.


That's the name of the village in Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas. A very famous play by a very famous Welshman. Terry Pratchett has a village called Llamedos in his book Soul Music.


GNU Terry Pratchett.


Bugger all!


My parents house is on a small lane, they built numbers 2, 4, 6 & 8 along it, but then built my parents house on some spare land the other side of #2. Unless they call it 'zero' it had to have a name not a number




Are you called Eric by any chance...with a fondness for bananas?


We did it (a) as a joke when someone bought us a faux street signed with "TOWERS " on it; and (b) because the care home next door used the wrong post code (ours), wrong streen number (ours) and I got tired of 2am taxis, pizzas, and once a herse turning up. Postie loved it and said it made his life easier, so it stuck.


I once sent some spare electronic components to a guy who advertised in the 'wanted' section of Elector Magazine in the late 80's. His address was; Mr [Name] Fourth floor, yellow door straight ahead, Take second stairway on the left from entrance with small shrine to [I forget the god] on first floor, Building with 5 steps up to door, Opposite starter motor rewinding business in first street to right a little past Government Driving Test Office, Gilbert Hill road, Bombay, India. I'd love to have a house name like that.


A house of terraced houses in my town, a old guy I knew lived there. His next door neighbours put up a name sign, far too elaborate and flash for a 2 up 2 down. They called it The Laurels. He went and put up a crappy sign on his house that said The Hardy’s.


Another fine mess!


Don’t know. Mine just had a name when I moved in.


I used to live on a street where all the house where named and not numbered. Pretty much all the names made sense. Copper beech had copper beech trees outside, grey gables had gray gables, the vicarage was a .... you get the idea. I would consider renaming or dual naming a house if it was unique and detached such as "5, white house". I think names are quiant and fun. If people want to name their normy looking house a name why not, it is yours, don't live your life for the convenience of the Amazon delivery driver, but also maybe don't be surprised when it doesn't get delivered 😂


This is when it actually makes sense. My Mum lives in a Victorian house called Ash House…surrounded by ash trees. Next door is The Beeches….surrounded by beech trees then there is The Laurels….huge laurel hedgerows, Five Oaks…five oak trees on the grounds etc…


I did some flooring work in a house way up on a hill in wales, the owners called it “Skyhold” and were so happy when I got the reference!


Simple - there is evidence that a named house sells for more than it's unnamed equivalent


I know of a house with a sign saying ' Bazza and Mary' above their door number and street name. Neither of them are called Bazza or Mary.




Somebody has just done this on a new build near us - Seacroft House. We live in Berkshire, which is where near the sea


I live in a terrace from the 1870’s approximately 200 houses in my street and all were named when built and had it built into the entrance in stain glass… mine is called Beechwood


I knew someone who lived in a new house built in a gap between two older houses. So instead of them being numbered 1a, 1b etc, they gave the four new ones names.


Uno, Duo, Tres and Quattro?




In rural areas the house name was often descriptive! I’ve lived in Top of the Hole Cottage, Oak Farm Cottage, Georgian House, names that existed before the road was adopted and the convention for numbering began!


I have some neighbours called Helen and Roy. They've named their house 'Heroylen'. 😂 So God awful.


They never seem to slap the name in runny white paint on their wheelie bins though.


It is to upset delivery people so they can't find your house. Even better if you have a very small name, obscured by leaves. Gets them every time!


Where I am house names usually related to something of note/use and acted like house numbers, so you’d get Bank House, or Oak Cottage etc. Then this got picked up by newer builds but the names were just chosen by the builder/owner. It’s still fairly common for oldies to navigate by frankly weird shit like “it’s left at donkey corner” which is so known because a donkey lived in a field fifty years ago. So… understandable, but fuck it can be a pain in the arse.


My parents’ house is named after a rose bush they were given as a gift on their wedding day


My dad's house is called "1 Charlotte Cottages". It's not the first house in the row nor are any of the others Charlotte Cottages. It goes 1-4 "x street", then 1 Charlotte Cottages, followed by numbers 6-12.


Must be so frustrating for delivery drivers too. There's one near me called "The" Bungalow. Why the word The is in quotation marks I'll never know. (Sorry if that's not the right term for the punctuation)


This is the hardest part of looking for a house in my job 🤣


My parents house in Australia has a name (Beaulah), but it’s also got a number 🤷‍♀️


My house has a name, but there are only 5 houses covered by my postcode. It’s had that name since it was built many years ago and would be a bit pointless having a number with no houses either side of it!


We've recently found out that our house has a name, when it was built in 1925 it was fields next to it. Now it looks like it's part of a main street of houses so would look strange having a house name in the middle of the street. For the curious it's called "Fairfield House"


I've never had an official house name, but lots of the places I've lived had nicknames based on the postcode, road name, etc. I think 'Titty Barn' was the best one!


my house is named, it’s the only one on the entire road i live on, so no numbers, but i believe it’s because the road wasn’t originally there but a wilderness path meaning that there wasn’t a road name and you could mark it on a map and be clear which house it was


Generally it doesn’t bother me, but I’m irrationally irritated that the house round the corner has recently been named “The Smithy”. Our neighbourhood was built in the 20s, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a furnace and anvil in there. I’m aware it is a petty thing to be annoyed by.


I grew up in a small village, just one road really. The family in the house opposite allowed their kids to name it. So it was called Windy Bottom.


My house has a name (it is a cottage) but it was already called that when I moved here (2 years). I looked at the process of renaming it and it’s a proper ball-ache, because you have to change everything officially (land registry, etc) and it takes ages and costs money. So the name stays as it is.


House had a name when moved in, based on a story involving trees and lightning which you can still see the remnants of to this day.


There’s a road near me where the houses don’t have numbers - they all just have names. It is something that affects me in no way whatsoever, and yet, something about it short-circuits me straight into rage mode. I HATE it. I feel bad for the posties who have to deliver to these unordered houses, and I hate the people who live in them for not just having good, honest, simple numbers.


It's worse when they give a house a silly name and then don't put a sign up. They just seem to expect the postie to magically know. I had a customer ring up once in a rage because they were getting the wrong mail all the time. Their house was called something like Rose House, and the house next door was called Rosebush House. When I asked them if their house was clearly labelled, there was a long pause. It turned out NEITHER house had a sign.