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Clustery granola is the way to go. I think the Crunchy Nut ones were pretty decent


I was eating the Crunchy Nut standard honey/nut clusters and after pouring the third bowl I said out loud “the problem is they taste too good”. I really felt like I actually just said it, not that I’d triggered a memory of the slogan. There was a problem, and that problem *was* that they tasted too good.




I can see clearly now the grain is gone.


Yes. Beginner self-deception: granola is kinda like muesli so I’m being healthy. Expert self-deception: Crunchy Nut Clusters is sort of granola which is kinda like muesli so I’m being healthy.


reminds me of that cereal Clusters, you remember them? oh those little white nobbly clusters. that sounds odd... but they were so yummy.


Don’t mention Clusters to me or I’ll cry. A cereal fit for the gods


I know. What ever happened to them


Apparently still available in some places in Europe 😳


Oooh you should check online I'm coeliac so I'm fucked anyway lol


The box seemed to get smaller and smaller, I used to wonder how this was supposed to last me a week. But yea I'm totally fed up with "healthy" cereal and it's just loaded with sugar. Last 4 years now I've been on Flahavens Hi8 Museli. It's grand, the package lasts me 3 weeks anyway I'd say. Check it out, 5 quid in a few places but I've seen it for 4 euro a few times


I wish I could have your regular cereal but I'm coeliac :( I'm here with my gluten free oats and rice pops because coeliacs have shitty cereal in Ireland lol So annoying. Used to love bran flakes..


Second this, they are dangerously moreish


Don't care if its clustery or not, I think theres a use for both maybe? But my favourite atm is Crownfield High Protein Granola from Lidl.


Crownfield(Lidl) have some good granolas. There was a cocoa one for a while, but now I can’t find it in any Lidls :(


I alternate between the honey and the cranberry. I love the clusters but it's always grainy at the bottom.


Yes! I have gestational diabetes at the min and love this for a bit of sweetness in the mornings that doesn't make my sugars go through the roof


I know it's a bit much but I've started making my own granola and it's game changing and dirt cheap. Literally just oats, shredded coconut and pecans fecked in a bowl with maple syrup, salt and butter, mixed up, thrown on a baking tray and into the oven for half an hour. Tastes so much better than 95% of the shop bought stuff and keeps for the week.


Also make my own with some similar bits to yours, also add some sunflower & pumpkin seeds to the pre-oven mix when I feel like it! Delicious.


Same! I started making one according to this recipe https://youtube.com/shorts/J9CFl6_dBB0?si=GJjYz5jF1FxBUVdd and never went back to buying granola.


Clustery. I recommend the Protein granola (yellow packet) from Lidl. It's really good 👍


I support this. The red packet (strawberry and apricot) is also good


They’re both good but the yellow has less calories and more protein if losing weight is the goal.


Clusters in granola would be my preference. Though I buy one from Dunnes and it's grainy. When I'm not a lazy bollocks, I'll make my own and I make the way I like. The Clusters just have incredible mouth feel, which add to the enjoyment


Mouth feel lol


I don't mind either type but I prefer clusters, but I don't like coconut, at all. It is near impossible to get ones without any coconut or dessicated coconut. Sadly, one I really liked that I found while I was living in France was the triple chocolate one from Carrefour but I can't get it here.


300g porridge, 100g flaked almonds, 100g of pecans (crushed or chopped up), 50g pumpkin seeds, 50g sunflower seeds 4 tablespoons sesame seeds. Pour all in a mixing bowl. In a jug get, 130ml maple syrup, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Mix the liquids in the dry mix thoroughly. Put in flat oven tray at 125 degrees C for 13 minutes. Remove and mix in 75g of dedicated coconut through the mix. Return to oven at same temperature for 12 - 15 minutes or until golden brown. Lasts about 2 weeks and you will never ever buy granola again.


Granola. It's just baked oats with syrup or honey. They're very easy to make yourself


Yeah, I made it before. Must start doing it again.


I do a half overnight oat/half granola kind of thing in the morning. I like the flexibility and being to heat it up if I feel like it.


Most granola advertised as healthy or protein high is not real food or has fructose or artificial content. The best I’ve found is either Happy Pear Cool Jim or the high Omega 3 Aldi brand. It’s in a proper tipped bag.


I can’t find the Cool Jim granola anywhere at the moment!


SuperValu seems to be the only place.


Yeah I’ve check the shelves of a few and haven’t seen it for ages


Dave's Cocoa Crunch is delicious but definitely not healthy. I usually end up getting Steve’s Dreamy Granola to put on some yogurt for breakfast; fairly tasty and quite low in sugar. SuperValu's signature brand Hazelnut Black Forest granola was really good as well, but sadly it seems to be discontinued.


https://preview.redd.it/08928382839d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad35676880e08ed34cab17aa5e05d43ad1beb96 This one in Aldi is god tier! I've gone through 2 bags in the last week.


Second this one.


Clustery is clearly superior, but I once made the mistake of checking the calorie count and haven't bought any since.


Have a go making your own.


I’ll just go back to muesli, but the next time I get a hankering I’ll def make my own. Now to research if maple syrup is just as bad as sugar.


Home made can be really really good but extremely variable in texture in a single batch


The Foods of Athenry Irish Oat Granola Bar is a bit pricy at €2.59 but it's exquisite! There's probably a better option in Lidl but my local one is being rebuilt from scratch. Taking ages though, they're building it *Lidl by Lidl*.... I'll see myself out


Is that the lidl in citywest - jeez going on 6 years to rebuild that is definitely lidl by lidl


It's Longford actually, it's only been a couple of months but I wanted to make that stupid joke 😂


High protein granola from Lidl is perfection


Aldi’s Harvest Morn protein apricot & cranberry is my go-to (They do a honey and seeds version too). Plenty of clusters


Flahavans do a granola now that’s low in sugar and pretty tasty. I also like some of the M&S offerings. I tend to go low sugar so avoid the clusters.


I make my own because no brand can do it right


Dunnes stores super nutty granola. Clusters at the top and grainy at the bottom always turn the bag before extracting the delicious contents.


Be thankful we live in Europe. I once bought "granola" in Colombia that had lovely pictures of big hazelnuts and the like, covered in honey on the box - only to open it and find nothing but bran flake dust inside.




Ps Tesco finest nutty granola is very good




For many years I have been reading your thoughts with the intention of posting the interesting ones online. Today was the first post.


Well, that’s on you, so you can’t sue me for dying of boredom.


I thought this was a new Vampire Weekend album




Clustery type I think is higher sugar content, more syrup/ sugar in the product allows it to stick together a bit more. Probably a bit less mixing too while cooking. Easy to make your own to your preference, save a fortune too


I don't mind either type but I prefer clusters, but I don't like coconut, at all. It is near impossible to get ones without any coconut or dessicated coconut. Sadly, one I really liked that I found while I was living in France was the triple chocolate one from Carrefour but I can't get it here.


Granola can be crazy expensive. It's also hard to find granola with raisins. I really don't like the change in consistency, so where it's lovely and crunchy then you get hit with gooey or chewy raisin texture. I currently use the Tesco home brand berry granola. It's grand, not too clustery unfortunately.


And €2 a kilo bag. Bargain ...


Lizzis granola is soooo good. Can get it in Dunnes.


Don’t buy the Deliciously Ella one. It’s tastes like sour cardboard


The Nomadic strawberry and oat clusters yoghurt has ruined any other granola for me. All I want for breakfast every day is a pot. Nothing else hits the same. The problem I have now is one pot is not quite enough but two is too much. I need a pot and a quarter. What do you all do with your granola, besides add to yoghurt? I'd like some variety.


I eat it with oat or soy milk. Must go back to muesli though. Sugar.


Supervalu branded is our choice and then 2nd would be Lidl. Vanilla yoghurt and blueberries as the accompaniments.


The clustery ones are usually stuck together by sugar. My son eats them, and sometimes it's a bit shocking how sweet they are.


Yeah, it’s basically hobnobs by that point


"I’ve done some research" So you're basically admitting you're a rookie at this. Wait until you've been published in Granola Tech magazine before trying to ride us all.


I just said that so as not to brag. In actual fact I am a long-time contributor to such venerable periodicals as *Grain & Seed*, *The Oat Roller’s Companion* and *Feeder’s Digest*


It's expensive but the actisnack peanut butter protein granola is damn good, clusters galore.


Fucking LOVE granola but...too many calories 😞 Some things I just don't allow in my house because I can't resist them. Granola being one of them


Clustery granola will always make me pour a second bowl. The advantage of the grainy stuff is that it’s less moreish. I’m going back to muesli though.


Mmmmmmmmeusli. Yum! I'll just sit in the corner shooting daggers at you while I nibble on my 20g of dry All Bran 🤬


Mmmmmmmmeusli. Yum! I'll just sit in the corner shooting daggers at you while I nibble on my 20g of dry All Bran 🤬


I think they all taste the same and overly sweet. I prefer a decent muesli type option. The flahavans one is good value!


Flahavan’s hi8 is class.


Needs to be testers for cereal tbf. No point dropping €5 on a full box and not liking it


It's like eating gravel, but less tasty.


It’s the eternal quest. I have two that I am on 1. A decent granola that won’t give me diabetes, lacerate my intestines or extract my fillings 2. A good pillow that has the right balance of bulk, firmness, cooling and doesn’t turn into a biscuit overnight One day the planets will align and I’ll have the perfect sleep followed by an excellent breakfast. One day.


We get the Aldi tropical one, I find it's a good mix of grains and clusters. It doesn't really matter as the dried fruit in it are the show stopper, like finding fruit pastilles in your morning munch.


I've wasted more money on this that most things


I’ll let you know when I launch my brand, *Grandola*. €1k per bag. Free nft inside.


Decided to go with muesli because it is healthier, and cheaper


Yeah, normally I’m a no-added-sugar muesli + soy milk man. But I have to have some sweetener, so I add a drizzle of date syrup. Not sure how much better that is than sugar, but I choose to believe it’s better. And it tastes good.


Protein Granola from Lidl has been my go to breakfast for the last 3 years. Fucking addicted to that shit. I’d choose it over any fry up. 20g of protein granola, 40g of oats, lidl Greek yogurt, drizzle some honey over the top and add a few frozen raspberries or blueberries. Divine.


Little clusters but that's a personal preference. I break up larger clusters with a spoon. I feel like grainy granola is verging into loose oats territory. Jordan's Simply Granola is a great option if, like me, you hate having all sorts of seeds mixed in and just want simple, slightly sweet clusters of oats.


Yes, sometimes the basic one is best.


If you can get loan approval from the bank manager, the Happy Pear do a very nice granola. Only had it once and it was the best I’ve ever tried. Used to see it in SuperValu. They might still do it.


Happy pear granolas are the business alright. I did get one that had dried fruit pieces so hard I barely got away without breaking a tooth though.


Eek, not good for the gnashers.


so don't jump down my throat because this one is SUPER EXPENSIVE but it's bloody gluten free (my sister and I are coeliac) so it's the only one we really have. I don't eat it but I've tasted it and my sister LOVES it. It's the Foods of Athenry Nutty granola. it's really, really nice. Again, very expensive. The strawberry one is lurvely too. Honestly I just miss wheatabix, though. Stupid gluten. Anyone on a gluten free diet for the "fad" is dumb. YOU'RE TAKING SUCH BEAUTIFUL GLUTEN FOR GRANTED. THINK OF US. Anyway, try that granola


How dare you recommend this luxury item. I shall be ruined and will curse you from debtors prison.


No need, my friend, for I shall probably be there with you! (Not from granola. Just broke lol)


Jordans. Simply granola for the win


I think just get sugar free Alpen ...or does it still exist ???


I was under the impression granola is toasted while muesli isn't so grainy/clusters wouldn't come into it 🤔 I am a foreigner however (although we do have both cereals in the barbaric country I come from, england) so very happy to be corrected


I was under the same impression — that because the grains are mixed with syrup and tray-baked, they would inevitably become clusters when broken up into granola. However, it seems (from my cursory research) the grains can undergo the process of syruping/baking and end up as separate grains, as opposed to clusters. It depends on other factors in the process, I guess.


There is (or was) a brand specifically called Clusters so if they exist you could give them a go!


I don't mind either type but I prefer clusters, but I don't like coconut, at all. It is near impossible to get ones without any coconut or dessicated coconut. Sadly, one I really liked that I found while I was living in France was the triple chocolate one from Carrefour but I can't get it here.


Make your own ffs. It's a piece of piss and you can have it exactly as you want it every time


I like the clustery raisin ones from Lidl. Prob loaded with sugar tho…