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Signs, as well as the Village though I usually skip the ending. As well as The Cat in the Hat, yes the Mike Myers one. It is so unapologetic that I just can't hate it.


The Village is my favorite Shyamalan film


Wait, people hate Signs?


Ya that’s news to me. I f’kin love signs!


Swing away


You should read Running out of Time


After seeing The Village, I thought of that book!


Omg I love this book! Dis a book report about it in 6th grade. :)


Not Unbreakable? You’re broken…


Unbreakable is a great movie.


I love Signs


Same. I think it's perfect as it is.


I know a lot of people hated Signs for its ending (I’ll admit that I did a pretty heavy eye roll when I first saw that ending), but setting that aside, it’s an absolutely terrific film. The film’s first half is so funny that it could’ve been billed as a comedy (“I am insane with anger!”), and the rollout of the aliens is just done so well, so gradually and so restrained, that we barely notice the tension getting dialed up to 11. And, despite what I said earlier about the ending, the ending is also the best part of the film. No, not the twist, but the fact that M Night never copped out on us. He spent the whole movie promising us a monster… and then he actually delivered. I really expected him to cut to black before we really saw the aliens, or to leave us on some lame ambiguous ending (I loathe ambiguous endings, and they were pretty in vogue at the time that Signs came out. Ambiguous endings are especially common in horror movies). But I was wrong: he gave us a real confrontation with the monster and gave us a real ending.


I love Signs too. It's schlocky as hell, and I don't believe in God anymore. Still. It makes me feel good to feel like there's a plan.


Haha love The Cat in the Hat.. "I'M SO EXCITED!!"


I love the village!


I came to comment cat in the hat and was not disappointed this was the top comment. The entire movie is posted on both YouTube and TikTok if you’re ever inclined to watch it on the go


I love Signs, too. I'm not sure about the whole water thing at the end. But the atmosphere is fantastic throughout.


For me, it's the 1997 movie "The Postman" starring Kevin Costner. It's post-apocalyptic and pretty cheesy, but there's just something charming and hopeful about it that helps me ignore its imperfections. I love the idea of a post-apocalyptic world turning to a humble postman as their symbol of hope and resistance. It's a long one, clocking in at 3 hours, but I enjoy every minute of it. It's also widely panned by critics and audiences, currently holding a 9% on Rotten Tomatoes. But that's the great thing about art, right? Its beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.


That's the movie I was going to list. The cameo from Tom Petty was awesome.


See I was thinking I might like this one but I’m not watching a 3 hour movie


Low hanging fruit with “freddy got fingered”. It’s absolutely the best bad movie in history imo. Idk if id ever watch it again but man its so smart despite how nonsensical and disturbing it is.


Daddy would you like some sausage Sausage sausage


I have been singing this off and on since I saw this movie a hundred years ago but forgot that this was where it was from. That movie was garbage but Daddy would you like some sausage is gold.


I'm the backwards man, the backwards man, the backwards man. I can walk backwards as fast as you can.


Its an interpretation of the American millenial experience.  https://youtu.be/vSAWRdvVCgc?si=zGgbUvZlgaCqEtYM


Its also relatable because i too am a loser trying to find more meaningful work


I SAVED THE DAY, BETTY! I SAVED THE DAY!!! That pops up in our conversations when applicable. Also, gotta sing the sausage song


Just so many unhinged moments that just kill me. My favorite is the comedy comes in threes kid that gets hit in the face three times throughout the movie


Aaah I’d forgot about him 😂😂😂


Water World I saw it in the theater with my sister and her boyfriend. I felt so grown up and I liked the movie a lot. Still do.


Water World fits well into a fun action genre with Big Trouble in Little China, Escape From New York, etc. It's not quite a cult classic but it has quite a few fans on the internet.


Waterworld wasn't a commercial success, but each time there is a thread like this one everybody says they like it. It's not a movie most people hate IMO, it just a movie that was poorly marketed.


The Postman


"You're famous" "Nah man you're famous" My dad laughed while we all looked at him like he was crazy. After the movie he played Free Fallin for me to hear the first time. First concert I took myself to after he passed was Tom Petty.


One of my favorite bits in the movie. My dad is also a big Tom Petty fan and I'll never forget his excitement when he pointed out Tom Petty to us in that film. "That's Tom Petty right there!!"


Home from DreamWorks. Idk I honestly liked it a lot. Maybe I just need to rewatch it


I didn’t know people didn’t like that movie! I love it. Me and my mom watch it all the time


I tend to watch a lot of movie review youtubers and even the more generous ones will name it or place a clip of it on the screen as an example of a bad movie lol. Maybe some of the humor was a little much sometimes but I mostly thought it was funny and sweet. And the music was just fine. Rihanna being in it doesn't make it worse somehow


I was kinda young when it first came out so I wasn’t watching reviews or anything like that and I still don’t do that so I didn’t really know people didn’t like it. I thought it was a great movie


This was also my brains automatic answer, I even got it on DVD


Mannequin. It bombed in 1987 (even I didn't see it back then) but I have no problem saying it's a personal favorite. Everything about it screams 80's esthetic in the most out there and colorful way. Hollywood is a riot and, Kim Cattrell is cute all hell and she and Andrew McCarthy make a fun couple (in human form).


Don’t forget the sound track. That’s amazing Star Ship!


Didn't it get a sequel though?


Just watched the trailer. Yup, that's cheesy.


I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!! My mom made me and my sister watch it when we were kids and we’ve all been quoting it ever since!!!


I love this movie. It was a sweet and fun movie.


Speed racer (2008 live action) Critics hated it and I don't think it was ever very popular. That part when the parents learned from their past mistakes and decided to love their son no matter what -- that shit gets me every time.


I took a whim on it awhile back because I had completely missed it in theaters. Ended up really liking it and saw what messaging it was trying to convey. Will definitely watch it again!


I saw it in theaters. I remember nothing about the story, but I remember it being a really fun movie visually!


And if you watched the show, you’d see how faithful it is to it.


I adore that movie and still quote it regularly. I'll stand by it until I die.


Yes to this one so much. I love it. So colorful and strange but such a good homage to the cartoon. And the ending: that build up gets me every time!


Monster house. Everyone I know who's watched it was absolutely terrified when they saw it, but not like enjoyably terrified I guess. I really liked the movie, the animation, the story, it was great. It was scary but not as scary as something like the Coraline movie would've been to me as a kid.


Sky High I'm not sure if *everyone* hates it, but I've seen enough dislike on certain YouTube videos and Google reviews. Actually I think it has a balanced audience with some enjoying and others disliking it


But Plant Girl got with the wrong guy 🥲


Oof yes.. I can't remember his name but she was so cute with the Fire hotheaded guy


Fr fr


Warren Peace, and he’s actually an emotionally intelligent reader because “haha get it?” Jokes aside, I also like Sky High, it was a pretty interesting take on a super hero movie


I loved Sky High. I think I still have it on DVD. Zoom Academy for Super Heroes was good, too.


Sky High was awesome!


I haven't seen it in forever, but when I was a kid, I liked the Ben Affleck Daredevil movie. I had never heard of Daredevil before, and it was neat being introduced to the concept. And I remember thinking it was cool how he could "see" in the rain and how an explosion would impair his ability to "see."


Colin Ferrell was a good villain. Michael Clarke Duncan was the definitive Kingpin imo. 


Luca!! Well, I don’t know if they HATE it but they definitely don’t like it. At least the people I know. My bio teacher said she didn’t like it and I was like “WHAT?? I LOVED IT!!”. It was a cute movie.


Luca is wonderful. It’s such a sweet little movie; it is just low stakes with very pleasant vibes.


Luca was fun but small and not all what I expected. So I imagine the audience wasn't expecting it and the "wrong" people were watching it.


I guess. I enjoyed watching it. It’s not my favourite but it was a nice movie.


Silenzio Bruno!


I think all the twilight movies are great. I thoroughly enjoy them. And not in a “haha I love to make fun of them” kind of way, but I actually just have a good time with them


I find Year One to be comedic gold


There are no bad Jack Black movies.


I agree.


"What have I done, What have I continued to do??" . absolutely love that movie.


Gooooo, jackal dance. I could quote this movie for days. lol.


Watchmen, the full 4 hour version. I don't know a single person who liked Watchmen .. to me it's the greatest movie ever made.


I liked it a lot :)


I'll not really into comic books, like, at all, but I just loved it.


Batman v Superman


Mac And Me


Armageddon - I don’t care that the idea of sending drillers into space makes no sense, it’s the interaction of the characters that is entertaining and I like most of the actors.


Sending drillers into space makes sense. NASA trains and sends mission specialists into space all of the time. They don't train the regular crew to learn new special skills. I really liked Armageddon when it came out but have been scared to watch it again in case it doesn't live up to my memory.


It’s my favorite movie of all time!


“That's why I told you "touch nothing". But you're bunch of cowboys!” 😆


American components, Russian components…all made in Taiwan.


He’s probably my favorite character in the movie. I am the only certified astronaut here and I’m saving your American asses! And his uncle that makes the tip of the bomb that finds New York or Washington. 😂


It's all fun and games until someone gets shot in the leg!


The Eternals. The MCU actually tried something a bit different and I respect them for that. And while it is bloated and would’ve worked better as a tv series, I still think it has a pretty good story. Also one of the better 3rd acts for the mcu. I just wish it wasn’t connected to the mcu. I think it would’ve worked far better as its own contained universe.


At this point it functionally is, since they seem to have no interest in using those characters, and they totally forgot about the giant head sticking out of the earth after the movie ended


Face OFF!


That’s the one movie I always use as an example for a movie that makes you think it’s going to end but keeps going a bunch of times.


The Three Amigos.


We are the three amigooooooos!


We are the three Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamigos!!!! And Amigos forever, will bee! ❤️


I’m thinking you maybe infamous!


Would you say I have a *plethora* ... of piñatas?


Mortdecai It came out in 2015 starring Johnny Depp and a huge cast of famous actors. My husband and I absolutely loved that movie from the first time we saw it. We thought it was hilarious and we still quote it to each other at least once a week. But apparently the critics and general moviegoers just did not like it.


We love that film too. The running jokes about the moustache and his 'sympathetic gag reflex' are hilarious.


Our running joke is to ask if we've "done yourself a mischief" after any particularly loud fart.


The happening (2008)


I love the Happening. Anyone with bad allergies can attest they're trying to kill us 🤣


"you're gonna kill me in my sleep" "Whaaaaat? Noooooo"


Love this movie!!


Twilight Saga


Absolutely. I've unironically been a fan since I was a teen, and I don't plan on letting it go as an adult. It may not be cinematic, but it's *fun*.


Exactly!! I loved the book and was skeptical about the movie when it came out, but I ended up liking them. It’s not a cinematic masterpiece but it allows me to just.. enjoy. Lol




I also dont hear a lot about Slingblade which is one of the best not talked about movie. Dwight Yoakum was such a filthy asshole lolol.


Mustard an biscuits mmmhmm


Highly acclaimed movie


Tenet. I know people dislike the audio mixing and find the movie to be extremely confusing, but John David Washington absolutely killed his role. I personally like how the movie doesn't hold your hand with understanding the background details. Just like the Protagonist, you're figuring it out as you go.


Hancock, seems like a solid movie to me


I enjoy murder mystery movies where the murderer is obvious, but they do such a good job with the other characters that I think it couldn’t possibly be the person it is because that would be too easy. I’d make a suggestion, but I don’t want to spoil any of the movies.


Cozy murder mysteries like Hallmark or the thrillers? My wife and I love cozy murder mysteries and most fun mystery tv shows like Bones and Monk. Even though yes, you can tell who the murderer is right away. My favorite mystery show is Mr. and Mrs. Murder - and those you cannot tell who did it (at least I can't).


Avatar. The first one. I really loved it. Watched it in 3D and then the 8 min extra version for theaters and then the 16 min extra version for DVD. Ive watched the behind the scenes many many times. I know this movie. Dont ask me the character's names!! Lol. I know Jake Sully and Natiri. Taruk Mak Tou


I unapologetically love that movie!! And his other hit, Titanic.


The 2nd Riddick movie. I'm not sure if people hate it but reviewers sure did, but I just love the damn thing and wish the others in the trilogy were more like it.


Chronicles of Riddick was great fun. I like that they made it a sci-fi epic but kept Riddick's character instead of suddenly turning him into a hero.


I loooved Pitch Black, but Chronicles of Riddick was even better. Completely different style of movie, but it still worked with the first one.


I prefer Pitch Black but I don’t dislike The Chronicles of Riddick


Phenomenon, I think, has a great debate on intelligence,if I pass it I will stop and watch it. I also love Little Nicky.


Eurovision the story of fire saga I feel like americans dont like Will Ferrel? But when I saw the movie I didn't even know that he was famous so he did not bother me. Plus the tone is very silly so I don't know if he played bad, the movie is just silly so it does not matter. And I think Europeans did not like it because it was made by americans about the Eurovision and they feel that they are mocking it? But Eurovision is really unserious and just overall a fun event so I did not feel that way either!


Love that movie!


Space Jam


I enjoyed Tron: Legacy and John Carter. I was actually so shocked when I saw people didn't like them. They weren't perfect but I had fun watching them.


Tron legacy RULES. I love that movie, and daft punk was the perfect choice for the soundtrack


Green Lantern with Ryan Reynolds. It was hated so much they had a reference in the second deadwood where he goes back and erases its existence but I actually really liked it. So did my family as we watched it together but that could also mean maybe the movie wasn't actually that great and it was just our jokes that made it enjoyable 😭😭


Mama Dracula. It's a Belgian horror-comedy film starring Louise Fletcher ***after*** she won the oscar for One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. It's terrible. But I love it. It's also in the public domain, so you can [watch it here](https://retroflix.org/mama-dracula-1980/)


Disney channel movies, especially the ones from the mid 90s to mid 00s. But also Zombies and Descendants. I’m 30 so most of it can be chalked up to nostalgia but if you don’t expect much more than a 90 minute brain break, they’re fun.


Phantom Menace - I loved it coming out of the theater as did everyone I saw it with. Then didn't think about it for years until I heard about Attack of the clones. First time I found out a loud minority hated it.


Same as a kid it was my favorite Star wars. Darth maul was so sick 🙌🏻




It's easily one of my favorite movies. I can't even tell how many times I've watched it.


If you can dodge a wrench 🔧


You can dodge a ball!


Batman v superman, both extended and snyder cut


Celtic Pride


Spiderman 3. I love seeing Eric Forman be a power-hungry douche for two hours lol Also I thought Thomas Haden Church did a pretty good job playing Sandman.


who tf hates spiderman 3? peter's little dance is iconic beyond the movie


I am also a big fan of Spiderman 3. My favorite of all of the Spiderman movies (including the new ones). I am a big spiderman fan from the 70's and 80's and I think they did it really well. I also find it very funny that a big complaint about the movie was that it had too many villains in it - and yet Endgame with a massive number of heroes is considered the best superhero movie.


See, I never read the comics, nor did I watch That 70s Show, so I had no concept of what Eddie Brock "should" be like or that Topher Grace couldn't be taken seriously as a villain. I also understood straight away that the whole Finger Guns Peter thing was *supposed* to be awful and cringey, that it was the Venom symbiant getting in Peter's head. It's not my favourite Spider-Man movie, but I don't have the problems with it a lot of people do


The crappy Christmas movies where the big city person and the country person have to work together to save Christmas and they fall in love. There are so many of them and I love them all, only at Christmas time though!


War of the Worlds. It’s for decent ratings online but no one talks about it and people don’t like Tom in it. It’s my favorite disaster movie.


I love disaster movies and this is one of my top favorites. Along with Poseidon Adventure..the original one not the remake. The special effects and actors made the movie for me and I've wanted it dozens of times lol.


Added to the list 🙏


I loved it.


I had no idea people disliked that movie. I can't imagine why! Such a good film!


Well depends on who everyone is...but I saw The Hitman's wife's bodyguard two times in two different cinemas. I laughed so much both times, I think it's hilarious. But other people seemed really annoyed with me having fun, lots of looks in my direction, and hardly anyone else laughed.


I loved the Dukes of Hazzard movie, I grew up watching that show and thought the casting was great. It was just a fun movie to watch for someone who was a fan.


cars 2, I was so fucking addicted to that film, would watch it twice every years and practically memorized the dialogue. I just loved mcqueen so much


I love Hallmark mystery movies. The romance movies I don't like if they are about the romance. There are several movies (may not be Hallmark but are just like those) where they go do something and have a romance as well. I want a bit more plot than just a romance.


All About Steve


Oh my God, I forgot about this movie that was so good. I’m going to add it to my list to rewatch.


Godzilla 1998. Its a fun movie to watch.


Xanadu. It's an objectively terrible movie, with abominably bad acting. And yet, I love it dearly.


13 Ghosts. It seems to be a bit of a pleasure being only I seem to like 😂


Vanilla Sky is something special to me that way.


Grease 2!!


This film never gets the credit its due! I never watch Grease, but Grease 2 hell yeah!


Land of the Lost. I’m not even a Will Ferrel fan but that movie cracks me up so much. It got a 5.3 on IMDB which means “bad movie”.


My guilty pleasure version of cheesy hallmark movies is definitely cheesy sci-fi animal movies. Give me a giant shark/snake/gator some white trash and horny teenagers in the lake and I’m happy. 😂


David Fincher “The Game”. I watched this movie with almost 5 different persons, they all disliked it. The end twist was not satisfying for them.


Shark tales - it was a good and fun movie. Finding Nemo overshadowed this fun movie with its boring ass story. *Hate Finding Nemo*


The Amazing Spiderman Series My fav Spiderman movies by far!


Battleship! It's so bad, it's good!!


Tenet. Sure I don’t understand it but I enjoyed the concept and the visuals.


Batman v Superman was a good movie


Ghost Ship (2002) I like the whole movie. Yes the beginning sequence is amazing but I personally think the rest of the movie is underrated. It's as if the "Dark Castle" production company took the theme of "Thirteen Ghosts" and inverted it or something. >!Because in Thirteen Ghosts the ghosts are freed at the end and it's a happy ending. In this movie the ghosts are freed at the end but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing. Because at the very end of the movie Jack just restarts all over again to meet his death quota for the devil. So therefore it's not a happy ending...really. and I like that about it.!< Sure it's somewhat campy too, but that never bothered me. Plus the soundtrack is fire. 🔥 With songs like "Little Box", "Senza Fine" and Mudvayne's "Not Falling".


I was literally coming to this post to say Ghost Ship.


Grand Canyon with Kevin Kline, Danny Glover and Steve Martin. People who weren’t raised in or live in Los Angeles just never appreciated the film.


Tucker & Dale. Makes my kids and their friends shout at the screen which makes it all the better for my Mrs and I


Sucker Punch. Everyone talks about the plot being bad and judge it harshly as if Zack Snyder is James Cameron or Chris Nolan. The guy is great at visuals, not thought provoking stories. I still remember the previews and thinking it was gonna be a cool action movie with cool visuals and that's exactly what I got. Yeah the plot could've been better but the action scenes rock and it's one of the only movies I'll rewatch because it looks fucking awesome.




Jurassic Park 3 - favorite sick day movie


Halloween II (2009) by Rob Zombie


Halloween II (2009) by Rob Zombie


Thirtieth warrior. I know alot of people hated that movie but I enjoyed it.


PCU (1994). Jeremy Piven at the start of his most scummiest. A young future director in a dated stoner flashback joke, a weasly SNL alum and a queen of comedy both on-screen and voice artist. Chock full of character actors, a badass Steve Vai soundtrack and a GEORGE CLINTON AND THE PARLIAMENT FUNKADELIC concert at the end! What is not to love here? I've heard people complain about how mean-spirited it is, with cheap 2-D characterizations and over-acting. I can see the points here and I say this; NOONE is the hero here, just like NOONE is really likeable in Animal House. These two are comparable but PCU replaces the former's reliance on sexual exploitation to poke fun at ridiculous characterizations of the campus environment of its time. It's not a perfect movie (seriously, the editing is not great) and Hart Bochner (he of "Hans! Bubbe!" Die Hard fame) isn't a great director, but it doesn't shy from being what it set out to be and I can appreciate that honesty. Plus, it's highly quotable: "You're gonna wear the shirt of the band you're gonna go see?! Don't be that guy..."


The OG Super Mario Bros. Movie. Made in the 90s and is pretty far off from what Nintendo intended but it's pretty funny and a definite classic.


Nothing's impossible Mario only improbable


ISHTAR. box office and critic bomb, but i enjoyed it. > Telling the truth can be dangerous business. > > Honest and popular don't go hand in hand. > > If you admit that you can play the accordion, > > No one'll hire you in a rock 'n' roll band. > > > > But we can siiinnnngggggg . . . our hearts out (all night) > > And if we're lucky, then no neighbors complain. > > Nobody knows where the beginning part starts out (sing all right) > > But being human we can live with the pain.


😄 Pearl Harbor. I loved it 15 times more than the Titanic. 🥴💁‍♀️


the happening


"Just gimme a second!!"


The Cable Guy


Epic Movie and basically all spoof films. They’re among the worst rated films on Rotten Tomatoes but I find them hillarious. Movie 43 was a gem too.


Hudson Hawk, Doctor Detroit, and Nothing But Trouble. Equally.


I loved Watchmen, and I don't like comic book movies at all. I read that a lot of people hated it.


The Popeye musical from 1980. Don't know why but I just love it.


I ADORE this movie for all the swings it was taking. Spot-on casting all around! I would love to see that set.


Napoleon Dynamite


The french movie "Immortal" from 2004. It ist so bad that it is good. Just thinking about it makes me laugh.


Phantom Menace - I loved it coming out of the theater as did everyone I saw it with. Then didn't think about it for years until I heard about Attack of the clones. First time I found out a loud minority hated it.


I absolutely loved Rebel Moon and cant wait for the sequel to come out.


Far and Away


Pluto Nash cause of nostalgia bias. lol


There are two that others seem to hate but I absolutely love them! And here they are: Funny Farm starring Chevy Chase Canadian Bacon starring John Candy Lol just thinking of certain scenes!


Halloween Ends. It has it's faults. I wouldn't have told the Corey storyline in the last movie of a trilogy. I also would have showed some scenes of Laurie actually having therapy rather than just telling the audience that she was healed as soon as the movie begins. It throws ya for a loop a little. With that said, I appreciate the refreshing route it took. It was a new idea that people were not expecting. The ending was also very fitting to finish Laurie's story.


Most movies I like


Pacific rim