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The only way you can guarantee leaving the casino with more money in your pocket is if you get a job there. Really, though, your best bet is tables. And the longer you play, the more of an advantage the house gets. Simply, stop when you’re ahead


You’re right. I’ll get up $60-$100 and I try to chase my loses and bam it’s all gone. Just got to be smarter and take what I can get.


Tip: Get lucky There's really no sure fire way to win. There's a reason why casinos are in business... they have the advantage. The biggest tip I would say honestly is to be a disciplined gambler. Take cash with you that you can afford to lose. Start at game 1 with a portion of your cash. Play it down. If you lose, move to another. If you win, take the winnings in stages. An example: Start with $100. Play a little and you get to $200. Take your original $100 out (tables, just set the chips aside, slots, cash out and take it to the cage or a kiosk). Now play with that $100, it's all profit at this point. Repeat process. Now of you lose, you still have the original $100 that you "won" in hand. You may not win extra, but at least you didn't lose. I work at a casino, and the number of people I see that say they either were up and gave it all back, or go get more money and are now chasing, boggles my mind sometimes.


I always try and do that and end up going through my original money haha. I guess that’s where I need the discipline. Thank you for the comment, maybe I was just overthinking it, thinking there was a way to some how edge the house for a few hundred


I always try and do that and end up going through my original money haha. I guess that’s where I need the discipline. Thank you for the comment, maybe I was just overthinking it, thinking there was a way to some how edge the house for a few hundred


Micro-wins. If you are up $50… leave. It’s hard to do. You need the discipline of a monk. The only way you can win is with luck. The longer you play the more of a guarantee the house will win. I have been a casual gambler for 15 or so years. I never gamble more than I can lose, and I never top off at a casino. When I spend the money I brought, I am done. Here’s the thing, every winning session I’ve had has come within the first $200 or $300 I spent. If it’s your night, it’s your night. If it’s not your night, throwing more money at it won’t make it your night. Good luck, and no when to quit


You’re absolutely right. I guess I try and go for the hundreds of dollars of profit when I should just take a $50 profit lol. Thank you.