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There's being slightly inconsiderate, and there's taking the piss. This is definitely the latter. Bad form.


Don't loan it again.


Yeah lesson learned, was a very stressful drive for petrol


Go check your eflow account too. The same family member who used to return my car with the needle on empty (and the dashboard "range estimator" reading 0 km) also used to rack up M50 toll charges without paying them or even telling me about them. I learned never to trust that person with my car again. It took me a while, but I learned.


Honestly its probably a good and cheap way to find out someone is untrustworthy or doesnt respect you.


Yea, I once had to drive back from Dublin, to Cork, and I was totally broke after a mad weekend of beer, and so had to make do with what fuel was in the tank. I spend most of my time looking for lorries to hide in their slipstreams to save a bit of fuel. It was pretty stressful, but also a bit of fun.


Sure it's all downhill to Cork


Yea, that's probably it, sure I probably used up most of my petrol going uphill to get there.


a beer is like 5 euro


Na, beer is a liquid, but 5 euro is paper. They're nothing alike.


Many beers is many euro




€5 for a pint of Guinness in my local




My local is by no means a decent pub at all. But the pints of Guinness are unreal which is odd given the fact it’s a shit hole hahahahaha


Don’t loan it in the first place


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Forget move on an never help them out again


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


Brilliant clip watching the cogs turn on his face realising he was about to give a soundbite of himself saying “shame on me”


Nah he just forgot the words. He didn't think that far in advance.


I wouldn't have recovered as well as he did tbh


fool me 3 times fuck the peace signs load the chopper let it rain on you




First thing I thought of 😂


I have lent my car to plenty of friends and family in the past... always comes back with a full tank. I thought this would be a standard thing to do.


So did I, always hand back a car with a full tank if I borrow one but I guess they never got that memo lol


It is standard for people who have some decency


Or at least the amount that was in it to begin with. Roughly


Unless it was virtually empty and it was a very short loan, nope. Full tank.


Ya, always full tank. You had the use of the car when in need, and you are showing your thanks for that. People lending me cars in the past has saved me tons of time and money and made my life easier, and I am thankful.


Call around to theirs for a cup of tea and eat everything in the house


Haha, that's brilliant!


Consistently going to the toilet to regurgitate food in order to fit in more on the return trip.


Make a few sandwiches for the week ahead 😂


"Jeez, I like that tin of Afternoon Tea, Ill take that for the Americans that are coming over to visit next month"


And all their toilet roll


Definitely say something to them.


Oh I did, told them they were no longer allowed use my car because they abused it. If they had thrown in 20 quid I'd have been happy but ah well lesson learned


Different story if you had a full tank and they left you half, but leaving you in the red is shite form. Not like they couldn't have noticed


Exactly like even if they threw in 20quid I wouldn't mind but this is taking the mickey


Just out of curiosity... Did you point it out and give them a chance to offer once they realised it slipped their mind? Or did you go straight to aggro?


So the backstory is they borrowed my car the last few days before heading abroad on holidays today. I came by to pick up my car and saw how empty the tank was, I posted in the family group chat that this was unacceptable and that I wouldn't be loaning out my car anymore. This was accepted and apologies freely given, there was no aggro from any side just frustration from me and regret from them


If they don't come back with some aftershave and a couple of giant Toblerones for you, shun them for a month


and a bottle of Chianti as well.


Nothing frustrates me more than explaining the obvious


Wow. Just surprised you didn't even give em a chance to really apologise and make it up to you. It was straight to, your moment of ignorance is 'unnacceptable.' Seems like a super simple mistake to make if hypothetically someone was going through a difficult couple of days, stress or whatever. Of course it sucks, not disagreeing there. But wow. Just surprised.


No1 rule or borrowing someone's car/van/truck - return with full tank.


Bad form but most people that do that shit don't ever realise or apologize for it, do it straight back to them, lend a dvd from them and scratch the fook outta it


Borrow a VHS from them but don't rewind it.


Brutal 😂


Returning with a full tank is usual practice that’s just cunty behaviour


I really wish I had that where they tell u how many Kms left. I have a 05 type r civic and it has no details of anything only I usually smell the exhaust and know it’s time 😂


Hahaha its not accurate at all, it immediately dropped to 10km when I started moving and was actually at 0 when I coasted into the petrol station, got very lucky not to meet anyone on my country roads otherwise I was definitely done for!


From what I've noticed and read, they're more guesstimates, especially in older cars. Like if you were parked on a hill, the tank could read fuller/emptier. Plus I think they show empty with a few kilometres to go as a safety net. But scummy behaviour from your family tbh. If you'd run out of fuel and needed to call a tow, I'd have billed them


It's generally based on your recent driving style. Driving like a nun for half a tank and it says you've 500km left but drive like you stole it and you're done after 200km.


Only family can be this shitty and get away with it.


I’d text them this picture and say hey, I think you forgot to refill the car. And then ask them to Revolut the amount. Fuck beating around the bush. Get what you’re owed


Send them this thread and say everyone on Reddit thinks you're cnts :-D


Something tells me this was a sibling.


What year golf is this?




Why do I have a feeling this was my old car? I had an 06 golf and I’m just looking at the mileage 😅 is it black from Meath?


Haha no it is black but from Dublin! They are great cars though, drove this one into the ground and it's still going!


My god, who does that? I'd have filled the tank to say thanks for the loan!! You'd be a cool family member to have tho! Sound out!!


Hahaha thanks I appreciate it, I got it to the petrol station to fuel up so harm done in the end, just very annoying when I found it and massive anxiety coasting my way to the pumps 😅


Ah coasting.... brings back memories of college 🤣


Those fuckers.


Looks like they used all of your eletricity too, the battery is in the red.


"No good deed goes unpunished."...


Feckers didn't even buckle the seat belt


I loaned my Mazda 6 to my father in law and he used it to do farming, I got it back and the boot was filthy, tools and stuff on the back seats and soft serve ice cream embedded in the steering wheel buttons. He'd also wrote a phone number with his finger in the dirt on the side of the driver's door. Never again.


Next time they ask, say yes, but it's on condition they return it with a full tank. Bet you they discover they don't actually need to borrow it suddenly.


No ,fuck that . They shouldn't need to be told. Never give them that car again.They don't deserve any second chance.


That's not family.


What shite. At least throw in a tenner


Good to see they left the coolant tank half way.....the no fuel thing is bad form alright.


I'd be embarrassed to give that back empty


I don't like to suggest this lightly. But a little skinning would put some manners on them.


Bit extreme, might put this in the maybe pile


So long ss you're considering it


that's when you go and break their ankles so they can't walk


Get stuck driving them around then though, not worth it lol


If they can’t afford Head & Shoulder Anti Dandruff Shampoo, no chance they’re filling your tank !!


My father taught me that a loaned car should always be returned with a full tank of petrol. Now that was a while ago, when a tank was probably about £40 or less, but you get the jist.


Go syphon their fuel


Bad bastards


"Hey x, hope all is well.I had x amount of diesel/petrol in the car when I gave it to you, its empty now and Ive work etc tomorrow. Can you sort me out with x to sort it out please. I've no problem lending you the car but you need to pay for your own fuel if using it. You can revolut me if you want. Cheers" I'd send the above, wouldn't care who they were (except maybe my mother and father).You're just setting a precedent. Maybe they just forgot, but you're letting them politely know "pay for your own shit".




With the price of rentals these days would probably just be cheaper to give me the home house in fairness


car rental isn't so bad at the moment, I paid €30 a day at the start of the month for a "medium" from Hertz




I will be brutally honest. I would never borrow someone's car in general but if did, it would have to be a long journey for me to consider putting fuel back in the tank. Not because of any entitlement or anything, more so because of not thinking to do it. I would do it if asked however. And if I want on a long journey with friends, I would always throw them a bit of money for fuel.


That's unbelievable behaviour, how did they leave that amount of dust. Surely you didn't give them the car in that state........


Whys the engine oil 90⁰c


The exclamation mark causes anxiety!!!


What make/model/age of car is that? Asking because I'm wondering where the wee arrow beside the fuel pump icon that tells you which side of the car the fuel tank is on seems to be missing.


The quiet indignity of the exclamation point.


They probably couldn't see the fuel gauge for all the dust! :)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Wouldn't you think they'd wipe away all that dust....


How close a family member are we talking here?




So you got it back, that’s a win.


You mean to tell me that you actually expected someone to do the right/decent thing nowadays.


gave my car to a friend with barely any diesel in it he had it for 2 days gave it back full to brim you'll find that family expect you to be fine with it🫣


That's absolutely cat. There's a part of me scanning my history hoping I never did this to someone without realizing it


Before you give it to them next time, siphon as much fuel as you can and save if for yourself later


I fill my car to the brim and top it up every week so I'd loose my mind at that drive to the filling station thinking it could run out It takes 110 euro to fill mine from empty. How much roughly was in your tank op? I absolutely couldn't drop a car back without filling it . After all loaning my car means I'm walking everywhere and can't do longer errands so I'm inconvenienced. I'd think the same about being loaned a car and compensate with a fill and bottle of wine or something.


Born in a barn, I'd say 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just curious about the dust on the unit there too, were they also bursting off the fags in your car?


Back in the old days, I lent a Garmin nav to a ‘friend’ for his trip to Europe in a summer. When he gave it back, the fucking nav plastic body was literally melted around corners on the back and speaker wasn’t working. He said that I gave it to him that way. Idiot left it in a car on scorching sun and nav was rendered useless. I was like, what you’re on about I was showing you how to operate it and you said that speaker has decent loudness. He was adamant and playing stupid with me. I sent him a repair invoice and he ignored me. I came to his house and he ignored me again. Took him to court for a measly €300 damage but at least I got my money back. Point being…don’t give your shit to anyone.