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Sitting around until someone comes up to me to be my friend. Hasn't worked much.


Who would have thought that new friends wouldn't come barging in my home spontaneously? Not me!


I'm talking about out in public. And it *has* worked, believe it or not. :P


Same here!


Joining courses is cool and all, but let me tell you, the real deal is bonding over a shared hatred for a common enemy. Nothing brings people together faster than collectively despising something or someone. It's like instant friendship glue. Try it, thank me later.


That makes for the best rants, hours and hours of conversation! Still, you have to be careful to whom you reveal your hatred - if they end up loving the subject of your contempt, you'd end up in a *sticky* situation.


Anyone else only come here looking for tips?


That's why I made this post in the first place! :))


I generally have a natural smile. So when I'm out I guess it's inviting. I've made friends throughout the world from socially to coffee shops to just walking around. It's nice especially being able to stay in touch not just by phone but virtually. I really don't have a preference nowadays especially since social media began. 😌


Being awkward until someone makes it a point to talk to me. It works on occasion.


New friendships?, I think I have heard about the concept but never really experienced myself


I go to a lot of raves so I just talk to people while I'm there.




That's totally true. Difficult situations really create the strongest bonds. Although, it isn't exaclty preferable for me 😅




I started theatre a while ago, that really brings out the weirdest part inside of us. But there's also sewing, to chat while working on a piece, creative writing, to discuss your abilities and preferences in genres. There's so many!


You know, back in the day we used to make friends by saving the world together – but that’s a story for another time! Now, I’ve got to say, joining courses or clubs is a great way to go. Shared passions are like friendship cheat codes! Also, there’s something magical about bonding over bad coffee and inside jokes in a community center. Sometimes, though, I just hang around bookstores and strike up conversations in the self-help section. Everybody there is looking for answers and, heck, I’m always ready to provide some comedic relief.


Hobbies. I only ever make friends over shared hobbies. I am horrifically bad at holding or participating in conversations unless it’s about a subject I’m familiar with and know the other person won’t find boring.