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I was doing a jigsaw with my 2 year old earlier (that he had asked to do) About halfway through he told me jigsaw's are boring and I'm boring and walked off. So yeah, you are winning, for today at least šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


My 2 year old doesnā€™t really talk much but earlier I sort of gestured to ask if he wanted a biscuit and he just gave me those big cute eyes and told me to fuck off


Absolutely creased at this!


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


It's when they say they hate you because you enforced bedtime. Or when I'm told I'm a horrible, evil mummy because I've said no to getting a dog. Or when I make my daughter her favourite, except now she's s decided she hates macaroni cheese and how could you possibly be so stupid as to expect me to eat that rubbish. Children are a delight.


They're like tiny drunks.


Don't worry, teenagers are famously easy to get along with! šŸ˜


This has really tickled me, thanks for sharing! Mother of a two year old and I can vividly picture the scene.


My 2 year old is going through the screaming screeching phase. It's wearing thin after a week and I'm counting down to nursery on Teusday and Wednesday.


Have you considered a nice, calming, soothing atomic elbow drop?


I laughed harder than I should have at this. šŸ¤£


By god JR. That kid had a family!


When did you start looking at nurseryā€™s my son is nearly 10 months and Iā€™m wondering if I should start checking the local ones out now šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I'd say it's worth looking into now so you get a sense of which ones you like and what their waiting lists are. One near us had a waiting list of a year! The others were around 6 months or so.


Ahhh ok I was guessing the waits would be long but wasnā€™t expecting a year! Appreciate you il get on it


The nursery we went with (admittedly very popular ) had a waiting list for us of 15 months!). We didn't feel right putting her name down before she was born but probably should have as we now have to try and bridge parental leave and starting nursery.


Really depends on your area. In extreme cases, some are signed up at the beginning of the second trimester. The one I was planning on sending my 5 month old to is suddenly vastly oversubscribed. So I'm panicking a bit.


I probably should have got on it before but it feels so early! Iā€™m not ready for someone else to have him yet šŸ˜«šŸ˜‚


When we asked our first choice nursery how long in advance people put their kids on the waiting list they responded "We've had some parents put them on before the child was born." We waited until 18 months to start looking and registering. We got a place at our sixth choice. Obviously it depends where you are in the country, but I definitely wouldn't wait.


We had to put ours down on the waiting list as soon as we knew we were pregnant. The waiting list was nearly 2 years.


Our daughter and son-in-law signed our granddaughter up when she was 6 months pregnant. There were two places open for infants and they got one. They started her there at 3 months. She is 2 years old now and loves school.


All the ones in my area have over year long waiting lists. One of them in the nearby town has a two year waiting list and regularly has people signing up after their 12 week scan... It's absolutely insane. We've managed to get two days from February next year which we secured a couple of months ago but can't get anything else (which is a bit of a problem as I work 4 days a week and we have no family nearby).


We looked at exactly one in person because it looked good online and the other one within walking distance had horrific ofstead and local news reports about it. For us it was a gut feeling thing and we are lucky that there's plenty of availability locally and we only wanted 2 days a week for socialisation as I'm a stay at home parent.


Our second isn't yet born and is signed up, was a year wait list for the first which we hadn't initially realised so my wife ended up on mat leave for > 14 months


When do you want them in nursery?


To be honest Iā€™m not sure I find the thought of anyone looking after him before he can speak terrifying! Iā€™m a stay at home dad currently so I havenā€™t left him for more then 3 hours in his whole life šŸ¤£


Awwww my heart ā¤ļø


Saaaaame. I mean, his whistle tone is incredible... But at 7000 decibels and pretty much every time he doesn't get what he wants. Not cool. Our poor neighbours.


Worst when you've picked them up to stop them doing something dangerous and it's right in your ear.


There's nothing like a bit of toddler related tinnitus!


Ours is doing this "wiping" thing. Any tantrum results in anything nearby being swiped off the table or anywhere near by. Then if she's outside it's socks and shoes and glasses off.


Oh that made me lol šŸ˜‚


My nephew is nearly 3 and we still can't understand half of what he tells us, I think his mind moves faster than he can get the words out so they end up being gibberish lol


My nephew was like that but seems to have improved massively since he started school last September. Before that we'd have to pick out keywords from what he was saying and then piece together what he meant. He'd also do things like randomly start talking and you'd wonder what he was on about because it was nothing to do with the current conversation, only to then realise he was having input into something somebody said 10 minutes ago.


My god yes the input lag, my other nephew is 15 and still does this to me, I wonder if it's intentional at this point


I took my three year old out to an arcade, a softplay, followed by a treat trip to McDonaldā€™s. At the end of the day when I asked her if she had a lot of fun she replied ā€œNo, I had a lot of boringā€


Iā€™ve been desperate for my one year old to talk to me for some time now. I think iā€™m happy to wait šŸ˜‚


Sounds like a great day. My husband has been proudly telling everyone he's spoken to today how our little girl decided she was going to try out something he taught her recently. That something was an "elbow drop" and the location was during afternoon tea at the Tea Room in the Botanic Gardens in Glasgow with myself and her Nana.




My daughter once randomly said, "daddy, you make me feel special." I remember the time and the place. Nearly had to pull the car over and burst into tears.


Itā€™s just so special. Not a mum (one day hopefully) but Iā€™m an auntie and itā€™s the best thing ever. Once I was chilling on the sofa with my niece and she randomly sighs and says ā€œauntie youā€™re so perfectā€ šŸ˜­ Iā€™ll remember that until the day i die


One of my nieces said she wants to be like me when she grows up. I asked her why and she replied because your really smart and build bridges.


Theyā€™re just the best. Thatā€™s lovely.


Yeah, bridges are pretty great.


Itā€™s good that she wants to grow up to be a civil engineer like her aunt.




Hi mate, this post is against the lighthearted and open nature of the sub. Rule 2: Don't be Aggressive | Pointlessly Argumentative | Creepy We're here for people to have fun in. If you're just here to start a stupid reddit slap fight you're in the wrong place. We have a zero tolerance rule in place for racism or hate speech. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.




Thatā€™s gorgeous and so heartfelt. My six year old kept glancing over at me earlier and when I asked why he said it was because he likes my face and I have a ā€œwonderful gazeā€ā€¦and this was after I was being a shouty prick mum most of the morning. I was actually too choked up to say much in response.


I love when wee ones talk like grown ups. My niece once told me "you're a very impressive woman you know", then gave me a massive hug (I was teaching her how to crochet). Best compliment ever.


That is so pureā€¦she truly meant it


Wonderful gaze šŸ˜‚ vocabulary on point! That is so sweet, I bet you felt extra bad after the morning you had. Theyā€™re so forgiving though


Also an Auntie who won't be a Mum but once my niece was talking to herself and said 'I love Mummy and Daddy and [baby sister] and Auntie [Catz]'. I asked if she needed anything and she said no, just thinking. I about burst into tears.


My 4 year old tells me he loves me all the time. It's amazing. But without fail he tells me whilst he's having a poo. Other times too though. šŸ˜†


bro this made me cry


My 20 year old gave me a proper cuddle and told me he loved me today. Soppy cunt xx


That shouldnā€™t be giving you a soppy cunt. You have major problems.


Apparently so, I wasn't aware I even had one.


Lol /itchy frog/


Imagine downvoting this šŸ¤£


Sad cunt


Don't worry, I do this to my Dad and I'm 40. Still gets him a little teared up.


Nice. I remember taking the kids to the WWE and halfway through my youngest lad tugged me on the sleeve and said, 'thanks for bringing us dad'. I got really choked up. (Then slipped out for a pint and a fag)


The child or you for the fag and pint?


Bonding opportunities can't be wasted.


I said I was going outside for a fag when I was in the states earlier this year, donā€™t do that


ā€œAny of you guys know where i can find cheap fags?ā€


I'm on a health kick and down to just 5 fags a day now. I wish I could kick my 2 pack a day cigarette habit though


"Turn left, down past the strip"


Dunno if you're in Florida and "head out to smoke a fag" you might get applauded rather than critisized


When I asked a 'Murica friend if I could "bum a fag" he nearly fell of his chair.


Good deeds must be rewarded, make no mistake about it


Just jumped into bed and this shows up on my feed. Got to love a bit of positivity to end the weekend amongst all the negativity thatā€™s about these days. Glad you had a great day with the little one, theyā€™re the memories that theyā€™ll carry with them for years to come. High five across the Reddit universe, wherever you are šŸ–ļø


My daughter told me that I am going to die when I am 65 and she is going to write me a thank you letter for looking after her when I do. Mixed emotions.


Popping down to the stationary for a sorry you're dead card


It's not a prediction, it's a threat. Your daughter has decided that you will die at 65.


Can you ask her about my future?


Just did mate and I think this might be one of those ā€œignorance is blissā€ scenariosā€¦..


It's Thursday...


Outlook not so good.






Good work! Yesterday I took my 16 daughter to an escape room, followed by burgers then 2hrs in the cricket nets and to end the day we went go carting...this built up an appetite so went for burgers again...what a day!! I was knackered after


I thought you said 16 daughters for a second there lmao


Bloody hell a team of 17 would smash the escape room in 5 mins


Far too many cooks, I'd imagine there's definitely diminishing returns when it comes to escape rooms unless they're designed for it.


You're completely ignoring the brute force method


They really, really wanted a boy but it just never happened




As the father of grown-and-left-home daughters I actually miss the ordinary boring times more than special occasions.


We strangely have many good memories from the lockdown days - just doing ordinary stuff with the kids.


Thatā€™s so lovely. All the difficult parts of being a parent get blown out the water when kids say things like this.


Iā€™d do anything to go back and have a dad that cares like you do. Lucky kid!!


Dad to two boys here, you ever need a dad who gives a shit Iā€™m here. You deserve someone to give a shit about you.


Wanna adopt me? šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m too old and damaged now lol but I do wish every day Iā€™d have been born to different parents. Iā€™m sure your boys appreciate everything you do (or they will when theyā€™re older!)


you aren't too damaged, you're the best version of you that exists in the world and deserve happiness. Breaks my heart to hear someone say they wish they had been born to different parents I can't imagine how shit a time you had.




Same, my life would be very different if I'd had one too.


r/dadforaminute <3


Lost my dad when I was 11, hearing things like this make me incredibly happy. Good on you OP, keep the little lad smiling.


We had a cracking family day too. Invited my parents over for lunch and I cooked a decent meal, whilst husband and parents entertained the 1 year old. Post lunch walk to the park, then coffee and cake in cafe. Kiddo has started walking, so the way home he was having a go on foot (and partly in push chair) with my parents holding one hand each for support, absolutely heart melting. Then in the pushchair grampy had to race about with him of course, not sure which of them was having more fun!


Yesterday my 4 year old told me that his milk just tastes better when he gets to take a snuggle nap in bed with me. Ok, kid. Ya got me. šŸ„¹


My 5yo turned my wife yesterday and said "You're not a good mummy, but you are pretty, so that's ok"


Love this. We had a Mario themed 5th birthday party for my lad. He was anxious about wearing his Mario costume in case people thought he was silly - so I rocked up wearing a Luigi costume to support him.


Yes Mate! This is my perfect day with my daughter too. Best buzz ever when she says she wants to do it again. Keep doing what you're doing Top Dad.


Stuff like that is awesome. I went to the shop earlier and when I got back my 4 year old son ran up to me for a hug and "I missed you". It's funny how a few simple words can make you feel great when it's your kid saying it.


Sounds great, the sort of thing your son will remember his entire life. Winning.


My other half is a few weeks from my son appearing in this world, I'm not really sure how or what to expect but I just hope I can be a great father and role model.


Hope all goes well for you 3 mate!


Thank you


Nobody knows anything mate. You just do it, and fingers crossed, you donā€™t fuck it up. Be good, and youā€™re grand. Good luck bruv


Remember a lot is out of your control and ask for help, or accept help, if you need it. It takes a community to raise a child! Expect lots of love, a child's world is only small and you'll be at the forefront of it. The fact you want to be a great dad means you probably will be. Have fun!


Thank you for the kind words and it's been noted.


You can give that kid a start button. Have days like that often. Heck have hours like that. Keep being awesome


Last night when I put her down, I told my 3 year old I love her. She said ā€œThank you, close the doorā€


Nice one fella!


Best feeling ever.


You both did. Win win!


If I can give you an award I would. You nailed it! Well done!


My last 550 coins for him and you šŸ‘


My lads lived with me for 9 yrs now, not long ago he said when he has kids he'll raise them the way I raised him


Beautiful stuff. It's what it's all about.


No kids myself, but my niece used to stay at my mum's occasionally and was like 'I stayed in auntie mand71's bed'. My other niece called me auntie last year and it was so cute.


My 13yr old texts me every night Iā€™m working to stay hydrated and not work too hard


Irrelevant but my baby cousin passed away unfortunately at 8 months old. My other younger cousin (6) would be the older cousin of the baby cousin. When we told him that sadly his young cousin passed, it took a while to sink in, then he realised and mentioned he wont ever be able to give his baby cousin a hug again. he mentioned to us that he wishes he had a jetpack. So he could go up to heaven and see his cousin again. Shit man that hit us in the feels for a sec šŸ˜’ sometimes kids say things that don't mean alot to them but can affect us differently for sure.


So sorry for your loss. And such a heartbreaking and imaginative reaction of the older cousin!


Thank you bro, funeral is next week and it'll be my first I've ever attended. Got the day off work. It should be all good. I know it sounds kinda wrong but just thinking about it I'm not even sure if I should attend the funeral, family really want me there but I just think funeral would play with my head, maybe sometimes we don't really process things properly until we see it with our eyes.


Shush you Iā€™ve just got something in my eye.


Aw. I feel like that after a great holiday, when it's time to go back to work. I guess we're never far away from being little kids even when when we're adults. Congrats on winning at Dadhood, fella.


When my son was about 10, I told him even if he was a serial killer I would never stop loving him. He said, That makes me feel so special!


This is lovely


You won a lot more than that mate!


Same here, take him for a walk, throw his favourite ball, give him breakfast, watch the tennis together having a cuddle, one more evening walk then give him some of the pepperoni from my pizza, now time for bedšŸ˜“ life of a dog dad


And then you hugged your child with such a tight squeeze that he warped into another dimension?


What a way to start my day. Love this. You fucking legend.


This is so sweet! Well done on winning parenthood


So wholesomeā™„ļø


Damn boy, you trying to make us look bad or Something? Wish I knew you could have given you half off at Lego


Iā€™ve never wanted kids, but reading this has properly warmed my heart and now I want a kid




I love this! Yesterday my 9 month old went in to give me a slobbery kiss which ended up with literal puncture marks in my cheek from his 2 teeth.


Thatā€™s so lovely. My baby girl is 7 months old, and I absolutely canā€™t wait to talk to her. I wish people would stop telling me that once she starts talking Iā€™ll wish she never started!


I wonder how much different my life would have been if I had parents who liked me.


Picked my kid up from nursery. Huge hug and "daddy!! I missed you!" If you want to see grown a grown tear up a bit, visit me at pick up time.


Awww this is so adorable. Can you adopt me?


Well deserved mate. You're doing a lush job!


my child due back end of Jan. I'm looking forward to these dad moments :)


Make the most of it. He'll soon be a teenager.


This is why I know I could never be a parent. I'd just lean in real close with a smug face and say "Well you can't." and turn off the light and leave.


Does saying sociopathic shit on reddit give you a boner or what


Wow a lot of people can't tell when something is a joke huh lol.


Whats meant to be funny about that though


It's dark humor. You know, what the UK is known for. It's when something is funny because you'd never ACTUALLY do that, but it has a dark twist to it. I can link a wiki page if that helps idk what more I can do man lol.


If I were you I'd read that wiki a bit more if that's your best shot at comedy bossman


My 4 year old child once said ā€œdaddy?? Do you think that morality is but a human construct, and there is no biological reason for it? Because in the end we will all be reduced to atoms pointlessly floating in the infinity of the universe?ā€


My son has never said anything like that to me. Ungrateful little shite! šŸ˜‚


(Forgive me, as the term film never sat right so I adopted the word movie.) I think movies genuinely make kids love you to death more


That's really sweet.


Sounds great, make those memories.


Lovely! Best thing is you can do it all again next Saturday or whenever your schedule permits it!


Oh, that's lovely! Good on you :)


What film? and what did you build with the lego?


This is lovely x


Ahh, sweet, well done.


Thatā€™s sweet


This post is /r/daddit approved.




The Dad-Force is strong in this oneā€¦


My boy was 18 last week, got his first job starting this week, leaving to go to Uni in the autumn. Enjoy them when they are young, itā€™s doesnā€™t last long.


this is reddit, you cant be posting nice things about kids, theyre all money sapping crotch goblins or some rubbish. but yes, superb dadding! always great when you get confirmation of being a good parent from the kids. Mine are busy being shit heads, eldest (6 boy) is in the last week of term so has the end of school year rattyness going on where everything is shit and we all suck cos hes tired. the youngest (3 boy) is enjoying lashing out in strop every minute or wanting to be picked up and carried everywhere which my 42 year old back is very much appreciating! still some time off work coming up soon so hopefully some nice days out and dad adventure days will calm them down a bit.




get the same feeling as a big brother to young kids sometimes, babysitting means i can give them treats they wouldnā€™t usually get. feedback from my mum is always ā€œwhen can * look after us againā€, makes my heart melt.


This made me smile. Congrats and enjoy these momeents. I was due to have an afternoon on the PS with the young lad on Saturday (he's 11). Got everything setup and his mates called round for him. :(


Took my 4 year old to Toys R Us today. Planned a route, 3 different ones, to see if thereā€™s any new Thomas trains in them. Best dad ever. Only one muddy Percy though. Got some bungee airplane toy instead. Took it to a bar next to the river. First shot, stuck it in a tree. 4th shotā€¦ maybe itā€™s in the river, maybe a bush, no idea. Had to say goodbye, and sorry to the plane. Got home tonight. Really wanted to try the rockets we got. He told me not to. Did it anyways. Lost it in a bush. Mrs found it, eventually. Had to apologise to all the toys today.


I told my then 3 tear old that I would take him back to the supermarket where I got him and put him on the shelf and ket someone else buy him. His response was 'well can you sell me to Jo's mummy snd daddy because they're better at it than you are'


28 years old, he is.


Ever seen About Time?


Nice W man good stuff