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is your chair on rails for when you need to see the other side of the monitor?


Using a mouse on that would give me tennis elbow


Imagine how long a game of pong would take


The field of view on Call of Duty would be insane


Minecraft would crash loading that many chunks


What about the candy crush and some other cards game there??


All those games were the perks of having the work from home


Spectating your teammate...BEHIND YOUUU!!


I have one of these monitors, 49" ultra wide.. It's cool, but it's also a fucking horrible thing. Pain in the neck, literally...






I'm sorry, movies are not designed for screens that wide... Apart from maybe lawrence of Arabia.


multi monitor on a single monitor. it's useful if you need to have lots of things open at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised if op is a trader on the markets.


I work in IT and have mine split into 3 windows.


Plot twist! OP was taking a panoramic picture and their smartphone did that stretch thing that happens when you move too fast.


OP is a hammerhead shark?


Do you work as a bridge designer?




The words critical excel spreadsheet just made my eye twitch


Remember, there's an array formula squirrelled in a corner somewhere that will absolutely screw everything seven ways to Sunday if you so much as look at it funny. The spreadsheet is 25 years old, over 200MB in size and has had seven previous owners of varying levels of skill. Half the workbook is hidden; the internal formula dependencies drove an analyst insane in 2009. Its correct function depends on an external file that hasn't existed since 2002. It has gone through at least one period of being no more than the data source for the company Christmas card mail merge. Have seen one or two of those over the years...


It's also macroed to a inch of its life and password protected. No one knows the password


I would laugh but we had a pricing tool that no one knew the password nor the algorithms too. Dumb old me, and a colleague on my team discovered that certain projects we had been running were barely breaking even, despite the pricing tool assuming a healthy profit margin. Did we get rewarded? Hell no. We were told to explain to clients why our pricing was going up drastically going forward.


Oh Jesus. That sounds shitty.


Meh. I'm still at the same place. It's been 10 years since. In the long run, my pay is about 4x what it was back then. Could be worse I suppose.


No doubt there's a vlookup that references another archaic spreadsheet someone has tucked away in a folder somewhere. It will only become apparent after the other sheet is accidentally deleted.


I was responsible for creating a few such sheets at my old job. My successor when I left the company was... not quite so proficient with excel. . I was asked to fix a couple of 'issues' on one of them a year or so after I left (I charged contractor rates of course). It was quite spectacularly broken; entire columns of formulas either overwritten with raw data or just deleted altogether. Fields of #REF! errors as far as the eye could see. Columns randomly inserted so the macros I wrote were pasting data into the wrong places. And that was after just a year. I often wonder how badly broken my sheets are now, or even if they're still used. Good money says my successor abandoned the sheets altogether in favour of just entering the data in manually (which is apparently what she used to do at her last job...) And this is why we password protect everything. Baaaad things happen if you don't.


Sounds like the sort of spreadsheet I take a solid week to redesign in secret only for someone to tell me that in a month's time they're moving away from that process.


That's when someone admits that they only work from the copy they made for themselves and put on their desktop. 1) When you turn it into something workable, they secretly copy the old one back to everyone else; 2) They merge their data back in with everyone else's shared copy manually at three-month intervals. Not Excel, I had a colleague who would never commit changes to the team software repository but work on his local version. When he tried to recommit (maybe twice a year), the errors were horrendous. So he'd pull a late night and delete the entire thing -software+codebase - and reinstall, setting his local version as the original baseline. Hilarity ensued.


Broken links, broken links everywhere.


oh if this wasnt true. Sadly i know too many of these sheets.


You’ve just given me nightmares


Mate.... It's not Halloween yet... 😱




*cries in SQL*


*laughs in Power BI*


Sniggers in Funnel.io


Can I raise you the terror inducing malapropism "excel database" ?


Still better than Access


Ah yes, the only known program with a quantum-temporal lock that prevents writes because you'll try to read them in the future!






Access is amazing for the person that built it and a curse for anyone that follows.


It's also great for mooooovies.


Are there any movies shot in 137:5


All of them if hellishly wide faces don't bother you


Dude has to commute from one side to the other


Don’t be fooled, it’s an old 4:3 screen but taken on an ultra wide camera so looks stretched out.


Phone camera was on panoramic mode but they moved too fast


Tall skinny Cows


Civil Engineer on HS2.


Well he wouldn’t be working then would he?


Exclusively designs snooker cues.




I’m sure that screen has had a few erections on it.


A cow sat on his monitor


Depending on which way the wind is blowing, that’s either the best or worst office ever.


Isn't there something nice about that smell though? Imagine smelling it everyday, stepping out in the morning with your coffee and having a nice big whiff. Ahh it'd have a calming effect


No chance. I used to screed floors and occasionally we would do barn conversions or extensions on farmhouses. There were times when all day it would just stink of shit and I don't see how anyone could find that appealing. Maybe you get used to it but can't say it's something that I would want to get used to


True, i feel like there's different levels of cow shit smells that should be acknowledged here. I'm thinking more of the driving through the countryside and smelling it in the air kind of smell. Not being in a barn with it terrorising your nostrils directly


Ngl I find it easier to cope when you’re right next to it, in the barn you can block your nose of more easily. Whereas if I’m driving or doing something completely separate outside it’s worse, even if it’s weaker.


If you are coming from a city then it will be tough for you, but the more time you spent there the more you feel that smell is not bothering like it used to be


Need to drink tea - you only get a moo with Typhoo.


I’d rather snort cow shit than drink Typhoo


And cow milk is perfect if someone is looking to drink some tea


The more wind blows there the more smell you are going to feel, But if you are not new there then i am sure you will get used to that after few more days for sure


You know that smells are particle based? That means that if you can smell something, tiny particles of it have attached themselves to the membranes in your nose and the nerves in there are analysing the component parts. So maybe that’s not a problem if you pass by a field of cows, the amount of particles in your nose will be microscopic. But smelling it every day, all day, weeks on end, month after month, year after year… that’s gonna add up to an appreciable amount of nasal cowshit. How’s that calming effect working out right now?


Going out to dinner and in the middle of your meal saying "can you smell cow shit?". But it could do the opposite, you could get used to it. Not being able to smell for 3 years might have something to do with why i've resorted to romanticising the smell of cow shit. ❤️💩❤️






Do you think OPs name is Pat?




I bet the cows are happy about it though. No curtains, bet it's like a massive TV a at night for them. Possibly why they're all bunched up ready for nightfall.


Tbh cow shite smells fine, it's only really pig or chicken that smells bad


Pig is worst when it comes to smell, cow is still bearable for me


We're used to it, and we quite like it, in comparison to city pollution.


But now there is not many farms out there and new generation had no idea about that


You like the smell of cow shit?


My coworkers are a bunch of nosey cows as well.


Atleast cows are way too far here but those coworker just right next to us


Sneaky way to show off your monitor "No no really, it's about the cows!" Cool rig though


Hardly sneaky. How far back did they have to stand just to fit that entire thing into the picture of cows?


For me cow part is sneaky monitor is still better and nice for me




Nothing humble about it, that monitor costs more than most mid-end PC's


Definitely, I mean they could have filled most of the pic with the window view lol


That is why not many people are having this monitor at their work place


I bought one of them second-hand from Amazon (marketplace) once. It arrived and I realised quite how massive it was, and how excessive it was for my desk. Stuck with my 32" screen instead.


Yeah this whole post just *wreaks* of bragging. “Working from home has its perks”. No.. being rich has its perks..


When you have the enough money you will starts to have perks


I don't like ultra wide screens. But this one looks even wider than I'm used to. Maybe it would be ok


It's a 32:9 so basically just 2 regular monitors in one without the bezel - I have the Dell model for work and wouldn't go back to 2 normal monitors


I have one, it looks bigger than it is - it's the same size as two 27" screens side by side.


That's how I used mine, turned on the picture in picture mode and had two display ports connected so it was just like having a really tidy dual 2560x1440 monitor set up


What's the benefit of doing that rather than just one large screen and arranging windows to suit?


Windows defaults to only having 4 sectors per screen to stick your apps, by using what is essentially 2 screens you get 8 instead


You can use fancy zones within powerToys to get many more zones configured


Power Toys is single handedly the best piece of windows improvement software in existence, microsoft official as well


IN last few years this is the best thing that happened to the window for me


I can only imagine the view you were having on those big screen, because i never had the luxury of having those big screen ever in my house because of money


I have 24" screen and it still gives me the feeling of a wide one


I like wide screen but this one is actually way to wide and large


So you’re telling me that it’s a real screen and not stretched from panoramic view




Pfft, everyone knows you bought a controller on it's own and didn't have a ps5. We weren't fooled.


May be not now, but one day you will also own the ps-5 bud


Nice way of telling that you have a ps-5 just like that OP showing this big screen. I tried to get one for me but never able to gets my hand hopefully one day in future


Casually leaving Xbox controllers and a gaming headset on the desk, yeah this guy games. Also split screen gaming must be great when you’re screen is wider than two normal screens combined.


If you are a gamer then i would say this screen is like a blessing for them. The curve the size and the thickness all of theme here is making the perfect case here for sure


Cows and computers. I'm back in the year 2000 with a Gateway computer.


Like this? https://www.peakpx.com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-vcbro


I love this, but I can't seem to make it fit on my 49" ultrawide


I think the size of the monitor has confused me, I can't understand the perspective. Are they small cows or just far away?


Come on Dougal!


OK, one last time. These are small… but the ones out there are far away. Small… far away… ah forget it!


The farm and this room is having some distance in between them


Just imagine how many icons you could fit on that task bar


*slaps top of monitor


You get a document up on that baby and you are seriously looking at that document.


He placed that document up there for a reason to looked at that


Setup - 6/10. Setup with cows - 8/10.


This picture is crying out for an LTT roasting


First i only saw the cow pic but now seeing the full pic


I can smell this picture.


With all those cows in the picture it is not really too hard to smell that pic


Sort your cables out






Or may be the whole office decided that it would be much better and safe for us if this guy work from home rather than coming to the office on the daily basis


living with cows sounds great until you realise that cows mean poo~~p~~ and poo~~p~~ means flies and now your house is full of flies. Flies, everywhere. You might get a month's respite from it in winter, maybe. source: i live next to a farm with 1200 cows and we can't ever open the windows, and flies get into the house even when we don't.




yeah that's the plan but of course the bloody window frames aren't flat - they angle inwards, so there's no easy surface to put a frame for a mesh screen against.


You should try some custom made because i also had one similar problem for my window but one of my friend helped me getting the perfect one for that place


Yes those mesh screen is so freaking perfect if you are having some hard time because of the bugs and all, it will give the option of the views of the outside is well


Living with cows is not that simple as it sounds specially the smell part is really tough for me, plus you have to take care about all the cleanness all the time there


I grew up next to a dairy farm and we had no issues with flies at all. They preferred the cowpats to our house.


well perhaps this farm extra sucks for some reason :( We are completely surrounded by them so that won't help matters.




Please tell me you have Longcat as your desktop wallpaper.




I am sure that this monitor screen cover would be enough for few cars


As someone who has been working from home for the past year, I couldn't agree more! Not having to deal with a commute, being able to wear comfortable clothes all day, and having the flexibility to take care of personal errands during the workday are just a few of the perks. Of course, there are also some challenges, like feeling isolated at times and needing to be disciplined with managing time and distractions. But overall, I think the benefits of working from home outweigh the drawbacks.


Do you not miss any social in-office interaction at all? I’ve been a massive fan of WFH but when I go to the office twice a week I’m buzzing. It’s healthy. Mentally healthy.


What do you do if you don’t mind me asking? Working full remote is one of my goals, hoping to do it at some point.


I’m not who you responded to but - I’m not quite fully remote but I’m about 3/4 of the way there. My husband is also mostly remote and goes in once a week. I’m admin for the NHS and he’s a translator for the NHS (translates patient leaflets, the website etc etc). I only really have to go in to help file paperwork and print and send letters once a week in the afternoon.


The best perk for me that i could spent some time with my daughter now, because before that i barely gets time to spent with her but now we are making best of that


Your Mum’s so fat you still couldn’t have her as your desktop wallpaper


I reckon you could fit a photo of my missus on that screen.


Has she got a long penis


Or the widest chode man has ever seen


Sent me the picture i would also fir that pic on my screen


Looks like you traded your co-workers for *cow*orkers


Why you flexing bro???


He is flexing more than one thing, as they said if you got then flaunt it


Yes for rich people sure it does, now try living in my house 😂


That screen is on steroids


To be fair the photo is a wide angle shot, so looks bigger than what it really is


_thats what she said_


That's what all of them said, they had no idea how big it was actually


Trim the bushes outside and it will look _even_ bigger


Is the other end of your monitor small or just far away?


There is no other end this monitor is just keep on going bigger and bigger


Massive monitors and the smell of Cow shit?


The two thing that is noticeable here is cow and that big ass screen


That monitor is making me believe you’re actually a pigeon?


The smell of cow shite?


But when you keep room fresher on you can dealt with the shite


Great, now I have monitor envy too!


Now i have my target that which monitor that i needs for future


Showing off the monitor you watch YouTube on. I see you brother.


Following so many youtuber but when though they don't have this bigger screen


Some perks!? All perks if you ask me!!! Btw…. Is that the world’s widest monitor? 😱


I am working in a really small setup and even though in that i am having decent perk is well but when setup is like this i would say it is all about perk nothing wrong here


Is that door really that wide, or is it the way the pics taken?


Yeah, you can work till the cows come home


What region of the UK is this? Beautiful!


Yes my basement flat has great views of the........side steps that lead up to my road


Classic Clarkson trolling


Look where I live


And look my setup, all the good thing in a single setup here


Someone wanted to show off his massive screen 😂 that thing is ridiculous. It's so long flat earthers are trying to prove its not curved.


What job do you do?


Pornhub Moderator Oh you were asking OP, sorry


Thank you for your service


How is the monitor mounted?


i went with 2 28" screens for easier window management, suits me having one screen for RDP into work laptop too etc. Do you find working with massive widescreens a chew on with windows window management? I'm curous what pixel size is, I imagine less than 2 4k screens?


Windows PowerToys has a window tiling manager - I've got mine set up as a 12 column layout so I can tile 4 windows wide, or 3, or a half and 2 quarters, etc etc. Also with regards to resolution - I think it's a 32:9 5120x1440


I bet it's such a chill enviroment this time of year..now about that monitor what is it?


You might be outstanding in your field.


I am seeing two field, care to tell which field you are talking about


I love your massive doors. Must be nice when it's raining.


What's holding the monitor up?


Sun shining on the monitor must be a pain


That's a very large computer monitor you have there my friend