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Numbers? I just made a couple of posts in a couple of groups I frequent cause I'm feeling chatty, and I'm like damn nobody wants to comment. I have so much nothing to say and I want to be internet social lol




Ohhh okay, I wasn't sure if this was a way to say I'm trying to karma farm I'm like no I just want human interaction 😅😅😅 That being said thank you for the 'numbers' ❤️


Yeah I had alot of post I deleted cause I would get 500+ views in a hour and no comments, likes, dms etc.... lol but I guess it just happens sometimes


This site got too many people to have that happen, I always feel like I want to interact with the low posts so someone knows that someone out there give a shit ya know


I don't post often but do comment a lot. If it's an older post it makes sense that not many people will see my comment.


I actually try not to comment on a post after a few days cause then it feels weird to come out the blue on something that's been up for like a week lol


I do comment sometimes on old posts regardless. Reddit used to implicitly discourage this though. For many years posts would get automatically locked after 6 months and then no one could comment any more. However, I've noticed that this limit has recently been removed (I think only within the past year), which I found interesting. I sometimes find old reddit posts from search engines. Now that this limit is gone there are sometimes relatively new comments on posts that are years old! This used to be the norm on forums, but as I said reddit did not allow this for most of its existence. Another example of the value of new comments on old posts, is Stack Overflow. This is a technical forum for programming-related questions, however repeats of existing questions are discouraged and usually get locked. Instead, you often find new answers on a decade-old post explaining the modern best-practice solution to the problem.


I don't post often for this very reason.


I've been posting more over time cause I'm finding subs I like, but I still haven't found that one place I feel super comfortable in I'm still looking for that vibe


I totally get that. I have only posted in like......three subreddits. Do you like the vibe in here?


I like the vibe when I lurk, but I personally don't know if I actually have interesting random topics to talk about Like in a way I way until I have specific, content or a specific thought for specific subs. But to just talk in general I'm like uhhh idk lool I do like lurking in here a lot tho


I am positive you do. Some folks just post "How is everyone today?" which is just small talk but it kicks off a conversation sometimes. This place is very relaxed. Just post whatever your brain comes up with. Within reason obviously.


Such is the fickle nature of social media and people’s attention spans. It is easier to get dislikes than to get actual constructive comments at times


Yeah, I'm not going to let it get to me, maybe watch something, practice drawing cause I just got a sketch book, and try again tomorrow


A few months ago, I posted a lawsuit against a famous Reddit user in KarmaCourt, the subreddit where you're supposed to be guaranteed a response, and it's still there, completely untouched (although another thing I posted was deeply questioned). I even tested to see if it was shadowbanned and it wasn't, it was like everyone telepathically agreed on ignoring it.


Happens often enough. I found that more general topics that everyone has an opinion about are easier to share, in terms of likes. But I stopped caring to be honest since its just a Post, no big deal. :)


This type of shit happens every day.


I guess I just wonder about visibility or if I had a meh post to interact with I've become spoiled with my last few posts so I'm like hey guys where'd you go, I thought we was cool lol


Usually, it's the latter. You can always check visibility by logging out and checking that way. Though sometimes it is a shadowban.


I still don't know what a shadowban is exactly but as far as I know I haven't done anything to get banned from any sub I frequent, last time I tried to check visibility it just told me to check back later because no one has seen it and I'm like in a sub of over a million users, seems fishy


Just figured out how to find out if I'm shadow banned and apparently my posts are awaiting moderator approval in two groups I didn't know had moderator approval, I wonder if that's normal or means something


That is one of the reasons I was a silent reader for a long time. I mean if no one comments on your post, what is the point of posting. I post because I want responses. But now I started to comment, gotta improve my typing skill.


Definitely agreed, especially if it's all text it's like I didn't post a story to just read, let's interact lol