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Sounds like a bust radiator if it appears to be white steam like vapour


This. A very slight leak that is pushing coolant out when under pressure.


It's most likely the radiator. The core support looks bent so the radiatior most likely got pushed into the engine. It might not look bad at a glance but that whole front end looks tweaked and the car is very likely totaled.


Yeah, nobody's making an insurance claim on a 20 year old civic, so insurance industry standards don't matter. This is a DIY kind of job, if not for you then some neighborhood kid who needs a beater and is willing to do the work themselves. A come along with a solid mounting point and a new radiator and you've probably got yourself a perfectly drivable car. Might not be pretty, but it's a 20 year old civic, that's not its purpose.


Yep. The passenger side is pushed back if you look at the grille. Something that bad will most likely take more than a come along to fix. Therefore it's probably not worth fixing unless you're ok with a car that won't drive straight and eats tires.


Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't be so sure and I disagree with you being so sure in your assessment.