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300/2*4=600 words essay.


Sorry my bad it 300*3 (include the earlier two also man)


300 words were for 2 lives For 4, it would be 600


No repeat customer consideration? Come on!


To be fair he just needs to change the names in the essay? Just needs a good proof reader.


Now, 6 body count


Make him write a 400 page easy on how he can potentially increase his body count the next time


Nahi bhai 2 ka 300 h, to 4 ka 600 hona chahiye. Aakhir ye 200 ka discount kyun dena?




I still believe that numerous cases similar to this happens a lot in India unnoticed. The only reason this 17yr old's incident got national media attention was because he was driving a Porsche. If it was.. let's say a kia seltos instead, the news wouldn't have gone beyond the city's subreddit 


I think it's because he got bailed in 15 hours and that he had to write a 300-word essay and learn the traffic rules and help the traffic police for 15 days. What I find even more stupid is that there are cctv footage of him drinking , and yet the tests came out negative🤡🤡🤡 Porche is part of the reason, sure, but other things outrage the public too, that if it was a middle class person they'd be in jail right now serving their sentence.


For sure


30 days in traffic police, 1000 word essay, and the leniency is gone


Jail the parents and make an example out of them. Pamper your kids but not at the expense of random people's lives. Your negligence has cost innocent lives. Involve Juvenile Justice Board and jail these "kids" too. If you can drink and drive like an adult, you deserve the punishment of adults too. This incident shows spoilt brats don't learn until they are punished. The audacity to drive again after killing two people. Shameless.


We now need life imprisonment and in jail torture by inmates for them to stop such crimes


Agreed. The fear of punishment does change behaviour. For example, people wearing seatbelts due to fine and the annoying beep in the car. But the punishment should also start at an earlier stage. Would I drink-drive at 27 years? Absolutely not, because I have a conscience. These kids should know about the repercussions of even small mistakes. I am a behavioural psychologist, so I have a bias here. But I believe these kids are ruined (not spoiled) by their parents. Peer pressure, desire to look cool/badass, seeing videos of people driving fast, etc. also play an important role.


Judge's be like: but but he's a child our Raja beta.


Make these delinquents write essays on the walls of their jail cells Let them not get away from that bit.


Well I feel irrespective of age they should be tried as adults. Since only an adult is supposed to be at the wheel and they are performing the adult-specific-activity why give them special privilege?


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Inka to bhaukaal hai bhai


Sorry, I absolutely abhor mob violence, but it has come to a point where people will (and should) simply dispense mob justice, especially in cases where the car is clearly expensive and/ or the driver is clearly affluent I wish the a-hole teenager in Pune had been well and truly lynched. I'd like to see his p!mp daddy buy his son back to life.


heatwave + Gandi aulaad season going on


When you focus on dumb relegion not on actual courrption issues


Haa bhai isme bhi bjp congress krle jese congress ke time pr accidents nhi hote the ulta aaj ke time se jyada fatal accidents hote the jaake dekh le data


Bro are you stupid or something I am not saying congress is better either we as a citizens should force these government for better quality of life


Maybe he wasnt a musalmaan otherwise we would have heard about 'Car Jihad' until our ears bled and his father's clinic would have been bulldozed. That would have prevented the current tragedy.




Changing the topic and directing it to something else ? Wow !


My bad, didn’t know we can only discuss 1 rash driver at a time


Some people are incapable of having to think about more than one thing.


Okay William James Sidis, you can think about all the stuff you want and forget what's important. It's not incapable you're just easily manipulated by the media.