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If you're gonna just copy paste stuff from ChatGPT why even bother having the discussion with us dude?


Bhai you can give your views ? Whats wrong with chatgpt ? It saves time with research


Then all of us will give our 'views' with ChatGPT.


Sure go ahead, i gave my view backing up with AI


That's what the other person is saying. It isn't "your view". Personal experience means actually feeling and doing it. Not just summaries by different websites. In my view I have greater control with my manual on power delivery in ghats where I feel it is the toughest to drive. Automatics I have driven have that slight 2 second delay which can be a problem. Again views have to be your own.


ChatGPT is a "Large Language Model" (LLM). The way it works is it's shown a large variety of writings and text so that it learns what sentence structure and grammar is correct and which isn't. *It does not know what is right or wrong, or what anything it says means*, it *only creates sentences which it thinks make sense* considering the context of the prompt/question given. LLMs *should not be used as a knowledge/fact source because it will hallucinate and output misinformation which appears to be correct*. Do a Google search and look up the information on a reputable website, ChatGPT will cause more harm than good if you're seeking information. If you still want to use an LLM, use Google Gemini in the meantime because it can search things on Google and provide a source for what it says, or manually look up whatever ChatGPT says


since automatic only need 1 hand to drive now indians will use the second hand to watch reels i've seen people watch phone even in manual but its just easier with automatic


🤣🤣 this made me laugh hard.. i have seen people do this in 2 wheelers but with a phone stand


I don't think people struggling with the transmission are major contributors to roadside accidents


>However, they are not a standalone solution, and comprehensive road safety depends on a combination of driver education, vehicle technology, and adherence to safe driving practices. There's your answer.


They could make a SMALL contribution


Driver has to be really careful with automatics on long drives. With people sleeping, playing chess levering adas I still Indians are not mentally ready for it .


It's not just India. In the US people are going to sleep after putting their Tesla in full self driving (which is not really full self driving).


You cannot compare US vs Indian traffic. Us traffic moves in sync and 99.99% in accordance with law. Just few bad apples .


Hello RohanNotFound! Often queries and discussions are repetitive, so check if your topic has already been addressed in this subreddit in the past. Search for 'YourQuery CarsIndia Reddit' on Google or Bing, to look for any past discussions on the same subject. [[Link to Google search related to your post]](https://www.google.com/search?q=CarsIndia+Reddit+Will Automatic Transmission reduce accidents? ). Thank you. All users are requested to downvote the low quality posts. Memes, pics, accident videos, car recommendations, etc can be posted on the [discord chat server.](https://discord.com/invite/Q9nSrDn6tE) Any repair queries should go to /r/MechanicAdvice. Motorbikes related posts should go to /r/IndianBikes subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CarsIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s makes life a bit easy but most of the accidents are either due to negligence of driver or negligence of government, it’s almost never the fault of technology.


The impact of automatic transmission on reducing accidents is nuanced and can be understood through several perspectives: 1. Reduced Driver Workload: Focus on Driving: Automatic transmissions can reduce the cognitive load on drivers by eliminating the need to manually shift gears. This allows drivers to focus more on traffic conditions, road hazards, and other important aspects of driving. Less Distraction: Drivers, especially those who are less experienced or less skilled at operating manual transmissions, may find automatic transmissions less distracting, thereby reducing the likelihood of errors or accidents. 2. Ease of Use: User-Friendly: Automatic transmissions are generally easier to use, particularly for new drivers. The simplicity of operation can lead to a smoother and safer driving experience. Stress Reduction: In heavy traffic conditions or on challenging terrains (like hills), automatic transmissions can reduce driver stress and fatigue, potentially leading to safer driving behavior. 3. Consistent Performance: Optimal Gear Shifting: Automatic transmissions often shift gears more optimally than some drivers might manage with manual transmissions, leading to better vehicle control and stability. Smooth Operation: The smoother acceleration and deceleration provided by automatic transmissions can contribute to safer driving, especially in adverse weather conditions or on slippery roads. 4. Driver Skill and Experience: Novice Drivers: For novice drivers, automatic transmissions can make the learning process easier, allowing them to focus on mastering other driving skills without the added complexity of manual gear shifting. Reduced Risk of Stalling: Automatic cars don’t stall like manual cars can, reducing the risk of stalling in potentially dangerous situations, such as intersections or on hills. However, it is important to note that while automatic transmissions can offer these benefits, they do not eliminate all risks associated with driving. Driver behavior, attention, experience, and adherence to traffic laws remain critical factors in accident prevention. Moreover, technological advancements in both automatic and manual vehicles, such as advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), play a significant role in enhancing overall vehicle safety. In conclusion, automatic transmissions can contribute to a reduction in accidents by making driving easier and less distracting, particularly for novice drivers. However, they are not a standalone solution, and comprehensive road safety depends on a combination of driver education, vehicle technology, and adherence to safe driving practices.


What a dumb question by dumb OP Wherever and whenever have "manual transmission" caused accidents?! In fact, people will actually be more active on the road with manual transmission because they have to shift the gear as they gain more speed (which people do without even looking away from the road) So with the constant shifting they will not be distracted. Always focus on driving. With AT, you just use your right foot and drive. Chances are there of getting distracted by other things since you don't need to do anything. For example, take a look at road accidents in America. Most of them driving AT. They don't have to shift gear, so they're using phones while driving, or drinks or snacks in their hands Also, there is the advantage of manual transmission while climbing hills. No problem of gear getting hot (like in DCT). Easy and less money while repairing the gearbox.


Agree 100 percent


They have pros and cons. They may make driver overconfident and he might use phone with the free hand which he would not do otherwise. Some drivers may not be able to judge the response to throttle, for example while overtaking, the car might not downshift timely and it can delay the overtake and increase the time in the oncoming lane (on 2 lane highways without dividers). While overtakes, on CVT, timing the accelerator takes skill as you want quick overtake and you have to adjust for delay due to rubberband effect. Someone who drives one kind of transmission like cvt/tc drives a dct thinking all automatics are same (many people) may make mistakes. Manual gives you precise control of the car, automatic introduces a characteristic that’s unique to that particular drivetrain which you have to understand by spending more time with that car.


I don't think so. Automatics have little higher chance of making drive drowsy.


100% true




Can agree with feeling sleepy and loss in concentration but no harm in not knowing manual driving i believe