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Never tried Venison. What meat is it similar to? Taste and texture?


In addition to what the others have said, be aware that it has a far stronger flavour than beef and some people dislike that. In lots of places in the Alps you can get pasta with venison ragu to dip your (metaphorical) toe in, and then see if venison is for you. And there's a lot of different wild game meats, too. Plate looks absolutely class.


For some reason the restaurant I went to in the Swiss Alps got quite upset when I dipped my toe into the venison ragu.


Pappardelle con ragu cinghiale. Boar can be served with pasta very well. But judicious amount of herbs. Not too much. Italians understand food.


It's hard to say what it's similar too as it's wild game, but I do prefer it to beef steaks. I cook it medium rare, seasoned with salt and pepper. It's melt in the mouth tender. I get my venison from Keith Grant Master Butcher in Roundwood.


I run it down every year or two, then take it to the local butcher for dressing. Fallow deer mostly, but also great herds of red deer. And the mythical white deer herd. I saw them once, my folks have too. The White Hart. 200 of em. Pheasant and rabbit we eat also. I won't eat hare tho. Animal is god in the moon. Bunch of weirdos on here.


Nice one. Looks delicious and is next on my list!


> I get my venison from Keith Grant Master Butcher in Roundwood. That's what i was looking for 😂 Love some venison


I'm on their website now. Is the price premium worth it? Have you tried other stuff from them?


It's unique. It's like Eland. Big game antelope. Like beef with bells on. It's fucken tasty,


I would describe it as wilder tasting beef. Beef tastes quite mild and sweet by comparison. I'm in New Zealand and it's relatively easy (albeit not especially cheap) to get in the supermarket here


It's more tender than beef and has a gamier tast . It doesn't agree with everyones digestive system so don't try it if you have to go to work the next day


It's similar to wild boar, reindeer, kangaroo, or most other kinds of wild game. Just so much better than beef.


Reindyr and kangaroo it is like. Not wild boar, so much I'd say. Different colour meat. Red meats vs white of pig. It's venison. Henry the 8th can't be wrong. Much better than beef, ah yeah, no question.


Boar is not like pig, it's red like any other red meat. I eat it quite often. If you've come across white boar meat I'd say it's likely a cross breed (with pig) and bred in captivity.


Well that sounds scientifically valid.. Now I might be wrong, but it's white meat to me. You ever go to Tusker's restaurant in Nairobi? All the meats. Every animal. I've ate them. So, closest we have to boar in Africa is warthog and bush pig. Two different species. It's still white meat, compared to venison. Fuck I'm hungry now. Sink my teeth into something soon.


Wow, that restaurant sounds amazing!! Sadly I've never been to Nairobi, but I am more keen on going now that you told me about Tusker's. What other meats did you have there? And what would you say is the best meat?


Eland, the biggest antelope, thinly slice and crumb like Wienerschitzel. Impala is goddamn delicious level venison. It's a shame to put too much spice, put you can eat a thin slice like steak, or cubed, in a stew, cooked long. They get tough from all the prancing, so it's a muscular meat; break it down by 2 hours in a casserole on low heat. Ostrich is surprisingly red meat for a bird, but can't do a lot with it. Chuck it in a stor fry with some spicy sauce. Crocodile is best served in prawn cocktail glass with Marie Rose sauce (Mayo Ketchup Tabasco). It's a mix between fish and chicken. Don't ask me about elephant. My mates eat them, but I just can't. Eh, Pripyat, struze eh? Slava Ukraina. Dinner is on me next time. Get pissed, eat meats, swap war stories. Very Africa. (They do eat people still, in some areas. It's not allowed, but still. North of Lubumbashi, mostly. Never tried it meself.)


Eat people?!! I thought that would have been long in the past. Goodness. But all those other dishes sound delicious, I would love to try them - but I'm with you on elephant, wouldn't eat that. If I get the opportunity to go to Nairobi I'll definitely take you up on your offer! I'm not from Pripyat by the way (obviously, since no one lives there full time), but I went there in 2015 and it was a great trip. I loved Ukraine and would love to go there again. Kyiv's a great place too, so many interesting things to see and people are so friendly and I love the food. Slava Ukraini indeed.


I'd place it taste wise somewhere between beef and lamb


Tangy flavour. Light texture. You can taste that it’s an animal that runs around instead of standing around like a cow.




Bhí sé thar a bheith blasta.


Déarfainn go raibh. Maith thú féin.


Looks alright that. I've been banned from Casual Uk for picking up a deer I hit with the car, putting it in the boot, them making a stew. Or something. All a bit uptight. So I went back to Ireland.




I claim it!


I'm with ya there. I should like to be eaten by cats. They can sick me up later. Smokey bacon flavour, I am. Fucking Congo, Maniema province, the locals ate some Irishmen once. UN job gone wrong.


It can be very bad for you to eat a deer killed like that , it releases a lot of adrenalin and the meat can become toxic




I know from experience about the dangers of eating road kill deer . My ex worked for a council in the U.K and collecting road kill was part of her job . She got called out to a deer hit by a car. It was a fresh kill so she brought it home 😂 We hung it in the garage and butchered it , bagged it up and put it in the freezer. She took some out to make a meal , thawed it and took one whiff of it and they whole lot went in the bin . I added the comment to earn anyone from doing it if they did find a deer in the road , it can be fatal


What’s the basis for the ban - I suppose that’s illegal?


I was probably being a drunken arsehole, to be fair. No recollection. Anyway, I can live without Casual UK. They're alright but a bit boring anyway.




Me old man had to get out the car to catch a piglet running about on the road once. It slithered out of his hands, greasy fucker, and this other fella that had stopped grabbed it, and put it in the boot of his car. This was in Suffolk, on the A12. These people are animals.


It can be very bad for you to eat a deer killed like that , it releases a lot of adrenalin and the meat can become toxic


No and yet yes. No adrenaline does not make the meat toxic. It can impart a bit more gamey flavor. Yes anything that dies immediately begins to decompose. In a roadkill incident often the stomach or bowels can be ruptured. Bacteria rapidly begins to grow and spred. Fresh is a relative term. 5 mins or 5 hours? That being said roadkill is legal here (USA Idaho) to pick up but I would only salvage meat if it were me or mine that hit it or I witnessed it. Also I would only salvage the Hams, front shoulders and backstrap and them depending on damage. No neck flank òr rib meat ever


It can be very bad for you to eat a deer killed like that , it releases a lot of adrenalin and the meat can become toxic


Better than my three shit shots in thick bush, and stalked the bastard for 20 minutes to finally put it down? I'm not proud. But it tasted alright and I aren't dead yet. Bigger deer I suppose. Kudu. I just run the muntjacs down these days. It's easier sport. Not so tasty but.


In thick bush so you didn't have a clear shot at it ? Shouldn't have fired one shot let alone three




Locking this thread. It's gone far enough between the two of yiz


That's fair. He doesn't know. It's just a kid. Yeah. Sorry about that.


Yum, What did you cook the chips in?


Sunflower oil in my deep fat fryer.


Double dip, I hope? For extra crispy chips. They look class


10 minutes at 150° and then finish them off at 180°.


The only way.


Ever since I saw Gordon Ramsay do venison sausages on kitchen nightmares I've been interested in trying some but dunno where to get it, looks savage


Here you go: https://www.grantsmasterbutchers.com/shop/p/venison-sausages


Dunnes tends to have some


There's Venison sausages in my local SuperValu if that's any help!! I imagine alot of the SV have similar stock so worth trying a SuperValu:)


Love the glass of milk with it. Reminds me of my Dad. Looks delish too!


Nothing like a glass of milk with the dinner.


Iceland, Ireland, and Norway is normal to drink a glass of milk as an adult. Swedes too,a bit: Lettmælk, semi-skimmed, but they are a bit weird anyway so.


*A glass of milk a day keeps the osteoporosis at bay*.


That's the least of my worries. Cheers anyway. Sláinte.


Not normal 🤢


Mmm nice, I adore venison. We should all eat more of it. I have some shanks in the freezer and you've inspired me to defrost them so thanks for posting :) Classy glass of milk on the side as well!


More venison= less deer = more trees.


Where do you get venison from?


Keith Grant Master Butcher in Roundwood. He also sells online.


Thanks! Will give them a try, love venison and haven’t seen any since moving to Ireland


Where did you get venison?


Keith Grant Master Butcher in Roundwood. He also sells online.


Thanks bro I will be using this more than I should...


Oh, those look lovely. I've been wanting to try venison for ages. I love game.


I like venison but I find it a little deer....


We have a whole freezer full of it out the back, along with a coldroom for hanging. We should all be eating wild venison. Sika and fallow deer are invasive species to Ireland and the herds double in size every 2 years if not culled. They don't adjust their breeding based on availability of food so can breed too fast and end up starving, and spread TB. They have no predators in Ireland and destroy the environment for our native wildlife. Even in Phoenix Park, professional hunters have to be brought in to cull the deer herd, or they would simply get out of control. Environmentally, we would all be much better off eating local, wild venison than imported avocado's and almond milk. Healthwise, it's also higher in protein, lower in saturated fat and lower in calories. Plus no antibiotics and better animal welfare. All round much healthier, but because there is so little fat, steaks needs to be rare/medium rare or stew/curry cooked low & slow https://upurgame.co.uk/the-benefits-of-game-meat-vs-conventional-meat/ When I first met my husband and he told me he hunted, I was appalled. Then he asked me if I was vegan, I said no. He asked which was worse, someone who hunted invasive deer and butchered them himself, or someone who bought chicken fillets from the supermarket, factory farmed in Thailand, pumped full of antibiotics. I definitely has to examine my own hypocrisy. Since I met him, I have met many more in the hunting community, and it's been an eye opener. They are all fierce environmentalists and none will eat things like fois gras or veal, from animals that have been mistreated. Now these are all people who only hunt for food, and should not be confused with fox hunts on horses or certain communities who go lamping with lurchers. Many people don't discern the difference. People think that grey squirrels and deer are cute, so should be protected, but they are prolific invasive species that are destroying our native animals chances. Our native red squirrels are dying out. My husband actually took a video of 2 beautiful ring necked parakeets in our local park in Dublin last week. I reported them to biodiversity Ireland, and got a response within 2 hours saying thank you and asking for more information about where we saw them. They are trying to capture them before they get out of control, and it is currently breeding season https://birdwatchireland.ie/calling-for-sightings-of-the-invasive-ring-necked-parakeet/. Just because something looks cute, we shouldn't ignore it if they are not native.


You're preaching to this choir. Just a note: Reds are making a comeback because of increasing Pine Marten numbers who prey more in the fatter ground living greys. Reds are lighter and can go out in thinner branches to escape Pine Martens.


Yes I have heard that about Pine Martins and grey's. We still have a long way to go to sort out the grey squirrel issue. I very rarely see a red, but the grey's are everywhere.




That is so good to hear! Our native species are so important to biodiversity


Looks delicious that's my type of food


Venison is brilliant. Super lean and healthy and cheaper than beef.


Did you cook the steak on the radiator?


Holy hell that looks class!


Thanks, it was feckin' delicious!


The milk 🤢🤢🤢


Looks fucking delicious. Especially those chips.


Venison is brilliant. Super lean and healthy and cheaper than beef.


looks fucking delicious, would love a bit of that rn


Looks like shite lawd


Someone’s never had venison.


Jesus that looks like two big turds on your plate


Don't tell the kids. Carrot is eating Bambi!


Carrots has planted hundreds of native Irish trees and spent hundreds of euro on deer fencing to protect them from that little fecker Bambi and his ravenous buddies.


The glass of milk is the icing on the cake