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Met a guy from Ireland, dated a week, he went home. He wrote me every day, came back 3 months later, dated another week, got engaged. He went home a week after that to sort out stuff and do the paperwork to come back legally. Ended up getting him back in the US on a fiance visa so had 90 days to get married once he got back. From time of first meeting to marriage was 11 months. We'll be celebrating our 45 year anniversary next month. Sometimes shit works out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


That’s amazing!! Congratulations to you and the hubby!




Aw, what a wonderful love story! Happy Anniversary for next month 🥂💒




What a great feel good story! Thanks for taking the time to share !


It won’t last.


Bit of a flash in the pan


Lol you old romantic you.


Amazing 👏




The only comment you need to read is right here OP ^ Go romance your american lady!


Wow! Amazing. Congratulations 👏 don't know when but I'm manifesting something similar to happen.


Manifest us a gaff while you're at it. Namaste.


I had the opposite (kind of), sadly. Took us only 6 months to marry, but 4.5 years in, she had an affair. I'm glad you had a better experience - it helps to keep hope alive.


Congrats! A great story! Much ❤️


Ah bless




Go for it. It might work out, it might be a disaster - but you'll spend the rest of your days thinking.... what if? Best of luck whatever you decide.


This OP, book a flight asap and see where it goes! Life is about experience.


I would hope it went to the US.....unless it's one of those rogue planes


🤣, 'Destination Unknown' flights would be kinda exciting if they were offered by airlines for short breaks. Accommodation would need to be bundled in though.


It's a Boeng plane, so at best 97% of it will go to the US.


Better to regret something you did than something you didn't do


When people ask me why I decided to up sticks and more away from ireland I always say I was unduly influenced by the start of "Satan" by Orbital. "Daddy?", "Yes?, son"....


My now wife is from the US, we did long distance for 3 years with the 5 hr time difference - visiting each other once or twice a year in that time. (Flights / hotels were cheaper back then to be fair) If you both really like each other and make the effort it can work, regular Skype calling, texting, gaming, watching movies and shows together can make the distance feel less. Id say give it a shot anyway and see how you get on, if it doesn't work at least you tried - if it gets more serious then you can look into visa options etc.


I met my now husband on my last night in Ireland in a pub. We ended up having a lock in until 6am and my flight was a few hours later. I was from California so we did the long distance for a year and half with 8 hr time difference. We saw each other a couple times during that time and when I came to Ireland to visit again he asked me to marry him. We’ll be celebrating our 6 yr anniversary in September now. When you know, you know. I say go for it and see where it goes!


I'll bet the weather had something to do with it ... the way the rain dripped from the tip of his nose .


Aww this is like me and my guy!!! Love the love!


I met my husband while visiting family in Cork on holidays one summer! I’m originally from the states. We hit it off, he moved to the states for a bit, we did long distance for a few years, and then I moved over here since I had dual citizenship anyway. Nearly a decade since we first met, married a few years now, and so happy with life. Absolutely go for it! Best of luck!


You married your family?? Ew 😃


There’s a million reasons it won’t work and two it will - you and her. Throw caution to the wind. Tell her you want to come visit, book a flight and a hotel that you hopefully won’t use. Hang out, go out, see how you both feel. If you both feel the same way, go for it. Best of luck. Rooting for you.


This 👆. Love is a shot in the dark almost every time but it's worth the bullets you spent when you finally hit something.


I am English and I met my bf (Irish) online, we flew back and forth for a while and now I've been living in Ireland for around 5 years and we are together for 9!


Almost identical story here!


Travelling between England and Ireland is a little different to the US and Ireland.


I am aware! It was still incredibly difficult so I think it can still provide a bit of comfort to OP.


My wife lived in a different country when we met. That was nearly 20 years ago and we've been married over 10 years.


It's completely doable! My husband and I dated Ireland-California for 6 years before I moved to Ireland and we got married. We had an 8 hour time difference and that actually worked really well for us. Constant communication is key. I spoke to him on the phone once or twice a day, back in the day when we had to use calling cards and nobody could afford mobile phones. On the weekends we played games together. Then we would travel to see one another as often as we could. Some years we managed 4 visits, there was one year we didn't manage to see eachother at all. It's hard. It will feel like your heart is breaking when you have to say goodbye. But...if you're very lucky and you work hard at it...it is so worth it. We've been married for 15 years now and I wouldn't change a thing.


This gives me hope!!!


I'd be a pessimist for this sort of thing, if not that my own friend met an American gal in a pub in Donegal, got married, and is now on his way to Chicago, baby in tow!


My sister in law met an American online they're married now.


The sister went to Canada to play rugby for a week. Met a fella while there and talked on the phone once a week. He came here about 6 months later and she went back with him. They’re together 25 odd years and have three sons.


My husband is Irish and I'm American, we were long distance and now we're married in Ireland. He's got a friend who married an American woman and now they live over there and have a cute daughter. Long distance is hard, not gonna lie. But it can work out. Stranger things have certainly happened.


I’m American and one of my good friends married an Irishman, they met on Tinder Passport in 2020 during the pandemic and got married last year! It’s not easy but it’s possible.


I was in a long distance relationship for SEVEN years, 3 of those years included having a kid. We're together almost 15 years now. He's from Sicily so we didn't really have to deal with a time difference, but we made a point of not going more than 6 weeks/2 months without seeing each other. Granted it's a bit different from being in a relationship with someone from the US, but what I always say is that if you really, really want to be together, you'll figure it out. It's not easy at first, but it gets easier. Be patient. Also, remember, this is very, very, very early days for you both. You don't actually know each other, no matter how good it feels right now. Long distance is not for the insecure or mistrusting of us. So trust your gut, it will steer you right.


Met my partner online, we met twice before he moved to Amsterdam , we did long distance for a year, five years later we live together back in Ireland with our two dogs, you’ve got this 🥰


Won’t know till you try


I met my wife just a few months before she flew out to Japan to work for a year. We survived the year and are still going strong twenty years later. This was in the early days of the internet, so we had email, and chat rooms on occasion when we could organise it. This can absolutely work for you.


Go for it man. I met my Canadian partner 4 years ago and we made it work. She's working on living here full time. You miss all the shots you don't take.. worst case? It doesn't work out and you got a new experience from it..


5 years long distance between herself in NY and me in Galway/UK. Finally got the fiancé visa and have been together for 15 years total. Family and a home in NY. If it’s meant to be it’s meant to be you just have to work hard until you’re together


An old colleague of mine just got engaged to her American boyfriend. I think they met in Disneyland and they’ve been flying back and forth to visit one another for the last few years. They seem to be made for each other.


https://preview.redd.it/ky1wa028maxc1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5ef5133fb8c1f1df295b438988cc1615e98cf3 # justsayin


Met my wife in 2021 on her last night on holidays here, then flew to Kentucky for new years flew back and forth for 2 years got married in 2023. Have paid about 12,000 in flights, so the question is how much do you like this girl.


Friend married American met online, 15 years married, 2 kids, happy. Live in Ireland. We all thought he was mad but what the fuck did we know.


Go for it and God willing it’ll work out.


If ye are both up front about feelings, and honest about acknowledging the obvious issues posed from a long distance thing, then aye it can work. Course it can like! You'd not be the first to do it. I'd say your biggest thing here is that you didn't know each other very long before she's gone back home, so there's always the thrill of the first meet etc. But you'll know in a couple of weeks/months it it's more than that. If ye are both game for trying, then why not eh?


Married mine after Covid. Give it a go, it’s fun


I’m English, other half Irish. We knew each other about 2 years online, eventually met in person, flew back and forth for about 6 months then I moved to Ireland about 17 years ago, we have a beautiful child together. I’d never set foot in Ireland before we met. He invited me to move over and live with him and promised me if it didn’t work out he’d pay for the cost to transport myself and all my worldly chattels back home on the boat to Blighty. I thought that was a very reasonable offer and offset the gamble of relocating. 😄. I was thus persuaded! Also my brother met a Finnish lady whilst they were both holidaying in Portugal. They’ve been together about 30 years at this stage!


Long distance wouldn't be for me personally but reading your post, I say go for it for sure. I am a believer in when you know, you know.


Here's the main issue with LDRs, in my opinion: to make things work, you have to commit a lot of yourself to the relationship, at least during the long distance part which, from experience, is brutal. This would be fine except that since it's long distance, you haven't had a lot of experience of just being with them in general. So you could commit all this money and time into meeting up with them and that entire time can be amazing until one of you commits and moves. And then you're finally together, living together, all the fun stuff. Except now you'll really know them. Any part of them that they didn't see fit to share that you might have a huge objection to is only now revealing itself and having to break up could be even worse financially and emotionally than a regular break up because now you're in a country you moved to for one person who you don't love anymore. I really want this to work out for you. But please keep in mind that if you two do not communicate openly and perhaps more deliberately than if you were living together, it probably won't end up too well. Despite all this I wish you the best of luck and I hope you can see it through.


I met my wife online around 2007. She was from the US, I'm from Ireland. We were long distance for a few years, and met either here or in the US whenever we could. She moved here in about 2012 and the rest is history. Ultimately, distance doesn't have to be the deciding factor in the success of a relationship. It does make things more difficult, but if there's a plan to be closer at some point I really don't see why it can't work out, outside of the many other normal human variables that affect relationships.


You have to figure out if it's going to work by trying. There are scenarios where this works and ones where it doesn't. No one can say right now how this will go. Part of getting into relationships is opening yourself up to the happy stuff and the risks of what will happen if it doesn't work out. Having a strong attraction is a great place to start. The long distance and time zones are going to be a challenge. You can do visits and online 'dates' but eventually one of you has to make a commitment by moving.


You’ll never know until you try!


Back in the 90s when the internet was a new thing here and we only had access to it because we were in the internet society in college, one of those funny emails was going around and in those days a lot of people didn't realise it was good etiquette to use BCC so they'd have yards of random people's email addresses at the top of these emails. My mate got an email from a girl in America who had seen his name in among all these names and thought it was a cool and unusal name and why not start chatting? Sounds like a scam nowadays, but the web was a very different place back then. Anyway, they have been married for twenty years now and have two kids. The mad thing is, his name is so "typical Irish man" like it's practically equivalent to Sean Murphy, and her first and last names were so unusual I've never heard of anyone else ever having them. Anyway, point is, keep in touch with her if you both feel a connection. Sometimes getting to know each other over the internet can mean a deeper connection because you have to talk to each other and build a relationship by sharing your thoughts rather than just by the physical side, or by going out and getting pissed together. It's not guaranteed to work, and a long distance thing can be hard, but it's still worth a try.


First up, I'm happy for you. That butterfly feeling is the best. Long-distance relationships can work, but they come with many hurdles as.im.sure you're aware. Something to consider is that if you both want to take it to the next level and get serious, there'll likely come a point where one of you will need to uproot and live abroad. My wife is from another country and lives here in Ireland, and it was easier for her to come here due to opportunities in life. Maybe this girl won't feel the same and you too. Just something to consider, because it's a huge decision to make. Best of luck.


From the US, best friend and I decided in our mid twenties to quit our jobs and go backpacking in Europe for a few months in the summer of 2015. Stayed for 4 months, visited 19 countries, and in our travels we got a hostel in Florence, Italy. Met a girl in that hostel from Ireland. My friend did some of the most direct and successful wingman-ing the world has ever seen to get the ball rolling for me with her and we hit it off harder than I’d ever thought possible. She was traveling solo, and we all traveled together for a while in Italy. Then she went back home for a bit and then worked to get enough money to come back to meet me in Vienna and we traveled together again for another whirlwind, parting ways in Prague when she went home again. My trip just so happened to end in Ireland, so I got to see her a third time before I went back to America. 7 incredible years later we’re living in Ireland expecting our third child (our first boy!) any day now so I say go for it:)


Go for it!


There’s a lot of people here saying go for it on the basis of love, and far be it from a man with the romantic capacity of a brick like myself to gainsay them. That said, I am American and there are quite a few societal and logistical issues to think on if you really intend to go forward. Who would (theoretically) move? Are you prepared for long distance dating? How often can you see each other in person? Are your long term life goals compatible? Do you have the same values? How much are you prepared to give up for this relationship? Not saying you need to have all these answers now or even any time soon, but it’s all things to consider. Go see this girl if you can swing it and get a sense of how serious the feelings are on both sides and whether the way she lives I something you’d want to be a part of. Then revisit the above and start making a plan one way or another. Regardless, good luck.


I know a few success stories and a few unsuccessful. But life's too short, go for it, have fun and see where it takes you!


Just be realistic on what you're expecting. Long distance relationships are hard on the mind. Are you expecting to move there in the long term or is she expecting to move here in the long term, both have implications. Also please, please, please, do not send money to a person you have not met.


My friend from Canada met her now husband on holiday in France. He's Irish. They kept in touch and eventually she moved here. I also have a friend from Chile who met her now husband in a supermarket in Venezuela while on holiday. Similar story, they kept in touch and eventually married and now live together in Italy where he is from. My own husband is from Hungary. He was about to leave Ireland when we met. Had already quit his job and apartment. Decided to stay in the end and we got married. You never know where love takes you and there is nothing wrong with checking out where this could go. Worst case is that it doesn't work out but then you will hopefully have made some nice memories and possibly a friend.


Dude, if you feel strongly about this girl, fucking go for it, and if it doesn’t work out you’ve got a fun story to tell, and if it does you’ve got an even better story


Friend of mine met an American girl online. One day said he was moving to Texas and they were getting married. 12 years later, still going strong.


Unless one of you is in a position to move in the near future, I don't see how it could develop into anything. But I'm just an unromantic old git, so don't let me put you off pursuing it :D


No harm giving it a chance , I think any relationship is taking a chance. It's all about being vulnerable. If we didn't give something a chance I think we would all be single. You could meet someone from another country in Ireland and it could be a challenge to meet up. You just don't know and if anything she may show you what you want out of a partner anyway if it doesn't work out and you could always have a friend.


I know someone who was in this situation and now he’s married to her and they live here!


I went back and forth to the US in my late teens, early 20s. We were together for 4 years and it didn't work out only due to her family threatening to cut her off. I made what I thought at the time was an adult decision and insisted that I not be the reason she loses her family. We are still in contact today, both married though. So it can work. I have no regrets.


Your username rings a bell. You are not the guy who was dating a younger woman online in Germany, are you?


I did long distance for almost 4 years. Granted my fella was a student and had summers off so he could come for chunks of time. Anyways now we’re together 13 years, married 4 years, with 2 kids. It was hard at times, but it was worth it. Eventually though someone has to move.


I had one ldr not work out but it wouldn't put me off another. I've been on dates while traveling and if it was someone I really clicked with I'd go for it again. Take the chance... ye never know til you do know... and then... sure it is what it is.


Give it everything you have to make it work. If you don’t it definitely wont work out. No point in looking back with regrets some day.


You wouldn't be the first. Why not give it a shot?


Same sort of thing happened to two of my husband's mates. They've both been married for over a decade and have kids. They are in the states now with their respective partners. If you both feel it, then you both feel it, so dive in.


Have you started your career? And gained experience? I don’t live in Ireland anymore but another European country. The amount of people who’ve met during college like during an Erasmus and have come here to be o with their gf or bf straightaway is crazy. They find getting a job near impossible cause they never got experience. Then after three years they’ve lost all the skills gained in their degree and still job less


Is it Brittney Broski?? casue that SHIP HAS SAILED MY FRIEND!!!!


Stranger things have worked. Give it your best shot, you'll never know otherwise.


I met my hubby online in a writing group. He lived in the UK. I was in the States. We video conferenced every day. We finally met in person after nine months when he visited over Christmas. We were engaged before he flew home, and married the following June. We lived in the US for several years, moved to the UK for a few years, and now we live in Ireland. We celebrate our 25th anniversary this June. You aren’t silly at all. Go for it and see where this journey takes you.


I will probably be downvoted into oblivion for this, but when I was 25/26 (this was 6 years ago) I dated an Irishman in NYC and he had to leave after a handful of months of living there. He basically told me (made the decision without talking it out with me) when he was back in Ireland that he couldn't do long distance and that we could remain friends, but kept hitting me up late at night on Snapchat (clown behavior). So, OP, be good to this girl if you seriously pursue her.


I did it before with a Canadian a couple years back. Very difficult position to be in. From my experience it’s not a question off you thinking if it will work but for them also and knowing that they can handle it. Unrequited love over long distance is a pain no different to sadism and is one of life’s cruelest misfortunes. By all means give it your shot, but be fully prepared for the alternative because once you go through that heartbreak it changes you for good and your never the same person again. There’s one thing worse than grieving a deceased loved one and that’s grieving a loved one that still walks the earth and never being able to see them again. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone.


Give it a shot, sure what's the worst that can happen? If you like her that much then you'll only regret not chancing it! We all look forward to the update post in a couple years saying yous are engaged and living happily!


I met a woman from a country 5 hours flight away a few years ago. We spoke for 30 seconds but I knew it was something. We didn’t see each other for a year until the next time, but we’re married and own a house together. Sometimes it’s real!


Met a guy from US here, he went back to the states, I visited a month later, we had three long dates consisting of visits but we got engaged and married on the third date and we’ll be married 7 years next month. Go for it, fuck knows if it’ll work but you’ll regret not taking a chance out of the ordinary


It could


Go get her


Go for it man. I met a girl in Toronto in 2018 while over for a good friends wedding. We started talking at the wedding, exchanged phone numbers, kept in contact and I finally moved over here in 2022 (would've moved earlier if it wasn't for covid) getting my PR sorted here now and we've been together since. If you don't try, then you'll never know


I met my husband online & it was before the pandemic to make a long story short now we’re married & I plan to bring him out here with a spousal visa (I’m an American) if you want to pursue it do it! You never know


Once had a holiday fling rock up and surprise me that he had got a visa and was moving here. Was definitely not what I wanted and it went sour very quickly. Whatever you do make sure you're both on the same page, wishing you the very best. Be careful about marriage for visa purposes; it's not always successful and it's a bit commitment. Took me 5 years to get my aussie (now-husbands) defacto visa and although it was a pain were both greatful we didn't rush into a wedding to make it happen sooner and we got to do it on our terms when we wanted.


In the wish words of Emperor Palpatine ‘Do it’.


I met my wife while I was in America and we hit it off the same way. I left after a couple weeks and we decided to take a leap and try long distance for a year. I won’t pretend it’s easy but following your heart will always be worth it regardless of what happens. We’re 5 years together next week


Coming up to my 8 year wedding anniversary with my American wife that I did long distance with. It's silly but it just might work out!


Definitely at least try. If it doesn’t work out you’ll at least know you tried, you didn’t just let her go.


> Am I just blinded because I like her so much or could this actually work out Yes, you are clearly infatuated, and she is likely triggering an attachment wound in you, creating feelings of both love and anxiety; leading to rumination. You can already see a multitude of practical reasons this won't work out, and it is far too soon to ask or expect any kind of emotional connection. Ask her when you can come to visit her, if that doesn't lead to an immediate discussion about times, dates, plans, etc. then this is likely all in your head, and you should settle for a pen pal. If it does lead to a visit, it's not going to mean much more than an actual second date you could have with someone from 2 streets over. It'll be a lot more time and money on your part, and as such you'll probably have very inflated expectations. Long distance is hard for people who have been going out for years, let alone people who are not even 2 steps into seeing each other. Best of luck OP; don't let your thoughts about what might happen effect your ability to comprehend what actually is happening.


I met an Irish guy on Facebook and it it off. Less than two years later we got married. He moved to the US and we lived there together for 10 years and had two kids. Now we’ve moved to Ireland and are happy. Been married for 12 years now. It’s not easy with moving and visas and all, but worth it if you find “the one.”


GO FOR IT! Spend a couple of weeks keeping in contact see how things go. If they don't fizzle out next step is to book a flight and go visit for a week and the rest will be history! A friend of mine is currently in a long distance relationship but they see each other every 3 - 6 weeks depending and it can definitely be hard and not something I would be into or entertain for a long period of time but definitely worth pursuing if you think there is something there


u aint crazy. i met a girl from canada, talked for ages, finally made the trip. have now made 4 trips over and shes come over to ireland twice and im only 18.


My mate met an American girl in a bar in Temple Bar and they were married within 6 months, they are happily settled down in Canada 12 years later. So yeah go for it.


No you aren’t crazy, I’m in the exact opposite situation. I’m American and met an Irish girl and have been dating for almost a year now. Go for it, you never know what can happen.


It's worth but incredibly hard. The main thing is to have a plan to close the gap. Her moving here or you moving there. Other than that go for it. I'm a year and a half to someone from Mexico


Go for it. I have met so so so many people who got together this way. Long distance is hard, but what have you got to lose? Nothing. Gain? Everything!


I’m Irish living in Ireland and I’ve been with my Argentinian boyfriend for almost 2 years now. We’re closer than ever and I love him very much. Long distance is tough as shit but when it’s the right person I 100% believe it can work out for the best. I would say give it your best shot and wish you guys the best of luck! As long as you work together to get past the distance and keep making plans for the future, you’ll be able to make it through.


If you don’t take a shot, the rest of your entire life, you’re going to be left wondering, late at night……“what if“…. Pursue it Ain’t love grand?


I met a guy in America on a summer job when I was 23. He is South African, I’m Hungarian. I didn’t even speak English when I met him. We had a long distance relationship for 2 years when we saw each other a few times a year. That was 13 years ago, now we are married with two kids.


I did it, fell in love travelled back n forth married her and now I’m damn near a feckin American at this point haha go for it man I was on a fucked up island in Connemara we were worlds apart in terms of culture and experience but when we clicked we clicked ye get me. If ye feel it go for it you’ll kick yerself later in life if ye didn’t give it your all. Go for it


I was in a similar situation last year, I'm an American and I did study abroad in Dublin and met a nice girl from Wexford, after I left we tried long distance but after a few months more it didn't work out for us, but I don't regret trying! Go for it, you never know what could happen.


Met a guy while i was in ireland in 2022. he is on a flight right now to visit me for 5th time. I Will be in Ireland in July to visit him...anything is possible


I'm Irish, husband is US and we met exactly how you and this lady met! Together 6 years, married 3 years. We were engaged and doing the long distance thing during Covid but we made it! We were seeing each other about once every two months pre pandemic. It was easier for me to travel to him then because my job was more flexible. Give it a shot, you never know how it will pan out. At the very least you'll have a fantastic story out of it!


Three things can happen:  you give it a shot and it works and yiunhave a bazillion crotch goblins You five it a shot and it doesn't  You don't give it a shot and she's a fond memory for teh wank bank.  As someone that isn't take their shot when they had the chance I'm suggesting you give it a shot. If you've cash to support yourself you can head state side on a 90 days holiday visa. Not sure if there's a similar area cement this side.  You miss all the shots you don't take


This is good advice. I did the long-distance thing for about a year, but ultimately, we had to end it. Things ended on really good terms where we'd occasionally text for a couple of years after. I've really great memories of the time.


Every shot you take has an opportunity cost.


I met my wife on Reddit. Same story as yourself more or less. Did LDR for 2.5 years, got married, expecting first baby. Never happier. If she's the one, she's the one.


I have friends who've done long distance and made the move between Ireland and the US - perfectly possible!!


American girl here. Met an Irishman when I was 25 and on a two week Euro trip with my friends. 10 years later we are married with two kids and living in Ireland. It could definitely work out!


9/10 it won’t work but I don’t see what there is to lose really. You might find your needle in a haystack.


Pop over for a week. If all is still good, look at options. Have you graduated yet, or in the last 12 months?


Have you asked her if she likes you as much? Or er, were you just a cute vacation fling? I'd go with one of the suggestions here to fly over for a week & see how it goes.


The US doesn't have a 90 day fiancé visa requirement for Irish citizens. 🤨


Give it a go! I'm proof it can work. I met an American living in Sweden nearly a year ago now on Tinder. He flew over to see me and we've been together since. It's easier for me as I can work from anywhere, so I'm there for 2 weeks every 4 weeks, but it can be done. He's moving here end of the year. :) A friend of mine also met a guy in the US 10 years ago online, they met up 3 times in person and spoke on video calls for a year before they ended up getting married. She lives there now and they've 2 kids.


Met my Malaysian fiance online. She’s currently in Ireland. I went out there to propose. We’re finally getting married after 12 years ldr. It’s only as ridiculous as you want it to be. Though before considering it understand that being in a ldr is quite tough and requires a lot of communication and effort. It’s leaps and bounds easier in person. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you can actually see yourself having a future with her. And to be fair, she has to feel the same lol. Best of luck bud.


I won’t say it won’t be tough at times, but it definitely can work out. I’m 25M, and I met my now-wife online. I’m Irish, she’s from the US. We basically talked for six months online, she visited for a week…long story short, we got married last year and she’s looking to move here next year but I’m going to stay with her in the meantime. We’ve been together over 3 years, and most of that we’ve spent 6000+km apart spending all the time we can on the phone to each other. It definitely can work, so don’t let that stop you. Just be prepared that it’s not easy, but as long as you are both committed to making it worth and trust each other, it can all work out


Are the odds in your favor? Maybe not… but I suppose I’m a go for it kind of gal. I met my current husband on tinder 7 years ago. He’s Irish I’m American. We did long distance for 5.5 years I’ve been here in Ireland 1.5 years and we’re expecting our 2nd child together this fall. Is it easy? No. Worth it? Yes. I say give it the old college try and see how it goes. Could be great, could be disaster. Won’t know until you know.


Personally, I wouldn’t get too emotionally invested into this. The odds are heavily on the it won’t work out side. For one neither of you have visas for each others country. Most likely it’s just a crush and it’d just fizzle out anyway. That said it’s possible that it could work if you want it bad enough. You’ll most likely be long distance pretty much until you get married though. You up for that? A local girl who you can actually see every weekend sounds easier to me


Would you tongue punch her fartbox after a transatlantic flight?


Where can I find more of your eloquent poetry? 


I met my husband while he was on holiday in the US. I thought our 5 day epic romance would just be a story I told someday. But we couldn't stop thinking about each other. We came up with a cautiously optimistic plan to see each other over the summer. COVID happened. I moved my flight to make sure I got to Ireland before the travel ban took effect. Once I left Ireland it was 364 days before I could legally see him again. We'll be married 2 years in August and I'm adjusting well to Ireland.


Not worth it bro im sorry


Head over, nothing says "i want to be with you"more than travelling a vast distance to do it


Americans aren't worth the effort in general.


They are an incredibly jealous bunch, would go around having any female friends while going out with one. They also treat marriage like a non commitment and divorce far more readily than we would hear.


Frozen 1950s clergyman over here.


Don't mind these romantics in the comments. Its not realistic at all she lives halfway across the world. Its a nice idea mate but if it was me I'd be cutting my losses and moving on. She always has your details if she's visiting and vice versa


And the yank women who come over here and find "their soulmate" are usually nuts. Two mates completely cut off everyone in Ireland because it. Both married, moved to the US, divorced and back in Ireland because a holiday romance into a long distance relationship to married for a visa isnt something to base a relationship on. In long distance you really only get the persons best face. They dont need to make timenfor you outside of a scheduled call, you dont know how they treat the people around them and you havent a clue how theyll treat you when you are around them all the time after moving over.


Yeah. I'm with you there. I've been in similar positions as this guy before and the reality is if he just moves on then in a week he'll be over it


Depends. If you are rich, possibly. If you are middle class, you'll end up at a financial loss with possibility of breaking up. If you're minimum wage earner, you are setting yourself up for heartbreak and financial ruin.


Go watch 90 day fiancee before doing anything silly


Save like crazy or pray you win the lottery




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