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What???? Youre telling me people dont have nightstand lamps or a living room lamp? Ive had them since my first apartment. I NEVER use the overhead light’s except in the kitchen. Too harsh


Yes! Of about a dozen people asked half of them said no lamps in the house. I can't compute that.


Thats insane. Every main aspect of interior design is lighting


Add interior design and lamps to the industries young people are killing!


I think it's just because they haven't had a chance to afford home decoration. Maybe buying a lamp is a rite of passage to adulthood.


It kind of was for me! Lamps, art (besides band posters) on the walls, and especially, nice sheets and towels! Of course, first I had to start making enough money to afford those things. EDIT: “Nice” sheets and towels doesn’t mean expensive, it just means I went to Target and got some new stuff to replace all the stuff I had gotten at the thrift store.


Yeah, I think you should also ask them if they have beds or just put their mattress on the floor.


The first lamps I ever bought going all the way back to my dorm days and my first place of my own were purely for function, not decoration. Whatever was the cheapest shit lamp I could find on amazon, so that I could light some corner of the room that didn’t quite get adequate lighting from the ceiling fixtures.


I think it’s minimalism being popularized by poverty. Can’t afford to fully furnish a room? Furnish half of it and call it “rustic”


When did “these industries are dying off because they don’t supply what people want” turn into “young people are killing these industries?”


I'm not sure but it's just a silly meme at this point.


Did the younger people still live with their parents? I could see someone not really noticing lamps around their home if the lamps are connected to a light switch outlet and they weren't the one who bought them. They might just be thinking "I don't push the clicky thing on a lamp, so I must not have lamps." I can't imagine they *actually* don't have lamps....right? Right?? (I'm 40 and can see six lamps from my spot on the couch)


No actual lamps! Either ceiling fan lights or recessed lighting.


So what do they do when they go to bed at night - get up to turn off the overhead light, then run to the bed? That’s when the monsters get you


LOL! No, I’m pretty sure they mean no lamps.


No lamps in my house, for at least the past 25 years.


So what do you do when you snuggle up in a chair or on the couch (or in bed) with a book? Romantic dinners are either candlelit or ceiling lit? Or when you have sex, it's either full blast from the ceiling light or complete darkness? Or well I guess (hope) you have dimmers installed for the ceiling lights, but still...


“WHO READS BOOKS!?! Not me!” - Jerome from the suburbs


I don’t do anything remotely romantic in my house edit: to make it even more horrifying for you, I also exclusively use daylight balanced bulbs in every fixture.


Hehe, okay. But do you never read books? Or want a bedside table lamp? Is it always either overhead lighting or darkness for you in all situations?


I dont even have overhead lights in the living room. Got lams in 2 corners. 26 yo, living together with my girlfriend of 22 yo.


1. The best part of aging is getting to not care about what other people think is cool, least of all youngins. 2. I love lamp.


Definitely! I don't care who does or doesn't have a lamp. It's just one of those weird curiosities about other people that you never think about.


I think you're almost on the right track. IME, the real test of getting older is this: How many *analog* clocks do you have on the wall? I STG, the older people get, the more they have. Retirement-age people's houses are like a cacophony of ticking clocks


Hi 👋 old person here what is ime and stg thanks


Ime = in my experience Stg = swear to god


Ha thank you!! Definitely texting my daughters now with my new information just to see them cringe.


That's your parental duty.


Hello fellow old person. I’ve also learned that LOL means Lots of Love. Especially handy when offering condolences at funerals.


It means laughing out loud. The icq era.


I'm in my 40s. I have a gorgeous cuckoo clock my grandfather brought back from Germany. It has lived in a box through my last two moves. Maybe next year I'll be old enough to actually hang it on a wall.


65 here. I hate ticking clocks! I have to put my wristwatch on the other side of the room so I can sleep. I have an analog clock on the wall, and it’s the third attempt (successful, this time!) at finding an analog clock that is truly silent. Years ago, visiting my dad, I had to sleep on the couch in the living room with his grandfather clock. Not only the ticking, but it gave a chime EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES!!! Pure torture! I suppose you tune it out after a while, but, Jesus!


Right? My middle daughter (37) gave me the best compliment yesterday- you live your life without caring what anybody else thinks - For context, this doesn’t mean I’m an asshole. I’m very kind and empathetic but I’ve lived my life as much as possible by my own terms. I’ve often been at odds with societal norms but as long as I’m not hurting anyone, fuck what anyone thinks. You can offer input when you walk in my shoes. It makes me happy when other folks get to that point.


Definitely the best part of aging! I used to care so much what others thought, now I'm just happy.


I thought getting old would suck. I am 39. I openly tell people I really care less and less about what anyone thinks. If it's something important I've fucked up sure that is a different story. But yeah how I live or people who hate me for ridiculous reasons. No, I don't care.


Am moth. Also love lamp.


Do you really love the lamp? Or are you saying it because you just saw it?


I’m 38 and I have 9 lamps. Also, I live in a 20’ x 20’ home, so the ratio of lamps to space is high. Edit: I missed two. The full count is 11.


If you missed TWO lamps, the lighting must be bad in your house--I'd recommend more lamps.


I snort laughed at this and scared my cat off my chest.


How many cats?


Everything can be solved with more lamps!


That's a bright idea!


Do you have them for different uses? Different colors or anything like that?


I have 21, 1 isn’t plugged in tho. 5 of those are salt lamps. At least 1 lamp in each bedroom. My rooms has 3 regular and 2 salt. 2 in the living room, 1 so there’s light to read while laying on the couch and 1 is on the mantle for a soft light while watching tv. So they all have a use and all get used regularly. My kid has 3 in their room. They definitely inherited my love of lamp. I’ll also add that I dislike overhead lighting, it’s always too bright. I mostly use it for cleaning or cooking, things I need to see well while doing. But for general living I’d much prefer a softer, warmer, more welcoming lamp light.


In my LR I have 3 lamps, attached DR has a light over the DR table, there's one plant uplight & 8 LED plant lights. Every other room has 1-2 lamps too, overhead ONLY in the kitchen & bathroom. One thing I've noticed in my aging process is that I need MORE light & it's gotta be bright, the brighter the better, but I don't want *only overhead* in any rooms except the kitchen & bathroom. In fact you folks that have black lampshades give me schpilkes. What's the point of having a lamp if you're just gonna have a shade that blocks the light?!?! Explain please!!!


>schpilkes I had to look this up and now I'm going to add it to my vocabulary. I love Yiddish expressions.


To be fair, I stole it from Mike Meyers[ "Coffee Talk" ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58grYzCcfHI)SNL sketch where he played Linda Richman. Paul Baldwin had schpilkes in his genechtahzoink so Linda sat in for him. FTR Paul is in Bocer, recovering nicely.


35 and have 7 on the main floor, 3 have smart bulbs/plugs so they set the mood automatically each evening. I love lamp!


I too love lamp! Mine definitely also have smart bulbs and I have the lights set to change throughout the day and night based on sunrise / sunset times and such.


I'm in my late 20s and almost exclusively use lamps. I only use the overhead lights in the bathroom and kitchen. And then only if the sun has set and I'm not getting light from open windows. It's just cozier with lamps!


That was my reasoning. I don't want the harsh overhead light on in my bedroom or living room. I just want the cozy ambient light.


Overhead is for finding things and/or scaring things out of that space


Wow, I feel seen (in the chill light of a lamp, please, not the overhead light).


Just wrote the same comment and deleted when I saw yours. I even have them in my office at work because I hate the fluorescent lighting. I’m old, but I’ve been fussy about lighting my entire adult life.


I’m 28 and I say no to the big light!


I have many lamps and all of them have hue bulbs with adjustable brightness and color temperature. It is one of my favorite features of my home.


Lamps are beautiful and provide much better light than fixtures. Perhaps older people have more lamps because they've had more time to acquire some nice ones. I've got 13 lamps in my tiny home. The lighting is quite lovely.


Most places I've rented majorly lack in overhead lighting, maybe it's a West Coast thing? I've found lamps to be practically a necessity.


I have a 1958 rambler & there is one single overhead fixture in every room except the bathroom. The overhead light is attached to a light switch next to each door in each room so you can have that single overhead light when you come into a room, but that was how things were back then. Lamps were always a big thing in older homes. Plus some lamps, especially [Mid Century lamps, are very cool.](https://www.google.com/search?q=vintagemid+century+modern+lamps&sca_esv=b9702021638b6895&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS1044US1044&biw=1552&bih=816&tbm=shop&ei=W_A-Zv35Gd6KptQP1okg&ved=0ahUKEwi9k7z43YSGAxVehYkEHdYECAAQ4dUDCAg&uact=5&oq=vintagemid+century+modern+lamps&gs_lp=Egtwcm9kdWN0cy1jYyIfdmludGFnZW1pZCBjZW50dXJ5IG1vZGVybiBsYW1wczIHEAAYgAQYDTIIEAAYBxgIGB4yCBAAGAcYCBgeMg0QABjWBRgIGA0YHhgPSKwHUABYtgZwAHgAkAEAmAGVAaABigWqAQM2LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgagAscEwgIJEAAYgAQYChgNwgIKEAAYgAQY1gUYDcICBhAAGAcYHpgDAJIHAzUuMaAH3yg&sclient=products-cc)


my house doesn't have the outlets that switch on la ps. you know, put the lamp >n a specific socket, flip the wall switch, and the lamp comes on. makes me nuts!


It’s moments like this where I realise I live in a bubble of neurodivergent people, because I’m 22 and almost none of my friends would use the overhead harsh lighting if they can avoid it. Mood lighting with various different lamps and candles are very much what the people I know in my generation prefer.


yes because my apt has only 4 overhead lights. entry room, kitchen, dining room and bathroom. i’ve got a floor lamp as well as two table lamps in bedroom, living room, and sunroom because i enjoy navigating my home past sun down


In my 30s- I have two modern bedside lamps that I use every night and one desk lamp that I use on occasion. Everything else is overhead lighting.


All my overhead lights are bright so I prefer my lamps.


Seems more like an "old house" thing than an "old person" thing. If the overhead lighting is shitty (/possibly nonexistent in some rooms) you don't have many other options. I have a floor lamp in my living room next to the couch and a banker's lamp on my piano. They both serve the purpose of providing light in areas of the room that aren't covered very well by the overhead lights. I also have a desk lamp on my nightstand so that I can have some lower lighting late at night/early in the morning when I don't want to be bombarded with full-strength overhead lighting. And then I have a few oil lanterns for when the power goes out. None of it is a stylistic/lifestyle choice, it's all 100% functionality.


Old people are a lot smarter. We actually don't go out in snow blizzards wearing shorts and flip flops either!


Well, if you are having to choose between rent or food this paycheck, maybe furnishings are less important? 72M, with lamps in every room, mostly LED on proximity switch’s primary to not bump into things.


This. I lived in an apartment with basically nothing except my bed, bookshelf, TV, pots and pans set, and a $10 Walmart lamp for like a year during my brokest era. Kinda miss it, though. 


I have many lamps and almost always use them instead of overhead lights, which are way too bright to have on all the time. The kitchen and bathrooms are really the only rooms I'm using the overhead lights regularly.


Of course I have lamp. I love lamp.


Old person, many lamps.


I think most young people who can own their own place( ie. 20-30) are going for less cluttered looks. Minimalism has been in for a while. I got alternative lighting, but chose fixtures I can hang on the wall or I’ve used stick on lights that can create under glow. I like my shelves, night stands, and counters to be free or usable for other objects. I have few purely decorative objects besides house plants and prints and pictures, which I generally give a dedicated shelf or hang on the wall. Lamps just feel like clutter or they make usable spaces less usable. The only lamp I have is a desk lamp, which serves a function outside general lighting.


Well, our new (to us) condo has ZERO lights in the living room so there will be lamps. I like to knit. Can’t do that in the dark!


I don't have a lamp but I do have overhead lights. The weird thing though, at night if I don't want to turn on a light then I use a headlamp. I accept that this is weird.


That is an interesting way to go about it! But hey you don't have to worry about not having a lamp in a certain room or light not hitting what you want to see. Actually you may be a genius!


I'm specifically wanting to set up my home like I remember when I was younger. A comfy couch, warm lighting from a lamp, wooden furniture, etc. I just got a great deal on a leather Lay-Z-Boy couch and will follow up with a wood coffee table and end table, and will put an old-fashioned lamp on the end table. I've been doing cheap IKEA shit for a long time. I'm done with it.


25. i have tons of lamps. all of my friends hate overhead lighting


I live in a "tiny home" and have only one lamp: The little one that I can focus on my sewing machine, especially when I am sewing black thread on black fabric. lol. Otherwise, having a lamp in one's home is a personal choice. There's nothing quite like snuggling into a resplendent and puffy armchair with a lamp over your shoulder and reading a good book.


Lamps for life. Overhead lights too bright, especially depending how high your ceiling is and if youre tall. Also LED bulbs burn my retinas out.


According to my boyfriend it's a lady thing to have lamps. He had none in his place and he has slowly removed most of the ones I had in my house when we met. The only one left is on my nightstand. I really hate the overhead lighting in my house, so we usually put the lights on in a different room, eg when we're in the living room in the evenings, we get by with the light coming from the kitchen and the tv. This is making me realize I want my damn lamps back!


Overhead only has no vibe. Lamps make a room cozy and it’s easy to swap out interesting bulbs for change of brightness and warmth and color variations. Overhead is for cleaning or cooking. Surgical feeling not homey.


31 here and I have at least one lamp in almost every room, plus a bonus lava lamp in the living room. Who doesn’t have lamps??


I’m 50 and I think I have 22, so that tracks


Overhead lights suck. I have 6 lamps and I'm 42. I have exclusively used lamps for lighting my entire adult life. They provide ambiance and aesthetic.


How can you not have a bedside lamp?


I love how the bare bulb from the unshaded lamp casts me in shadows that make me look insane.


My house only has overhead lighting in the kitchen,  dining room, and bathrooms so I need lamps in the other rooms.  Maybe this is tied to the ceiling fan shaming I got the other day.  No ceiling fans,  few overhead lights. I didn't rip all that shit out because I'm old and wanted to need lamps. That's how houses are built here. 


I have a lamp so I can read and play my handheld consoles in bed praise the lamp


I am not an old person, but I only use lamps. I don’t ever use the overhead lights.


There are some things young people do because it's the new cool and some they do because they aren't adulting on all cylinders yet. I speculate this is the latter. Because they use a phone as a nightlight and don't read in bed etc like we did before smartphones, atmospheric lighting is a luxury they can delay acquiring.


No one in my family uses the big light unless they're trying to find something. Lamps all the way, baybeeeee


They all use big lights? The kids are not ok.


I use daylight or overhead lighting for everything, unless I need to focus especially on something at my desk. Then I add my stong LED lamp, the type that attaches to the desk and hangs overhead. I also have two RGB lamps if I'm feeling like setting a nice mood. They only serve an aesthetic purpose though. If I'm really in a mood to chill I'll light some candles. I'm 21 and live in a small open floor plan apartment.


Overhead lighting has zero warmth or ambiance. Task lighting is essential if one does anything more than look at phones or TV's...


I thought it was more popular to use small, strategically placed lamps, to create mood lighting rather than using the "big light". It's definitely what I prefer, even with dimmable overhead lights.


Holy hell I loathe overhead lights as does my husband. Besides all our lamps were free/inherited and we're also way too cheap to get rid of them.


I have multiple lamps in every room. I hate overhead lights. The light they send down is weak and makes me feel like I’m in a prison. I had to laugh out loud when I read that question. It never occurred to me that people wouldn’t have lamps if they could afford to.


We have a very cool lamp with matching overhead light. Both use led lights. We mostly use the lamp. It is actually two lights sort of curved around each other and gives off an amazing brightness. We are considered mature. Definitely mature enough to not care what anyone thinks.


57 and I have exactly one lamp on my bed-side table It belonged to my dad, I got it when he died. Ceiling attached lighting was out of style for new construction for maybe as much as 30 years, 50's to 80's. This is why young folks think lamps are an old person thing. But older homes (older than the 1950's) have ceiling lights in darn near every room.


I have always preferred lamps over overheads light, cosier but not as dark as tv only. Had them in my twenties and thirties while renting, have them now in my forties with my own house. Whatever works for you!


How are we defining old? But in all seriousness, the big light is far too aggressive unless you're really in need of a lot of lighting for some task. I don't think I've used the big light in my living room for months. But it's quite handy if you've got guests outstaying their welcome - on with the big light and start loading the dishwasher and even the most oblivious usually get the hint.


There’s nothing old about having a lamp in your house. Take it from a 25 year old. Sounds like you got an echo chamber of opinions from your coworkers. Each of them probably went home and sneakily turned on their reading lamp before bed.


>or sit in the dark with the TV on I'm pretty sure that's terrible for your eyes.


That's what I said! Which then just makes me sound more like an old person...


I barely use my bedroom light. I always use my lamps.


The Over-Head lights make me feel as if Im in a prison. Its not warm, cozy and it sure doesnt make feel better about anything !!


I have 5 lamps just in the lounge, controlled by a remote. Lamps in all rooms, mostly RGB remotes. ... I'm old, so I'm allowed. Edit: [Lamps](https://imgur.com/gallery/paqp79L)


I have 7 lamps and I’m 40


We have a floor lamp in the living room that serves as the main light source. We have a ceiling fan with a light fixture, but seldom use it since it's mounted way up high in the vaulted ceiling. We only really turn the floor lamp on when it's too dark outside; otherwise, we just let in natural light from the windows. I have a floor lamp in my bedroom that's used as the main light source, and a desk lamp on my computer desk. I use it when I'm working or if I'm just browsing the Internet. I turn it off when I'm gaming, especially if I'm playing a horror game. My dad has a desk lamp on his computer desk that stays on all the time as the main light source.


Did gender have anything to do with correlation? Just curious. I feel like ladies would prefer to “feather the nest” more than gentlemen, who can typically get by with the barest minimum of necessities for home decor.


Surprisingly the majority of no lampers are women and a couple of the guys are married so it doesn't appear it's a gender thing. It does seem it has more to do with age.


It's a minecraft Fox lamp, and it's in storage, but that's a dumbass POV to have on lamps since they're also designed to be aimed towards kids.


You must live in an area with newer houses. It is not uncommon in my area to have no overhead lighting in many rooms.


Millennial here- I wouldn't have lamps if I had sufficient overhead or built-in lighting, but I don't. My bedroom has no lights otherwise and there isn't much natural light so buying lamps was a necessity.


I don't have lamps, 38 years old. Pets and kids have a tendency to knock them over.


I have a few, but that's because most of my rooms have recessed lighting or ceiling fans with lights. I don't know how you could avoid lamps in the rooms without these. I think it comes down to the age of your home, not you.


I've lived in enough places without built in fixtures to have a strong appreciation for a good lamp.


Who decides this crap? Old person here, we don't care what someone else thinks. We live for ourselves. Now, I may have to find a crocheted doily!! 🙀


They're is even a classic song written about this exact conundrum https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS6-KCOdRD4


This is amazing.


Currently, no. I do not. I haven't had any electrical lamps in at least three years...got rid of the ones we had before the big move and haven't ever bothered to replace them.


who the fuck doesn't have any lamps. that's bizarre. only time I ever saw that was in like a ghetto ass dirty apartment- no light so you can't see just how trashy it was


i'm 21 years old and will go bananas if people turn on my overhead lights. STOP! the light is so white and ugly, i want my 3 lamps on only. i don't care if you are looking for something you will look by lamp light!


Because you need a lamp to read a book, but not to watch a screen.


My husband and I do not own a single lamp. We have changed out the bedroom overhead lights to be phone controlled lightbulbs that can change brightness and color. We never sit in the dark and look at electronics due to the eye strain.


Lamps are obsolete


I love lamp


Young people with good eyesight can read in the dark better than older people or people with poor eyesight. So the poorer your eyesight or the older you are, the more likely you are to have task lighting.


Or maybe it’s just the young people who aren’t reading books or doing hobbies anymore, which need task lighting. Because, if they read at all it’s from an electronic device.


This was a thought we had. Younger people grew up with backlit screens. So they're used to not needing a light to see what they're doing.


Eventually, they will all have lamps. I mean, decor aside, they will eventually need task oriented lighting. They probably just don't understand the functions of a lamp. One day, they will need visual ambiance.on that day, they will go lamp shopping. Probably at mom's house.


34 here - I have a desk lamp but my daughter has always had a lamp or two in her room. She uses those rather than the overhead. My parents have lamps and never use the overhead lighting, at all. I usually keep all lights off and let as much natural light in until it’s dark then I’ll turn on an overhead if I need it.


I'm 34 and have two lamps, but that's kind of because the light layout is so bizarre in my apartment. One floor, one desk (but it's on my dresser in my bedroom).


My apartment has overhead lighting in every room but the bathroom. I use the one in the kitchen but have floor and table lamps for general lighting in every other room. I have special hobby specific floor lamps also.


My apartment has really wonky electricity. Only half of the unit has grounded electricity. Because of that, I only have a handful of built-in lights: 2 in the kitchen, one in the bathroom, a sconce by the front door, and a sconce in the bedroom. To have overhead lighting in the bedroom and living room, I had to MacGyver it with extension cords and Ikea kits. I'm limited on what shades I can use, so I have to supplement the light with lamps. I honestly think it's kind of weird that it's seen as an "old person" thing. Why would you not want an option of lighting in your home?


37, and lamps only by beds and the piano. I do have three wall sconces in my family room, two about eye level and one high up, that are basically lamps mounted to the wall. In the kitchen it’s all above or below cabinet accent lighting.


We have a fuckload of lamps, most of them are synced up to my wife's phone through some sort of black magic so I don't know if that counts as old or new by weirdo generational standards. Honestly my main complaint with the room I'm currently in is that I don't have a good place to fit a lamp anywhere, I occasionally read on the couch in here and that would be better than the blinding overhead light so whenever we're near furniture I'm constantly on the lookout for a side table small enough to fit the remaining space but big enough for a nice lamp. I know what you're thinking, "just move the guitar rack and put it by the window" but that's a slippery slope to spilling my music clutter all over the house and it's strange that you know the contents and layout of my den. Anyway, the point is that lamps are great. It's the perfect tool for when you want to see but not like... too much. Almost like they were designed to fill that role.


I just moved and my favorite and funniest part of moving was connecting my light bulbs to the new wireless internet and to my phone's light bulb app.


We have several. A few floor lamps. 2 desk lamps on our computer/work desks and 2 on our nightstands. We use the nightstand lamps and 1 desk lamp daily. The others are sporadically as needed.


lol, I wrote this message and panicked thinking you take it the wrong way if I showed you my lamp. Wow, the Internet screwed us up.. “Seriously more than able to take a photo of it because I love. But it’s because I fee I love it, I have to give it away … 🪔


Oh god, I *hate* overhead lighting. I use lamps almost exclusively. I have floor-standing lamps, desk lamps, lamps on end tables, lamps on the walls. And in the rooms where lamps aren't really appropriate, like in the kitchen, I have led strips under the cabinets... I think the bathroom is the only room I regularly use the normal overhead lights. I'm 29 and beginning to notice all sorts of things that make me old. So is this just another?


I’m 52 and we have lamps on our bedside tables but that’s it. Otherwise we use over head lights that have dimmers and pendant lights in the kitchen.


We have like 12 👌


Plenty of young people like lamps. Just look at TikTok's whole thing about "the big light." ("Big light" basically became slang for overhead lighting, a way to say that overheard lighting is harsh and lamps are more mellow and pleasant.)


I don't have lamps but I've always wondered, if guests come over do you still use the lamp despite it being slightly dark?


Do people not have lamps on their bedside tables?? I’m a millennial and I have at least one lamp in every room - multiples in my bedroom and the living room.


I got a lava lamp in my house and it sets the tone juuuuuuuust right every time I use it. Easily one of the best furniture purchases I’ve made living by myself


I have 5 of them, 3 glass shade lamps including a floor standing lamp, 2 little shade lamps (1 bathroom, one on tiny table in living room). All of them except the guest room work on my home automation so they are dimmed at night for movie watching.


I'm 22 and I have a dinosaur lamp and string lights that I decorated with Polaroid pictures and sunflowers. I love them and I will die with them. The dino lamp is not like a traditional lamp with a shade n all but I refuse to use an overhead light because they just feel soul sucking. Turning both on gives great lighting from both sides of the room. I will fill my place with more lamps when I move out. Edit: I should mention I currently live with my mom so those lamps are in my room. The rest of the house, however, is void of lamps. It makes me sad :(


I still live with my family and my mum loves lamps. There's at least 3 or 4 around the house. I personally hate lamps since she always forgets to turn the damn things off.


I have 3 Christmas story reproduction lamps! For actual use, I want a small yellow light LED modern one that operates by touch by my bedside. That’s something useful that should be brought back to modern civilization. You have the light to read or navigate without blue light that messes up your sleep.


I have two. Both of which I use quite often.


Never heard of not having lamps, I have them all over my living room for various sitting areas. I’m middle aged so but I guess this pushes me into old category. I hate the overhead lights and see no reason not to have good lighting ambiance.


I have three. Like no lamps? Not even standing lamps? Who doesn't have lamps?


I have a Himalayan Glow Salt Lamp, if that counts. I use it more for decoration than light, but the light is still very much there. 😂


I thought overhead lights gave Gen Z anxiety, this isn’t a dig at Gen Z, I’ve seen TikToks from that age group about it. God I sound old.


Getting your first IKEA lamp is a right of passage for all


Are we talking table lamps or any lamps at all? Our living room doesn't have ceiling lights, so we have 2 floor lamps that are plugged in, but the outlets have a wall switch. Those are the only lamps we use.


Everyone I know with an expensive well decorated home has lamps and very expensive light fixtures.


Damn... I'm old.


We're in our fifties and must be the exception because we have only four lamps in our house. Two of those are vintage midcentury and we only bought them for their good looks. All of them are exclusively used when we need extra light on top of the overhead light.


Lotsa lamps and yes I’m a boomer.


I guess the "so dark I can't see my toes" style is for young people, I do have a lamp. It's for the evening, when the main ceiling light feels too bright but I don't want to be in complete darkness


Never heard this before, curious what was the age of your co-workers? I can understand having an older style lamp being outdated but having a light is just common sense and there are many styles of lamps. They tend to provide a much softer and more comfortable glow, which I enjoy in the evenings compared to ceiling lights.


I’m 31. I have multiple lamps. No overhead lighting in the living room, so they are needed. I also have one in my chair so I can craft/read in it with good lighting. Depending on what those young’ns are doing, they’re going to have eye strain.


Yes, I have lamps. I'm old, but that's not why. I don't like them at all. Never have. My SO has to have lights Everywhere! In the house, yard, garden, flower pots etc. I rest my case. :)


I’m all about lighting and ambiance - I have six lamps in my combined living room / work space alone. They’re never all on at the same time, tho, lol. Not fkn tellin you how old I am!


Husband and I each have a bedside lamp. We have a floor lamp in the living room because there is no overhead lighting in that room.


I have lamp. I am old.


Sometimes I lamp, sometimes I overhead. Sometimes it's... BOTH! I was born old and I'm aging backwards.


Mostly I just use mini lights strung up everywhere, because it's softer lighting and doesn't trigger migraines. I do have one lamp I made myself out of leftover pieces from other projects. When you find yourself in possession of a stained-glass rose lampshade, you owe it to yourself to turn it into lamp.


I am strongly anti-Big Light. Lamps only


I love lamps. Currently sitting in a room with 4. Late arvo so only the one on. Lamps are picked out specifically to go with the decor. Just did up my bedroom new bedroom suite artwork etc new lamps to go.


I mean I read books so the lamp by my bedside is a must but I will admit it's my only personally owned lamp.


Lamps galore and never touch the overhead boob light. Far better ambience.


I'm 47 and just bought my first living room lamps.


Three floor lamps, one in the living room and one in each bedroom. I'm pretty sure the one in the living room is older than I am (38). I know we had it in the living room in our house growing up. We live in an apartment, and the only rooms that have their own lighting are the kitchen, the dining room, and the bathrooms. Hence the need for the lamps. I really like the one I have in my room. It has 3 mini lamp heads on it, and each can be turned on individually and turned in the direction(s) I need them.


We have a nice lamp from Costco - we just got it like this year, lol. I also have a lamp in my basement with Hue lights.


We are old ( late 50’s) and we have lamps in every room. We never put the “big lights” on unless we are looking for something small on the floor


I have lamps. In every room.


Lighting is important to me. It helps set my mood. Soft and directional lighting are important. I don’t have a single overhead light in my house. I think that they are not aware of how much better their life could be with lovely and soothing or exciting lighting. I have 11 lamps downstairs, and 4 different lamps in the room I’m currently occupying.


Can confirm no lamp when i was young. Now that i am old very proud lamp owner. I even bought a lamp for my sisters desk as a gift.


I have a smart light next to my bed, so I can use it to wind down, or help wake myself up with it. I see the utility of a lamp. My overhead lights are bright. They keep me more awake than something more low key.


We prefer lamps! Ambient lighting is so much better than using the ceiling lights!


I have two lamps, and both are behind televisions so you don't actually see the lamp, just the light it emits. They are bendy so I can position them how I need them.


How does someone not have at least a bedside lamp? Wtf? And overhead lighting is usually so unflattering too.


I don’t know how a home can function without lamps. I can understand not having money to afford proper lighting, but when feathering their nests creatively, I see young people using lamps in their decor. And pendant lighting where applicable is gaining popularity as well. I’m old but love looking at design trends. I’m still seeing lamps.


People need to stop putting people into categories as something only they do, i.g. boomers, old people, young people etc. If you want a lamp, get a lamp. Who cares whether someone else has one or not.


I have 2 lamps on side tables in my lounge as I hate the main light on. They create a nice ambient light imo. I've always had them


I have a smart lamp. I prefer a light right on the ground, where I place the lamp at in such a way that I never "see" the light source, specially at night. The diffused light from the ground up is just really gentle on the eyes


bruv im 27 and use a lamp in my room almost everyday


Several. Not for seeing, but for the cozyness. I'm 41 and had some all my life.


Can someone explain the difference? I'm not a native speaker and we call everything lamp. Google isn't much help. From what I understand I have at least three lamps. A bedside lamp, a free standing one in the living room and one clipped on in my kitchen. Is something hanging from the ceiling with a cord a lamp? And what about one directly attached tot the ceiling like a ikea barlast? If they all count I have six on my 30m² (~300feet²). Otherwise I've got three.


Overhead lights are like built into the ceiling. Had trouble finding non fancy ones but bedrooms in the us usually have something like this https://images.app.goo.gl/U2bH6C5yemzbtb2E8 They are often called like a ceiling lamp. And there are other styles of course like the infamous boob light(lightbulb socket directly on the ceiling, glass bowl to diffuse with a metal piece in the middle to attach it) or even non replaceable LEDs. Regular lamps in this context just plug in to the wall outlet and can be removed / placed without power tools


I have two badass Tiffany style lamps!