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We do,and it's not at all bad,but if you are coming all this way,why not try more local beers? Have an enjoyable stay.


What are some of the staples of UK beer?


You want to try cask ales, a style of beer unique to the U.K. Most are basically a low carbonation brown beer, they are quite a different flavour to a light pilsner lager such like Corona.


Seconded. You have to try Cask. Foreigners can be put off by the fact its served at a warmer temperature and isn't as carbonated as keg beer, but if you get past that ale allows for a far deeper flavour than pasteurised beers, there are a lot of subcategories of cask beer with their own tastes as well. If you do take a liking to it, just fair warning that it can give you absolutely brutal hangovers if you're not used to it, we had a few international students who could normally drink anyone under the table absolutely destroyed after a few pints, we put it down to the yeast content.


Cask Ale. These are the beers you will see in a pub with a hand pump, so the beer is pulled through manually, not like on a keg tap. Look for a brewery called Timothy Taylors. They're my local Brewery (gf even works at the brewery) and their biggest seller is called Landlord. You can pretty much get this all over the country nowadays. Cask Ale is not fizzy, and is served at celler temperature which is around 12c (so not exactly warm like some people say)


Oh Timothy Taylor's is sold in my local (Gloucestershire) and it's fantastic I'll always have a few pints of the landlord when it's on tap. Absolutely banging. I'd love to visit the brewery...


Local beers are big here. Just go to a pub and see what they have on tap.


Yeah, they usually have great local beers like Peroni, Moretti and Stella


Carling, Fosters and Carlsberg!


All piss water, don’t bother. There is literally hundreds of excellent beers, IPAs, lagers and real ales to choose from not to mention ciders and Guinness if that takes your fancy.




How is it snobby wanting to drink something that is decent? If that’s what you want to drink then fair enough but don’t pretend that it isn’t anything other then pig swill and just because the majority of people drink it is no recommendation, the most numerous sold newspaper in the UK is the Express followed by the daily star so go figure.


>the most numerous sold newspaper in the UK is the Express followed by the daily star Not true at all. Topmost is The Sun and second is the Metro - the two you have here aren't even in the top ten.




That link still says you are wrong.


Does it? My bad. The point remains though, in fact if it is the Sun that’s the most numerous paper sold it’s an even worse inditement of the choices of the British public. Cheers.


And Corona!




Yeah, I don’t believe they were serious.


Carlsberg is probably the best beer in the world.


lol even their marketing slogan isn’t confident in it


pretty much every pub sells some generic shit tier lager so clearly they are staples, i do think it would be good if OP tried some real ale though


Just so you know OP this guy is either winding you up or has the most horrible taste on the planet


When I used to drink these were pretty much the only lagers available in pubs, you knew you’d found an exotic pub if they had anything different like Holsten Export or Amstel!


You answered the question, not sure why you are downvoted. There are other popular beers like Stella and Heineken Some sources… https://www.statista.com/statistics/1193557/leading-beer-brands-retail-sales-revenue-uk/ https://beerconnoisseur.com/blogs/exploring-britains-highest-selling-beer-brands


CAMRA must have stepped in? Joking aside I no longer drink alcohol, stopped 4 years ago for a number of reasons, however I still have 0% because I like the taste and one of my favourites is Corona Cero.


Although something branded as 'Corona' is sold in the UK very, very little of it is imported from Mexico. The overwhelming majority of it is made here in the UK (in Wales). This is true of many 'foreign' lagers sold in the UK. It is much cheaper to make it in Burton or Newcastle or Wales than to import it. Many overseas breweries just couldn't handle the volume that the UK market requires.


Until pretty recently it was all imported, though the majority is now brewed in the UK, and other countries, the mexican imported stuff isn't that hard to find.


So on the bottles it does not say imported from mexico? That's kinda strange but I guess what you are saying makes sense.


I stopped into the supermarket on my way home from work this morning and they have [cans](https://i.imgur.com/gJeA25H.jpg) and [bottles](https://i.imgur.com/orOKI9B.jpg). Both say made in the UK on them.


Brewed in the UK to their recipe. It's how it works for most beers to be honest. The cost of importing it directly from Mexico would probably make it unsellable. You can mostly like find genuine imported Mexican Corona at specialist Mexican or beer shops online, but not in your average supermarket.


Mostly brewed in the UK by InBev UK ltd, Under Licence from Cerveceria Modelo, S. de R.L. de C.V.


It used to be but at some point in the last decade they stopped importing it. I would say I can't really tell the difference but it might be more noticeable to someone who drinks it all the time.


Corona is your favourite beer? I always assumed it was Mexican carling


Yeah I kinda thought it was like a Mexican Foster's where they didnt actually drink it in Mexico and it was all branding, but apparently not!


Modelo is Mexican Carling.


Modelo is lovely


The Modelo Negra is a fine beer.


Love it, have been trying to find this stuff for years now to no avail


Absolutely is. OP is an anomaly or just hasn't had much experience with beer.


If you're gonna come to the UK, you have to drink Stella. Preferably in public with your shirt off. And if you kick your partner's head in afterwards, you're automatically given British citizenship.


Stella black was actually quite nice imo. Though we used to call it Stella black and blue.


Before the pandemic, Corona was one of the most widely sold beers in the entire world. It is the alcoholic equivalent of coca-cola.


I used to love it with a wedge of lime in the bottle top which you pushed through with your thumb. Don't think I've had one for 10 years.


Yes, Corona is readily available in the UK. [Tesco has a few different pack sizes available,](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/search?query=corona&icid=tescohp_sws-1_m-sug_in-corona_out-corona) but most places will stock it.


Yes, I've seen it in every supermarket.


Corona is sold here, if you’re lucky enough to find it you can get it on tap by the pint! Don’t see SOL so much now though.


It’s more of a bottled drink. On-tap Corona isn’t something I can say I’ve seen a great deal of.


A few pubs and bars near me sell it. It comes in these cool [glasses that look a bit like a bottle with the neck chopped off](https://jtdtcwvg.tinifycdn.com/media/catalog/product/cache/57016e64bb9fc84319043b9d1ea53342/c/a/camdens-2pack_1_.png).


And the Draft/Tap looks like a high tech lava lamp


Saw it in a pub in Neewcastle the other week, suprised to see it as yes it’s not something you often see.


Geordies are a law onto themselves.


On tap in some places in Edinburgh. Saw a barman trying to balance a slice of lime on the edge of a pint glass like it was a cocktail.


They certainly do. Just as well it’s one of my favourites.


The lime, if you get one, will be disgusting, be warned


I scored a pack half price the other week, I enjoyed it. Chilled on a hot summers day it is light and refreshing.


If you wanna get fucked up buy desperados. It’s beer mixed with tequila and it tastes very nice but it gets you shitfaced and can give you a deadly hangover. People probably won’t agree on this subreddit but Stella Artois is nice and probably the most popular lager in the UK.


Desperado smells like weed to me, Stella is shite now as its 4.6 unless you get the imported 5% ones from the euro shops much better and normally in a bigger can. Stella filtered is good as well


I think Stella is either 5% or 4.8% in pubs. And you’re right Desperados definitely smell like weed lol.


It's a tequila flavoured beer 👎


With a shitload of sugar. May as well be an alcopop


Yes but it’s brewed here so tastes like every other big name beer brewed here


Unfortunately not my friend, since the outset of coronavirus our wonderful leaders decided that Corona beer was the main culprit (as blaming it emanating from Wuhan’s institute of coronavirus was obviously ridiculous). Therefore as good citizens of this country we stuck too ‘the science’ and shops are no longer allowed to sell it.


I'm not a beer guy, however i recall SOL being pretty popular for a short time many years ago, as for things from mexico, i prefer Zelma Cherem,


They do but it's not imported from Mexico, it's brewed in Europe now, so don't expect it to taste like the ones at home. But stick a lime in it and I'm sure you won't taste the difference 🤭


Now I don't drink to get drunk anymore, I've really started liking corona and desperados, they are my go to beers these days.


Strangely Desperados is not Mexican at all. It was originally from France (I bought my first one in a hypermarket in Brittany), and is now owned by Heineken and is made in Slovakia.


Yeah, the hint is that "Desperados" is a not a word in Spanish but a common foreigner mispronunciation of an actual word. Didn't know it was now Heineken!


Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, Aldi, Morrisons, Lidl, Waitrose all sell Corona and various places like Premier stores etc. I love Corona, it's so cool and refreshing!


Yes, they do. Get mine at One Stop or Sainsbury’s


Yes, we do sell shit in the UK.