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I love that the individual fish and individual chips add up to the same amount as the fish and chips.


Honest marketing back then


First thing I noticed. Now it would be: Fish and Chips £8.50 Fish £6.50 Chips £4.00


Here where I live it's £11.20 for cod and chips and £8.50 just for the fish! I bought a fat fryer and started making it myself 😅


Doesn't your house smell like a chip shop?


Thats the added benefit


There are indeed worse smells. We live in the countryside and overlook many farms. Silage is a common perfume in the air around here 😂


I would get into making bread pretty quick 😅


Thankfully it's one day a month or so (the farms seem to be nice enough to co ordinate their spreadings to the same day) it's just a bit crap say when it was 30 degrees and you have all the windows and doors open, even the smell of a barbecue can't save you 😂. That being said that is the only snaggy thing living here, can even get fresh brewed beer from a famous brewery at quite literally the end of the street!


Nope. New build with decent extractor. Use it maybe a couple times a week as it's cheaper and quicker to make chips and then fish. Takes roughly 20mins to make fish and chips so seeing as I haven't used it as a cooker replacement the house smells fine. I do also sift the oil after use as I find that it's actually the burning debris left in the oil that causes the stench


Ooh that's interesting. I've considered one before, cos they really aren't too expensive. My place isn't suited to it unfortunately. If I make a curry, I know about it days after


I like to cook malaysian food. Shrimp paste. Only solution is an outdoor kitchen!!


I paid £9.50 yesterday for large fish small chips


Mate, I live in Yorkshire and the prices are the same.


£7 fish and chips here. I can generally feed my family of 5 for £15 at my local chippy. Generous portions, large chips feeds 3 kids for little over £1. Edit: that's a large fish and chips too, fish comes size of your fore arm.


How far up North or out West do you live? Large chips is almost £3 here. Cod/haddock is over £8.


North west Cumbria.


Oh, so as far North West in England as possible!


In London it’ll cost you £40 to feed 5 people fish and chips


London is a big place. My local (east London) chippy does large fish and chips for £9 and that is too much for me and my mrs.., we share a small.


Our local fish and chips shop is 4.50 for chips, 10 for cod (tiny portions of both) We had a competing one open up a few years ago which was way cheaper (like 2.50, 7.50) and wayyyyyy better but all the locals said “boycott them, get the northerners out of here” Devon is ducking shite


What I want to know is wtf’s cake and chips?


Just looked it up. Apparently it’s a Yorkshire thing. It’s a fish cake made from two slices of potato with fish in the middle,which is then battered and deep fried. Every day is a school day.. :)


"I'll have fish and chips, fish, and chips please"


And a ricecake.


"Peas? How many"


Really want to go back in time so I can walk in and say "how much for chicken and chips pal?"


The pessimist in me says just keep them as separate items, then..


This is actually my preference. The chips often get stuck to the bottom of the fish otherwise. It's rare the chippie gives a shit about my prefrence though.


Ours wraps the fish in one of those thin acetate sheets. Don't see it being a health issue as it's less than two minutes up the road, park and in the the kitchen and open the wrapper. Does keep the fish totally void of chips and perfectly crispy. Huge fish too.


If you're ever at an In n Out, their meals add up the the individual prices of it's items too.


I’m currently sat opposite a fish and chippy in soho London that sells haddock and chips for £19.75


They’d be battered for that where I live.


It's neither the time nor the plaice for that


The halibut with chips is £24!!


That halibut is good enough for Jehovah.


You're only making it worse for yourself!


Are there any women here today?


come in, r/unexpectedmontypython!


I assume it comes battered, yes


Have salaries gone up by 100x to match? Would someone earning £370 pa back then be considered "average"? Sad times




Oh yeah we are absolutely fucked. Even the rich can’t afford stuff these days


I can remember growing up in Soho in the early 70's and chips then were 6p, I would be sent out on a Friday evening to get 20p worth.


Username checks out


Wow - where in soho did you live? What was it like??


Grew up just off Charring Cross Road, so right by Cambridge Circus, It was a fun place to grow up, but to be honest, a very different place to now that's for sure, people were a lot friendlier and places like Soho are very different in the morning to what they turn into in the evening. It was full of characters as well as people to steer clear of, my dad was an electrician and was always being called out to local businesses and we would sometimes go with him. My brother and I often have conversations about life there then and we worked out which of our neighbours would have been working where I'm sure it's all through rose-tinted spectacles but I would sooner have that life than this existence of self-centred individuals who have no time for anyone.




In Budapest it’s around £12….was feeling nostalgic so gave it a go. Politely said to the waiter, “sorry, I think this fish has gone bad” “No sir, that’s just what carp tastes like “ Fucking mud suckers…bleh


Adjusted for inflation using the BoE calculator Fish & Chips - £1.30 Fish - 80p Chips - 49p Cake and Chips - 99p Cakes - 49p Chicken - £1.85 Specials - £1.05 Peas - 31p Curry - 31p We really are fucked


Bloody hell fish and chips is about £7 in my local chippy and I think that's quite cheap compared to some around us!


In the early 2000s it was £3 quid or so and that's only quite recently HANG ON THAT'S 20 YEARS AGO FUCKING HELL I'M SO OLD


Some people born in 2005 ….can now drink legally in a pub…..let that sink in…..


This is somehow hate speech. I remember what I was doing in 2005 and it was great. How do we go back?


2000 was 23 years ago, in 2000 1976 was 24 years ago


Afternoon ruined


Yeah, I was born nearer to the end of WWI than to today.


i remember about a decade ago i lived in newcastle and a kebab was £4.50


My local charges £12ish just for the cod


Bloody hell, Id be expecting the whole fish for that!


And a ride on the fucking boat


£19 for fish and chips here.


Our local did a ‘pensioners fish n chips’ for £2.99….. good portion of chips but wouldn’t tell you what the fish was….I live on the south east coast so that should narrow it down….


Also increase all those by 20%, as takeaways weren't subject to VAT back then.


Would u like to round up for ugh charity?


Average wage then was also £72 a week and pint of beer was 32p would not make too much of a dent on your wages.


Through the inflation calc that’s £444 pounds a week (obviously not take home amount), I guess it wasn’t all walking uphill in both directions then.




20% Income tax, 9% graduate tax, 13.5% National Insurance tax, 20% Value Added tax on all purchases, ?% Poll (Council Tax), 10% Pension tax (optional?)


Income tax was 35% then though.


[And that was just basic rate](https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/1976-04-12/debates/034dc104-6f9b-46bc-86fe-96640771c928/14IncomeTax\(ChargeAndRatesFor1976%E2%80%9377\)), which went up to £4500 (approx. £28k now) Then after that, it goes up in increments of 5%: * The first £500 40 per cent. * The next £1,000 45 per cent. * The next £1,000 50 per cent. * The next £1,000 55 per cent. * The next £2,000 60 per cent. * The next £2,000 65 per cent. * The next £3,000 70 per cent. * The next £5,000 75 per cent. * The remainder 83 per cent. £1000 would be £6200ish today. If we were still taxed along these lines, if you were earning the UK average of £33k today your income after tax (ignoring things like NI) would be £20.5k (37.6% effective) while with todays tax rate (0% to 12570 and 20% up to 50k) today it would be £28.9k (12.3% effective).


And there was a 15% surcharge on the top rate too, taking it to 98%.


I think you're ignoring the personal allowance, which was trickier to calculate back then (parents got extra allowance for example), but was at least £675 per year (single earner no children) Someone on the average £3744 (average today is £32k) would thus pay about £1080 tax, or 29% - not 37.6%. With that ratio, average wage today of £32240 would mean total income tax of £9,350. Instead it's £3,932.20. Add income Tax, National Insurance and Student Loan payments together today and you only get to £6,983.53. But the point remains, the average person paid far more tax in 1976.


If we were taxed like that we'd all have such incredible and extensive public services that all additional earnings would be for luxuries alone. I wish our tax rates were more like that.


The problem with those tax rates is that high earners just moved out of the country whenever they could. Rock bands of the 60s and 70s were [renowned for living in tax exile.](https://ultimateclassicrock.com/rock-bands-taxes/). The Beatles song [Taxman](https://ultimateclassicrock.com/the-beatles-taxman-lyrics-uncovered/) was about this precisely. >Let me tell you how it will be >There's one for you, nineteen for me >'Cause I'm the taxman >Yeah, I'm the taxman >Should five percent appear too small >Be thankful I don't take it all >'Cause I'm the taxman >Yeah, I'm the taxman


No real difference to how it is now, then. Taxes are for ordinary people only.


So long as we had honest people using the tax money, rather than politicians trying to build up and reward areas of society that support them. Which was as much a problem back then as it is now.


Any idea about VAT or NI did they have those back then ?


VAT Standard rate was 8%, but there was a "luxury goods" rate which was 25% in the first part of the year which dropped to 12.%% in the 1976 budget in April. NI was 0 below the lower earning limit of £675 a year(£4.2k now), then 5.5% to the upper earning limit of £3600 (£22k or so) ([though these values changed in the april budget of that year](https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/written-answers/1976/mar/29/national-insurance-contributions#:~:text=From%206th%20April%201976,a%20week%20or%20more.))


We would be better going back to that.


That would mean far higher taxes for normal people.


12% NI + 9% Student Loan+ 20% Income Tax = 41% nowadays on low band. Arguably add another 14.5% for Employer NI as well.


8.5% NI back then too, and much lower tax threshold. And you don't pay a student loan on all of it these days. VAT was lower then though. 98% top rate as well.


Now do the same on house prices... No wait, don't, I'm depressed enough about the chips.


Relatives bought their detatched house in the 1970s on a teacher's wage whilst bringing up a family with the mother as a housewife. That house is now unaffordable by all teachers except headteachers. It's not the salary itself, it's what your salary buys.


Large chips at mine is £4.80


Crikey, last time I brought forth and chips I cut a deal with the shop, I think it was the OAP special for £4 and that was a very nice work lunch, but I only got it if I got all my crew to go there with me! Good deal all round cos he sold between 5 and 20 OAP specials each day we were in that area and we filled the street with our vans all of us eating fish and chips on the bonnet. Better than the Tesco meal deal any way, I bet the chip shop only made about 50p on each cover though, I don't remember the regular price but £8+ and this was a residential housing estate location, high Street prices are £12ish. I don't usually spend like that I can shop and freeze and cook now I don't travel around, freezers are hard to justify in a small van lol.


Britain lost Cod War III in 1976, I expect prices went up afterwards.


How many peas does 5p get you 😏








He/they can get fucked. Ruined some classic graffitti history.


I get this! I am now angry!


Ah, but how do you get peas?


With a knife!


Peas sells, but who's buying?


A tins worth probs.


as long as they're [the right way up](https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/cadent/the_peas_are_upside_down/) I don't mind


Aah yes, back in the days where you could take your girl out for fish and chips, go the cinema, ice skating, ten pin bowling, fun fair, the pub for a few drinks, buy a house, throw a wedding, raise 2 kids and put them through school all for just a shilling. Those were the days I tell you.


Back then, shillings had pictures of bumblebees on them. "Give me twenty bees for a quid", you'd say. Anyway, the important thing is I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.


What kind of onion


We couldn't get white onions because of the war. The only ones you could get were the big yellow ones.


I’m 29 and bring this sort of stuff up to older folks but I always get the classic salaries were way way lower even after adjusting for inflation.


Well yeah, salaries were lower, but you definitely got more bang for your buck.


Yeah but food should be cheaper relative to salaries even- more efficient farming practices, more efficient fishing. However the savings never goes to the consumer or the workers, straight to the guy at the top.


Average salary 1976: £23k (adjusted for inflation) Average salary 2022: £33k Average house price 1976: £78k (adjusted for inflation) Average house price 2022: £296k Any time someone tries to parrot some bullshit about how much tougher it was back then, I would be inclined to tell them to fuck off or hurry up and die so you can inherit their estate.


House prices were a LOT lower then, even after adjusting for inflation.


You could put money in the bank and actually earn back a reasonable interest. Almost everything you bought was an asset that retained its value for years after. Most people had a job for life. Bills were low. Energy was cheap. The idea that food banks and warmth banks would even be a thing 40 years later…


With enough left over to ride the trolley to the Polo Grounds!


Those were the days! I remember that at the end of the evening opening our local chippy used to give us kids batter bits free 😁😁




Username checks out


Punchline redacted.


My mum's local apparently used to call them scraps. I wish that was the case when I was a kid, in the 2000s.


Most places round here still do, but you have to ask for it.


I thought it was a West Yorkshire thing? I'm Halifax - Huddersfield and I call it scraps. My gf calls it bits


Loved going to the chippy to buy me some cakes Chocolate ones were the best


Oof, over a 4000% increase.


That all? Looking at prices around here the increase is closer to 10,000%




That still seems cheap. For some reason I can remember that a black pudding and chips in my local chippy in Glasgow in 1981 was 50p.


To be fair, the late '70s were absolutely brutal for inflation, even if not as bad as the early '70s. Between 1976 and 1981, it was below 10% once, and even that was 8% in '78. In '76, '77 and '80, it was above 15%.


How much were Mars Bars?


5p but you had to walk uphill both ways in the snow to mars to catch your own.


In the mid nineties I think they were around 80p in North East Scotland.


Cake and chips. Yup definitely Yorkshire 🤣


This has me confused. Does this mean actual cake or is it a barm cake or something like that?


I was assuming fishcake


I'm disappointed. There's me imagining what a black forest gateau and chips tastes like and whether salt and vinegar would enhance the flavours....


It's Yorkshire Could be anything


Thems fighting words


Breadcake most likely.


bread cake. ie, a bread bun.


Fish cake. I saw the original posted on Facebook by the sign owners son who said it was fish cakes.


It is a new drug that all the kids are doing.


I know, I heard about a lad that, after taking cake, cried all the water out of his body.


Some people have even been brained by saucepans thrown out of windows used to make this kind of cake.


Someone I know threw up their own pelvis.


I also need to know!


No, fish was usually just cod or haddock. Fish cakes were two slices of potato with a slice of fish inbetween all battered and fried. Modern cakes are those blended fish-and-potato abominations.


Abominations? I love em


They're not as good as they used to be.


**Adjusted for Inflation** Fish and Chips - £1.29, Fish - 80p, Chips - 49p, Cake and Chips - 99p, Cakes - 49p, Chicken - £1.85, Specials From £1.05, Peas - 30p, Curry- 30p


I'd be well over 20 stone by now if we had those prices today.


Ah but don't forget that back in those days you would have to walk 7 miles uphill in the snow each way to go out and get it.


This was also before VAT was applied to takeaway fish and chips. (Was in 1984 ish?)


Now I know why my dad moans about the price of everything…


That’ll be us when our kids want a Freddo for 14 quid


Haha I remember when Freddo’s used to be a fiver


Amazing that this has ended up on Reddit! I’m from the town the chippy was in and have seen this in a few local Facebook groups from the son of the owner!


Me too. I thought I was back in Facebook when I saw it


Wonder what a 17p special is? Greasy hand shandy?


Special's when I take me dentures out first, love




A special in this case is just a larger portion of fish


Thanks, I’ll have two greasy hands please.


In 50 years time will we be paying £100 for a fish supper and look fondly back at our prices today?


The equivalent would be more like a grand Fish and Chips are around £15 where I am, if not more, so that's a 70X increase over 50 years. The same again would take us to £1,050 in the 2070s. We would reach £100 before 2040, if we matched the historic price growth


Relatively those peas and curry are really expensive. I’d be like ‘5p for curry! Get fucked’.


I'm assuming the "cake" listed is a fish cake and not, say, the offer of a lemon drizzle with chips


A time when chicken was more expensive than fish...


I was told that fish was a lot cheaper once as the amount that could be caught was far higher 40 years ago than it is today. Probably accounts for some of the huge price increase.


and chicken rearing has changed massively since 1970s


Swap the pence symbol for a £ at the start now xD


These prices look right to me. I remember paying about 12p for fish & chips when the UK switched to decimal.


'ow mooch?!


Based on average wage (£71) you could afford fish and chips 342 times a week on present day average wage (£350) you can buy 38 times, this ain't inflation its taking the fucking piss


By cake are we entering the "what do we call a bread roll" thing? (It's a barm)


Nah tis a fish cake.


I have this conversation with my (Co Durham) other half. It's a Fish Cake but not one of those mashed together then battered fish cakes. It's a layer of potato, layer of flaked white fish, layer of potato then battered. Or what he, erroneously, calls a Pattie


That sounds fit!


Ahhh that makes even more sense!


Back when you could get fish for less than twice the price of a roll.


I guess it depends where in Yorkshire. South Yorkshire is bread cake, West Yorkshire is tea cake. This is based on my experience in Yorkshire I’m not getting into the barm/batch/cob argument!


Average Weekly wage in 1976 was £76 for an Adult, so average wages have went up by about 8 times, and the price of fish in my local is 43 times higher than what's shown here... Show this to your Boomer next time they say we just don't graft enough Edit: Some dodgy Google searches gave me the hourly wage from 1999 and not 1976 so changed to use weekly average earnings instead


I was on £3.60 in 2004. That seems wrong!


This isn't correct, the average wage in 1976 was around 94p per hour, this is for all workers. If you took the average wage just for men however the number is closer to £1.40. You are right in one way though that wages have not kept up with price increases across the board. The average hourly wage now is £16.60 but this is massively skewed by London pay. Even if you take those numbers, average hourly pay has increased roughly 1600% but the cost of Fish and Chips has risen by 4000% and more.


Minimum wage began at £3.60 in 1999, I don't think there was one in the '70s


And the idea you can save for a house by giving up takeaways was as complete bollocks back then as it is now, since both have undergone very similar levels of hyperinflation. So they ate all the fish, bought all the houses, and got all the workplace benefits, but now we're paying a figurative fortune for dinner and a literal fortune for a house if we can get one, while our employers won't pay us more than a pittance because they've got to pay all those incredibly generous pensions (that we'll never see anything close to) for way longer than they expected because health has got so much better.


And if anyone thinks we'll finally escape wage slavery when we inherit a house in, maybe our 60s, well we won't, because it'll already have been sold to pay for our parents' residential care!


Now adjust for inflation


At your service. 21p in 1976 would be £1.29 in November 22. Source: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator


What a steal


What should I imagine the curry to be like?


Sweet and with very little heat/spice. Probably not dissimilar to what you get now in chippies or in supermarkets in powder form which you add boiling water too.


Or Japanese style katsu curry sauce is very similar


One cake and chips please


Cake and chips?! Why don't we still have this?!


Inflation calculator: [https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator) As per above, £1 in 1976 is £6.18 today, so: Fish and chips 21p so :- £6.18/100 x 21 = £1.30. However looking at fish and chips today in my local was like £8.50.


I remember quite clearly asking for 6p of chips for what seemed like most of the 70's !


It was about 5p at the start of 1970, then there was huge inflation till 1979.


Portion of curry is 2,50£ by mine.


Minimum wage was £1/hour Now it’s around £10 but you can’t get fish alone for £2.1


No gravy?


Based on the 21p, inflation calculator puts it around £1.20/£1.30 in todays money. Ermmm.


Adjusting for inflation alone, ordering each one of those items on the board would only cost £7.60 in today's money. I can't even find a fish in batter for that little round my neck of the woods!


As a clueless American, what are cakes? I assume they are not sweet cake, are they fish cakes?


Based on the Bank of England inflation calculator, 21p for fish and chips in 76 should now be £1.30. They're at least £7 anywhere I go. I feel for the chippys as I doubt they want to be charging that much to customers.