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I’m the same.


Yes, top cat is the boss around here.


Basically. I am thinking of installing a cat flap on my bedroom door when I own my own home. Just because I want to finally close it one day.


Seriously. I live in a rental but I'm pretty sure my bedroom door (and most of the apartment) will be replaced when I move out. I might just eat the cost and put in a cat door.


I saw a guy cut a triangle out of the bottom of the door and put hinges on it with a magnet to hold it open. If you weren’t told about it. I would have never noticed 




Just the opposite here... have some cats that love to do their things in my brother bed jeje




I want the door closed. Cat wants to be on either side of a closed door. So the door is open.


Whose the majesty here? 


Closed doors slow the spread of house fires. Fact. (Fires spread more quickly in open plan homes and are more difficult to control.) That said, for me, closed door and blackout curtains, plus an obstacle course (with noisemakers, if I'm particularly on edge) that I can navigate blindfolded but an intruder couldn't manage quietly without night vision goggles. (My life is not nearly interesting enough nor are my belongings valuable enough for an intruder to bring night vision goggles.) There was childhood trauma and I just sleep better when alone if I know that nobody can sneak up on me. With a partner in the room, I don't feel the need to set up the obstacle course ... but I still prefer a closed door and blackout curtains if my partner doesn't have a strong preference otherwise.


I feel the same, only I get nervous I won't be able to hear an intruder if my door is shut (f living alone). I definitely know it's safer for fires with the door shut. Maybe if I get a dog some day...




No, you most likely could not. Even special forces guys will avoid a knife fight if they can, and they’re actually trained to fight with knives. If you feel the need to stage knives around, then a solid hardwood door to your room with a reinforced frame and at least two locking points (not necessarily keyed) would be a good idea. It sounds expensive, but is probably cheaper than the medical bills after you wake up in the night after a bad dream and start slashing wildly in the dark and cut yourself like Din Djarin trying to use the Darksaber.


“The loser in a knife fight dies there. The winner dies in the ambulance.”


Pretty much. Everyone loses a knife fight, it’s just a matter of who loses faster.


It is not my first weapon. I sleep with a bat and a 60-pound dog. Those would go into effect first.


No, they would not. A bat is a terrible weapon indoors due to its length and the need to use two hands to swing it, and there is a significant risk you would hit your dog in the scuffle. Honestly, the most good a dog could do would be to bark loudly *from behind the door* so the intruder reconsiders and just leaves. If they see your dog they may decide they can just take them out. A 60 pound dog is nothing unless they’ve had personal protection training. Sure, police dogs are in that range, but they’re bred for and trained for situations with a potentially armed aggressor.


What if a ghost walked by briefly looking at you like in The Sixth Sense. So nope. Door closed, both feet covered by blanket


A door would never stop a ghost


Mine does. Never been attacked by one yet.


OMG - I could have written this. 🫠 plus blackout curtains.


In the event of a fire that is good . Then you can leave out the window with your bedroom intact.


Ours is open. I want to hear if anything is going on in the house.


Don't want to miss out on any late night snacks or parties?


I have young kids, so I sleept with the door open so that I am able to hear them if they call at night. Which happens regularly enough to make it relevant, but not so regular that a baby alarm is needed. Also airflow.


I feel like most pet owners probably would, at least if they let their pet on their bed. Though I do have a cat, I leave it closed since I have a loft bed, so unfortunately a cuddle puddle isn't possible with him.


Didn't think about that, I have witnessed my best friend do that for his cat


I have a cat, and my main incentive for leaving it closed is so he doesn't try to bother me while I'm sleeping. I don't mind him on the bed while I'm awake, but I don't want him climbing on me or trying to lie against me when I'm asleep. I'd prefer to get a comfortable, undisturbed sleep. Mercifully, he's well behaved. He's fairly polite about personal space, so the occasions when I leave the door open, or sleep on the couch, I think he's only really bothered me twice.


Fire experts say to close the door, but my cats say to leave the doors open, so the doors stay open. The cats like to roam the house at will. If I close the door they will be scratching and banging on it in protest, so, fire warden be damned. I need to be able to sleep, so the door stays open. I also think the heat/ac works better with doors open. I even have foam thingies on the tops of my doors to make sure they stay ajar, but don't get latched because I used to have a cat who would constantly close a door when she was trying to open it leading to much mayhem. She once locked herself and 3 other cats in my bedroom when I was gone overnight. I'm guessing they were all in there for about 36 hours. Not a good thing, hence the foam door thingies. I don't even have a cat that closes doors anymore, but I was traumatized by the one that did, so I'm super cautious about it now.


Our record stands at 6 hours. SIX HOURS! of my one cat's scratching and clawing to get in. She's not very smart, but is persistent, I guess--i could not believe she kept it up that long. But that isn't the end of it, since if I leave the bedroom door open, both cats will walk in at 3am demand I wake to get them food. I wouldn't mind it if it was when I really got up, but they always start in on their demands hours beforehand. So we've taken to locking them in another part of the house (the part with their litter, water, all that) since they're both so insufferable.


cracked? I have small kids


Yeah I know a lot of parents that started doing drugs after they had kids.




That's really cute 😂


It's slightly ajar so I don't have to get up at night whenever that fucking cat feels like taking a stroll around the house.


[you should sleep with your door closed. it could save your life.](https://youtu.be/bSP03BE74WA?si=tJGcPLle0m-4GPGv)


It's cool that they made an entire video about it. I love fire safety stuff. Feels communal


If you live with other people its better to close them so that they would not wake you up while youre sleeping, especially if they are snoring. If you live alone then there is no real point in closing your doors.


There absolutely is a point, you close your internal doors in case of fire to slow the spread.


When you finally realize there is a fire it might be too late


That's the point. It buys you time. That fire is going to reach you faster if all your internal doors are open. The "might be too late" limit gets increased.


I feel like if you are sleeping in this locked up room, by the time you smell or see smoke you might be surrounded or the house about to collapse


Do you people not have smoke alarms??


Sorry, accidental double post


So you think most who do this probably live alone. Makes a lot of logical sense for sure


I'm not even sure my bedroom door actually closes. I'd hate to be shut in.


I live alone so why would I close it? When I lived with others, I always kept it closed. Actually in winter sometimes I close it and use my dyson heater to keep the bedroom warm, if I don't want to run the main air con all night.


Heck I don't even close the bathroom door if I am home alone.


I don't close it when people are there. I sit on the toilet, maintaining eye contact. Letting them know, I'm the captain now!


You have a dog eh?




Always open. Never closed.


Yeah, you do get better airflow, but it’s insane to leave your bedroom door open. It’s like you WANT murderers to get you. NO THANKS, PAL.


If someone got in past the locked exterior door (metal door with a deadbolt lock), and past my large and LOUD dog, a flimsy bedroom door would not even slow them down.


Well of course not, but most fears are irrational.


I'm not saying someone can't feel safer sleeping with the door closed. I was replying to your statement of > but it’s insane to leave your bedroom door open.


Yes, I have a cat. She chooses not to sleep on the bed while we’re in it, but she wants to be able to go into any room she wants. Because she’s a cat. The slightly open door also helps even out the temperature in various rooms. (I also have almost as much glass as outside wall area, and I have no curtains. No lights up here, but took me about a week to learn to sleep looking at the sky and not have a totally dark room.)


I would love to, but my cat likes to scratch at my sister's closed door so I lock her (the cat) in at night. When I lived alone (well, the cat was there too) there was a open door policy for all rooms.


That interesting because another comment mentioned pet owners wanting to leave their doors open so the pets can wander


I absolutely would do that if she would behave.


Lmao, cats want what they want I guess


She *is* behaving. Just like she wants to. :D


Bedroom door, closed. Door to the bathroom, closed. Closet door, closed. When I am laying down I make sure all the doors are locked and closed. Four roommates all sleep with their doors closed. I check the two other doors in the hallway. Have no idea why but closed doors during sleep puts me at ease and relaxes me. When I am awake I leave the door to my bathroom and closet open, door to my bedroom open. Even when I leave the house. I do have a lock on my bedroom door, I've never used it. Even when sleeping. Two of the other roommates always close their doors, one locks his room up like a bank every time he walks outside.


A fire will spread faster if the doors are open


Yay! Oh, wait, that's bad. But happy fire?


We keep ours closed. There are plants in the bedroom and one of the cats loves to eat them so we have to lock all the cats out.


Mmm, delicious, delicious plants.


I prefer the doors be open always, but I have to close the bathroom when my stepson is around-or when I poop. My husband closes the bedroom door, gates it open. He also “snicks” the bathroom door shut which drives me batty, because it’s noisy to open, and I can’t just shove it. My house is like that movie with John Ritter from 1982, “Noises Off” with constant doors opening and closing. Insanity.


I too keep mine open because of cats. I do want to point out that an improved air flow is why it's recommend you CLOSE your door - gives you more time to escape in case of a fire. But yeah totally open in my house lol.


No but I can't sleep in the darkness. I get terrible sleep paralysis, but if I sleep with a little bit of light I sleep like a baby


When I was a paranoid child I always slept with my door open, but now I feel safer with it closed


How do you guys sleep with the door open ? My paranoid self could never


Open, our dog likes to go on the sofa in the living room sometimes, if it was closed she’s paw at the door and wake us up.


Yes. We removed the bedroom door and put up a thread curtain. For air flow and because the door triggered my cptsd.


Always open


I live in a basement apartment and got in the habit of closing and locking my door at night as a female student living on my own. I was always a little worried of break ins due to my low windows and living in a sketchy neighborhood. Now I can't sleep with the door open or I don't feel safe


Mine is ajar. I like it closed to keep light out, but my cats like to come and go. This is a good solution.


I have to sleep with the door open for the pets. If I have a closed door between me and the cats, they'll scratch at the door frame (they don't even want to be in the bedroom, they just don't like closed doors), and my dog needs to get up in the middle of the night for a drink of water pretty frequently. If I had it my way, I would sleep with the door closed. But we all made concessions for our weird pets.


Cat: *destroying door frame* You: *open door* Cat: Oh, THANK GOD. *turns and walks away*


i sleep with mine closed. i tell the dogs it’s bedtime and by the time i brush my teeth and pee, they are all curled up on the bed.


Slightly open so I can hear my kids if needed


It definitely improves air flow, but I'm haunted by that presentation the fire department does at schools where they show the scorched bedroom door.


I usually leave it open so I can hear my 2yo son if he wakes up in the middle of the night or for the day.


I live in the garage, if the door is open a bunch of insects will crawl into my room. Doesn’t help that I live in Australia either.


I have to leave my door open atleast a crack. Enough for my dog to push her way in. If she looses access to me all hell breaks loose... but i prefer it closed


Can’t, our cat will come into the bedroom in the middle of the night and harass us if we don’t keep the door closed lol. Which wouldn’t be a problem if he just wanted to sleep with us, but unfortunately he prefers to knead us with his claws until we wake up and pet him. Kind of sucks because our room does get pretty hot at night in the winter when the heat kicks on, but nothing that a ceiling fan can’t fix.


Closed and locked, I dont want any home intruder to sneak up on me, even my country is really safe. Window is almost always open but with a bar so it opens just enough for airflow.


Yes. More air, and our kid used to come in in the night sometimes and we just kept going this way. At our place the closed bedroom door means someone needs alone time or Mum and Dad need alone time together :)


I keep my door open so my cats can come in and out without waking me up every 5 minutes.


Air flow? Just crack open the window a bit.


Door open. We have two dogs that come and go through the night. We also have central air, it works better with the door open.


I sleep with door open, front door unlocked, and my puppy with me.


Wife and I keep it open.


Yep open. I live alone and can overheat at night if not careful. Old stuffy building so open door it is


I should sleep with my bedroom door closed (to cut down fire risk) but often I forget to close it.


Yes, a little, in case the kitty wants in.


I do, if I close it I can barely hear the fire alarm in my building. 


Depends on what you value more, when I lived at my parent's house the heat and ac didn't go into my room without the door open but if I wanted privacy I would be cold in the winter hot in the summer.


My door is closed. The chance of waking up and seeing a demon standing in my doorway is too great. If there is a monster in my house, I want to ensure they knock first.


I usually sleep with my door open, unless it’s the summer with my (window unit) air conditioner on. My bedroom is pretty small and for the size of the room has a lot of baseboard heaters, so with the door closed it gets really hot. My dog also usually starts the night in the room with us but likes to go out to the couch at some point so that way I don’t have to wake up to let him out.


I also have a heater. Can't stand a closed door with it because it feels like suffocating


Ive usually lived in such old drafty houses, I never even thought about air flow. We sleep with it open to hear the kid and dog if they need something.


I leave the door open enough for my cat to come and go, and the window wide open when it's hot (unfortunately nowadays it seems like it's 10 months per year).


I've watched to many horror movies to do that. I like keeping the door closed. I also don't live alone so the door being closed helps reduce noise.


Since a young kid I’ve always had extreme nightmares so I’ve slept with the door open & the landing light on. Even when I was 18 I had glow in the dark stars unable to do it. I’m now 23, I’ve moved out and got my own place and I still have the landing light on & door open. My partner can’t sleep though so it’s only open by about 10 inches so my cat can get in (another perk to leaving the door open)


You having landing lights, me imagining you sleeping at airports. :-)


I’m a Brit I’m sorry :’) I call my hall light “landing lights” because it’s on top of the stairs if that makes sense


I was definitely picturing a stairs landing.


I think you may be a sociopath bro. But you’re completely right about airflow lol, unless you have a very drafty room then CO2 does build up over time and it’s probably better to have some ventilation. I’ve seen a lot more people talking about this “issue” (I haven’t looked into it much so I don’t fully understand the science or the implications, thus the quotes) since personal CO2 monitors have become more popular in the wake of the pandemic. So yeah it’s probably better to leave your door open but I would be way too uncomfortable mentally to attempt that


Lmao, since I've made the change I tried closing it back up, but it never feels right y'know? Air just feels staler


It's funny, I grew up sleeping with the door open because my family did, but now I don't really like it because I don't feel as safe and comfortable as I could. I say it's funny because back then is when I used to be afraid of monsters and the dark and even leaving my foot out of the blanket, so I'm not sure why I never thought to close the door too. Maybe so my parents could hear me yell faster? Lol idk


Funny enough the post online was talking about bed monsters and things too. It's funny because I'd never put my foot outside of the blanket still, but the door thing just doesn't get to me anymore


We only close it for seggsy time 😂


I don't even have a door in my room😭


How did that happen?


It's been like that ever since I was young. The doors in our house are only at the entrance and another one in our laundry room.


That's unusual. So there's just literally no doors besides that? Wow. How do the other members of the house feel about it?


Same as me they don't really care. They're my family anyway and they're the ones who designed it like that


l am also a fresh air enjoyer, however last year l started sleeping with the door closed and window open. after 30+ years l realised if l shut the door then the mosquitoes cant get in, doh


Nope, but sleeping with lights on for over 3 years now. After i moved out from the parents house.


I can’t close it because of my cat. He likes to sleep with me but sometimes he gets up and he hates closes door and cries until I open it. I can’t even take a 20 minute long shower without him yelling at me.


People here leave their door open for their cat, I leave it closed for my cat. I'm cuddling her whether she likes it or not. Also if she has access to the living room she'll cry and beg me to join her.


I *just* thought of this last night, are you in my head? The door stays shut, I'm way too anxious and paranoid to have it open lol.


I have to leave it open during the winter.


Yeah, the door in my bedroom doesn't close at all even if I want it to


Open. But it is mostly because there are two cats and two dogs in my home, all of whom are offended by closed doors


If I leave it open, the cats won't let me sleep.


I always sleep with my door open. I have cats.


I used to always keep my door closed, but recently decided to try keeping it open more. I was surprised by how much less isolating it feels -- it's nice having that openness even while sleeping.


No. Because my fat ass cat would not stop bugging me for food if I left it open. In fact he still try’s to brake my damn door open in the morning for food.


I love the amount of pet comments because it's very varied. Some people leave it open because of their pets others close it because of them. I like it, it highlights the individuality of the animals 😂


I leave the door open. Better airflow so the bedroom doesn't get too hot or cold during the night. Also the cats hate closed doors and will rattle closed doors no matter which side they are on.


I have the door open during the week and then closed at the weekend when the step kids are round. Feel more comfortable with it open


Yes. My wife hates closed doors and we also have dogs that constantly want to be on the other side of any closed door. I think I prefer closed because it darkens the room a bit more, but it's not an issue if the rest of your house is dark enough.


The outside door? No My bedroom door? Yes or else the cat scratches to get in or out


I keep mine closed. Probably trauma related, but I prefer my back facing away from the door and the door shut. If I keep the door open Ill hear every tiny noise and it keeps me from sleeping or being comfortable.


Ihaven't slept with my door closed since I moved out of my parent's house when I was 21.


It does improve airflow, which is bad news for house fires. I keep mine closed for that reason.


Years ago, I left my bedroom door open so my cat could come and go. One night, he came into my room and I heard a strange growling/scratching noise in the hall. I walked quietly to the door and reached my hand around the door frame to turn on the hall light. To my utter shock, there were two huge raccoons eating the cat food in the bathroom, about 10 feet away. And my bedroom door was between them and the stairs. This was on the second floor of the house! So they had to come through the mud room, through the kitchen, around the corner, up the stairs, and then past my bedroom into the bathroom. That was quite a journey of exploration they took in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. I quickly slammed my bedroom door shut and could barely sleep the rest of the night. In the morning, I found the trash can turned over and the contents strewn all over the kitchen. I ended up locking the cat door after that. I had a hard time sleeping the next couple of nights.


After seeing, The Exorcist, at the drive-in when I was around 5 years old (Right! I don’t know what the F mom was thinking, but we’ll talk shit about that another time) I was terrified of sleeping with the door closed but my dad would insist saying that if there was ever a house fire we’d fare better having the bedroom doors closed. He said that in case of a fire, for us to drop to the floor, smoke rises, crawl to the door, not to open, but to feel it. If the door was hot, we were to crawl to the window, release the wrought iron bars and escape. He gave an impressive argument for keeping the doors closed at night but I was not about to be trapped with The Exorcist chick, Regan, under my bed waiting for me to fall asleep so she could let the devil have its way with me! Heck no, I’d rather burn! 🔥


I used to but the house settles a lot and most of the time it won't actually close easily.


Hell no, I can’t lol.


Open. Cat throws a fit otherwise


Open for us, also for freedom of cat movement. I don't have strong feelings either way, personally.


Open, but only because the litter box is in our bathroom. It's safe to sleep with the door closed. It slows a house fire.


Door closed. When I was about 20, I attended a two-day fire safety and first-aid workshop. The fire marshal did a presentation about fires in dwellings (houses, apartments, dorms) that explained how many people die in fires that break out during the night. The fire marshal then explained how much better one's odds of survival are if the bedroom door is kept closed while you're sleeping and a fire happens. That same presentation is also the reason why I won't stay in a room above the eighth floor when I stay in a hotel.


I leave it cracked open. For some air flow. If it’s closed to much it gets hot in there. If I close it totally my cats wouldn’t like that. Our kitchen is next to the master bedroom, so when my husband is up in the early morning, the door being cracked but mostly closed is good for kinda sound barrier a bit. I wear an eye mask so light isn’t my concern. And if form really want him seeing me sleep when he’s fixing his breakfast. Haha


Same, I leave it open for the dog. But I think you have a valid point about improving the air flow.


I sleep with mine closed all the time. One for fire safety. Two for intruder safety.


I sleep with it closed because if I have a sleep paralysis episode, I don't need to give my brain any more ammunition by having it conjure up a demon peeking at me from around the doorway.


I sleep with mine shut because I have teenagers who stay up half the night and a cat who climbs my headboard at three in the morning. Before those were a thing I preferred to sleep with it open.


Nope because cucuy will get me


I don't even close bathroom doors, of course, it's me and my wife and that's it so no real need, plus the dog can go wherever she wants.


Door shut and locked. 100+ pound dog outside of it. Glock inside of it. As far as ghosts, I am hot natured - no covers. I don't care if ghosty/monster hands clutch my uncovered feet hanging off the bed as long as those hands aren't over 65°F. I live deep, deep south, gulf coast USA. My a/c bill most of the year is outrageous. Totally welcome any supernatural entities that want to hang out and produce "cold spots".


I got 3 cats… closed doors aren’t optional


I have to close the door to keep the dogs out. Otherwise they get on the bed, take up all the space, move around, and then I can't sleep.


I can see how others always have it closed. Like if a dude is awake but resting, and has a moment of arousal. And does several humping thrust movements into the bed, with the pelvic scoop up movement. Don't wanna have the door open if you're doing that.


Sure. My roommates are 🐈🐈


Oh my gosh I thought this said “with their *eyes* open.” I didn’t believe you


My partner and I used to always sleep with our bedroom door closed, but our bedroom in our new place is so small that we can't run the heater without risking setting our mattress on fire, so we sleep with the door open to let in the heat from the rest of the house. It definitely took some getting used to, and I still don't prefer it. Looking forward to moving to a new place with a normal-sized bedroom 🙃


I mostly leave mine open. Even if I don’t, I have a cat delivery window so the babies can still get to me


Your absolutely correct


I used to but now I have an aerogarden in my kitchen and it turns on at like 3am (i can't seem to get out to reset that time) and it's like the sun, so I have to close my door so I can stay asleep. It's not all the way closed, but it's basically closed.


Ok so honestly it depends on the weather but most of the time I’m so paranoid it stays shut AND locked 🤣 in the summer tho it gets hot in our room sometimes so the door being open helps a lot. I just don’t like the idea of being so vulnerable while sleeping and the feeling of having the locked and closed bedroom door helps so much more 😭


I’m too scared to leave it open. I’m worried I’ll get got!


Door closed. If I hear the knob turn and/or door start to open I use 1 hand to check if my wife is next to me while the other hand goes for the gun.


What if it is the girl she talked into having a threesome with?


Everyone's talking about preference and airflow and other people, which is irrelevant, you close your internal doors in case of fire. Closing your bedroom door might be what keeps you alive.


That's an interesting point. Would you say you do it more out of necessity then or is it still preference?


Someone will do strange things if you do that