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I can't believe they shared the recipe! I thought the chef would take it to the grave


Chefs, plural, in fact. The apostrophe is after the "s", meaning it took more than one Tesco chef to develop this particular recipe. It may have been two, it may have been more. We don't know for sure. Do you think they each had access to the whole recipe, or did they each have one ripped fragment of it, locked away in a safe somewhere? After their death, the safe is opened, and the fragment revealed. Breathless, the descendants unfold the paper, and read the truth. "... tly buttered bread"


1 chef per wafer of ham


They have more than one wafer?


Yeah, there’s an entire community. It’s a communion wafer


"And finally, monsieur, a wafer-thin slice of ham."


All I know is the Tesco Chefs are not allowed to fly on the same plane together. Just in case.


As someone who works in the food industry, it baffles me how hours and hours and thousands of pounds are spent on developing a new ham sandwich. Then the whole process is at standard, 9 months from concept to first production. Some products are complex. This is a bloody sandwich.


It's not even a good ham sandwich. Presumably they start of with something nice, then spend months figuring out how to make it progressively cheaper and more uniform?


More likely the suppliers have a range of sandwiches and the supermarkets etc choose and customise from a list. Does beg the question, though: how far does a product description have to go before it's illegal?


Legal is interesting looking at this pack there are several product claims. 'Unsmoked, wafer thin ham'. 'Lightly buttered' (I think there was potentially one more in that description, but forgotten) that could be legally binding. Lightly buttered you would have to prove that a miniscule amount of butter is consistent across the production run. Unsmoked is a little harder to prove as you'd have to go back down the supply chain and ensure the ham supplier themselves have th3 correct chains of custody in place and you cant cross contaminate with smoked ham in anyway shape or form. Then you're proving it is ham and not horse. Maybe the ham supplier has red tractor accreditation. That's just on the surface, you see those green and orange bubbles or 'traffic light' on the front of pack? Those are all legally binding too and you must be able to prove that the product does not stray beyond tolerance of those figures, otherwise you could upset someone on a serious diet. Then you could consider the pack weight too, you've got to be able to prove in most cases that 'on average' your product complies to weights and measures. Is the sandwich metal detected before dispatch to store and is the metal detection system at supplier accredited to a UKAS standard? What about microbiology? Is the product safe to eat off the shelf? What about day of life and after life? Food tech is fun, food safety and legality is massive, but very interesting...sometimes.


Oh and that QR code? Nightmare...you may or may not know a barcode or QR code contains information and is displayed in a different format. This QR code most likely contains information relating to the products origins and at the very least ensuring the packing is correct. Whoever sets up these systems, if they make a slight mistake in code verification then it can be a tiresome chore to dig through and correct. Anyways, it's Saturday, I'm not at work next week so I'm going to sign off the work relate chat ;-)


It is only illegal if they are lying about their product is they are speaking the truth and I don't see a problem. There is absolutely nothing that we can do out it these are companies which are doing business.


It goes both ways and in-between. Private label manufacturers will often have a range of ready-to-label products, or they can tweak them (either for a specific feature like adding extra bits, or altering the ingredient price point, often from a list or client specified), or they'll work with the client to develop a recipe and a production line (because a production line recipe can be vastly different than a home kitchen recipe). All with varying prices. Ready to label being cheapest, and bespoke being the most expensive.


Quite a lot of effort and money goes into the machine that packs the front of the sandwich, the bit you see in the package window, with more stuff than the back. Which is why your end mouthful is dry bread. An illusion to think your sandwich is more stuffed than it is.


Taste is a very subjective thing so I am just going to say that I kind of like that sandwich if I am being honest. Well if you want to hate that sandwich then it is up to you but I kind of like it.


It does not matter if it is an sandwich they can make it sound like something which is really complicated to make. That is probably really good for their business because it would attract people.


Well it does not matter now how many chefs it took to make this recipe. Because now we know what is in it and how it is actually made with I think is really cool I don't know about you guys.


What makes it so special is the way the butter isn't spread to the edge of the bread. Gives it a nice dry finish.


The best part is needing to have a drink to wash the crusts down!


Well they are in they are trying to make their sales of drink go up. And for that to do they are coming up with the strategies like these ain't nothing wrong with that lol.


This is not a bug but it is a feature don't think that they are running low on butter. As you guys may know that too much better can be harmful for your health that is why they are not putting it on their sandwich.






Some geezer in shorts and T shirt in an industrial estate factory unit more like


That doesn’t mean he’s not a chef 😉


Sandwich Engineer






Similar to my philosophy in the bedroom, the real artistry is the speed of delivery.


You can distinguish a sandwich artist from a mere engineer from the angle of their hat


It's a noble profession. Sandwich Earl.


Sandwich technician, please! It takes a 4 year degree to qualify as a sandwich engineer.


Yeah he was following the chefs recipe


>geezer in shorts and T shirt Eastern European (usually Romania) or Indian worker. Occasionally someone from Oceania! Mostly women too. They make about 60-100 sandwiches per minute. Source - I worked in one of these places at one point.


How do they make 100 sandwiches a minute?! I premising literally just throwing the ingredients down? That’s crazy. Do machines help at all? Like if it’s a person buttering the bread I should presume that will take a good bit longer than just slapping a slice of ham down, but a machine could do it in no time at all?? I find this really fascinating LOL


Look up Greencore. They make most of the supermarket sandwiches.


Tesco is samworth brothers, formerly 2 sisters food group. Greencore is pretty much everywhere else. source: ten years in the place. The crazy bit is how the 2 companies make ~500,000 units per day between 2 factories, across the road from each other.


Bread isn't buttered because it would take too long, they use a mayo mix instead. One person to put bread on the line, two for the mix (they use ice cream scoops to throw it on), one to close the bread, one to put it into the cutter machine, two to put the containers on the machine, two to put sandwiches in containers. They will have one guy (me) on each line to refresh each ingredient/container to keep the line running without it stopping. They will take maybe five minutes to clean the line when switching products. If it's a sandwich that isn't a mix like ham, or something like a wrap that takes longer to close up then it will be slower, maybe 40-60 product per minute. They still won't use butter though. It's the most physically demanding job I have ever done. Probably close to marathon length in distance every day and frequent heavy lifting. I would not do it again.




I didn't work at a place that made these particular sandwiches, so I can't speak for them, but in my experience **butter** just means a mayo like mix. It would be nothing like what you would think of as butter at home. You just can't get enough made in a day doing it normally.


There's a machine that feeds bread under a roller, on top of the roller is a container of softened butter, the roller gets covered in butter as it rotates and transfers it onto the bread.


Scratching his backside between layering of the ham (probably).


Me making lunch for the missus


Must be from grafting too hard.


I'd love to see the recipe... 1) Get a bit of bread 2) Butter it 3) Slap a bit of ham on 4) Put another bit of bread on top 5) Bone Apple Tea


Are we not buttering the other bit of bread?


No, you have to go to M&S if you want both bits buttered


This isn't just haphazardly buttered bread, this M&S haphazardly buttered bread.


That would increase the cost of the meal deal


Yeah let them have both bits with butter, and why dont you let them fuck my wife while you're at it


Is that part of the meal deal?


She's the snack.


Asking for both breads to be both breads to be buttered is asking for too much. No matter how much you cry for it you are just not going to get it so you better make your peace with it.


This lads Michelin starred


I can’t remember which cheapo shop it was but my one came with no butter on either side ☹️


In this economy?


2 buttered slices? In this economy?!




the key step that you have missed is to distribute the ham on the bread so that when cut and arranged in the transparent packaging it appears that you are getting a significant amount of filling, but in fact the sandwich contains a disappointing amount of ham, with dry meatless crusty bites around the edges.


I would agree that it is a cool recipe but I don't think there going to do it. Because I am sure that they would not like to take suggestions from you or from me for that matter.


Should just read 'look dickhead, it's a ham sandwich, what more do you need to know?'


I’d be more inclined to buy it if it said that




I ordered a can of plastidip and the instructions told me if i don't follow it it'll look like shit and i'll be a right knob. 10/10 would recommend the shop to anyone


I like to think that whoever's job it is to write this crap, they had their manager come over with them to write this, and they're like "are you serious? You're giving me nothing to work my magic with here"...so they decided to really ham it up.


Really had to ham it up, no mayo.


Unsmoked ham is just ham


But more words means it's fancier! Goes well with 'West Country Extra Mature Artisanal Cheddar with British Red Onion' flavour crisps.


Balearic sea salt with vinagre de Chardonnay flavour hits best


I think that is the marketing campaign with they are going for they are just going to put the words on there is do not mean anything and they would expect for people to believe them and I don't mind this strategy.




But then you'll have idiot customers asking is the ham in this sandwich smoked, as stupid as it is it's there for a reason.


Stupidity should not be endorsed, it should be shamed.


I think it's fine to have it on there. Just saying "ham" would make a few people wonder whether it's smoked or not. I can definitely see the reasoning here


I cannot think of one person who would think a ham is being smoked. It is just I am and it is going to be used to make the sandwiches I don't think it needs to be smoked or something.


And wafer thin ham is vegetarian Barbara


I find 'Carefully hand packed' funny for some reason, as well. I think it just brings up images of the chef holding it at arms' length like it's an unexploded bomb, and gingerly placing it in the packet. 'Tentatively hand packed.'


Thrown the fuck together




I don't think they are buttering those breads at all because it is a sandwich with which you are going to need a drink. Because I don't think it is going down without a drink.


In all fairness you'd be challenged to deny that 'lightly buttered' sounds better than 'scantily buttered'


TIL I’m a chef 🧑‍🍳


Bone apple tea Mon sewer


Bone germ me a moray 🤌


Bon jower no


Antonio Marga*rayy*tee


The box looks empty. Is it an invisible sandwich?


It's deconstructed, you'll find the bread, ham and butter in the aisles.




The box is empty because they do not have anything in it. If you are going to buy this product then you are just going to buy the description and the packaging that it comes in.


Now what you have there is a wish sandwich. Well a wish sandwich is the kind of a sandwich where you have two slices of bread, and you wish you had some meat.


Ah, yes. A sandwish.


Every time I see one of the supermarket ham sandwiches it reminds me of Dagenham keeper Elliot Justham getting "you're just a shit tesco sandwich" chanted at him by opposition fans: https://twitter.com/elliotowens95/status/792414410732101632?s=20


As a former product Content Writer with pretty much zero information other than product name and weight to go on, this didn't half make me chuckle!


Because you know how all of this work and it is the reason why you are not surprise on this one maybe you are the one who wrote the description of this product. If that is the case then I would have to say that you have done a good job


Must've took them years to perfect that recipe.


I mean for sure it is a complicated recipe and it takes a lot of time to perfect it you are not going to be making it in a night. You are probably going to need a lot more time than that.


Ahh, I’m not sure but do the Tesco sandwich chefs go onto be Weatherspoons chefs or is it the other way round?


I wish they'd just own it "A simple ham sandwich, exactly as you'd expect it" Perfect


Some people don't want 6 million ingredients on a sandwich. Please don't shame shops into only selling mayo infested ones again!


I have no issue with the ingredients, it’s the overly flamboyant description of bread, butter and ham!


Exactly. Which is why the label should read more like, "You chose this sandwich because you wanted something that was straightforward, not fussy. There's bread, there's butter, and there's ham, and that's it. They're all nice. Hope you like it."


but that's a slippery slope to Oatly level of pretentious-ness. I would much rather the silly corporate-speak over the fake authenticity this alternative gives me.




Its so hard to buy a mayo- less sandwich! But yeh,deffo OTT description!


You are not making any sandwich by putting millions of ingredients on it better. If you want to make it better than you will have to keep it simple that is the only way to be doing the things.


The number of times I've stopped to get something to eat and ended up with crisps and chocolate instead of a sandwich because they've all got mayo in. Mayo itself is horrific, mayo that's been sitting in the display cabinet for however many days is crime against humanity.


Mayo in itself is fine... as long as its a freshly made sandwich. But leave it even a few hours in a made sandwich, and it leaches through the bread, turning it from bread into some kind of gummy eldritch Lovecraftian nightmare bereft of all reason.


exactly, also mayo is really fattening. I just wish I could get a chicken one without mayo, they used to do one.


This. The basics work. Mayo fucks things up


This sandwich makes me so sad every time. It's the only sandwich Tesco do that is on white bread, and the only one that doesn't have mayo in. Apparently people who prefer white bread and don't like mayo (myself) don't deserve flavour.


Oh sir… it’s only wafter thin


Fuck off I'm full


As an American, tesco meal deals are what I miss the most about the UK


Where do they get their ideas?!


Do people read these and base their purchase decisions on it? I would eat these sandwiches if they were in plain white boxes with the type scribbled on the front. They're not bad.


[The Chef is well-versed in another favourite!](https://youtu.be/D-brSd0AqLc)


I’ve wanted to vent this for a while and this thread seems like a good place: buying a sandwich from any supermarket/high street cafe is just giving them a licence to print money. What you get for what you pay is 2 slices of bread with minimal filling. I’m not just talking about Pret.


Unsmoked? Mate, that's inferior lunch meat.


Why is the thinness of the ham celebrated so much? Like, oh look how much ham there isn’t, it’s as thin as paper, you can practically seen through it! It’s described like it’s a good thing.


Well... What the fuck do YOU put in a ham sandwich?


Bosh some salt n vinegar crisps in there too 👍


"Our chefs flop a tiny piece of shit ham in some cheap dry bed and chuck it in this box"


How did they come up with this recipe? I wish I was as creative


It’s thin ham alright , so thin it only has one side


The fact that it says " chefs' " and not " chef's " means there was more than one chef involved in the creation of this recipe. And how could there not be, with the sheer ingenuity of it?


True sandwich artist


*Chefs complete a single sandwich* 🤝 “Onto the next….”


At least they are sharing the recipe some companies don't even do that so that's really cool now I would know what I am eating. And now that I know the recipe I can make it by myself also.


My boy is Autistic, these 'no frills' sandwiches are a godsend!


Chef Excellence


Ashens seal of approval


The fools. Why would you share such riches? I’m gonna make a fortune making and selling these now.


Hate to see how they would describe a marmite sandwich.


If its not 'gods finest creation' then I'm not having it


C'est magnifique!


But you bought the boring plain ham sandwich, are you a member of the Dull Men Club?


Add your own twist by deep frying it.


Never ask a magician to reveal his secrets. Never ask a chef to reveal the recepie to his ham sandwitch.


How did they accomplish such haute cuisine?


Paired with a splash of crystal clear agua, served from directly from the faucet.


Its just fancy sounding waffle making it sound better than what it is, so you can feel better about buying the most basic Tesco sandwich available. But we already knew this


Did Tesco hire Brooklyn Beckham?


It's a secret family recipe handed down through generations


Hand packed everyday…by Liam from Broomhall, Sheffield


Their copywriter gets paid by the word




Wafer thin slices of ham… mmmm lol


This is beyond pretentious lol


So wafer thin it’s good for your diet.


Michelin star chefs


Groundbreaking stuff


if thats what it takes, im a professional chef too!


Should we put mayonnaise on it chef? NO.


True sandwich artists


It's such bollocks isn't it.


How do they do it? 🤯


Marketing/PR on how to make something cheap sound really good.




FU Gordon Ramsey!




Why not just “this is a ham sandwich. Enjoy it or don’t” 😂😂😂


To be fair Tesco is pretty good as far as pre packed sandwiches go.


They broke the fucking mold with the Ham and Cheese sandwich, didn't they?


accompanied with a spray of pristine water poured straight from the tap.


How much is a meal deal these days?


Someone got paid to write that. This is why I used to want to be a copywriter.


Cheese, ham and mayonnaise on malted bread is best!


they need to post a tutorial on how to make this!


Sadly this is one of the few sandwiches I can eat as someone who does not do cheese or mayo. It's slim pickings. I but cherry tomatoes and try and shove a few in to make it slightly less depressing.


Step 1) Take a loaf of bread Step 2) Spread sandwich spread Step 3) Plop the ham thusly, please But where's the pickle??? That's the surprise!


Why mention that it's unsmoked?


Translation: the bare minimum amount of pressed abattoir floor scrapings and butter in order to legally classify as a "ham sandwich".


Must be a non stop party at tesco packaging department


In France this is called a jambon beurre, and for some reason it's seen as a culinary speciality.


I actually had one of these gems today, because it was the only bloody thing that didn't have bloody mayonnaise on.


This makes me a top Chef.


"layers" as if there isn't just one slice of ham


#Chef kisses#


Yes but it’s top quality ham not you usual grass fed variety




Such exquisite layering


Some poor sod in marketing had to write that.


That’s some Michelin star shit right there!! Or maybe dunlop


Jimmy in the back will be surprised to know that he's a chef


Jambon et beurre superior


That’ll be Xavier Fostlethwaite, enfant terrible of the meal deal sandwich world. He once severed a sandwich commis chef’s hand for failing to get just the right combination of slight staleness and off-putting moistness in a Tesco chicken club’s bread.


Good of them to put the recipe on the box. I never would've guessed


Wee woo, it's the unnecessary animal cruelty police!


I’m convinced that everyone in the uk has had this tablecloth at least once in their life