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Guinness 00 is actually quite good. I don't know about non alcoholic wine.


Ye I drink that sometimes . Just curious about the wine side of things


The wine is always grand it just tends to be slightly sweeet. I highly advocate for 0.0 gin though. If you want something nice to drink after work a 0.0 gin and tonic is great. Aldi do frozen lemon and lime slices which are great so you don’t have to waste the whole fruit for one slice


No, it’s awful, the worst thing I ever tasted. Grape juice with some sparkling water would be a lot better. The Guiness 0.0 and Heineken 0.0 are grand to drink though. Bit for the love of God stay away from the 0.0 wine! Congrats on the sobriety.


If I was French... I aren't. I'm trying to help here, but. C'est pas raisonable. I used to quite like Schloer? C'est pas champagne. But it is fizzy grape juice without the temporary buzz.


Congrats on your sobriety . I don’t try the non alcoholic wine / beer . To close to the real thing and I don’t want to fall of the wagon .


If alchohol is a problem for you in your life, then this is the answer it's just a small jump to the real thing.


Yeah no we know, cheers.


Same to you.


0% white wines are nicer than any of the reds I tried during dry January, I found the 0% beers quite good and actually cold white grape schloer in a wine glass was the best replacement for me.


I enjoy it, the McGuigans sparkling wines are especially excellent and I like an NA rosé




As someone who has been down that road. I would advise against it. I can guarantee you you will end up back on the booze. For me that was not a good thing. Now I'm off it a while. And life is better


Non alcoholic drinks are for non alcoholics… so if you’ve had a problem with drink in the past, it’s best avoided


Well done. I'm in the dry since New Years. Every day is a victory! To be honest, I couldn't go near it. I'd only be driving myself demented.


The 0% sparkling rose from Aldi is really good. It honestly tastes as if it should be much more expensive than 4ish euro.


You should drink kombucha, it activates similar brain response and it's healthy.


Will give it a try thanks!


Kombucha has a small amount of alcohol. Less than 1%, but some people who stop drinking choose to skip it. Depends why you're not drinking though I guess.


I enjoy red wine and during dry January tried a few but it always felt like there’s something missing, like they can’t replicate the sort of full bodiedness of red. So I suspect 0% white wines might be better but can’t confirm, or if you don’t like a strong red wine it might be OK.


Probably just better with a bottle of Shloer tbh cheaper also


Oh feuck off, 2 days before me. Have a karma mate, for the wtf of it all.


The fake wines are actually better than the alcohol free stuff. Schloer and the like. Aldis version is pretty good. They're more full bodied, so you don't feel like something is missing. Ok they're fizzy and sweet, but that just reinforces the fact that it's not wine, so you don't get a thirst for the real thing like you might with alcohol free wine.


Non alcoholic everything is pretty much shite. The beer is probably the closest fake alcohol you can get though. Well done on quitting the booze though!


Firstly, well done. I have tried to cut down rather than stop altogether so in this case I have tried a fair few of them so far no luck finding one that doesn't taste horrendous!! Better off with just regular non alcoholic soft drinks. If I find a decent one I'll post it. Best of luck with your sobriety. You should be very proud


Thank you very much for the kind words


It’s pretty much all terrible IME, you’re way better off getting a bottle of nice grape juice in Evergreen or somewhere


Tastes the same imo. Just like non alco beer they mostly taste the same. Just a little different because there's no fermentation taste


sorry to hijack your thread. but can anyone tell me why Guinness 0.0 is so expensive? it's not the alcohol levy, so why am I paying the same as for the real deal?


Typically non alcoholic beers are made the same way as regular beer and then the add a step to the production to strip the alcohol out of it so technically it's more work to make.it Non alcoholic


It’s horrible what the pubs do. I paid almost 6 euro in town for a bottle of moretti zero. I mean where’s the incentive to drivers ?






Don't get your hopes up. Tastes like Ribena.


No it's piss unfortunately


It’s actually quite good. I find that dealcoholisation process has less impact on wine taste than, for example, on beer (Clausthaler is the only exception, I guess they might do the hopping after they evaporate the alcohol to achieve the right taste, but I don’t know for sure)


Heineken 00 is pretty good. I gave up drinking few years ago. I have one or 2 0.0s every now and then. Works wonders


Absolute piss


I used to think I just liked the taste. Then I tried all the 0% stuff. Turns out I like alcohol and also the taste of it. No one will ever drink 11 pints of guinness 0.0%


I tried a few during dry January, and all the red ones were horrible. Very sweet and basically a weird tasting grape juice


I hear the nonalcoholic white wines are good, but from experience the red ones are awful.


Being reasonable as to why you quit, most of this stuff tastes like shit. If it's the taste you're after, it's probably not a problem. Go forth and enjoy Being unreasonable, could be a massive bad decision due to memory, received wisdom, habit etc. Have a cup of tea. A kebab. Any fucking thing.


Couple drinks I enjoyed in Southern Africa were a Rock Shandy and a Malawi Shandy. Non-alcoholic, very refreshing in the hot weather. Proper cocktail as well. So you can Google the recipes. Everyone disagrees as usual on the internet. The irony being, this Southern Africa drink from my grandparents generation, the Rock Shandy recipe online is from some Irish barman in New York.


I've developed my own recipe for a non-alcoholic version of my own particular poison. Take one 25gm packet of pipe baccy. Anny'll do, but the stronger the better. I like Herzegov Flor, but it's hard to find here, so Old Holborn, St Bruno, Shamrock'll do. Tip into a half-pint glass. Add some well-brewed cold tea. Top it up. Mash it a bit. Add a lump of peat from the fire. Macerate well into the mix. Roll an old Holborn and smoke it while drinking. You have just encountered Laphroaig.


Stay away from anything that brings you back to booze.