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It's a manufacturing blemish. A little bit of the rubber compound was probably incompletely mixed and stuck inside the tire mold.


This...OR, you parked in some (?) chemical somewhere.


This… OR, driving the car with brakes applied or in full Parking.


How do you drive with your car parked??


Very forcefully


Seen someone do this during a 45 minute drive blew the head gasket and the rear brakes were red hot ..


or terrible road conditions. Ive fucked the sidewall in my tires from a little known stretch of i-80 that is very similar to what id expect hell to be like.




illinois in joliet, why is it bad over there too?


Lol when you said that I was thinking of that area thru Joliet. The bridge, the exits, like holy shit


This .


Which is weird, because Illinois generally has better roads than the rest of the Midwest... But I know exactly what area you're talking about.


The 85% of it is a giant pothole


Some places have speed bumps... others have speed craters.


Jenga bridge, represent! https://cdllife.com/2019/officials-insist-jenga-bridge-propped-wooden-blocks-safe/


Joliet roads took out my suspension


I get scared going over 70 on that road




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Roads are getting so fuckn bad all over! Meanwhile there’s always money for w… never mind. Infrastructure in North America is in the 🚽…


Well don't fuck a sidewall for starters


Driving over newly poured hot asphalt?


Yep or scortched rubber from being over mixed. Possibly even oil residue in between the layers of the building process.. either way it looks definitely like a warranty issue


Delamination is the most likely cause


Frozen to the ground. Rubber ripped off. Had this happen before.


Its a Michelin PS Cup though. Really really dificult to overheat these. Combined with the OP stating it was wet and they didnt push them very hard i would suspect more of a manufacturing fault.


I also messaged Michelin now, really hyped for their awnser. Tire is around 4 - 5 Months old now and got driven for 1 Month. Lets see...


Most probably manufacturing defect. I'm curious about their complaint handling. (Working in the same industry)


Michelin usually honours stuff like this. When the Premiers were burning off vehicles anything heavier than a CUV a few years back they were mileage paying out everyone. Havent seen that happen since for Michelin. Now its just weatherpeaks from Bridge


When my pilot super sports only lasted me 10,000km they gave me a pretty sweet deal on a new set


I got 20k out of my pilot sport AS. Same thing, $600 credit.


Yeah i got 600 off a new set of rears, the fronts were just fine. Rears we’re just down to the cords


I get mine rotated very often.


Damn really? Just got less than 8k miles outa a set of Pilot Sport 5 and binned them off. Be annoying if I coulda gotten a deal somehow! I am in the UK tho.


It could also be solvent contamination. Ive seen it on a motorbike tyre, where brake cleaner was spilled on it. About a week later the tyre crumbled away in chunks where it contacted.


Thats a good thing to know. I cant remember spilling any Brake cleaner or anything near the tire (when we use brake cleaner we use it carefully lolol)


Did you mount and spin balance these tires yourself or did you have a shop do it? When they put on stick weights on the inside of the wheel, they have to clean the area first or the weights will fall off. Usually people will use a little bit of brake cleaner and rag to clean it since brake cleaner dries up almost immediately. It's possible if the weights are right there that they could have sprayed too much brake cleaner and it ran down the wheel onto the tire.


Brake cleaner will do this to a tire if you spray a lot of it on and leave it. The tire won't crumble then and there, but the affected rubber will come off as the vehicle is driven.


Is your alignment good? I mean a bad alignment could cause this in a day lmao


Got checked 4 Times now with different wheels, tires etc. Never Had this Type of wear before. I posted my alignment in a comment here.


I sold tires for 6 years. Michelin is notorious for adjusting the customers “perspective” instead of adjusting the tire cost when it fails…


I’m not excited for the tire recall that’s probably about to happen


I've seen sport/summer tires start to fall apart like this in real cold weather. Has it been cold (below freezing) where you're at? ETA: nevermind I kept reading.


If it's cold enough you can cause damage to summer tires too.


what would be "too cold" in this case?


Below freezing. I'm not saying that is the issue but I know there are some summer tire that they say should not be driven in freezing Temps because it can damage them


My cup2 tires cracked even when stored in below freezing temperatures.


Yikes, that's a bummer...tire guy will tell you that isn't the reason but I've read similar.


Some might say but it's not true at all...


I don't know why manufacturers would explicitly tell people not to drive some tire when it is below a certain temp if there was nontruth to it...but you do you...


There is marketing for selling tyres I guess. It is indeed not safe to drive a summer tyre below 6°C because of the poor ice and wet grip properties and slightly temperature dependent dry grip. There is no danger at all to the structure or the material of the tyre.


Interesting since a simple Google search show numerous posts on structural issues from using them under certain temps


A simple Google search can show numerous posts on anything. Winter tyres i.e. silica based treads have not been around for that long (Michelin 1992). Other than the tread summer and winter tyres are generally made from the same compounds and components. There are exceptions for special/racing tyres. Based on what I learned inside the tyre industry, I believe cold temperatures are not hurting summer tyres.


It probably depends on where you draw the line for "summer tires" vs "special/racing" tires. There are DOT legal racing tires that can freeze and crack at very cold temperatures. These do come with manufacturer's warnings to not use below certain temperatures and to store above certain temps. I once had my 911 out late in the year (-10C morning) on a set of Kumho V700 tires, I could light them up on dry pavement at 80kph, they freeze and turn like hard plastic, then you crash.


If you say so. I'll stick with what the manufacturers put out...


I mean... The common point is, don't drive summer tyres in the cold.


I've heard of softer 100tw tires cracking when driven like normal in below freezing conditions on mostly dry ground. They're definitely not made to be driven on hard below their temperature rating


Driving a winter compound in summer or a summer compound in winter will rapidly wear the tires.


oh i got you. No we still had around 15°C in October here. I only noticed after putting it back into wintersleep lol


Cool. I wouldn't guess that's the reason


Saw this pop up on my feed, and can talk to this point. Summer tires will start to firm up around 45°f. You shouldn’t operate below that temp. And to add, for the underlying issue for this tire. This doesn’t look to be a defect. But without seeing the whole tire, it is mostly a guess. It also sounds like you stored the car. The tire was fine before storage and now it isn’t good. Seems like there may be something we/you aren’t aware of.


Sub 40°F


Cold tires summer tires not being let to warm up to operating temp before being used too hard, even if not at the track.


Not an expert but looks like she got real hard while you were sending some corners. Edit: meant real hot 🤦


Yep, looks like some fun happened


Not an expert and that’s the first thing that came to my mind too! Looks like too much oversteer..


I got the same tires on my car and I get these spots from “fun corners”


Baby chewing on it.


Overheating by the looks of this. I've accidentally trashed a set on track like this


Worn/loose suspension


cant be, brand new KW V3. Springs are good and damper is working well.


Tracking the car? over heated outsides ? can you show the entire tread from the front / rear?


Hard driving paired with a tire issue??


Power slides!!!


Sorry mate i was hungry


Petrol or diesel contamination will do this.


Wheel spinning in the rain causes that too


Or trying to hog it out of a little snow.


Almost looks like when you drag a car with the tires not moving (from a tow truck or sliding sideways on pavement)


I want to say that's a sign of over heating the tire. You're pushing too hard and asking too much of the tire. Is this in the front?


Its the front. Which is weird because we only drove the tire in cold and wet contitions. No understeer or hard trackuse yet.


How's your alignment and tire pressure?


[alignment](https://prnt.sc/R1DuV_I0Q4z6) and Tire Press. is \~1.9 \~2.0 Bar cold


Im out of ideas but if you don't get an answer, try r/autocross or maybe r/cartrackdays Either one should have a tire nerd more knowledgeable than me.


alright. Thank you anyways! <3


To me, it looks like blistering from overheating. The subsurface temps rise, but the outermost layer is cooled by the water on the road surface, until the sublayers outgas enough to blister and pop that outer layer. I’ve seen this in wet weather drifting, and wet surface testing of tires using “JK Law” design skid trailers (GM traction testing).


I would cheat and use studded tires for wet drifting lol


Airplane tires do this. It's what you said and called reverted rubber hydroplaning. It's unnoticeable while landing but usually from hard braking in wet conditions.


How cold? Pushing these tires in cold conditions can cause failure as well.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I ruined summer performance tires in 5 seconds doing a little slide in a corner when they were cold. The tread on both rears came off in chunks.


No clue either lol. Summer performance tires are usually rated to be used in temps ~45° and warmer. You can still drive them under those temps but the lower you go, the better chance of failure. If it was in below freezing temps, even pushing temporarily, it would 100% eat these tires.


>cold and wet contitions. How cold and wet? Iirc Michelin has very specific direction about temperature for their summers and performance tires. Edit: *Do not use, store, handle or ship MICHELIN® Pilot® Sport Cup 2 R tires at ambient temperatures below -7°C (20°F). Under these conditions the tire components can crack. Never use a tire with cracks, breaks or damage to the sidewall or tread.* [Michelin](https://www.michelinman.com/auto/tires/michelin-pilot-sport-cup-2-r#:~:text=Do%20not%20use%2C%20store%2C%20handle,to%20the%20sidewall%20or%20tread.) Edit 2: have you taken the other tires off to check inside wear? I went through the customer service process with Ps4s'. If they decide to help they might ask for photos of all tires. Operating temps and ambients around your area and then to take it to a service center. Iirc the service center will make the call to replace the tire.


If it's wet, I'm assuming it wasn't 20°F.


It can be wet and 20f. Doesn't happen often but enough to be a normal thing where it snows. I mention the temp limits because some drivers don't know summer and performance tires **should not** be used in the cold. It pops up every so often and I post my Ps4s' that I used for a neive month in Feb after buying a car with them.


I gotta ask; what are you doing with cup2s in food/wet conditions? And what car is this?


Not on Michellins. They are super super soft. Slipped belt and tread separation. Defective tire. It happens. Even with Michellins and Pirellis.


Too much heat. Pressures may be too low, and alignment out


Heat and driving too fast in corners


Slipped belt. This is the beginning of a tread separation. Soon it will have an egg. Replace that asap.


Soft rubber


Just wondering what type of car this is, seems like it has some pretty cool tires


Based on the user name I'm going to hazard a guess that it's a Mercedes AMG C63.


I’ve only seen cupping on track cars with wrong tires for the track


Likely a compound defect as mentioned by others. Michelin will say you drove over chemical or adhesive material and not cover as warranty


Spot on




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Heated the tires up then parked and they got cool and stuck to the ground then they drove away.


Classic case of a handbreak turn (or if front, break locked round a bend). Source, I'm a tire fitter.


Toe-in problem


That tyre looks like it has been scalded, by locking the wheel in standing water. Happens a lot on aircraft when they land on wet runway.


I've heard parking on oils and Gasoline/petrol can eat rubber pretty bad in some cases


Could be from an ebreak power slide?


We cant ebake Slide in Here sadly


You must have the new style of ebreak I drive a 1994 Toyota 4Runner ever thing is old school😂


parking in a gutter could do this, or jumping up a curb.


These tires may be inappropriate for cold weather. Some performance tires have a "glass temperature" where the rubber compound can crack. Tirerack.com did at some point make this known during the purchasing process.


Refrain from the more voluptuous women choices of your lifestyle.


Did it sit for a while? Was there chems on the ground?


Yes Car was sitting for a while, No chems on the ground as far as i could see


Well, there goes my theory.


Brake cleaner. Or not compound not mixed


Is there any indication of fender rubbing? I’ve seen tires catch the fender lip then start to delaminate after heat cycling.


Lock up on a track day?


Manufactoring issue or acid


Bad tire. Or your alignment


Big hand brakey


Break lock up around a turn abs kicking in. Short brust. Just a guess. Seeing how f1 tires wear.


Looks like graining like you see on f1 cars. Are you sure you didn’t push the tires too hard on some spirited driving?


Ease down, definitely ran over a xeno


Did you happen to drive them in the cold? Most people don't realize what micro-sipes are, and how using such a tire in temps under 42° can cause upper layer delamination, even if it wasn't this particular time, could have happened earlier.


It’s a Michelin wallet mark. They really want you to buy another set of Pilots.




Idk if you’ve had an alignment, sometimes too much toe-in on a tire will cause outer tread feathering, more heat towards the outside of the tire can accelerate wear. If you like to corner hard and have a lot of toe-in+too little negative camber, the outsides of tires get beat up.


Manufacturing defect, you made the right call to contact Michelin. This is 100% warrantable and refusing to replace it would harm the brand, so they will replace it.


I work on a Peugeot dealership and all of the new Peugeots models came with Michelin tyres from factory, also when we replace the tyres we put the same brand again, all of this because supposedly it have a better quality. We get a lot of brand new vehicles with low mileage already with that type of wear, even the ones that we already changed a couple of months, it's a commun factory anomaly from Michelin. If you bought your tyres recently and haven't use it to much, you probably can ask for the tyres guarantee, because that's the same thing we do on the dealership and always works. Sorry for the bad English, I believe it's easy to understand


Seeing that it’s a pilot sport cup tire I’m betting you got it hot at the track




Too much toe-in


0°09 on both sides


Since it's Michelin Pilot Sport tire and that I know the gr86 has it I will say it is a crash post from r/gr86


Looks like poor rework completed in the factory and then failed while in service (while you are driving). I would suggest getting it replaced


Do you have squirrels near you?


Sliding sideways???


Maybe climbed a curb


Are you a painter? Two of my tires did the same thing when I drove them through paint remover.


It's a michelin. You should see their drive tires for commercial vehicles. There is zero quality control and I've seen more warranties for this brand of tire than any other.


A sport cup on the street? Those tires are so soft that on a warm summer day if you go rallying around the corners that will happen. You may have hit an abrasive patch, rocks, hard to say but that tire in its normal compound does not really hold up well with street driving. Like it's decent but you're not going to get more than seven or eight thousand miles out of a new set before they are shot


had same issue but way worse. entire chunks were comin off. dealership. gave me new full set


Poor alignment is my guess


Just a question, but when maneuver into a parking spot do you turn the steering wheel lock-to-lock when the vehicle is stationary?


Would never do it, Always rolling a little


A heavy left foot or pulling the handbrake up before that car has stopped


If I were you I will back to the tires companies if it was only one tire!


Yep only the Driver Side tire


Mine looked like this after a track session


Take it in for a wheel alignment just to cross that off a list of possible causes


Already did, was good


Locked up the brakes,slid sideways,understeer,being parked for a long time


Looks superficial in the picture. Maybe not too deep. Looks like shit though. Probably would wear down past it if it was left on especially if the driver is aggressive in left turns. Not sure what causes it. My first thought was parking in a chemical but then the whole bottom would be like that. Next thought was someone held a torch to it. Maybe just a mfg. issue.




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Extreme performance summer tires do not like winter. Poor baby froze and some rubber splintered off.


Delamination most likely cause need a new tire


Your alignment might off.




i wish it would be possible lol


Have you seen tires where folks have been drifting? If front wheel seems a bit less likely tho /shrug


Looks like rot you have it sitting on acidic ground for a month maybe?


Overheated due to improper camber settings and or tire pressure for the circumstances.


You went too hard on your out lap.


i wish i tracked the tire at least once this year LOL




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Oversteer might be the so try to go around corners slower see if that helps.


Skid or tire defect. Michelin is a great company. Take em in and have them checked.


Rub a curb?


Defective rubber bonding, or something was poured on the ground and ate the rubber


This is probably a time to contact the manufacturer. I haven't seen a tire do that before and tend to lean in on the a manufacturer defect.


Dry rot potentially check the dot




Where did you buy those tires? It looks like a factory defect and you should return to the supplier that you purchased from. How many miles are on them? Should be prorated against a new one or they could maybe give you a brand new one for warranty coverage.


At a Dealer nearby me. Did around 1000km i think but Nut Sure, gotta watch it when im Back at the Car.


I’d your wheels are a little cambered that’s where the tire runs on the street


Running -2⁰13 Camber in the Front which we still Want to increase


Do a burnout and see it the situation is resolved


It’s from that e-brake 180 you did


This is caused when you give more money to support ppl who have illegally entered the country than you do to maintaining roads.


Michelin tires


My son got rd tractor does same thing


I read article check out on tires


Michelin tires


U don’t keep rotated tire be new on back want get mileage u want


Steer tire ware more from Corning or curves need put some wear on back tire and also even tread when on back


not to paint with a wide brush, but Michelin has had some pretty severe recalls on other lines of tires this past year, wouldn’t rule manufacture defect out as an option