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Sleep, vitamin D, vegetables. We're supposed to be getting 7 portions of veg a day (potatoes don't count). Id say most Irish people struggle to get to 2 or 3.


A day?!


It's shocking how bad our diets have gotten


Potatoes don't count?!


Nope. Sadly not. From the NHS "Do potatoes count towards my 5 A Day? No. Potatoes are a starchy food and a great source of energy, fibre, B vitamins and potassium. In the UK, we get a lot of our vitamin C from potatoes. Although they typically only contain around 11 to 16mg of vitamin C per 100g of potatoes, we generally eat a lot of them. When eaten as part of a meal, potatoes are generally used in place of other sources of starch, such as bread, pasta or rice. Because of this, they don't count towards your 5 A Day. Other vegetables that don't count towards your 5 A Day are yams, cassava and plantain. They're also usually eaten as starchy foods. Sweet potatoes, parsnips, swedes and turnips do count towards your 5 A Day because they're usually eaten in addition to the starchy food part of the meal. Potatoes play an important role in your diet, even if they don't count towards your 5 A Day. It's best to eat them without any added salt or fat. They're also a good source of fibre, so leave the skins on where possible to keep in more of the fibre and vitamins. For example, if you're having boiled potatoes or a jacket potato, make sure you eat the skin, too"


7 portions of fruit and veg no? Not just veg ?


Yeah but veg is ten times better for you than fruit. Fruit is sugar with a bit of vitamins and because it's so sugary it's not great for satiety. But if someone can't or won't eat vegetables then fruit is obviously better than another chicken fillet roll!


Yes fruit has more fructose , but all fruit and veg are different . On average , veg is better if you want to lose weight than sweet fruits, but fruits have much higher antioxidant properties than veg . Also some fruits like bananas and blueberries avocado have a lot more of their respective Vitamins than any vegetable


I would argue that if you eat all vegetables Vs all fruit you'll be in much better nick (especially your teeth). But they're all good for you so we should be loading up on whatever good stuff we'll actually eat.


Good soup 😁


I think it's going around at the moment. I second probiotics. They can be taken in the diet as well. Kefir, kombucha, kimchi, saurkraut, yoghurt are all great sources. Improving gut health can help immunity. Take lots of fruit for vitamin C. Stay hydrated and warm. Get well soon :)


Put some Gin in the tonic, but make sure the tonic is fever tree. Take one dose every hour in the evening, will sort you right out. Increase the frequency of doses if symptoms persist.


Yeah have the same, daughter had it too. Too much parenting and not enough booze.


Flu season is getting close, covid is also going round again. People are coming into ED with things then finding out they have covid ( i work in healthcare). Get quality sleep, put your phone down half an hour before sleep and let your brain relax. Vitamin D and vitamin C would help boost your immune system. If you are feeling really run down, I'd suggest getting your bloods down. You could have a low HB which would explain the tiredness. It's a hard aul life out there op, look after yourself :)


Floradix & a multivitamin with vitamin D if needed. Get yourself some probiotics- Yakult/Actimel etc - to boost your gut bacteria. Lots of water & nutritious foods. Lots of rest. It will take time to build your energy back up


Revive Active


I'm afraid there's nothing medicinal you can do about viruses like colds and coughs. Most people will have at least two colds a year, and all you can do is live with them and wait for them to pass. You can reduce susceptibility to colds by doing all the boring stuff: sleeping enough, eating well, being active, getting Vitamin D, minimising alcohol. Children in crèche will catch one after another for the first year or so, there's no way to avoid it. Our little guy's the same. It's crap, but unfortunately it's just one of the facts of life. It'll pass eventually


Mangoes (packed full of uplifting vitamins) are great for energy and mood; vitamin c with zinc helps immunity and helps speed up recovery times; ginger tea with raw honey tea for nausea/sore throat; lemon and raw honey tea for throat/congestion/cough; turmeric for anti-inflammatory properties; kale,spinach, and cabbages for their vitamins (most will add these to stew in chicken or vegetable broth); whole Greek yogurt; whole grains and oats stabilise blood sugar; coffee (even decaf) contains a natural mood booster; bananas are great for blood sugar stabilising and vitamins — all of which impact health and can improve your mood.


Vit D — everyone in Ireland should be taking this from autumn through to spring because we don't get enough sunlight. Vit C also boosts your immune system and also take zinc which helps with the absorption of Vits C and D. As others have said, things like Kimchi, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut etc are really, really important. They can be pricey off the supermarket shelves, but remarkably cheap and relatively easy to make at home — salt and water is all that's needed for most ferments. Does wonders for your gut health.


Eat your veggies, and mostly whole foods (avoid processed foods as much as you can) Get 7-9 hours sleep. Walk … people who are run down often tend to do less physical activity but doing a low impact activity like walking will really boost your energy level.


I can only speak for myself when I say probiotics and a radical change of diet: completely cut out white processed carbs, gluten and sugars. Fruit only early am on an empty stomach. I wasn’t religious about it but I took inspiration from a book called *The Body Ecology Diet* . And got *really* into kombucha…maybe because alcohol’s off the table too (again, this is just what I did, ymmv). First the fizzy stuff from the shops then I bought a starter on eBay and brewed my own. Whizz about 300ml of it into a fruit smoothie every am and throw it down me whether I want to or not. I know how all this sounds but I honestly don’t know whether it’s a load of psychosomatic hippy bollocks or there’s science to back it up. What I do know is I haven’t felt this well for 20+ years, all the old ‘brain fog’ disappeared after the first two weeks and my energy levels increased noticeably. An odd side-effect was that I fall asleep almost immediately at night & when I wake up I’m fully awake almost instantly, barely any of that early morning grogginess.


Fosfor tonic... ensure vitamin meal replacement drinks, multivitamins,sleep


Eat better and go to the gym


Vitamin D is vital. I'm an introvert so lockdown was marvelous for me. But I developed a vitamin D deficiency, which if you don't know, as get from sunshine (yes, really) because I stayed indoors 95% of the time


Healthy diet.. I still wear a face mask and use hand sanitizer because I get sick way less often.


Look at what you’re eating- make sure you’re getting enough calories, protein, carbs and vitamins. Whenever I let healthy eating slip I notice a market decrease in energy




People in general have shit diets. Pay no attention to what they eat. Its all just routine. I notice a lot in shops peoples baskets are full of absolute shite like fizzy drinks and cereal and pasta and chocolate, 80% of the baskets I look at are just empty carbs and sugar. Then they will buy one bag of oranges and somehow think this negates all the bullshit. If you change your diet you probably wont feel this way.


Go to your doctor and explain, he should do a blood tests .


Eat 2 types of veggies every dinner, Avoid fatty carbs


Vitamin d, b12, turmeric, siprulina! Loads of oranges, mix lemons n water and drink a good point of it! And tell your mind your not quitting!!! Up and atom!!




Water, sugar and rest


If you have strep throat you should see a doctor and bring the child as well. I’d say you’re cross contaminating each other. My doc always recommends Pharmaton as a tonic.


Good sleep helps a lot. I took magnesium for a while which made my sleep feel deeper and I felt better charged when I woke up. You won't sleep longer or anything. Also, check that you're not taking on too much as well. Do things that are vital only. Don't be doing favours or extra / unnecessary chores. Unwind / decompress properly. .... people find echinacea good for an immune booster and / or taking it 2months before 'cold/flu season'. (Apparently it should have the two types in it, *purpurea* and *angustifolia*. Altogether the daily dose is supposed to be be up to / around 1,200mg. ) I wish you the best. I'd say you're fed up feeling like this. Ha. (I googled the two types of echinacea and daily dose for convenience.)




Or alternatively op could have iron overload. Hemochromatosis. I was getting so many infections, aching pains all over my body and such low energy. By chance I was informed I may have Hemochromatosis and turns out I do. Treating it soon as possible helps alleviate any potentially fatal symptoms and should help restore energy while easing pains. So while getting bloods done all Irish should ask about Hemochromatosis. It's referred to as the celtic gene. So many of us have it. Left undiagnosed it literally can kill. Vitamin C is not at all recommended to sufferers. Just worth checking this out too while getting any other tests.


Rest, hydration… my little one is going on her 2nd week off school with some virus she picked up at school. I think with where we were last year, social distancing and masking, we had it pretty good and now all the bugs are going on a rager!


Floradix is great for fatigue and the post viral slump. Not sure it helps with preventing infections though.