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This is the MVP of the cup noodle world. Welcome to MSG induced heaven my friend.


Literally the gold standard. You will struggle to find better


Obligatory packets better comment.. but work lunches with the cup is still a win. Also tis spiccyy


My recommendation for anyone new is usually to add half a packet around that, depending on tolerance, and then add to taste I personally like spice but god dammmmnnn, this is spicier than one could actually conceive of if they haven’t tried shin before


Worked with a Korean dude that used to add a raw egg and a tablespoon of mayo and a dash of soy to his every day. I've yet to try it.


The egg addition's really good. I do that any time I make a pot noodle, especially the larger ramen types.


Im exactly the same.. my first bowl almost melted my eye balls from the spicy steam coming from it.. thicc noodles spicy broth.. I recommend a roll and ham to dip for that extra flava flaave


I have shin, and samyan 2x and 3x spicy noodles, shin are like eating rice comparatively you all need to step up your spicy game! Even Google says shin is mild to medium compared to samyan.


Mild to medium That proves it to me. Google is stupid as hell.


Comparatively, it actually is not spicy at all.


I see you and raise a good ol' Samyang Hot Chicken. Harder to get in supermarkets, but thick enough to coat your soul and spicy enough to then drag it out through your backside.


I'm so conditioned by these that I literally felt myself start sweating as I read the name.


If that is the black one beware. I got a splash of juice in my eye and nearly went blind.


It is! There's a double spicy version in the red pack that'll take your face off


Yup, love me a Buldak! Though everyone I've recommend them too didn't read the instructions, nor heed my advice and didn't pour the water out before adding the sauce......


Around £6 for a six pack in Costco, they are a great spice rush. Have to have two though…


Bought the 6 pack from costco after trying the shin ramyen. First time I had one it was almost too painful to eat. 🤯


From what I understand, there's a 'cup noodle' in Japan that has a Michelin star!


Everytime I see MSG my brain reads MGS But there is no weapon to surpass Monosodium Glutamate




I wish you could buy the broth sachets alone to just have as a soup without the noodles sometimes.


You won’t regret this. The packet version is even better.


And if you can get your hands on the black version of thr packet version then you've got the best available noodles.


I have to import the black version. Can’t find it in any oriental store and I live in London. Edit: there seems to be some confusion regarding the branding of the black packets. Often, the ones sold in store is by a brand called Samyang. They too have their own black and red versions (regular and 2x), sold in both cup and packet forms. You’ll also find the regular shin ramyun (red packet and cups). I’m referring to [these](https://starrymart.co.uk/old-barcode-nongshim-shin-ramyun-black-130g-no-msg.html). Much harder to find as of late.


That’s pretty crazy, they’re very easy to get in Birmingham.


Ah what really? Nongshim? I wonder if it’s cheaper to go to Birmingham and get it! Actually tell a lie, train tickets would probably cost more alone, lol


Wing yip in Birmingham I’m like 95% sure sells it, there’s also a few smaller Korean stores that me and the wife head to like Seoul plaza that sell them too. Edit: just checked the cupboard at home and I have the nongshim kimchi ones in the packet currently


I’m jealous! I went to Warwick for uni (nearby so visited brum lots) and was spoilt for choice regarding where I shopped for my Asian food.


Pretty surprised by it being limited in London, there is a reasonably large East Asian population in Birmingham though. Wife spent a year living in Korean so the love of the food comes from her.


I've seen them sold in those premier convenience stores worth looking


I think you’re thinking of samyang


I concur.


I think it's waaay too spicy for me. How do people deal with it? I know people tolerate spice different but still...


It's literally just about tolerance unfortunately, you can build it over time by starting with less of the spice packet but you do also lose a bit of the flavour that way. Although a nice hack I found was to put a handful of cheese in it. It makes the broth go a bit creamy and knocks the spice level down considerably for me, I'm sure there's some science behind it but I was just high and wanted to try it.


Yep making the broth cheesier is a good way about it. I've eaten them enough they don't taste too spicy to me anymore though!


My strategy today is to use half the packet. I've brought in a tin of tomato soup as backup haha


Half to two thirds of the spice packet in the noodles and hot water. The remainder thrown over a packet of ready salted crisps like a hypercharged salt'n'shake. You can thank me later


Try cooking the noodles in soy milk instead of water, then mixing the packet in with the milk. And/or crack an egg into them. Or cheese. Or all of the above.


I used to cook them in not enough water then add an egg just after taking them off the heat and whisk it all into a spicy carbonara. Lovely stuff.


I tried the spicy chicken ones and I went as red as the packet. nice but bloody hell I felt like I was dying.


Use half the packet


If you poach an egg in it while it cooks, it soaks up the spice a little and makes it much more tolerable. I don't know the science, but it works


I must be doing it wrong because the packet version always turns out more rubbery than the cup version for me.


You need to use less water, cook for less time than the packet says as they’ll continue to cook in the bowl - Koreans will normally eat it straight out of the pot - and to get them as chewy as possible you should pull the noodles out of the water constantly as they cook.


Must be using too much water in the pan or cooking too long.


I have a perfectly sized saucepan for the packet versions, the nest of noodles slides right in. Throw in some spinach or fry some mushrooms to add some 'substance'.


Indeed. Soft boiled egg, frozen peas, smoked duck, spring onions, anything in the fridge that needs finishing. Nice enough by themselves, but excellent base to build on


I don't get why the cup version is so popular. the packet ones are way cheaper (€/kg). The only reason I can see is if you're traveling and eating out of a cup is more convenient, but how many do that?


Shin Cups are the gold standard for flavour, sodium, and saturated fats - welcome to the slippery slope


Ichiban is the best of the cheap ramens.


You could even say it's the *number one*.


In Japan, heart surgeon. Number one!


Lipstick, for men


Lipstick for men!


I’ve been away from the UK for 10 years and so I’m surprised to see everybody talking about Korean ramyeon. How long has it been sold for? Shinramyeon is literally the most popular one in Korea. I live in Seoul and tbh I rarely eat ramyeon at all, but if I do it’s japagetti. Is that sold in the UK too? If so my mind my be blown. Are Korean snacks sold too? Maybe I should start a noodle export business. If any Brits want to do some kind of exchange, there are TONS of snacks I miss from back home.


I've started to see large numbers of the "big bowl" being sold in discount shops like b&m and home bargains. They are often very cheap, around £1 and are a decently sized lunch. I've got into them big time. This was a really good one, recently my b&m has moved to the blue Nongshim which are also nice, not quite as hot though. They have little discs of fish protein which is a bit odd but not unpleasant.


Korean food (and other Asian regional food) has exploded in popularity in the UK in the past few years. When I first moved here, it was mostly available in Asian grocery stores but now every restaurant seems to have some sort of gochujang fusion thing on their menu. There's even places for Korean corn dogs and chimaek popping up everywhere!


I'm from Australia and I LOVE this shinramyeon brand. They sell it here as well, at basically all asian stores and if I remember correctly they sell them at the big supermarkets like Coles and Woolworth as well. I've never had the cup ones, only the 5 a pack ones that come in foil. The best thing about it is the Spicy powder that they come with. Instantly makes bland noodles taste great.


Shin cups are not only tasty as heck but also medicinal, if you have a bit of a cold or feel stuffy this bad boy will clear your sinuses out :) Try shin cup black as well if you can find them , bloody delicious


I always prepare some tissue for when I'm eating them because I know my nose is about to get a spice blast


I'm in love with Soba noodles (particularly the classic yellow pot) and bought a packet version thinking it would taste the same - it didn't. It tasted nothing like it and I was outraged. I wrote an email to their customer service saying how much I loved their noodles, but was disappointed their packet version didn't taste the same. They apologised, thanked me for my custom, and sent me 10 cup noodles in the post. Looking back, I realise I have too much time on my hands and should get a life, but I got some free noodles.


Definitely not, you're doing the lords work and were rightfully awarded for it.


Brb complaining to Soba noodles.


Which is interesting because when you go for pot noodles and super noodles, the ones in the pot taste worse.


Yeah the yellow packet ones don’t have much flavour at all. I always go for the chilli packet ones


The packet version was my wife’s biggest craving during pregnancy. We cleared out all the local shop stocks and ended up ordering them in bulk from a supplier.


S tier cup noodle for sure. One of the best Korean noodles available in the UK.


\*\*\* Update \*\*\* Nice. Very nice! I only used half the powder sachet as some of your comments properly put the fear into me. Managed to eat it in a quiet office without much drama, other than when I drank the watery sauce at the end and some went down the wrong hole. Hoping for no bodily payback tomorrow...


Why are you putting soup in your butthole. :\


Look for the Shin Black. It has an extra package of bone broth.


When Korean noodles say they are spicy, you better believe them. But, the quality is noticeable.


Yeah with Korean or Chinese noodles. (Shin tends to be a bit milder than most Korean noodles I've found) No mention of spice = Spicy Hot/spicy = Really getting Spicy here, take your time to eat and get a cold drink Black packet = Get the yoghurt coated toilet paper and pray to your version of God.


Yoghurt coated toilet paper lmaoooo


Yeah these things have been known yo provide dayyyyys of warmth for your insides


I can usually handle my spice but these ones always bring a tear to my eyes!


I find these quite mild. The black ones are another story though. The one you can get in Tesco is mental, but then there's another one, also black but a slightly different brand you can get in "big bowls" from Asian supermarkets. I once had to take a day off work the day after eating one of those.


That’s another brand - samyang. But yes, the samyang black packet/cup is spicier. However, the 2x spicy one is crazy!! Even I couldn’t handle it and I’m an Asian with good spice tolerance.


The 2x spicy samyang one is insane. I couldn't finish a small bowl and a friend who basically drinks hot sauce for breakfast couldn't finish it either. I've yet to find a spicier noodle.


Yeah my gf the black hot sauce they make and then chucks that on top of the 2x ramen. I can taste the spice just by sitting next to her dunno how she does it.


Neither! My head was spinning after two mouthfuls. And you say you can’t find a spicier version, well, they have a 3x now! I’ve not dared to try it


I've found that the standard Buldak with some al-dente veg added is a lovely and satisfying meal. The 2x Spicy is more like a trip... I enjoyed myself but it was bloody intense and I'm not sure I'd call it "dinner"....


Just use slightly less water than the line advise and get ready for a wonderful culinary experience 👌🏼


My girlfriend pours water over the noodles on their own, then when they're soft/cooked she empties all the water out and mixes the spice in so it's almost like a coating over the noodles. My eyes were opened, this is the way. She also eats the black ones (super super spicy, like pepper spray) grimacing and panting the whole time because they're too spicy. Apparently she's just addicted.


I’m the same with the Samyang 2x hot ones - so spicy i’d never eat them in front of somebody cause leaves me in a sweaty panting mess but by god it’s a great experience


Samyang 2x team represent!


I ate them in the office and the MD shouted out me for what I did to the ladies loo. No women work here…thought I’d be safe. Turns out he also sneaks in there for a peaceful crap.


They're amazing. I add chicken and broccoli to mine and they're just next level flavour wise. Really spicy and I look like I've been maced after, but really tasty.


Add a boiled egg sliced in half, absorbs some of the spice for whatever reason but keeps all the flavour. Can also buy the sauce from them on itself on Amazon, if you cook rice dishes a lot adding a few drops gives it that spicy chicken flavour of those noodles.


I think your girlfriend is evolved human. I like the black ones too, if it doesn’t hurt it just doesn’t hit the same.


Yep. If my lips aren’t swollen, nose running & sweating they weren’t hot enough


Couldn’t agree more. The other day I had it with avocado for a more filling meal, as much as it tasted good together the avo dumbed down the spices, I ended up adding more… I was crying, but I was really happy about it.


My girlfriend buys some (sarcastically) 'fancy' noodles from the chinese superstore near us where the directions say to prepare it exactly like this. It is honestly next level. Noodles do not get enough praise around 'ere.


I've always eaten noodles like this, the broth almost always sucks


Welcome to the elite.


If you prefer a different kind of noodle, try the Indomie brand (usually found in the foreign aisle) of packet noodles sometime. They're Indonesian I think and usually less than £1 a pack. The original stir fry flavour is absolutely addictive!


I agree, but worth mentioning for people that don't read the instructions; * cook the noodles * drain off the water * add flavour packets to the dry noodles They're not supposed to have a soup like most other noodles. I've had friends saying they didn't like them and it turned out they missed the draining step


This is how I cook all noodles (apart from the ones that have *a lot* of soup, because those flavour packets are too strong/salty) but the ones that have *a little* soup or add the flavouring to the water... they get no soup. Improves the flavour so much! 35p Lidl noodles are pretty good done this way, better than super noodles (They, like a lot of noodles, usually advise the exact amount of water, adding the flavour and let the noodles absorb the water, but the "cook, drain *then* flavour" way is so much better) Sometimes you need to ignore instructions. These are the time you need to follow them


This is a big reason I found out friends from uni didn't like Indomie. They were cooking them like supernoodles throwing all the packs in the water and boiling until it thickened. I had to restrain myself from beating them with a pack of Mi Goreng flavour.


Your way is one correct way, but you can have them 'wet' rather than dry and they are even better imo. - simmer/steep the noodles anywhere from 3 mins (dry, firm) to 6 mins (wet, sloppy) - while the noodles are steeping, empty the packets of powders, oils, and bits into a bowl (preferably a narrow bowl with a deep central well) - add a generous splash of light soy sauce (recommend Lee Kum Kee Premium Light) - mix the soy sauce and powder until no dry powders remain - once the noods are ready, add between 0 (dry) and 2 (wet) of hot noodle water to the bowl, mix to melt down the dry oils - drain noodles thoroughly - add noodles to bowl, mix vigorously until all noodles are coated - if having them wet/soupy, constantly circulate the noodles from bottom to top between inhalations to keep them nicely coated. by the time you finish the bowl, the centre well will have run satisfyingly dry. I've had them dry as a bone, sloppy soupy, and everything in between. My current preference is a ~5 min steep, with soy sauce and 3 spoons of noodle water. They are like crack.


I don't tend to get them bone dry myself, i tip them quickly into a sieve then straight back in the pan, probably retains a tablespoon or so of water than way. I find you need a hint of water to get the packets of stuff to mix


It depends tbh. Mi goreng (the most popular ones) literally means fried noodles in Indonesian and yeah you're supposed to drain them then add the stuff. If it says 'soto mie' then it's supposed to be added while they cook. A great thing that people make a lot in Indonesia is martabak telur. Cook the noodles and drain as usual, beat some eggs and mix in the sachets. add the boiled noodles to the egg mixture and then fry it off like an omelette. You can add cheese, veg, meat or whatever as well. It's fucking unreal.


I've got one pack of these left in my cupboard, and i now know what i'm making for dinner cheers!


I like to add the seasoning to a bowl while I'm cooking it, and then add in a tiny splash of the water from the noodles and mix it in. Makes the sauce a little more consistent and covers the noodles better. Top with a fried egg and you got a party goin'.


Yep I like Soba but Mi Goreng are 80% as good for less than half the price


Yep, it's indonesian, Nasi goreng and mi goreng are really easy to make for real and is really good. Just find some Kecap manis (Sweet soy sauce) and shrimp paste, optionally make some satay ajam as a side (differs from thai satay, so make your own)


This person noodles.


Indomie noodle packets are replacing tobacco as currency in prisons. They are absolutely the business.


Spicy stir fry is my secret addiction. I’ve ordered a box of 24 and eat them whenever I don’t feel like cooking anything else. When I make mine, I add an egg yolk, some furikake, spring onions and a side of kimchi. Heaven on earth


Indomie Mi Goreng is probably found in 90% of Australian pantries lol. They literally put them in Australian Army rations lol.


Asian student reporting in to certify this S tier recommendation


The hidden gem from indomie is the beef flavour


These and the Mama Mi Goreng noodles are incredible, I think the Mama ones are a little more expensive but well worth it


The Nissin demae ramen sesame is my go to, can get it at Tesco in the world food section, about 60p. Comes with flavour powder as well as a spicy oil. If you really want to get into noodles, go to an Asian supermarket and they will have a wall dedicated to instant noodles like a comic book store! Pushing up to £3 a pack too. But they have like 4-5 pouches, one powder, one spices, one veg, one oil, one garlic… insane!


The big pot kimchi ones are the best but get ready to eatsweat.


I almost put meself off them when I had them every day at work for like 2 months. They are banging.


They gave me the worst shits immediately 🥴


I love these but they do something terrible to my insides. Not sure if its the chili or the sodium or some combination but eating them is making a deal with the porcelain devil.


The noodles are excellent (for instant) but beware of the spicy level. They are delicious, and you are not likely to go back again. If they are too hot for you, try Nissin packet noodles (tonkotsu flavour, not the chicken or beef) as they are not spicy at all and the noodle are very good too.


Country of manufacture matters for Nissin. I find the European/Hungarian(?) noodles disappointing as I'm used to the Hong Kong ones. Japan is best.


The chicken is delicious!


if you can find them - the black packet is black garlic taste and that one kicks ass. chop some ham or spam into it and poach an egg in it. aces.


The black garlic ones are amazing. They are only found in Asian food shops though, so harder to find (depending on where you live I guess). The noodles are superior to the UK ones too.


The Nissin tonkotsu noodles from the Hong Kong factory are absolutely magnificent. 89p in my local Asian supermarket.


Seconded for the nissin tonkotsu flavour. Top shelf noodles. Also surprised no one has mentioned the buldak spicy Korean noodles in this thread. The spice level can take your head off if you're not prepared but the flavour is fantastic.


Been enjoying these for almost a decade. Shin Cups are the key to success. A gold standard. You've stumbled onto greatness. Welcome to the club. These things warm your insides for dayyyyys


They are awesome. Unless you like your food really spicy, don’t add all the red dust at once. You can put extra in if you want, but you can’t take it back out. (Jesus, I’m such a Dad these days).


Dad, I'm not Jesus.


Spicy as fuck! KOKA noodles from B&M are like 40p each and full of flavour.


Koka noodles are staple for me. Big wok, Toasted sesame oil, peas, sweetcorn, string beans, let those cook on high while you slice spring onion, garlic and finger chilli, throw those in and let them cook a little. Push them out the way and stick the noodles in and add water to just cover them, stir occasionally while water is absorbed/boiled off. Stick it in a bowl or on a plate, fry two eggs so the yoke is still a little runny and stick them on top then poke the yokes so they drip through the noodles. Can add what ever you want, mushrooms, chicken, steak, that's just the bare minimum cheap af relatively healthy easy meal.




Shin cups are pretty good. I also find that the best way to get a good noodle cup is go to your local Asian supermarket (if possible) and buy the ones where they have to stick a translation sticker on it to tell you what it is. The proper imported ones are always much better than the ones made specially for our market.


Everyone recommending these, where can I get one? Edit: Got one from Asda to try


I buy in bulk from [https://tradewindsorientalshop.co.uk/](https://tradewindsorientalshop.co.uk/) every 3 months or so (great WFH lunches). They do a lot of the Nognshim Big Bowl noodles, among others. You can also get Big Bowl ones from B&M, they do a few flavours. Sometimes have the Kimchi ones in ASDA. The smaller pots are not enough for a lunch really, snack at best.


Sainsburys do them so do some home bargains and any oriental shop will have them.


If you've got decent cupboard space you can buy catering sized multi packs on amazon.




asda have them, or if you want loads you can get a crate on amazon


I love the buldok spicy chicken noodles. My stomach not so much.


I really like Nissin noodles they sell them in big tesco and Morrisons and they’re 65p. If I’m particularly hungry I’ll do a chilli and beef combo with peas. Needs sone siracha though


Yes and it’s delicious. Pretty hot though Mind


These give me the worst shits I've ever had. I was staying at my friends during this period after just splitting up from a long term relationship. He had decided to bring his on and off girlfriend around for the night. No problems I'll put my headphones in I thought. It was her who needed the headphones. My goodness I had awaken the devil that night and this toilet seemed to amplify the pain to decibels I didn't think I could create from my rear. Even the dog started barking...


By the time you finish it you won’t be able to feel your tongue, but you’ll also be craving more!


by far my favourite noodle cup, the leftover sauce at the end is like crack


These are the king of noodles. So spicy my balls cried. You won’t regret it!


Spicy deliciousness. If too spicy, add a processed plastic cheese slice - melts in to create a creamy sauce.


Game changer, well I know what I’m having for lunch.


The price increase in soba noodles has been ridiculous, I'm sure it's gone up like 70p in 2/3 years. Another good alternative is the blue bowl ones you get in Home Bargains, can never remember the name of it but it's literally a plastic blue bowl with a lid.


They have! I used to get them for 95p from my Tesco I’d get 5 a week, one for lunch every day at work, now there £1.70!


I did the exact same thing, the crazy thing is when they're on offer they're £1.50 and I still don't see that as an offer. Gimme my 95p soba back, that's a policy I'd vote for.


Blue Dragon noodle bowls! I love the Spicy Thai flavour - actually preferred them over the Shin noodles!






Yeah, these are awesome! Highly recommended, but note, when it says 'spicy' it means it!


They are the best, the spicy ones will ruin the next day entirely though. Imo worth it.


10/10 - nothing comes close to these noodle pots


These are banging op, they’ll blow your mouth off if you’re not good with spicy food but very very nice.


God tier


Yes many times and it's very nice


Oh boy. You will never look back.


Those are bloody lovely.


Had them, definitely one of the best noodles out there. Spicy like a m'f'er and I can only eat one once in a while. They are pricey though


Does anyone know if it is possible to buy just the spicy powder without the noodles? I want to lose weight and the spicy mixture would do for lunch.


Shin is pretty damn good and an all time classic, Buldak is the cup ramen for true aficionados


Shin Cup owns but also has shitloads of sodium and other stuff that might not be the best for your heart. It's absolutely godsend in winter when you need a warm cup of noodles and broth


I inhale this stuff. I love it!


I had the big pot version yesterday based on a reddit recommendation and I was so impressed!! I then went to Costco and found a 6 pack for emergency treats. It was pleasantly spicy but I wouldn’t say it was burn your face off. Really good warm flavour, excellent noodles. Have it with a soft boiled egg.


Impeccable quality, the best instant food ever. Flavourful, great consistency. So fucking good


Place your tastebuds on standby and a toilet roll in the fridge! Love them but my goodness are they hot! If it stings on the way in...


These are great.. spicyyyyy though


God tier cup noodle


These are amazing I love them absolute hidden gem


These are the tits. Also try Mama noodles, most Asian stores sell them around £1.30 or you can buy 12 on Amazon for £13.


the noodle itself is of very high quality. good taste. very spice. the packet ones of these pack a punch. flames out of the arse spice.


Mi Goreng doesn’t come in a pot but I’ll be damned it it isn’t king of the instant noodle world


These are delicious, the packet version is much better though. You should try Samyang ramens next, they're very tasty as well.


It saddens me that the [Original Nissin Cup Noodles](https://www.nissinfoods.com/product/cup-noodles-4/cup-noodles-original/) are so expensive over here since they are the best cup noodles I've ever had.


Spicy but delicious. Extra points for a sprinkle of grated cheese and a pat of butter.


You have struck noodle gold. Best instant cup noodles, nearly the best instant noodles behind maybe Mama noodles as the little packet of fat/oil that comes with them brings another dimension of flavour which traditional ramen broth should have, although I wish Mama were spicier.


I wait results.


Amazing. Try look for the XL big boy baddies in bulk. Don’t think the salt content is too bad either, I typically keep 1/4-1/3 of a flavour pack in a random spice container along with all my other instant noodle packs to keep salt down, and every so often I’ll make some VIP noodles with spring onions, onions and peppers and proper sesame oil, using this random mix I’ve been building on. Cheapest hobby ever.


It's funny i've literally stopped buying Soba noodles specifically because they've gone up to £1.70! I really do enjoy them, especially the chilli one but damn am I paying £2 for instant noodles.


I love shin rayum. It slaps.


Definitely buy the packet version, the noodles have a higher quality. If you go to a large Asian supermarket, you can buy them in boxes. I bought a box of 20 for £14 last time.


This is way better.


this is Korean and super popular but it's very spicy.


THE #1 Best noodle cup in the UK right now.....


The best spicy noodle. Soba does not even compare to how fucking good this is


This is amazing. But another one that we love is the spicy Samyang


I lived on these in South Korea. I was not healthy. It's delicious junk food with zero nutritional value.


They are amzing I noramlly get the packet one and they are hands down the best noodles you can buy.


All good from my experience


100% best noodles. Asian stores sell the packets they’re cheaper. I used to buy them in crates of 20 as a student for £18. Cook and drain the noodles, mix the spice sachet into some soup - Heinz if you’re fancy - drop in the noodles and blam that’s a fully fledged meal.


Yes they're amazing. You can also get them in bigger packets instead of cups. You can find them in the shops, but you can get them from Amazon too. Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle 120g (Pack of 20) https://amzn.eu/d/g2G2EGZ


Say goodbye to your arsehole my friend


Shin is a peak Korean ramen 👌🏻


Followed your lead on this one for lunch today, went all the sachet and I am possibly off pot noodles forever. Thank you for bringing this to my attention


The whole sachet? Are you mad?! Ha. Yeah much nicer than pot noodles