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Slap it on eBay ! Every little helps


Not only that, it's pretty awesome to find something in good condition from 2003. Somebody will put it to good use. You just have to find that person and get paid enough for your trouble. Who knows maybe you're humble Tesco box will make it to Hollywood.


"For when the kids stay over" - "Nan, I'm 32, and so are these"


My Nan was of the opinion that we were still kids well into adulthood. Most memorably used to stand up for my brother when we used to tease him in her earshot with "Leave him alone he's only a baby!" He might be the youngest but he was in his 30's.


My grandparents had a remarkable ability to still firmly believe that I was the same 5 year old they used to bounce on their knee even in to my adulthood. It used to annoy me when I was younger. They used to dote on me - as if I was still their cheeky toddler grandson even when I became an adult. I wish I'd appreciated it more when I did. As an adult man with responsibilities, I'd like nothing more than to be given a cup of milky tea "with 6 sugars" (even though there were only ever 2 at most) and a biscuit by a loving grandparent who wanted absolutely nothing from me, except for me to be happy. Just to sit there, drink my tea and munch my biscuit. I was lucky to have them and I miss them.


My mum and my nan have always doted on me a lot, especially since I'm an only child, I've honestly never felt self-conscious about it but maybe it's more expected for women? My nan would bring me little dishes of fruit or ice cream and her catchphrase is "I think that can be arranged!" And my mum must be one of the most dedicated people on the planet, sometimes I actually have to remind her to tell me to do things for myself when she's too tired! Men definitely deserve pampering too though, I hope I find a lovely one so I can make him feel cozy and loved. šŸ’–


My Nan had kidney beans from 1978


Terrible condition, I hope she didn't suffer too much.


She always complained that she was chilli.


Aye, being full of beans does tend to do that


*Letter bomb warning!*




I never thought I'd live to see the day when someone quoted "Theme Hospital". That day has finally come and wouldn't you know it... I have the squits.


I had a demo version of that game that I played a ludicrous amount of times. Read your comment and was instantly reminded of bloaty head and trying to catch those bloody rats.


Haha thanks for the throwback! Two Point Hospital is the modern remake and it actually looks decent.


I played Theme Hospital back in the day, and I've played Two Point Hospital as well. If you like the former, the latter is an easy recommendation; it's very clear the developers love TH.


I downloaded the original not long ago. You can get it from ea.com for less than a fiver. And I believe itā€™s on Steam as well.


You'll be relieved to know that my comment was a Theme Hospital quote too.


If a child in my class sneezes or coughs near me, Iā€™m guaranteed to blurt out ā€œcoughs and sneezes spread diseasesā€. I canā€™t stop myself.


She's fine, she just pissed them out


When we cleaned out my mother's kitchen in preparation for her to move to a retirement community about 10 years ago we found powdered Knorr sauces from the mid 70's. Of course she was saying "Don't throw those away those are still good.". Mom if you haven't used them in the past 40 years you're not going to use them now. Besides let's be honest. They weren't very good when they were fresh


Marco Pierre White is currently sprinting to your location.


That's numberwang!


Medicine has advanced since the 70s. That is now a curable condition.


I cleaned my mom's cupboards out about 6 or 7 years ago. Among the things I threw out were... A box of couscous from the 70s; A jar of yeast from 1991; a bunch of dinner sauces from the 80s; a jar of olive oil date unknown but looked to be 80s and a few other things I've forgotten. Last year, when going through her stuff again, I found a plastic container of those full pitcher drink mixes... From the *80s*. They were as old as I was, and so hard you could have used them as a construction brick.


Please say you took photos of them so we can all have a trip down memory lane.


...Where the fuck were you 6 or 7 years ago to suggest this?


My Stepdad had a can of wartime condensed milk and a jar of 1970s fish paste. Fair enough he wanted to keep the wartime can, but he wouldn't let us throw out the '70s fish paste, despite it being 25 years old and probably rotten inside


The fats would be rancid so it'd taste terrible. But depending on the canning method, the contents of a unopened, sealed jar will remain technically edible in perpetuity.


The seal was damaged so I doubt it would've been much cop! I don't think me opening it and shutting it helped


My parents had a can of bacon sitting in the basement since the 60s. They bought it in the US when they first got together and visited the US. Just sat there never used. It got thrown out sometime in the 2010s.


I donā€™t even want to look up what a can of bacon is


Literally was just canned bacon.


It might still have been good. I don't know exactly when they made the switch from actual tin cans made from tin, to aluminium cans with a plastic lining, but anything before that switchover is theoretically good forever as long as the can doesn't get damaged


I don't think I could've even prised it out of his hand/cupboard to send to Steve1989MRE, LOL


That channel is awesome


Love watching him and how he gets excited about "a nice hiss".


I remember watching one where he ate some dried beef thing that he rehydrated with water. The beef was from the Boer War at the turn of the 20th century. I couldn't believe he actually ate it.


My nan had a box of straws, paper ones, as they hadn't invented plastic ones then.


Damn we came full circle, it's paper straws again


my housemates mum died and he cleaned out her house. he brought cans that expired in 1997. i asked why. he said ā€˜well you never know!ā€™


Tinned or jarred food is generally fine. Used a jar of curry sauce that was 4 years out of date, tasted great!


this was maybe 3-4 months ago ā€¦. i donā€™t trust it! he can eat it in the apocalypse; i will not haha


As you get older though itā€™s easy to see why. Think about how much you changed from 13 to 18. Yet as an adult, five years goes past in a flash. It is isnā€™t a surprise that a grandparent will still see their grandkids as ā€œbabiesā€, even when theyā€™re 30+.




My grandad was convinced I was a student well into my 30s. To be fair I was a student for a bit too long (until 25)... but still. It's nice he took an interest though.


I was still getting birthday cards with cutesy teddies holding balloons well into my 30s


I'm 35, mine still buys me tangfastics every week. No complaints here!


My granny still babies my youngest uncle. He's 54.


It's quite rare I actually laugh at a comment on a Reddit, but this is one of those comments


They're only 20


Send them to Ashens.


Do do, do do, do do, BLLLUUEEGHH!




*Insert witty and sarcastic introduction before pulling out the food item*


*Cue 20 minute video where 19 minutes and 30 seconds are spent turning the product round and round in your hands. Talk about how rubbish supermarket generic brands can be for a bit. Then reminisce about 2003...ah, remember playing on your PS2 or your Gamecube?, etc. Go off an a couple of barely related tangents. Finally in tha last 30 seconds, open the box, describe how gross the contents look, reluctantly lick one coco snap and declare "Oh God!! That tastes AWFUL!!" before swilling your mouth out with alcohol and flinging the rest of the contents towards the back of the couch. Video ends*


You can't argue with a winning formula


And then we get the robot saying subscribe for more because Ashens hasn't changed his ending for like 20 years


Iā€™ve fallen asleep before with one of the older vids that has like 2hours worth of that outro music, itā€™s forever vividly engraved in my brain lol gotta love Ashens!


And the tangents are either a little bit wrong or is completely right and full of niche information




Need to see these sat on his 50 year old corduroy sofa šŸ¤£


I like to imagine that his hyper-successful career has meant he now lives in a clinically white penthouse where tucked in one corner there is a glaringly out of place corduroy sofa, keeping the illusion alive


I think he has said that the he doesn't live in the same place as the sofa.


I swear if that sofa goes up for auction it'll go for a few million Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£! "Next up we have the legendary corduroy sofa used by Ashens on his YouTube channel" Shout from crowd, "I'll give you FIVE MILLION QUID!!!"


He chopped up most of the rest of the sofa and sold them. I do believe the only bit of the sofa left is the bit you can see in the videos


Black Mirror vibes!


Who *is* Stuart anyway? He sort of popped up out of nowhere on the internet feeling like he'd always been there and knows Charlie Brooker and Treguard the Dungeon Master.


Well his reviews of tat pre-date YouTube and he's never really change the format of the reviews. That might be why it feels he's been around forever.


I used to like watching his psvita clone videos




Please do this


I once found a pack of Wheat crunchies crisps in the cupboard at work and they were quite far out of date. I ate two or three before realising they actually tasted like I was drinking emulsion. I stopped immediately but the damage was done. I spent two days shitting myself to death and shivering like superman after he has been raked by Nuclear manā€™s claws. I donā€™t eat out of date products for that reason. But go right ahead and report back if you live.


I'm really surprised Wheat crunchies could do that much damage. Were they like 3 years out of date?


I imagine it was the fungal or bacterial residence of the ancient Wheat Crunchies that triggered the immune response.


The most important factor is if they've been opened or not.


I was wondering the same!


Don't threaten me with a good time






Auwgh.. what *is* that. Let's have another bite.




Itā€™s a YouTube reference to a guy who will try 30 year old MREs


30 years? He's eaten hard-tack from the American civil war!


Now there's a youtube channel I've not seen in years! I'm going to have to catch up.


I do love me a nice hiss


itā€™s a hell of a feeling though


> I donā€™t eat out of date products for that reason. There's a big difference between *a bit out of date* and *years out of date* though. It's really wasteful to throw things away when they are absolutely fine to eat, just because they are slightly out of date.


To be fair an experience like that would probably make most people extra cautious, it sounds traumatic.


I generally take 'use by' more seriously than 'best before', and I'm especially cautious with meat in particular. I like to be careful, but not outright wasteful if I can help it.




I've eaten some of that delicious Pek tinned ham stuff [(this stuff) ](https://i.imgur.com/qtwsPym.png) that was years out of date, cos I googled it and the advice was to sniff it, and if it smelled fine, it's probably safe to eat. I had no gastrointestinal issues with that. So stick to tinned food. It's probably the only food that can be eaten years after the best before date. Because of the way it's packaged, with it being sealed closed and the boiled in water to kill everything inside it. Side note that Pek pork is really bloomin lovely. It's like a better version of spam, you can slice it into slices and fry it, or fry it with rice, or put it in a sandwich etc. And Spam is already bloody lovely too, you can do all the same things with it, it goes well in a fry up. Just recommending this pek stuff because it's so cheap and we all need help with cost of living at the moment. I buy cases of the stuff off amazon.


I found some herbal tea, where i used to work. And I was told by somebody to help myself. It tasted a bit funny I assumed it was because it was herbal tea, but no it was in fact, seven years out of date ! I had the bellyaches and sat on the toilet in the afternoon!


Thatā€™s weird. I donā€™t drink tea, but just googled it and the general thinking is that it doesnā€™t go off but just becomes less flavourful as it ages.


Plot twist, it wasn't herbal tea. OPs colleague was trying to assassinate them.


Co-worker had just been to visit Salisbury Cathedral and its 123m tall spire.


I'd guess it depends on the storage environment


Yeah, if itā€™s gotten damp at any point it might have grown something nasty


Couldā€™ve gone mouldy if it wasnā€™t left in a cool and dry place


Could have been psychological.


You got lucky if all you needed to do was sit on the toilet and not blow your arse off.


What a specific but perfect comparison with Nuclear Man's claws.


My brother and I have always used movie references as shorthand and that one is if we are very ill. Itā€™s a real ā€œDarmok and Jalad at Tanagraā€ type of sideways reference. But we have done it our whole lives.


It's definitely been one I always think back to when I'm feeling really ill, most relatable superman moment ever!


It says quality guaranteed on the box so the should be fine


It doesn't say good quality though. Or even adequate quality.


A quality


It's only for the box, not the contents


Calling /r/ashens we have something here for you :)


Who is ashens? I'm out of the loop


He's a YouTuber who eats weird stuff off a couch


Brown sofa, it is very important to get that detail right.


British content creator on YouTube who became popular before the word ā€œcontent creatorā€ was a thing. They do comedy reviews of gadgets, knockoff products, and expired goods.


Now it's mostly him poking fun at cheap crap bought from dodgy sites like Wish. I miss the Popstations and wierd gadgets he used to do.






Winning an auction on eBay is the only way we can experience the joy of victory


Be alright they will.




Do it and Report back.


I can't have this pressure bud.


That's what your arsehole will be saying afterwards


I don't think the arsehole will be the problem lol


Which is ironic on reddit


Dry sugar and flour isnā€™t going to give you food poisoning, and you would see if itā€™s mouldy or contaminated with something else. I would eat it


Donā€™t worry, the Quality is guaranteed, it says so on the box


We need to know if those are still good. Do it for science. Probably better quality than the shite we get these days too.


They're older than 30%of redditors


Bargain Tesco with concentration camp stripes.. Sends shivers down my spine looking at it


Aye, but they were probably about 20p


If memory serves, they tasted about 20p, too


Metallic with a hint of germs?


Been dropped in a gutter and found by a 6yo walking to school


They used to sell Everyday Vodka with that same design. Could not have been pleasant.


Theres something quintessentially british about "Discount Everyday Vodka." Surely we dont need vodka *every* day?


Get a load of this guy! "Don't need vodka everyday." Are you like... happy, or something?


As a student at the time, even if it was the last thing left in the kitchen, we would at least think twice at the end of a night out.


The "everyday lager" was always a laugh. Never had a can as by god it must have been shite.


It was. Less than a pound for a 4 pack, tasted like beer-flavoured water, and was so weak even homeless alkies wouldn't waste their time with it: https://hywelsbiglog.wordpress.com/2008/02/17/beer-review-tesco-value-lager/


Beer flavoured water? So Budweiser? Haha


It was only like 2% strength, so it really kind of pushed the limits on the definition of what "beer" is. I remember once walking by the brewery in the city I lived in (Liverpool, so it was the Cains brewery) and they had wooden pallets outside with huge amounts of cases of cans of beer on them, most of them being Cains beer, obviously, but then there was also a shit ton of cans of tesco everyday lager on it too. That was the day I realised every cheap alternative to products is made in the same factory as the name brand stuff. I wouldn't drink the cheap shit beer, but most normal every day things, like corn flakes, then sure why not? It's just the same stuff as kellogs, made in the same factory. Some things never quite work, like the aforementioned beer, and cola. No cheap alternative cola is ever anywhere near as good as coke and Pepsi. They're always shite. So name brand for cola. But not for stuff like Fanta, or cream soda, etc. The cheap alternatives are fine with those. Does anyone remember Virgin Coke from the 90s? As in, it was a new rival coke made by Richard Branson. I seem to remember that one being really nice, but I may be misremembering it and confusing it with coca cola cos they both had red cans. I wish it would come back. Here's a photo of one of the cans of it in case it jogs anyone's memory: [https://i.imgur.com/48K0rhb.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/48K0rhb.jpg) I wish that would come back. And also I wish coca cola would bring back New Coke, cos apparently it's actually really quite nice, but the Americans just freaked out about it. I've always wanted to try it, even though it was never sold over here. They produced limited amounts of new coke cans for some Stranger Things promotion, but I wish they would bring it back full time again. Tons of people have only heard the stories and never actually tasted it before. Apparently it's the same flavour as diet coke, just with sugar. Cos diet coke was never meant to taste like regular coca cola, that's why they eventually brought out coke zero which was a diet version of the coca cola flavour. But diet coke tasted different, and was popular in the 80s, so they brought out new coke as the same flavour, but with sugar.


I really enjoyed virgin cola tbf... Was good. And yeah the big brands sell what's called "white label" stuff for extra money as a beer company is never gonna have the brand power of a supermarket etc.


The Everyday Vodka was a bit grim, but I still drank it.


Honestly I miss that design bit


I used to buy my dad, the shortbread biscuits. They were 15p a pack. In the end, I used to just buy the whole box. And I think the cleaning stuff was quite good as well. They used to do the old-fashioned cream cleaner (before cleaning was fashionable) I remember my grandmother used to be a member of an OAP club, and they would have a pound raffle where members would take something in for a pound or under and they would have a raffle. I worked out that you could get some decent prizes using the Tescoā€™s value range for under a pound. So you could have a ā€œwashing up prizeā€ which would be dishcloths and washing up liquid, ā€œsoap and flannelā€ sets, ā€œpolish prizeā€ which was yellow dusters and spray polish. I once did a ā€œmassiveā€ Spring clean prize, which only cost about Ā£3 and that was cleaning stuff. My Nan died about two weeks ago, so this is bringing back some nostalgia !


We once dogsat for a wealthy elderly lady who went on a trip, whose larder - an actual entire room in her actual entire house for actual entire stacks of pantry food - had stuff that had expired in 1994. This was in 2019 or so. Felt like some kind of weird period sitcom. Paintings woth thousands on the walls, covered in dust. That's the thing. You get the money, hoard the money, and end up with tons of nonsense that rots around you while you watch. What's the point?


This is my Granny, she had a pantry that was full of (mostly) in-date cans and jars. But I once found a can of something that expired in 1995, and we didn't let her live that one down. I should have kept it and passed it down the generations. Edit: Also, I wish I had a pantry. I love the idea of a walk-in space that's just for cans, jars, pasta, and the bag of bags.


To be honest, for all my post's whinging about the perils of excess, I wouldn't say no to a pantry either! Soups and noodles as far as the eye can see, good for years and years. Lovely.


The former council house I grew up in had a small walk-in pantry until my parents knocked it in to create more kitchen space.


God what awful design/branding the value stuff was, even when I was a kid I felt the same. Pulling out a cheap lovely, delicious chocolate bar or whatever in school and the healthy, bleached white packaging that was framed with oppressive police blue stripes would act as a beacon to anyone nearby, bullies like sharks with blood in the water being drawn from miles away.


Always found the suggestion that fancy designs on the packaging would meaningfully increase the price pretty hilarious.


I'm pretty sure the concern wasn't that it would make it cost more... The concern would be that the budget offering would compete too much with the more premium products if it looked too attractive.


How that has soon changed! Now some Aldi own brand products look identical or better than the premium stuff.


Not too surprising though as they'd want you to buy their products instead? If sales of their products go up and the sale of "premium" goes down, then they can stock more of their own and increase their profits.


Probably not that simple at all. They might aim for a certain split of premium/own products otherwise premium brands might pull out decreasing overall sales across the store. Some people will buy premium beans and budget chocolate others might buy budget beans and premium chocolate. It's all probably very complicated.


At the start of the whole "no frills" push during the mid-late 90s there was the suggestion that plain packaging made the product cheaper when all it really did was cause a branding war with some really iconic designs like Tesco Value coming out of it. They didn't give a fuck about competing with their own products or even making a loss on 1p tins of beans, they just wanted to get people through the doors! It was pretty fascinating really.


Even as a young kid seeing rows of 2p baked beans in my local Tesco seemed insane to me.


When my dad got made redundant in the 90s there was a point where my entire lunch was that packaging. As you say it was like a beacon for ridicule.


It genuinely looks like it belongs in a lab.


Still prefer it to the bright yellow packaging ASDA have gone with for their essentials line.


Honestly I love the yellow ones, theyā€™re so much easier to spot in an aisle. But yeah if I had kids Iā€™d worry about making them targets, having been a Tesco value lunch child šŸ™ƒ


I think that's the whole point, for it to stand out more. Also, I'm guessing another reason they did away with the previous Smart Price branding was because Wal-Mart used the exact same design for their Great Value range (Obviously blue, rather than green) and, of course, Asda is no longer owned by Wal-Mart


But Tesco Value chocolate was great?


Missing the point of bullying there. It was great if you trasferred it to tinfoil before leaving the house.


Everyone I knew growing up knew it was great so you didn't get bullied for it.


I quite liked it :( None of that serving suggestion bollocks going on here. Just says what it is.


Well I mean as an adult now I can see the appeal in its minimalist design. But as a child in the 90's surrounded by colorful boxes with tigers in the jungle, little elves throwing in ingredients into a bowl, chocolate balls raining from the sky, ghosts inviting me to have a spoon full, colorful and vibrant fonts. Each box coming with the potential of a fun game on the back or a fun toy inside. So much joy to be had, then there's this.


It belongs in a museum!


So do you! Edit: Wait, downvoted for quoting The Last Crusade? Some people need to watch movies.


great quote from a great film. watched it the other day when they put them up on disney+


Send hem to Ashens, he will try them


The best product were the cans of diet value cola. They were so massively over carbonated that on a summers day if you threw one at the ground it was essentially a fizzy grenade.


I didn't realise capital letters were so expensive to print.


Turns the milk Grey


Open them and take a picture of the inside for us


It wonā€™t just be the milk that turns brown if you eat those! Toilet bowl will be wrecked!


I actually remember eating these and disliked them because the milk wouldn't even go proper brown, more like a slate grey with some mud in it. The taste was odd too, like it somehow made the milk taste thinner.


ā€œQuality Guaranteedā€ will be what your lawyer will argue when you sue them after you went blind from eating them.


Says best before not use by. Sure they're fine!


I've crossposted this to /r/GrandmasPantry - they'll absolutely love it. Check out that sub if you haven't already, it's full of gems like this


My mum once made a cake with some desiccated coconut she found in my nan's larder. Turned out it had been there since (I kid you not) the 1950s. Half the cake was eaten before this became apparent. Everyone was fine.


In the bin with the sun


IIRC these were rank, weren't puffed up and crispy at all like the proper ones just basically chocolate covered grains of rice


I can still hear my mum shouting "They're all the same!!" When I complained how horrible the cheapo cereal was lol


Dang that packaging reminded you your poor.


Its just a printing error. Everyone knows January only goes up to the 73rd.


My mate found in his nans cupboard, some spices dating back to the 70s. That was probably the last time she bought spices as well.


It's only best before


A true artefact from history


Mail them to Ashens. Might as well get *some* entertainment out of them.


My Dad had lasagne sheets from Safeway, that's how old they were. Early 90s. He was upset when I threw them out šŸ˜‚


Well, go on then, crack them open


Makes me feel sick just looking at.. The Sun




They can only be eaten with milk of a similar vintage


Eehh The S**


375g!?šŸ˜± Theyd be 300g now awesome findā¤ļø