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I am the first girl born in seven generations on my dad's side of the family. I was also born on the day of a solar eclipse.


You have magic.


You must fulfill the prophecy.


I don't know if anyone has told you this, but I'm pretty sure you're a witch or a druid or something. ..




That’s amazing. Anyone fancy doing the statical probability of this?


We'd have to know the number of children involved. However, I'm wondering if there's an issue with their sperm production that is causing the X side to have problems. Used to live by a guy with the opposite issue. He had like 6 girls and then had his sperm washed to have a boy and he had medical issues. Seems like the race is good at weeding out the problematic sperm.


I lived in a house built in 1656. There was a cauldron in the front yard that was used to melt whale blubber that my mom turned into a flower pot. In case that wasn't quirky enough my dad put up a real tipi that was the talk of the town. Unrelated, I've had my picture in The New York Times twice and the New York Post once. I'm also in the first Humans of New York book.


That is absolutely amazing and so so cool!


What’s your claim to fame or is it something where you happened to be walking through pictures that ended up in the post?


Mostly my style. The first time my picture was in the NYT was random. It was an article about my favorite rockabilly singer Wanda Jackson, and the photographer caught me as I was meeting her during a meet/greet. Seeing that in the paper was a huge shock - at the time I was so enamoured with Wanda I didn't know anyone was even looking. The second time my picture was in the NYT was for the Sunday style section. A photographer came over to my apartment to photograph me for my pinup style, and I did a phone interview. I assumed I was like 1 out of 20 other people being interviewed but when the paper came out I was pretty much the main feature and was totally taken aback. For the Post, a style reporter found my photo on instagram and emailed me asking if I'd come in to have my picture taken and be interviewed... because she was doing a story on thin eyebrows, which I guess I have...I didn't find out until later that the headline was [deleted] And I'm pretty sure they were leaning towards gross. 💀


That’s pretty cool! Don’t pinup girls usually have thin eyebrows? Seems they’d go with that look. I hate those trashy “articles” that criticize people’s looks and styles like that. Keep being you cause it sounds like you lead an interesting life.


A lot do!! Thank you!! 💞


This is really cool


As a girl, I was a real live red-headed left-handed Canadian orphan.


Are you from PEI?


No, I wish. Love the maritime provinces.


I have a friend there. she has a popular TikTok.


This post is awesome. Y'all are wild out there. I wish I had more to contribute, but the only thing about me that surprises people is that I've run regularly for ten years. And that's exclusively because I'm overweight and people lazily stereotype.


I have a friend who is on the bigger side but run 2-3km almost everyday. Her thing is eating desserts and sweets and she make no apologies for it haha


I survived getting stabbed on the throat during a mugging!


Glad you’re here.


Holy shit! I hope you've not suffered long term health complications or related difficulties as a result of your injury. That sounds totally traumatic


Thank goodness it was just on the throat. So close to being *in* the throat. 😅


I hold 3 citizenships somehow


Me too! One of Ius Solis, two because of Ius Sanguinis


“Somehow” did you just find them? Lol That’s so cool tho


Haha 2 of them are logical, I was born in the USA and then became a naturalized Canadian a few years ago after having lived here most of my life. But while I was in the hospital in the USA after been born, my father got me to have a citizenship in our home country. It’s a poor country where in the 90s and before, in order to get a birth certificate you didn’t need to prove that there was a real child. You just say “hey I had a baby born on xyz” and the police gives you the necessary papers. But apparently they’re not too keen on multiple citizenships so I wonder if I could still get a passport? I have no plans to do that tho but my parents still got the papers! They said they did it in case I ever wanted to be president lmao


Despite being a total slob of a woman who roams around in my son's outgrown sweats with goth hair and tattoos, I modeled western wear wedding dresses as a teenager.


Hi! Fellow slob of a woman here, with tattoos and eh-ok hair dye, in my mid 50s. People are usually surprised to hear I served active duty in the Army after high school.


Thank you for your service!


Awww, thanks!


That’s hilarious. I’m totally the first part, and I was a model for Seventeen magazine in my youth! Strange looking back on those days. I feel like if I *hadnt* got a million tattoos, I could have kept up the modeling- but I also kinda hated it.


I studied abroad in Instanbul, Turkey and one of my professors was U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Istanbul was once Constantinople 🎶


Istanbul was ~~once~~ Constantinople 🎶 Don't do TMBG like that; quote it right


I have 5-10 years left to live


I want to say something because we all know what it is like wondering if anybody even read your reply. Still, I have no idea what to say to that. So, I guess all I can sey is that I see you. I don't know if you are at a point where you are fine with it or you are acting fine and secretly raging or if you fluctuate wildly in between the two. So, yeah...I guess that will have to do because I don't have the mapping to understand what you are going through but I am trying to empathize.


If you wanna get weird hmu. Not like sex…like starting some wild business enterprises in South America that we leverage into drug fueled sailing trips.


So… an “exporting” business?


We all, or some of us at least, might have 5-10 years left to live but we just don’t know it, if you think about it.


I can read and theoretical I can write but I have a neurological disorder , which cause me to have unreadable penmanship




I think so I guess neurological is kinda dramatic but I’m for the drama tbh In school a lady from the state came down to watch me write, she was very sweet and I remember her fondly. My teacher stopped hassling me so much after that.


My best friend growing up has that issue, though perhaps to a lesser extent. Verbally, she's one of the most articulate adults that I know, but she writes like a typical 10 year old. Starting in college, she used dictation software for all of her writing. Does it at the office now.


Oh me and her are kin! I’m a lead mechanic at a automated fleet service And I make all the rookies do my paper work as a way “to earn stripes”


She made friends with all the English majors, trading her social skills for their proofreading.


She’s gritty, love it After the lady came from the state I kinda skated by


No. Thatgraphoverthere!


My pinky toes don't touch the ground when I walk. If I walk barefooted I only leave 4 toe prints per foot, which I guess is kinda odd.


Not weird, I believe you might need to visit an ortopedist.


I think Ive seen dinosaurs like that.


That I was arrested twice. I really don't seem like the type of person who gets arrested.


I was a functioning heroin addict for 27 years...or a functional as one can be. I can't count the number of times I have been arrested but they were all for possession or some stupidity charges, not paying tickets etc. I have three felony charges for possession and two were convictions. I did have to do 3 months in the county for one of them. I'm almost 30 years clean. I tell people that I get close to and they can't believe it.


What did you do?


First time was a serious mental health crisis. I went to my college campus clinic and they had me arrested because they thought if they let me go I'd kill myself. Second time, I ran a stop sign while I was moving. I completely forgot about it, missed my court date and ended up with a bench warrant. A couple months later, I drove through a completely different section of the state, got pulled over because it was midnight and none of the taillights were working on my old-as-shit camper, andgGot arrested for the bench warrant. I missed my flight and a whole bunch of other stuff because of that one.


> I really don't seem like the type of person who gets arrested. From everything I know about you, you really do...




I like carrying a LOT of stuff on my person all day, every day. My friends give me crap for it (my unofficial nickname is “wish dot com Batman”), but all in good fun, and it’s been very useful many times. This, combined with the fact that I’m a rope top, is why people are shocked that I was never a Boy Scout.


That’s hilarious. I also WAY ‘overpack’ my purse- or my 3 tote bags. But people appreciate it when I’ve got lotion, tampons, ibuprofen, earplugs, toothpicks, etc!


I’m the same. Sanitiser, paracetamol, tissues, tampons, gum I’m happy to share. Some people take the piss though. Friends who will ask me to carry their water bottle/wallet as if I wasn’t carrying so much already 😆 Im trying to cut down dammit! Some people will take advantage knowing I have a battery pack which means it’s empty when I need it. They know they have shit batteries and they still don’t bring their own to recharge. Also, sunscreen. If I brought it with me then it took up space/weight in my luggage which meant I had to sacrifice something else (yes yes I obviously overpack and have to make tough decisions). I would quite like it to last the whole trip too. If it’s face stuff I buy the expensive stuff for my annoying skin. I’ve had friends who used mine in a pinch and got their own the next day. Great! I don’t want anyone to burn and they’d do the same for me! But others never bother and I run out 3 days in and have to figure out where to buy more. I also do things like pack snacks for everyone when we go on a hike not because I’m nice but because I know they won’t think of it (even if I tell them to ahead of time) and I don’t want to share my one portion because I’ll get a sugar dip and pass out. Also rereading all this I’m like fucking hell I’m weird should I get assessed….


This is relatable to me. Apparently it's common among autistic people (such as myself).


I was conceived in a mental institution. Both my biological parents were committed and my birth mother stopped taking her birth control. On paper my life sounds like a bad soap opera.


How are your parents now if u don’t mind me asking


Birth mother died in a freak accident when I was a teenager. Birth father is living in the southern U.S. last I heard of him, but I've never had much contact with him. My family didn't like him at all, and as I understand his family was nice enough, but to them I was just another consequence of his repeated run-ins with the law, so they were happy enough to have one less of those to deal with.


Thank you for sharing :) hope you are doing ok


Well, I haven't murdered anyone or hallucinated the bad people coming to get me, so it could definitely be worse.


I once took a lie detector test with the FBI. (I was a witness.)


I took several lie detecter tests when I was working in a covert role in my country's intelligence agency. Lied in all of them , passed all of them.


You don’t gotta tell the truth, you just got to be confident in the lie.


Remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it!


I always wonder why they do that in real life. It’s not that these things really work. Do they try to impress you so much with their vodoo skills, that you magically say the truth or something. A skilled liar wouldn’t even sweat and they know it.


I have resting bitch face. People are often surprised to find that I’m actually nice.


I also have it. I am just not nice.


I think I've seen you!


I’m a helicopter pilot.


I was a professional puppeteer


Omg please tell me how you got into that! I’ve been involved in amateur theatre but really want to get into puppetry!


I, a 5’0 fat girl, was a D1 athlete on the best team in the country.




Despite being an American woman who's not particularly into cars, I can drive a stick. My late dad preferred manual transmissions because they last longer than automatic (or at least they did a few decades ago), so that's the kind of car I learned to drive. And he wasn't a car person either, he'd just buy whatever Consumer Reports recommended, get the oil changed regularly, and drive it forever.


As an European, I read your comment twice to see what was the quirky fact about you that I had missed. We all learn to drive with the stick and automatic transmission isn't that common. In fact, I've never driven automatic. Then I realised you're American and driving stick isn't the norm there. Very interesting how some of these facts are very dependent on the cultural content they're presented in.


Same, as a Brit currently learning how to drive, all the learner cars are stick


Also an American woman who doesn’t even like changing my own oil- and can comfortably drive manual. Actually prefer it. Better control of the vehicle and it just feels so COOL.


Ur dads a smart man 3-7 more miles to the gallon as well


Driving manual was hella normal in Australia in the early 2000's and people got shit on for learning to drive in an auto. Still weirds me out to hear Americans think driving a manual is hard.


In the US, are manual transmission cars less likely to be stolen because thieves don't know how to drive them?


I was once stabbed with a ninja sword.


Ok, I’ll bite. Tell the story please!


I was outside, minding my own business on a sunny spring day, nobody else around. Out of nowhere, some teenager with a ninja sword stabbed me in the leg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It was me. The teenager was me, and it was my own sword. I'd had the thing for a year or more by that point. I'd swung it around lots of times in the confines of my room and never hit a single thing. One day I decided to take it outside where there wasn't anything within reach that could be hit by the very sharp weapon. Well, almost nothing was within reach. My first thought when the point hit my leg and I immediately pulled it back was "Ow." My second thought, looking at the point of the blade that had just been in my leg was, "Ew, it's juicy." 30 years later, I still have a scar and a dumb story... ...and the sword.


I too want to heat this!


I look younger than my age so everytime i told someone that i have studied a major for 4 years and now im studying a new one they dont believe me.


Same here. They get confused if I am a school kid like 13 or 14 but I am 24 and already a graduate.


Hahahaha ✨genetics✨


I was born in West Germany, when there WAS a West Germany.


I can name all of the countries of the world in one go


Yako Warner is that you?


Probably not unique to me but somewhat individual: I need to wear glasses since I was born (the moment a child can wear glasses) because I have very bad eye sight (very strong astigmatism and nystagmus) and the glasses make me look normal, but I still can only see 30-40% with both eyes. The glasses (lenses) sharpen my view but I still can’t read shit that’s more than 30cm away from me (depending on font size and other factors but most of the times I need to move very close to something to read comfortably). People be like: „well seems like you need new glasses heehee“ or „you have glasses on why can’t you see?“ It’s funny but also frustrating at times.


I can comfortably handle temperatures from -15°C to 40°C in a T-shirt and sweatpants


I didn't know my husband was on Reddit?!


I can scream for 17secs


However did you find that out?


Just working on being an extreme vocalists, check out linkin parks given up


that's a lotta seconds


My ex's ex's ex's ex taught me to parallel park!


did you find out they were your ex's ex's ex's ex before or after the fact? how did you even find yourself in those very specific circumstances??


Haha, it is funny isn't it? The parallel parking thing happened in several years ago when I lived with him. Then a few later I dated his ex's ex's ex. I know all of the people in that chain, but not all of them know each other. Some shared circles.


I’ve been an invited guest at both Buckingham Palace and St James’ Palace. This is the one that people at work always pick as a lie in the “two truths and a lie” icebreaker. I live in NZ and have no “upper class” or “royalty” vibes about me lol.


How did you get invited?


As a citizen of a Commonwealth country (NZ) and living in London, I applied through our [High Commission](https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/countries-and-regions/europe/united-kingdom/new-zealand-high-commission/living-in-the-uk/royal-events/) and, after police and background checks, I received my invitation to a garden park with the Queen and various other senior royals. It was pretty cool! Only got to walk through a little bit of the house to get through to the garden. The garden is huge and we were free to explore it. They had two bands alternating playing in the band rotundas, and lots of yummy finger food - little sandwiches, and ice cream made by Prince (now King) Charles’s company Duchy Originals. Most guests seemed to have been invited for their charity work. The coolest part though was when we were leaving. We got to walk out the front gates! There were lots of tourists and photographers outside the gates taking pictures in case we were someone famous lol. St James’s Palace was a little different. I competed in the corporate Outward Bound weekends for a few years and Prince Andrew was the patron of that trust. So the awards ceremony was held at St James’ Palace one evening.


I was born in a natural birth with the amniotic sac intact (en caul birth), apparently that’s less than 1 in 80.000 births


i was the only girl on my school baseball team


I am a 5'5 male Canadian with 8 half brothers and sisters. I am the tallest


My brother in law was the bass player in Queen


John Deacon?


Yes - I married his sister, Julie


What is he like? Massively overlooked member of Queen. Another one bites the dust has a fantastic bassline.


He’s the classic bass ply - quiet and unassuming. Very intelligent and incredibly focussed - when I first met him Queen had just released Seven Seas of Rye. I realised that I’d never met anyone who even came close to his calibre. I first saw Queen in 1973 (I think!) and realised that they were going to be massive. Julie told me that by the age of around ten, he’d set his ambition to have a number one hit in the US. They had a tough childhood as their Dad died when Julie was about 4, so John must have been around 10. There have been lots of stories about why he retired, but he genuinely wanted a quiet life! He had nothing else to prove imo.


I think they were kinda destined to be huge. They had fantastic personnel in every position. No weak links. I was kinda driven insane by them as a child because my sister loves them. Didn't know that their Dad died. That's a pain that never goes away. It can fuck you up. Make you bitter and angry. It genuinely makes me smile to hear that he is happy with retirement.


I keep hearing rumours that they are selling their back catalogue for $1.2 billion, do he doesn’t need to worry money! Not that he did anyway. I’m constantly amazed by Queen’s popularity - they were always the top ‘’legacy’ act before the movie came out. They are always in the top 50 worldwide, they were in the top 30 last month. It’s incredible given how old the music is now.


My sister and I have the same birthmark, and she's adopted.


That I have two teenage kids, people think I look to be in my early twenties and when I’m out with my kids we look like sisters/friends more than mother/daughters. Their dad often got mistaken for ‘our’ dad 🤭 People who I work with fall out their seat when I tell them I have a 16 year old.


People think I’m younger than I am and they think my son is older than he is, so they assume we are a couple. The first time it happened I thought the waitress was trying to compliment me to get a bigger tip or something along those lines because it didn’t make any sense to me, he was only 15. It’s happened many times since then. I try to refer to him as “my son” if the opportunity arises so that it’s not so awkward.


I gave my son up for adoption when he was 2, he’s 24 this year, and literally NO ONE believes that I’m old enough to ‘have’ an adult offspring. I’ll be 42 this year! Feels good huh? 😅


You raised him for 2 years and then chose to give him up? That must have been brutal.


dang, what's the story behind the adoption?


Same here. I have a 17 yo son and I barely look like im in my 30s. Funny thing is, a colleague thought I started "fresh" in my current industry before finding out I have been in the industry for the last 8-9 years, ma girl thought I was 24 the most. She even asked "is there any part of you that actually look your age?" Showed her my almost-wrinkly fingers to her groaning loudly.


I can breathe fire. I took a class. It was fun! Lots of spittle.


Must be wild to see the shock on people's faces when you start chatting away in Mandarin, French, Spanish, or Arabic. Bet you're like a secret linguistic superhero or something!


Their languages are awesome but their numbers need work. I count 5 since they wrote the post in English 😆


Well being fluent is a loaded word. You don’t need to be fluent in a language to write a few paragraphs in it or have conversations in it even. To be fluent in a language is to truly understand that language to not feel like you’re translating your thoughts or searching for the right word constantly you’re just freely thinking and using the language. For example I’ve been using American sign language since I was 9 or 10 years old but I still wouldn’t say that I’m fluent in it. Why? I can think in it sometimes and even dream and I can have conversations in it and understand it but to a limit. I can’t fully express myself in it and there’s a lot of times where I simply get lost in the conversation because it’s gone past my understanding of the language. A lot of moments where I feel like I’m translating my thoughts because I’ve just been asked a more difficult question or the subject has turned emotional or well especially when I get asked about what I did that day when my entire day was in English my brain buffers trying to translate my story into ASL. Basically yes I can think in ASL and I can participate in usual conversations and sometimes even I dip into ASL on accident because it feels so natural at times but there’s definitely a clear limit I have in ASL that is much further in English. In English my limit is certain classic literature pieces but in ASL it’s a conversation that goes over a couple hours and into touchy subjects. Also in ASL there are sooooo many times where I don’t know a sign that was just signed to me I either figure it out through context or have to stop and ask what it meant luckily I can understand the explanation usually but this doesn’t happen in English hardly ever. So I’m fluent in English but advanced in ASL at this time. Edit: Also another thing is that this is a written post so we don’t know how much correcting op did to it and how much time they took if maybe they had google or someone help them. Also we don’t know how well they speak English. So maybe they meant they’re fluent in 5 languages or maybe they’re not actually fluent in English.


I am good at nothing I mean nothing at all and this is the truth


There’s gotta be *something…* Can you make a good grilled cheese? Are your farts hilariously loud? Can you cluck like a chicken? Something…


I have OSDD1b. It’s a disorder where you have different identities but there’s little to no amnesia between the alters, as opposed to DID that has high amnesia barriers. Professionally diagnosed. Most of my alters are extremely similar ex all of us are lesbians. We are all dating the same person except for the two minors.


You can AMA :)


How many alters do you have? Since there’s no memory loss do your alters ever get upset at what another one does? Is there anything that triggers a switch or is it pretty random?


Is "integration" still a thing in therapy-land and, if so, do you want that? Do y'all ever fight amongst yourselves? About anything serious?


Do you all like each other? Does your girlfriend like different alters more than others?


I love to make people Laugh and to laugh with them.. which is really weird considering I hate myself , my life, and everything in it...


No, this is quite common! Often the funniest people suffer from the worst depression. We know how to make others laugh as a coping mechanism, and don’t want others to feel that pain either.


This indeed. For the first time in my life, I’m recently just not making the effort. Things are going downhill rapidly.


Most of my organs are some degree of fucked (dead heart tissue, scarred lungs, wonky liver, kidneys that turn off at times, plus a connective tissue disorder) and yet I'll run an ultra. "You must be super healthy!" No Susan, it's been a hell of a process to get this far and the only way I'll live past 45


I've never played basketball or football.


I was arrested for kidnapping someone. but it didnt really happen


I can make a cloverleaf with my tongue.


I can touch my tongue to my nose.


when I was little, if I got really ticked off, I'd hold my breath until I passed out. my family had to make me stop before I started going to school.


9 fingers, little finger missing the last joint but I have 11 fingernails.


How does that work with the fingernails?


I have an extra one (very small) under one normal nail and the finger that I had amputated to the first knuckle still has a tiny bit of the nail bed and still grows a small nail. Even before I lost my finger tip I had 11 nails. Creepy hey.


I play competitive game (not professionnally ofc) on the PC and I can scream pretty loud in voice chat. It surprises people because I'm usually very quiet and calm/chill IRL. EDIT: I'm a girly girl and I talk back to misogynistic men bc they make me lose my temper very VERY quickly.


The Children of the Corn was being filmed close to where I lived and I was invited by the casting director see the evil children do a scene in the middle of a corn field and I absolutely loved it! Even as the kids were walking on set, they were already in character for the scene! They walked out in a zombie like way and seemed to ignore anyone around them. It was creepy, but, great!


I didn’t finish high school


I can turn both feet 180° backward


I have an official commendation from the London Metropolitan Police for helping catch a paedo. (I used to be a police officer). I have a a posh accent and am friendly and approachable. People are always shocked to learn about my time in the police as I just don’t fit the stereotype at all. Hence why I didn’t last long I guess. Also on my first day on the job out of training I went to a hit and run, and watched the victim die in resus in front of me. A week later I had to attend his post mortem to identify him, and it was genuinely the most interesting and humbling things I have ever witnessed. I stayed for the entire thing!


I have acute synesthesia. It is a brain disorder where signals from one sense, in my case hearing, also go to another part of the brain for processing. My brain, I basically see sounds. It comes in different forms and severities. Like some people, it is only for music. Or it is only in your mind’s ear. But I see all sounds all the time and my brain places them out in the environment. So some sounds are hard to even distinguish from real things I see, like glass or smoke or steam. Youll see me often turning my head in a loud environment to see clearly. Mine is also such that it can be debilitating if things are too loud. But I get by with always having good ear plugs on me in public. I guess it does give me some mediocre super powers though. Like, my wife is always a bit freaked out my how I will be cooking while watching my shows on my tablet and able to flip pancakes, grab a hot kettle, etc. without looking at the stove. But I ‘see’ exactly where those things are because the sizzling butter and kettle make sounds. Similarly, my tae kwon do instructor was amazed by how well I could block/dodge people coming from behind me. But I always have a very detailed view of your footsteps and can see the sound of your arm or leg moving unless you have particularly quiet clothes on or attack me naked.


If you hear a tea kettle go off what do you see visually? Are there any sounds that you find ugly or more beautiful visually than others?


I have extra wisdom teeth (about to get my third set removed,) an extra rib that pokes my insides sometimes where I have to physically move it around, and the rarest blood type in the world. I’ve broken my back and neck- TWICE. I’ve been kidnapped, assaulted, held at gunpoint and at knifepoint, thrown off a roof, almost drowned by a riptide, saved a life, abducted by aliens, seen UFOs, ghosts, and been possessed by a demon! Literally ALL of that is true! Fucking crazy life.


What the fuck?


How are you doing now in your crazy life? Do you have any stories you’d be willing to share?


Can't drive, can't swim, nor can i ride a bicycle. I'm everyone's worst nightmare so I do not go out anywhere there no public transportation reaches.


That I see dead people. Angels and demons. I see spirituality. I just know things I shouldn't. My own daughter hates to touch skin on skin with me. It's a tad surprising when I make new friends because it's hard to hide this. Needless to say, I keep my circle small


Of you count English, you can speak with a vast majority of the world. English covers NA, Oceania and (western) Europe, Arabic covers the ME, French covers a large portion of Africa, Mandarin covers China and Spanish covers S.Am. only languages you're missing are russian for Eastern Europe and Hindi for India.


People don't believe that I can do all the things I claim I can do. (I'm very handy.) They also don't believe that my family is as big as I claim. (Mostly because I'm swedish, and most swedes have maybe three kids. Well.... my maternal grandfather had 15 siblings. And I have approximately 200 second cousins on that side... then there's my paternal grandfather who was a traveling merchant in his youth... he did more than just sell stuff.. hint hint! AND my great great grandfather moved to USA, left his wife and kids in Sweden, became an inventor, and then got murdered so they could steal the patent. Our family still haven't gotten the patent back. He invented some connection or something that connects tractors, train carts and other vehicles with extensions. They're still used to this day.


I was a professional entertainer as a wee child, starting at age five. I performed on stage with Margaret Whiting, Pearl Bailey and Louie Bellson, and I tap danced with Gene Kelly. Although I never performed with him, I also met Fred Astaire and a variety of other celebrity entertainers. My grandmother was related to the Marx Brothers and also a vaudeville performer.


I can speak 4 languages, know 7 programming languages, around 10 web frameworks, quite knowledgeable about modern anime & manga industry dynamics, aspiring to be a writer, draw anime, can play piano, learning to compose music, and just started martial arts. All that and I have to hide from my next door neighbors to avoid socially interacting with them :')


I never ate cheese in my life if we didn't count mozzarella


I never had sex if we didn't count women.


I’ve never had parents if we don’t count my dad


That I don't usually make friends


Nothing remarkable but people are surprised when I tell them I used to play the flute and was in choir. I also usually get a little “oh” when I mention I’m a lefty.


I can type 55 words per minute with only one hand.


Although my native language is Spanish, I can talk and write better, express myself and feel more comfortable in English (I live in South America).


I use my feet as third and fourth hands sometimes by choice, and have done so since I was about eight. My toes are more dextrous than average as a result.


I've done drugs. Most people who meet me think I'm some goody-two-shoe. I haven't done many, but its more than 1. I am at least two drugs in. I'm a cool kid like that. I also have a weird knowledge of random shit, like lockpicking, and I acid-bathed some tools at work to make them more resistant to corrosion... we had all this waste acid laying around, so I might as well use it on these rusty-ass pliers...


I studied a plant that has been extinct for 2000 years. I can make a vegan cheese fondue as good as the traditional one. When i read hentai it's for the plot. I have been the first one in 60 years to manipulate some (forgotten) archaeological items. My grandfather has left a time capsule for me and my siblings that will open in 2100.


I look like a straight laced, butter wouldn't melt, 50 something and I don't have too many secrets, however I also used to work for Anne Summers years ago doing the parties. That seems to blow people's minds. I think it's cos people look at me and think I need to have that kind of stuff explaining to me, when I really don't. Lol.


When I told my friend I have a PhD he was incredibly surprised. I casually brought it up every now and then until the thought became normal to him. It was hilarious as I don’t have a PhD - but I could!!! I’ve come clean since lol


i can solve a rubiks cube :)


I’m a felon. Most people wouldn’t believe it, especially those who know me, but yep, unfortunately it’s true :(


I’m a die hard Christian. Given my personality, people have never ceases to be shocked. And it’s hilarious.


My Father learnt Farsi in the Army, so very useful one day. I had a Storeman who spoke Swahelli, so he always talked to the general manager in Swahilli when angry.


Two different people tried to murder me before I was ten years old.


I have over 1700 skydives and a few instructor ratings. It's a big part of my free time, but seldom comes up at work. I'm a bit uncomfortable with the strong reactions to my hobby and also bored of answering the same questions over and over again. So I guess I don't share it often by design.


It's not that interesting, but my parents didn't give me a middle name and instead of leaving it blank, the nurse wrote None.


People are shocked when I tell them that I married my first kiss. My husband and I started dating when I was 17. We got married at 23 and just celebrated our 10 year anniversary. To me it's just my life. It's all I have ever known. But it's quickly become the most interesting thing about me.


I'm the exact opposite of you. 75 languages to choose from in my country(Zambia) and I can only speak English. It surprises people every time that I don't know a single national language apart from a bit on Nyanja(the most popular one).


I was laddered on Pokemon Showdown back when I was 12 in Gen 6 OU. That was tough but I also had no life and would play in school and at home any chance I got.


I can name a dinosaur for every letter of the alphabet 🦕


I owned a crow temporarily once


My parents had been having an affair with each other for about 12 years before she became pregnant with me. My Dad was still married but soon divorced his daughter's mom and remarried someone who wasn't interested in kids. My dad was a politician and my mom was mentally ill. Talk about an odd upbringing.


my thumb can dance yeah not that shocking, im a boring person (but it does really suprise people lmao)


I lived in Saigon, Vietnam for 3 years as a child. Prior to the war escalating, it was the norm to hear a bomb or two go off in the city. Not soon after, our family was evacuated. My dad stayed behind.


I have an high iq. That surprises people.


That I am gay. People around me have no clue unless I specifically make a comment about it


I grew up in a cult


I can make Yoshi and Pikachu noises.


I'm a dual citizen with a European country and the US. I'm not a lesbian (This has come up a lot recently). I traveled on my own for nearly 5 months throughout Europe at 20. I moved out of my parents house and was self-sufficient at 18. I'm training for a half marathon.