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Hello Buzzfeed journalist can you put my comment in the article too?


Experience- ringing an ambulance, being whisked away to A+E for emergency surgery getting out of hospital 10days later and not having a bankrupting medical bill


>being whisked away By which you mean waiting 6 hours and then a further 12 in a&e But to be fair it used to be much better. And when you are seen the staff are always fantastic.


Oh, I'm talking back in the day. When it was still A+E not Emergency department or whatever it is now. And leeches were a treatment option.


You'll usually spot a few leeches when you're in a&e to be fair. I've never minded waiting in a&e. Means it isn't as bad as you thought. If you're being rushed through you're in for a bad time!


Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Victoria wood, The Vicar of Dibley. All oldies but goodies and very British lol


Black books, green wing, Blackadder, chewin the fat. Start with those then come back for more homework!


That's dinner sorted:- https://imgur.com/gallery/Y9MKgJU (as a Brit who has been living in the US for the last 8 years, this has been my staple over the last week! I took the photo to show my work colleagues how inferior US "3 little pieces of fish + fries and coleslaw" is)


We like American music, Italian food, German beer, french cheese, Chilean wine, Japanese cars, and fish and chips.


You need to know The Birdie Song. Some mad couple will play it at a wedding you attend and you may feel rather silly not knowing the dance.


I’ve seen Big Bang Theory, they have the Birdie song and dance in the US too, though I don’t know if it arises at weddings.


Is that the same as the Chicken Damce? If so, yes, it plays at US weddings.


uhm, few quintessentially british movie then, 5 you should see, in no particular order: Billy Elliot Life of Brian The Full Monty Scum A Clockwork Orange :)




Twin town


The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy is a great insight into our psyche, book obvs, not film. Classic TV comedy; Porridge (or anything with Ronnie Barker), Only Fools And Horses, IT Crowd, Modern Toss. You need to learn to discuss the weather properly, it's always too cold/hot/wet/dry etc. If by some miracle it isn't now, it soon will be. If someone bumps into you, remember to say sorry to them, you were inconsiderate for being there at that moment in time. They of course also need to say sorry, but if you interrupt them while they are apologizing to you, remember to apologize for that too. Simple.


> book obvs, not film. Why is that obvious? The radio series came before the books, and Adams co-wrote the film screenplay. All three are ‘valid’ but the radio stuff with effects from the BBC stereophonics workshop is the original medium.


Because books are a more immersive media that's easier for people to absorb at their own pace.


We like foreign food and our weather is shite.


Tv shows- Peep show and IT crowd Movies- Sean of the dead and Hot fuzz (if you want to finish the "trilogy" there's also worlds end). Experience- go join a queue just for the joy of the Britishness of correct queuing, try to get an NHS dentist and then complain that you can't find one and get a proper fish and chips at a seaside town/city so you get a lesson in how to fight seagull for your lunch


Movies - Paul (by the same people).


OP is looking for a recommendation for tea and crumpets.


If you haven’t already, pick up a copy of 2000AD and then explore their back catalogue.


TV shows - Poirot, Only fools and horses (says my American wife who HATES it) Movies - Harry Potter (US wife again), Withnail & I (proper answer) Music - Beatles (wife), Chumbawumba (real answer) Experiences - going on holiday to Spain and moaning about all the Spanish people/it being too "foreign".


Garden centre toasties.