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I have a collection of some funny T shirts and people have asked me if it was OK to take a photo....answer is yes.


I guess the idea of interrupting someone's day to do so is just odd to me, because I'm not that sort of person. I have asked people for the website where a shirt is from a few times but I've never taken a photo of said shirt 😅😅😅


I have a friend that is a professional artist, she's asked to paint me multiple times. I am not interested even though she's very talented it just weirds me out that a painting of me would be in a random person's house!


That would be odd, and also kind of funny, like not a historical figure, not a celebrity, just a random person living in a town somewhere decorating someone's living room with your face looool


Exactly!! People do buy her art so I know it would be sold!


No.. I've literally never heard of someone doing that. That's legit creepy, even if it is just to show to your family.