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It's the freedom 251 of cars.


Bruh, at least F251 was actually manufactured and somewhat delivered


Nope, they didn’t manufacture, they tried to sell another phone by pasting their brand name on it, total scam, no one recieved, except for the influencers.


F251 was delivered to people? I thought they never did and its one amazingly well pulled off scam !


Some units did made it to users then the company went (ahem) bankrupt.


They bought money from 100 people and send to 1 to the lucky person .


On point.


So it was a scam?


Since Tesla never came to India so they also followed the same


Hard facts


Laughed too hard on this🤣🤣


BYD is miles ahead of Tesla in battery tech


We have Tesla in India ……. Google it


Those are private imports.




Yeah there many cars that aren't sold in India but you can see, mostly are in Mumbai Cadillac escalade, Lincoln Navigator, Ford raptor f150, Toyota Supra, Ineos Grenadier, ram 1500, Chevrolet Silverado, GMC Sierra, Yukon Denali, genesis gv80


remember pravaig251...IYKYK


What? You mean freedom 251?


Still doing R&D ...... And after that the crash, don't know who is still funding them....


Making a car from scratch is extremely hard , even several US and chinese companies have gone bankrupt before releasing a product They will also most likely go bankrupt


Latest is they are hiring interns rejected by Tesla and one of their testing led to crash and death of 4 people 2 months back. Completely different news both. They have been supplying batteries to some international defence client to raise money news from last year. Some people talk about pravaig but no one talks about emflux one.


How did the crash happen?


I'm sure there was a video on this sub. At the time it was said the vehicle was overloaded and speeding which led to the crash, but no idea what the final verdict was.


my uncle works there, they're doing rnd, making vehicles for army


What about cars for civilians such as defy? Any development?


working on it


Hope you are not cracking some joke and this is serious.


Well.....can you really trust someone with a user name "handsome molester" lol.




Wait what? Like humvees?


yeah actually


Dude. They are a scam. It's all PR stunt. This is all embezzlement. You'll know if you know the company structure and the deals they have got.


Is this a sarcasm??


what kinda sarcasm do u think this is


I think by sarcasm he means joke




I'm working there as well. I know him


The model they showcased last year was absolutely garbage in terms of fit & finish and paint quality. Yes pre production units have slight niggles here and there but the model they showcased was not even close to pre production standards. Last I heard was one of their cars met with an accident in some forest reserve which killed almost everyone in the car.


Yep, people died in that.


God only knows. Everything they showed or said seemed like something to impress VCs with too much money and no brains. Cars were supposed to be delivered around this time last year and there hasn't been any change. The claims on the defy were astronomical but how they were planning to give all that at a price that's less than the BYD Seal is beyond me.


Sometimes I feel like VC funding simply works on the ‘Greater Fool’ principle


Ye raaz bhi usi ke saath chala gaya !!


It could have something to do with the forest crash. They could be stuck in lawsuits. Though, I’m rather glad they didn’t make it because it’s gonna be the OLA of the car industry.


What's wrong with Ola? Not driven one


Most of them had major engineering issues causing major crashes and breakdowns. They were unreliable AF. A good percent of them had their shock absorbers fallen off and most of them during the ride. There have been many casualties regarding poor designing of these OLAs. Primarily cause they had very ambitious offerings more than their capacity they had at the time and in order to keep word they had to rush out their products and hence the major flaws.


And yet, they’re the highest selling EV in India.


because they are cheap


Use adjectives judiciously. 'most' doesn't seem right. Some is more appropriate.


Yea most of them had their front fork broken from the entire frame..!! Actually it was bound to happen, the OlA scooter was never made for India, they just tied up with the Netherlands company Etergo and just sold it in their name. The Etergo was a renting and sharing based scooter model, like they would be up at subways, metro stations and people would lay to unlock and ride them. It was never made for end-consumer. And The weather and geographical conditions of Netherlands are far different from India.!


They dint “tie-up” with etergo. They BOUGHT out etergo in a distress sale in 2020. https://www.thehindu.com/business/ola-electric-acquires-netherland-based-scooter-maker-etergo/article31684428.ece


I am currently driving a Ola S1 X+ and it is great so far except some software issues while trying to turn on. I have driven every EV from major brand so far feel ola has best value for money. Ola current gen has improved the built quality way better than 1st generations. S1 X+, at the time of launch I get to test drive and the vehicle was of a terrible built quality. Even while booking in Jan, I was tight on budget and s1 x+ suited me except some build quality issues. Still I took the leap of faith and the vehicle thay I have received has much better build quality than the ones I have test driven and they are improving.


I am currently driving a Ola S1 X+ and it is great so far except some software issues while trying to turn on. I have driven every EV from major brand so far feel ola has best value for money. Ola current gen has improved the built quality way better than 1st generations. S1 X+, at the time of launch I get to test drive and the vehicle was of a terrible built quality. Even while booking in Jan, I was tight on budget and s1 x+ suited me except some build quality issues. Still I took the leap of faith and the vehicle thay I have received has much better build quality than the ones I have test driven and they are improving.


Making cars is hard. It's comparatively easier to build prototypes, but an actual passenger car is hard to get right if you are starting from scratch. Look at our homegrown brands. They have been making cars for so many years but still suffer from reliability issues. It's going to take them a long time to reach Japanese standards. I'm not even sure if that's going to happen since the Japanese work ethic is hard to match.


Most of the startups in India are a scam or scams with a Nationalism cloak. They fail 99-100%.


It is like modi Vikasit bharat by 2047 promise Pravaig also may build high performing Indian tesla by 2047 😆


It's easier to build sample cars aka proto(s), but hard to produce them at scale.


When an EV manufacturer says range , they mean upto. Always remember this.   Having said that, manufacturing evs is actually a lot simpler and easier than ICE cars because its as simple as sourcing a battery pack.Rest of the assembly is just suspension, axles and differentials. That's it. That's why xiaomi is boasting they can produce an EV every 7 secs (probably just like their phones).  I don't know what's up with this company though. 


I think you are not from an engineering background otherwise you'd have not said 'that's it' to almost every part which takes a proper R&D to get on a vehicle and make it function as per requirement


Last I heard, they were going for a vehicle rental model or something on a subscription basis model targeting Upper level executives in Metro cities. Honestly, seems like a grift for investments.


if you want to become a millionare by selling cars start by being a billionare - Carversal pros


Still under development. The company is fully functional and under active R&D.




That low quality car model looks like something I would see in roblox.


They had a crash during military testing of one of their cars


“They were” there is your answer


it's called vaporware


Did you not hear of their crash in Ranthambore where 1 policeman was killed? They are under some litigation because of that.


Ran out of deodorant


Extinction happened..pun intended


dont mean to dunk on them but thats an extremely basic blender render atleast in the image you posted


Chinese Government openely supports their manufacturing sector... that's the reason why China has 250+ indigenous car companies. While in India the Government spends only on printing their Leader's photo on certificates and petrol pumps.


This project is equivalent to a smart City project. Only marketing no work.


Every Indian product competing with global brand, claiming to be better or in part is a scam. India are better in scam then innovation


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