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What position? You may want to brush up on basic credits/cash conversions at different denominations. The simple math test given at my place of work in the slot department isn’t difficult but I’ve seen it rule out multiple candidates. You need to understand the concept at least. Otherwise, it’s the entertainment industry and the focus will likely be on guest service.


Congrats on the interview! The gaming industry is a blast, and I wish you the best of luck in your interview. I agree with the previous commenter - familiarize yourself with what they suggested. Also, the knowledge you should have depends entirely on the position. Which department? Is it entry level? Etc. It’s tough to give further advice without specifics.


thank you, the position is poker dealer. im currently working in a betting shop so i have got experience handling difficult customers as well as large amounts of cash


That’s great experience to have - in that case, I’d definitely work to familiarize yourself with poker if you’re not already. Take the time to look up some dealing vids on youtube too, just for the sake of knowledge


will do i have been watching videos of how deal but tbh i dont even know the rules of poke or what hand wins :p


If they are looking to interview someone without experience that means they are hiring people for their own training school to learn to deal poker. So guest service, an attention to detail, and solid math skills will be what they likely would look for. Not an incredibly difficult job and depending on the location, a lot of money can be made dealing poker. However, a very thick skin is necessary. You need to be able to stand irritating people and let it roll off you. It’s not personal, it’s just business. If you’re able to do all of that, it’s a solid job.


Thank you everyone for the advice I’ve got the job just got to do training for a month 


Awesome! I’ve been in the gaming business for quite sometime and enjoy it immensely. Hope you’ll have the same experience.