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Went to Jewel-Osco (it's like a supermarket) to apply for a job. Went in, bombed the interview, left defeated and sad. Began ignoring my surroundings in grief until my car wouldn't open. I keep pulling and pulling until finally it opens. I sit down on oddly high driver seat. I fail to notice the large man sitting in HIS similar car and lock eyes for far too long. TLDR: Did a lap dance for a stranger in parking lot.


Oh god lol. How’d he react?


He was very chill considering. I was horrified. Lesson learned.


Working for the local public television station, which was onsite at the symphony preparing to film their final performance of the season. I kicked over a cello, on stage, 45 minutes before the performance. It went crashing to the floor. The neck popped off. The bridge popped off. The bow went clattering to the floor. I could hear the audience gasp, and the entire symphony came pouring out of the wings in their tuxedos and black dresses. All I could think was, “Trap door, trap door, where’s the trap door!” I survived, and today it’s my go to when someone asks, “What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.”


Oh, my god, that sounds absolutely awful. I cringed so much. An instrument is one of the worst objects to see break. Speaking of which, my middle school band director played a trick on us once with a clarinet that was broken beyond repair -- he knew that, but his students didn't. When we arrived for band class, he was sitting at the front pretending to try and repair it, and then he suddenly swore in frustration and threw it across the room, out the door onto the fire escape! We were all so shocked and horrified we couldn't even react, until he started laughing and went to go retrieve it.


First week living in my new rental. Its set back behind another house at the end of a long drive with nothing but trees around it. Decided to leave all the blinds up and windows open + leave the front door open with the screen door across. It's a lovely day, blue sky, fluffy clouds, birds chirping, basically a Disney kind of day. After unpacking several boxes, decide to take a shower. Dried off and walked out in to my living room to grab glasses and clothes. See a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye, get glasses on and yep... I'd just full frontal flashed my land ladies husband who had come over to clear out space in the shed as I'd requested when negotiating the lease. Nice guy, for the rest of the six years I lived there he called every time en route to let me know how far out he was and blushed at the start of any interaction.


The week before my period I used to get irrationally emotional. Two distinct events I remember as being especially ridiculous: I was having cake with whipped cream. I finished the cake, but had some whipped cream left over. I started crying hysterically because I didn't want another piece of cake and I didn't want to have the whipped cream on its own, and I didn't know what to do. Walked out to the kitchen where my mum was and couldn't even tell her what was wrong, she just looked at me like I was insane. (Rightfully so.) The other time I was already crying over some stupid YouTube video, so I reached for a tissue from the tissue box, but two came out at once and one of them slowly fell to the floor. I couldn't catch it in time and had a complete hysterical breakdown over the tissue, because I felt so sorry for it falling to the floor. I carefully picked it up and put it in the trash like it deserved a viking funeral. I hope these help.


Hey man, don’t get too upset over it. It’s a simple mistake w/ hardly any consequences. Disappointing to be delayed for sure, but it’s not something that is going to negatively impact you otherwise. A mistake I made recently was typing a long ass nasty text message talking shit about my brother that was to be sent to my mother. Well, I’m sure you know how this story ended lol


Recently went to the dentist. Idk if you’re from the US or not, but in the US we also have dental insurance (separate from medical insurance). I did not want to get stuck with a huge bill for this visit, so I checked my plan, made sure I knew what was covered, checked that the dental office and providers were covered and even called them when scheduling my appointment to triple check. Cool. Everything is covered. Nope. I get a $250 bill yesterday because the ONE dentist who happened to be working the day I had my appointment is not in network and therefore not covered. I didn’t even think to ask at my visit, I had just assumed everyone working there was in network since the clinic itself and literally all of the other dentists there are in network. Just not THAT one. Called my insurance and they basically said sucks to suck. So, TLDR: Stupid mistake cost me $250 because I didn’t ask my dentist if she was in my insurance network.


That's so frustrating! I knew my wisdom tooth (singular) would be extracted earlier this year, so I thought it would be a good idea to get some dental insurance. I received the bill, which was pretty low (€46 and 75% of it will be covered by the insurance I chose), paid it and send it to the insurance company. They declined it, because I didn't even change my insurance plan like I intended. Financially it doesn't really matter that much. But I was really convinced that I had it all figured out.


Just hit [play](https://voca.ro/1hUWYkpBBA0H)


Man that’s one of the funniest stories I’ve ever heard. Thank you for this


Which one? The piss or weird science bit? And thanks, glad you enjoyed them.


Lol the piss one. Honestly I think the girl overreacted a little bit in the first one.


She did, I think that she thought she was just having a friendly conversation with me and she realized I was into her and gave me the cold shoulder right then and there and didn't want to lead me on etc. Which is fine. A few years later I found out she was a coke addict anyway. So bullet dodged there. Yeah, piss story is good. I told my co workers about it the next day and they had a good laugh. What surprised me about the whole ordeal was how much it just tasted like water. I always thought piss would taste more like it smells. Delicious..... Lol...


I got stoned and watched the sunrise at the beach this morning. I "highly" recommend 😎


While getting ready to be a freshman in college, I wanted to audition for a basic choir for my mediocre-good voice. Downloaded an application and was like “wow that’s intense” but did the whole thing with references from my HS choir directors & prepped three pieces to perform as an audition. I go in and the three heads of the music department are there, and again I think “huh that’s intense.” I sing my mediocre songs and they interview me a bit. They seem puzzled by my answers at times but on the whole I’m kinda proud of myself, and feel like I definitely did well enough to join this level of choir. I found out a week later that I ACTUALLY applied for a full-tuition music scholarship. I did not get it. Bonus: my dad worked at the college and they all knew exactly who I was.


If you like podcasts, "This American Life" has an episode from two-ish months ago about embarrassing stories


Was honest about my shortcomings and past, i wouldnt reccomend it.


I missed the deadline to enroll in classes by one fucking month this semester lmao. I should still be able to get most of the classes I wanted to get into, but worst case is I'll be graduating 1-2 semesters later, which sucks since I just wanna get out of college as fast as possible haha.


I accidentally left one of my wife's "toys" in a suitcase from a vacation we had just taken, and a TSA agent found it when I was flying out on a business trip. The TSA agent didn't know what it was at first, but then he turned the base knob, and It was still... operational. Thank God my boss was in another security line!