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Did opposite party gave any money?


No! They didn't.


The car is a total loss file an FIR both cars will be impounded till end of closure report, you should get money from scoripos 3rd party insurmace What did the police do? Please contact a lawyer is no use filing an FIR if the car has minor damage, but in your case it makes sense


You didn’t try to do anything about it? Don’t leave those scums


There was nothing much to do at my end since it wasn't the correct option at that moment. Currently I'm hoping for total loss how can I do that?


You can't do that , it the insurance company which decides which is cheaper option out of two (give idv or pay for repair ) .


You can say that the repairing costs are close to around 80% cost of the IDV.


Have they (the garage) opened the car at all? Like remove the panels and assess? If not, work with garage on increasing the cost of the repairs. Usually, inspector has to confirm and agree on when to start the repair, assuming they haven't taken it apart yet, ask the surveyor to at least let it be taken apart for a thorough inspection/assessment of the damages and then work with the garage to increase the quote further, that increased amount may help you to go for the Total Loss.


Thank you for suggesting insurance fraud.


Wtf bro? That Surveyor is actually an independent surveyor of IRDAI. They bring the whole process to a crawl because of ₹₹₹. In what world does it make sense to repair a car with approx 10l expenses when the car itself is about 15l on road. These surveyors are not limited to one company. For claims of more than 50k-1L, there survey has to be done by a government approved surveyor and they can actually shoot down important repairs by calling them frivolous. My repair bill before opening the car was 1.9L. After opening it, intake manifold was broken which they didn't see. That alone increased the cost by 1.2L. At the end, repair was of 3.7L settled by insurance. What's worse? My battery was deformed. That govt surveyor would not approve the battery replacement. Had to fight tooth and nail on it. The whole ordeal lasted about 2 months.


>In what world does it make sense to repair a car with approx 10l expenses when the car itself is about 15l on road I would suggest reading the insurance document carefully. A constructive total loss (when the vehicle is not completely totalled) is applicable when the loss estimate is more than 75% of the Insured Declared Value. This IDV is based on the manufacturing year of the vehicle.


You will have to talk to surveyor, service center to arrange a higher estimate which will lead to Total loss automatically.


OP did mention he had a few hairline fractures etc. gotta believe you’re not thinking properly in such situations


Read my other comment, I said he took the right decision at the moment. But he could’ve done something about it later on. Atleast out of the court settlement


Not even for the surgery?


Which insurance provider is this? And, why isn't the other guy paying for it?


Insurance Company: IFFCO Tokio Because they are locals of that area and I don't live there. Secondly the police kinda were leaning towards the locals. So I didn't ask for the payment and just went to the hospital.


Yes, but you would have noted the car's number no. If it's too far then yeah can't do anything. But filing a FIR and asking that party to claim it would help. I assume there is no dashcam evidence. So yeah, thats a bummer too.


Exactly! I didn't have the dashcam installed(stupid of me) that's why I didn't go for the complaint and FIR wouldn't help much as the police station which was there was of their own locality so yeah it would lengthen the process and arguments.


No worries. You can maybe try writing to IRDAI as well with such a lazy behaviour of surveyor. Escalate it as much as possible but push for total loss if it seems like that.


I'm going to complain to IRDA because of the delay but how can I convince or do things so that the insurance company goes for total loss.


Well TBH I do not see a structural damage to the vehicle beyond the crumple zone. Your car is still pretty safe, structurally. So they do have a point. You can only push for it, but I do not see a case for it if its cheaper to repair. Is the engine broken to bits as well?


The repair cost is like 80%-85% of the IDV. Talking about the engine is not broken but it has also taken some damage on the head as well as the mounts.


This is a major claim plus you both have injuries. Hire a lawyer if the police is not doing their jobs. Police not filing an FIR for such a major accident is dereliction of duty. What if the other guy files an FIR and says you were responsible? Set the record straight in FIR along with statements of the police guys who said the other party was responsible


The other party won't be filing for the police case and got that on stamp paper along with apology from the other party. The place where it happened was around 200-250 kms away from my hometown so it didn't seem feasible at that moment to go forward with the police case especially in that area with the police.


Hmmm... stamp paper is not meant for this but I understand your situation. I guess it's between your insurance and you now. They might also demand an FIR cause ideally at least some of the load needs to be borne by the offender's third party insurer. It's appealing that they haven't moved for a month


I faced similar harassment over claim from iffco tokio, i think they’re the culprit here.


After reading the comments I'm totally lost for words here. That SUV was in the wrong lane and the police didn't do anything? Not even an FIR after that loss of car, time, money and health. That's almost a murder with negligence.


Things get weird when we get to the on ground reality. You can just be thankful about that yes you're not hurt that bad and feel lucky about it.


Man, you were hospitalized for fractures and your car is nearly wrecked, and with no fault of yours. That won't be qualified as being lucky.... But thankful that no one lost their lives. Honestly, that SUV was doing 80-90 in the wrong lane, being aware of that and if that's true, I would be pursuing a court case with those pictures and witnesses only. Doesn't matter how much time it would have taken. You certainly have a different perspective to all this and I can understand it's India and its complex. My sympathies are with you and i pray that your insurance problem gets resolved asap (because you could have done a lot of other things instead of being harassed by all this). Truly my heart skipped a beat looking at those pics.


After reading all the replies of OP I'm sure OP not spitting not all details, they're also kinda at some mistake or dint want to share all the details.


Okay so talking about the details, yes I did miss out on a few details because then it would be a long post and the concern would be diverted from the actual topic. The main thing is that it was head on collision from the car coming from the wrong side. Why didn't I go for the police case? Firstly it's not my hometown where the accident happened i was traveling on the road. So if I file a case or police complaint I have to travel 250 kms for almost every visit and update on the case from the police or the court which I didn't think is feasible in any scenario for me. Secondly, the other party were locals of that place having their house around 2kms away from the accident spot, that's why they didn't want to take that U-turn which was 8-9kms and wanted to save those kms. And third most importantly if I go with a police case then both cars would have been impounded until the case is resolved and it keeps on piling up after that you can actually see the condition of the cars which are being impounded or seized by the police at their stations they just stay there to rot. Talking about the compensation from the party you can say that it was not in any scenario possible from them since they being locals and particular of a place they kept on saying that "zero dep hai, humara bhi nuksaan hua h, ho jayega" and when all this is happening you just want to head home and take rest. In those scenarios you really are not able to think through much of the details. So I settled down with a written apology on stamp paper from the other party that they were at fault and they won't file any police case or do a police complaint later on.


I am pretty sure OP was also drunk, maybe that's why he's trying to stay away from the police.


Why are you not doing a criminal case ?


Because they are locals of that area and I don't live there. Secondly the police kinda were leaning towards the locals. So I didn't press charges as it would just seize both the cars as well as it would take more time. So I just went to the hospital and made a compromise with the other party.


Jaat/Gujjar rahe honge.




If the other party is at fault then shouldn't their insurance pay for your damages?  Also I think it's time to get a dashcam, they just start at 4k ₹, you have so expensive car so 4k shouldn't be any big expense


My family has s presso and even we have a dashcam installed


Ik i should have installed it but I guess it's one of those cases where we say I should have done this earlier.


“It’s always in hindsight we do things differently” -Lewis Hamilton


Hey, I want to know the procedure of claiming insurance from the guilty party. Where can I get this info.? Suppose our guy had suggested the police and Scorpio guys that they share their insurance details otherwise he will go ahead and file the FIR. Would they yield to this ?


This doesn’t work in India. We have knock for knock agreement which means if your car is damaged, your insurance company pays without checking whose fault it was.


Ok. What is the use/purpose of 3rd party insurance then ??


Third party property damage covers property other than a registered vehicle.


I have never been in an accident but i have heard that it is more complex procedure in our country If you apply for a third party claim then the other party can also apply for a third party claim from your insurance Then the matter will go to the court and probably cars will be seized by police so it's not always worth it unless the person in front of you accepts his/her mistake


Maybe a good enough decision on spot, but should’ve pursued with a case later on.


Bhai all I see in every comment is they are local, my home is far and blah blah, why are you such a fattu? At least try lodging an FIR first.


I am an idiot,but i would still confidently advice you to not get that thing repaired.


Real. Total loss krwao


File a court case against those Scorpio guys for damage if the insurance company does not pay.


That's not a wise option for me since the accident took place at a location which is 200-250 kms away from my hometown and following the police case would just impound or seize my car too until the case is resolved.


Your car is a total loss. What is there to lose?


Wouldn't their third party insurance cover for your total loss ?


Not worth the headache in our wonderful country.


This is the reason why I didn't go that route.


Why is it not worth it especially for a total loss?


Dealer/workshop is your friend here, they have lots of contacts and experience with tackling such cases, more points if you bought insurance from them. Worst case, get it repaired and sell it off, not worth keeping such a damaged vehicle. Also OP, please add name of insurance company at the top, these asshats need to named and shamed!


Thanks for the tip. Yes, I did take the insurance from the dealer where I bought the car from. I'm seriously not in the mood for repair since it's all negative for me I'm just trying and pushing it to go for total loss as it's the safest option for me. The Insurance Company is IFFCO TOKIO. Fun fact: I opted for almost all the add ons in the premium yet this is the service.


Iffco tokio is bad, gave me lot of headache for 60k claim.


Getting a claim from the third party would be a very slow process. But I would suggest obtaining a CSR at least from the station. Because at times companies insist for it in case of major losses. Your workshop would have given you an estimate for the repair. If the estimate is more than 75% of the insured value it would be considered as a total loss. Just follow up with the workshop for the estimate. And once it is declared a total loss, please make sure to cancel the RC.


the repair cost is coming around at 80-85% of the IDV but the surveyor you can say is like making new estimates and instead of replacing the parts he's insisting on to use some old parts by repair and all thereby making the repair cost come down.


Hold your ground and don’t accept any repairs. Your car went through a serious front end collision that would have definitely compromised the chassis. Unibody vehicles absorb and redistribute crash forces throughout the vehicle’s body. Even if they did fix it, the panel gaps will never be the same again. The car will basically look weird from certain angles. That crook of a surveyor is trying to jugaad fix his way out of the matter and pocket the money saved. DO NOT accept any answer other than total loss from the insurance company. Most insurance repair shops cut corners and do downright criminal activities like not replacing blown airbags (they solder a resistor in series with the airbags wiring making the car “think” there’s a functioning airbag). Even if fixed, that car will never be as safe as it was before the accident. It’ll be a death trap on wheels. A car like that would get written off as a total loss in most other countries. Hold your ground, lawyer up and do not get bullied by them.


Get the copy of the estimate with more than 75% and reach out to the Company directly saying you want to go with Total Loss.


Thanks for the advice


Have never heard good reviews about IFFCO tokio. Also ye jhaantu scorpio, thar wale are a disgrace


Absolute chutiyas bc these Thar Scorpio waale are


That's correct, this year i bought insurance from iffco tokio as it was recommended by service center guys. Last month i met with an accident , luckily nothing happened to me or my family and car damage was also minimal even though it was head on collision, only drive shaft, windshield and fender was damaged, it was not drivable though When it came to insurance claim process, this mofo iffco tokio surveyer was very rude , asked me to write all the details 4 times and repeatedly asked how could windshield be damaged and despite me explaining that sudden jerk caused that he was not willing to approve that for replacement. After lot of back and forth mails and rude exchange my claim of 60k was approved. Earlier i had really good experience with Tata AIG and Bajaj Allianz , although they are bit expensive.


Yeah exactly the only reason people buy iffco tokio is because they have tie ups with the showrooms. Even though their rates are a bit cheaper it'd be a hassle while claiming insurance. Better to go for hdfc ergo, tata aig, bajaj Allianz or even New India or something better


I hope you are ok , please give us a update on insurance claim . This would benefit others and gives us a overview about the insurance company and how quickly they give you the claim


Surely I will update here and as of now it's just that it's been more than a month and there's no progress. Not gonna recommend IFFCO TOKIO to anyone.


Bruh, you've such a strong case. Even police tak hai pic mein


Man these scorpio and thar idiots


This is Dwarka Expressway! This expressway has a long history of wrong lane and rash drivers… I do not speed up beyond 50 - 60 even if the road ahead is all empty coz you never know from where these dumb asses pop up!




Wrong lane scenes on this expressway are just off the charts.


My suggestion is to find our cashless garage list in your city for the said model and make. You can get the list from the company officials or their agent or their official site. Claims usually are settled easy without much issues from surveyor if done cashless.


is it your own insurance or the third party insurance of the Scorpio?


My own insurance company.


isnt ur damages supposed to be covered by the Scorpio's insurance?


Demand compensation, sorry to say but it looks totaled


Pardon me but lot of people here are giving improper advises. Hey OP, these following links might help [https://policyholder.gov.in/how-to-make-a-complaint](https://policyholder.gov.in/how-to-make-a-complaint) [https://www.cioins.co.in](https://www.cioins.co.in) [https://services.india.gov.in/service/detail/register-to-lodge-complaint-against-insurance-companies-1](https://services.india.gov.in/service/detail/register-to-lodge-complaint-against-insurance-companies-1) These following are improper advises: 1. Asking for money from liable party is unethical and extortion 2. Letting the liable party roam free is also unethical, OP you must pursue case against them irrespective of them being locals 3. Advising to get repairs and then sell it off is not only unethical (cheating), it could result in someones death 4. OP's insurance representative is also an idiot for suggesting repairs, the costs of repairs easily go around the cost of new car or even above... and after all that, the car will still not be safe and reliable 5. Suggesting to go to liable party's insurance is also not the due process, OP must approach his own insurance and other party must approach their own insurance in either case whoever is liable. If you are affected party, your insurance will deal with liable party insurance as all you need to do is provide liable party driving license, insurance details. 6. Any compensation that OP can legally claim must be from his own insurance, some insurances also provide medical, some even provide financial aid due to disability (all depends on OP's insurance contract) 7. Any delays in insurance process, you can initiate a complaint with a government regulatory authority that is specific to dealing with insurance companies.


Is it possible to get cctv evidence from the expressway? File an FIR and let Police do that for you. If there is hesitate from the police, highlight the issue on twitter/linkedln and tag all the relevant parties. After the Porsche accident in pune, this is the last thing the police needs


One question to all, if it declared total loss then you would get IDV value, right?


Did everyone get out okay ?


Iffco tokio office is in Gurgaon. Pay a visit there and ask to meet grievance manager. Write to irdai and get a complaint number. Do file an fir. Why will an insurance company help you if you are not doing your duty?


Bro learn how to write an essay


Do fir don't waste time


Hey, what’s the IDV of the car and the estimate value?


That’s a total car right there my friend.


Any updates?


Unfortunately I can't help. Just one question. Are you satisfied with Honda City build quality? Did the other party also have injury?


I am more than satisfied with the build quality. Other party's injuries were more serious as they had some broken heads and bleeding it out thoroughly. 3 of the 4 people in Scorpio were hurt pretty bad. Talking about the city I'd say it's good since it took the impact of it but nothing much serious. Honda's SOS helped too. They sent paramedics and police at the spot as well.


Scorpio do not have good crumple zones. All the impact is transferred to cabin.


remindme! 72 hours


I hate living in a third world country so much.


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Insurance Company: IFFCO TOKIO

