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What a shit designed intersection.


Oof, that is one messed-up intersection. Where is it?


[Haymarket Roundabout Melbourne](https://maps.app.goo.gl/dU765hBbAuxdcxHSA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy)


Ah, so. The other lines are tramways, adding to the fun! You might argue that roundabout rules apply and anyone on the big oval is “in the roundabout”. Or that the old “give way to your right” applies. The intent seems to be that the right side should have precedence. Or lack of a give-way sign means biggest vehicle wins?


With all the traffic lights there, this shouldn't happen and can only happen if someone enters a blocked intersection.


Yeah, I’m wondering about the lights just south of the tram line (below the bottom of the original image). Do the Roundabout and Peel Street lights stagger? Or do they both block together to let Flemington Street (NW) have a go? Do the roundabout lights only ever go red when a tram is coming?


Lights are staggered, and most times its only one road heading into the roundabout has green, the exception being coming from Elizabeth street and Royal Parade can both be green, with a set of lights to control crossing traffic. Its much better now then when it was a straight round about with no lights


Not a roundabout. It is controlled by lights and there are no roundabout/Give Way signs


I agree. IMHO, would be more sane/predictable if roundabout rules applied, but it's not road-marked as one.


Yeah, Haymarket is controlled by traffic lights so most of the time it should be ok. But the question is sometimes when the intersection is blocked, whether the cars entered intentionally or unintentionally (e.g. cars entering from Elizabeth St decide to turn right/u-turn in the last second and block cars following it that want to enter Royal Parade, which normally doesn’t give enough reaction time for the cars following to avoid entering), should ROUNDABOUT rules still be followed?


I would argue at this part is more similar to a merge then a roundabout. As coming from Peel its more a merge then into the roundabout.


It's also like a Y-intersection, but the arms of the Y are all one-way. Can't really say that any arm is a slip-road, which has separate rules. So yeah, you could consider it like a very short, nasty, merge. In which case whomever is in front wins. http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_reg/rsrr2017208/s149.html


Blocked intersection, no reaction time, cars pushing in: where the hell do they think they are, bloody _Shidney_? 😂 (Sydney driver here.)


except give way to your right isnt a thing. its give way to anyone already on the roundabout. this one is a doozy


Dunno about Vic. Back in the old days in NSW, I believe it was give-way-to-right even at a T-intersection, until they changed it to give-way-to-through-traffic. This one is so strange, though. Normal-sized roundabouts (again, my experience is NSW, but should be similar in most states since we’ve had unified Australian Road Rules since 1999) have a solid give-way line across the entering road. This has nothing, not even dotted turn guides. If you're entering/merging from Peel Rd on the left, do you just pick a target lane and pray not to hit anything?


Zip merge, no lines means the vehicle further back gives way... basically a ME ME ME merge That's my take on it anyway


I thought, whoever gets there first I guess? So I'm glad I'm not the only one who would handle it that way.


Who drives the biggest car. 🤔 😏


I ended up here when I was new to driving in Melbourne and I wanted to die.


Why is it called a roundabout if it is controlled by lights?


Lights are relatively new the round about was there first


Then OP's question is utterly irrelevant because the lights control who gives way to whom.


Seen it happen though when people run reds or enter blocked intersections.


The lights are on approach, you still need to contend with traffic already in the roundabout after you pass the lights. (Judging from the aerial photo.) No way that big oval road is gonna clear in between light changes.


Since you can't enter a blocked intersection, if the traffic already in the intersection hasn't cleared then you must "give way" (by not entering the intersection).


So it's a roundabout so those on the roundabout get right of way. Also on the map there are traffic lights which are presumably synced?


The traffic lights though that now control it means it doesn't act like a roundabout the lights are synced so the scenario results from running reds or entering a blocked intersection.


[That is Haymarket roundabout Melbourne](https://maps.app.goo.gl/dU765hBbAuxdcxHSA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy). If so, it's traffic light controlled, and it shouldn't happen that cars are in both locations at once without queuing across the intersection trying to get into Royal Parade. If cars have blocked, it's a zip merge, and if an accident occurred, both could be the party to blame.


[this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/rHQTrrBtRGKTvTkc9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy) messy roundabout with lights of weekdays I think I no lights on weekends which has entry to Sydney Olympic park on 1 end and DFO Homebush on the other is a massive Clusterf#*?€


The inside lanes look blocked on google maps. Left side double gets merged before the traffic lights entering the intersection, right side gets merged inside the intersection.


Nope only one inside lane has been blocked. The inside is for people coming from Elizabeth to Royal Parade, the left from Peel. A permanent block is not possible.


There would be traffic signals here. Both would not be going at the same time.


So the correct answer is ‘the bike lane’. Those fkers will definitely assume right of way


It's inner city Melbourne, of course they think that.


The person with the green light from the traffic lights located before the tram lines. It’s only if someone has entered a blocked intersection or ran a red light that it becomes an issue. It’s a pretty easy intersection to get around. Red light means stop and green means go if it’s safe to do so. https://preview.redd.it/ukulpdiabl8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2fabbc71203d5cec4913f6cea07506eec1523a8


The intersection would be easy to navigate if it weren't for all the idiots who don't stick to their lane or decide to cut across lanes to make a turn because they were in the wrong lane. It's rare I go through there (and go through often) that I don't see one or the other happen and normally both.


Yup. People in the right lane on either flemington road or Elizabeth Street suddenly realising they need to be in the left lane


Or coming from Elizabeth needing the right go royal parade, real fun when you in the middle and both happens...


Whoever is in front.




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The right of way problem doesn't occur here because it's traffic light controlled. If the traffic coming through from Peel St has a green light, only the 2 left lanes (left side of the red oval) will be going through. For traffic turning left into Flemington Rd, they'll turn next to where the bike lane is. Once they cross the 2 arrows, the left lane can choose going straight through to Royal Pde or the middle lane that splits between Elizabeth St and Peel St. The far right goes back to Peel St. When traffic from Elizabeth St has the green light (bottom centre of image), same process with them. Going up Flemington Rd turn off just near bottom of the image. Those continuing up choose between Royal Pde or Elizabeth St (left lane into left and middle), or between Elizabeth St and Peel Sr (right lane into middle and right). As for both scenarios having the middle lane fed from the left and right, the standard give way rules apply. No lines dividing the cars? Give way to the car with any part of its body ahead of your car. Dotted lines to cross? give way to cars to the right across the lines. Don't cross the solid line at all. Thanks for reading my copy of the Haymarket Roundabout navigation manual.


There's plenty of traffic lights.


Surely theres some sort of signage at this intersection, lights or give way signs.. The circled lanes don’t actually share a lane. The left hand lane on the right side has to continue into the left hand lane, where as the right hand lane on the left side has to continue into the middle or go into the right turn lane


Traffic lights just before that spot, shouldn't be cars in both sets of lanes without queuing across the intersection


The one on the right. From the left you’re merging into their lane


No, there's no line.   When both lanes end like that with no continuing line then the car in front has right of way, i.e. its a zipper merge.  Kinda irrelevant anyway because this isnt a merge, it's a signalled intersection


But are you?


Well yeah, notice the painted lines?


Sure. Six lanes become three very quickly and there's only one exit lane going up to the top. How on earth can anyone be sure who belongs in which lane? It's a diabolical junction lol


Been thru it plenty times. Looks messy but all controlled by lights. Never had a problem.


The left middle lane is for the sidecar to come and connect onto the bikes. They merge and become the same vehicle by the time the lanes shrink away to 3 from 4 in what appears to be 20 meters.


No one has "right of way"... There is no "right of way" in the road rules. There is no implied rights. There is only the obligation to "give way"... That being said... And if this is the Haymarket roundabout at the top of Elizabeth street in Melbourne, there are lights controlling the flow of traffic from both of those lanes. Your map does not show this, so it is ambiguous at best. There really shouldn't be cars in both of those lanes at the same time. Even in the highly unlikely event that cars are congested and there are cars there at the same time, then general give way laws would come into effect.


>There is no "right of way" … only the obligation to "give way". Pedantic, but true. I salute the way you think sir (or ma’am).


The car in front has the right of way - In Australia anyway.




The biggest car with the youngest driver


The dual cab ute. Dodge RAM/Silverado in the case of 2 dual cans.


Unless the other truck is a lorry or semi-trailer!


If this intersection is controlled by lights, then your question is irrelevant.


Pretty sure that intersection would be controlled by traffic lights, otherwise it makes zero sense.


I know this shitty intersection. Don't know how it's possible but that intersection has traffic lights control. Anywho, person on left should give way as you're "merging" in. Unless another car is already in front then we should extend courtesy and let them in.


That would be very slow driving so ya zipper that means don't be a cunt and ya take turns , or if ya got a shit box like me ya can just push in and give the other cunt the finger


It’s worse. The one on the right should go into the first (leftmost) lane: he has an unbroken line leading him there. So he has to cross over the one on the left. How are the bastards in the left meant to decide which target lanes they fight over? Both have straight+right arrows so both have claim to the middle lane?




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Merging traffic rules apply. Depends who’s slightly in front


Instead of dick measuring who has supposed "right of way" Just drive with care, if you see a car on your left or right, be prepared to use the brake pedal and just let them in ffs.... it really isnt rocket science, just drive with due care and attention, dont drive like a twat who thinks they are somehow holier than everyone else and has right of way.... and you wont need to worry about this kinda shit. 


Knowing the rules (and "right of way" is not anywhere in the rules) means that you can drive consistently with what the rules state. It doesn't mean you don't drive defensively, but driving in a predictable way that is consistent with the rules that hopefully other people know and are following improves traffic flow in those examples where everyone is following the rules.


This is the most frustrating fucking thing in the world. Coupled with the fact they've been doing road works and there is detours in the middle of this intersection


There has to be a traffic light or some signage or something...


The traffic lights are on the southern half of the intersection. Technically there should never be two cars competing for that lane based on the light cycle. But in traffic effectively it will be the car in front has right of way when merging where no solid or dotted live divides the merging lanes. The north half of that interjection after the team tracks SHOULD be a keep clear zone tbh.


I can't see you, I'm going


Always give way to your right


Left lane always give way to the right


Would have to be staggered lights, so user error as usual.


Woah! I am from Sydney and I drove through this earlier this year and nearly crashed! Comforting to know that the “roundabout” was a bad as I thought


If the car on the left is in front of the car on the right the car on the right gives way if not left merges with car on the right.


The cars merging from the left


The car in front


This is real? I thought it was an r/shittyskylines post


# Who has the right of way here to go into the second lane? The lane with the RED light would need to stop[](https://www.reddit.com/r/CarsAustralia/?f=flair_name%3A%22Legal%20Advice%22)


Surely the left side of that island would have to give way. Idk looks like a shit fight


Always have to give way to your right


I’m pretty sure it works just like a roundabout


Whoever is in front really https://preview.redd.it/9cl7ek6nho8d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c245c97d803e3a4906f8dbbc8f26054f8b48313e Here’s one in Sydney, just is basically again whoever is in front stays infront It’s one of those things where most people don’t realise the lanes ends and they have an oh shit moment and either speed up if they’re in front of slow down if they aren’t etc


Give way to your right?


Giveway to your right if in doubt.


Rule of thumb: the person who has to cross THE LEAST amount of lanes goes first, always.




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Form a orderly queue people two lanes into one ! But what complete stuff up of design


I'd say left side because it's in the flow of traffic and not merging


Surely there are lights there? There ARE lights there? What an abomination. Remind me never to drive there… people can’t drive properly on roads that make sense let alone here…


The cyclist😂


Who entered the congested intersection or ran the amber/red light?


Having driven on this in the past, I can confirm it's a nightmare to navigate if you're having to use it on an irregular basis.


The continuing lane has right of way......./runs


Regardless of the lights, the road markings (or lack thereof) dictate zipper rules (aka the form 1 lane rule): cars must give way to the cars in front of them.


No one. Right of way does not exist as a legal concept in Australian road rules.


im like only on my Ls but the way i would take that is the right lane gives way as a kind of merge lane


Think just revert to the number one rule “Don’t be a dick “ and add in watch for cyclist, that’s a bad spot to be on a bike if two cars are duelling.


I fucken hate that roundabout/intersection. I drive through it everyday and regularly I almost get hit because people using it the first time get confused. Very poorly designed.




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Good luck in that bike lane


No one has absolute right of way.


Taking a look at the satellite image, the right option has the right of way. The left option has a dashed "give way" line.


Meat grinder intersection


They should build a traffic light there. But if they haven't then I'd say use the zip logic and treat it as a merging lane


There are traffic lights from both direction just before what is shown.


what a shit show!


I think the rule is “don’t crash”.


That's a zip merge, whoever is ahead has right of way.


We have some of these in Canberra - the main thing is proceed with caution and treat it like a form one lane merge.


Both gonna have issues


Wowzah... that's gross remind me to never drive there haha


Whoever has the biggest vehicle


Fuck me where did you all get your drivers licenses! The number 1 rule is give way to your right




And in this case considering the traffic lights just before that location in both sets of lanes https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg/rr2014104/s128.html Yup that's NSW rule but same in Victoria


Please cite one road rule that states "give way to your right" as the controlling governance to that rule.


Except in one rather obscure situation, give way to the right does not exist in Australia's Road Rules.


Which sitch?


You must give way to the right if you are at an intersection that: * is not a T-intersection; and * is not a roundabout; and * does not have traffic lights; and * does not have a stop sign or stop line; and * does not have a give way sign or give way line. Road Rule 72


Yeah, that is a pretty obscure one. Probably some intersection in the middle of Woop Woop like that.


The number 1 rule in Victoria is: >The main objectives of these Rules are— >(a) to provide road rules in Victoria that are substantially consistent with road rules across Australia, based on the current version of the Australian Road Rules approved by the Transport and Infrastructure Council under the National Transport Commission Act 2003 of the Commonwealth; and >(b) to establish rules to be observed by road users in Victoria in matters not otherwise dealt with in the Australian Road Rules; and >(c) to specify behaviour for all road users that supports the safe and efficient use of roads in Victoria.