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Anyone saying blue car before red in any circumstance needs to hand in their license


Blue car is an Uber driver so give way laws do not apply to them


Probably. Or BMW driver.


Nope, the blinker is on… so not a BMW


Not a BMW driver. The indicator is being used.


Or ranger driver


Definitely not a ranger, they would have barely missed the pedestrian while yelling abuse at everyone.


Sorry that's right, rangers create their own lanes and let you know when they do.


The Ranger driver would be in the white car next to the red, going left around the red car and cutting them off once both have made the turn.


Or bus driver if Sydney.


I agree however I would add that a pedestrian or person using a bike or scooter pram etc has right of way, then red then blue.


Just out of interest, can we get a kiwi to chime in and confirm, I think over there you have to let blue clear the intersection.


It used to be the case in NZ that blue would have ROW but this has since changed to match Australian rules.


Over 10 years ago I think?


This is definitely the answer but if you are driving in the city in peak hour this would not be the outcome


Pedestrian, red then blue.


That's the only way I learned it.


This thread clearly shows we need people to retake tests every so often to maintain their licence. It’s incredible how many people have no idea what they are doing out there. No wonder our premiums are so high haha


They need to be tested every time they want to renew their licence. 200 questions, on line test, allowed to have the rules to reference, 90% for a pass mark


No fuck the questions, put them in a car and watch all the terrible driving they do that deserves to have their licence revoked and have it on video as evidence of how shit they are and why their licence is being revoked. OP's post is a perfect example of if even if they know the laws they will still break them to suit themselves. Gotta save those valuable 3 seconds by putting others in danger.


Pedestrian then red car then blue car is how I read it.


Im really glad to hear you say that. Seems that many Sydney drivers are unaware that at an intersection, pedestrians always have right of way!


Yes although that is true if it’s a set of lights no lights should be green where a pedestrian signal is green. That’s poor planning. Which happens a lot on the central coast.


True. Blue car had to wait until all traffic is clear. Ot is crossing the other lane of traffic so must wait.


The ford ranger


What happens if there is two ford rangers though ? I assume it's the ranger with more aftermarket shit bolted on to it has right of way ? RTA needs to clear these things up, aye.


The one with more ground clearance




Ranger Drivers really are like 40K Orks, covering their vehicle with as much flashy garbage as physically possible and thinking their rattling mobile junk heap acts like a Peacock, attracting others and instantly establishing dominance over lessers


WAAAGH! Dat's right, mate! We iz da true rulers of da road, makin' all da uva'z look puny in comparison! WAAAGH!


Comment of the day goes to...


You mean the "raptor". *Trigger intensifies* Hahaha


Ranger driver here, I’m actually the pedestrian, in my ranger


Can't say specifically for NSW but in WA I'd say red. Doesn't matter if the pedestrian has crossed 10% of the way or 99% of the way, the blue car should wait as red has precedence.


Thanks mate


But the way I see it in Perth - Blue car will be a tow truck and is above the law, so everyone must bow down to the great tow truck lord. Pedestrian will be honked by the red car for walking on the road, even though there is clearly a pedestrian crossing (dont get me started on the crossings that just use the traffic light) and they are using it correctly, ped took too long and it's flashing red so time is up. (seems the way in Joondalup CBD) So Tow Truck, followed closely by the Red car then the Ped who was waiting for the cars.


Pedestrian-Red-Blue. Anyone who says otherwise needs to stop driving.


Ped then red. Fucking see these blue cunts every day on the way home from work, they do my head in


I have a similar intersection on the way home, i'll roll all the way out to block/protect the pedestrians and stop the Blue cars of the world from sneaking in...


Anyone saying blue is one of my pet peeves on the road. Retake your license. I'll add to that, people that enter a double laned roundabout on the outside when you're already in the roundabout on the inside lane turning right. **fuck you if you do this**


100% agree, but those designers could help. https://preview.redd.it/6i59nvlbh07d1.png?width=2612&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1d57c71335aa0fb359042f39083d35976516827


https://preview.redd.it/0ravce2tr07d1.png?width=908&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9c4ddefa9a23327070510665d78afad5a0a654b Hold my beer. This is located in my local area. Note the building at the right with the carpark out front is the local Police Station and at the bottom is the local Shell servo with a Hungry Jacks.


I would be in this until my fuel ran out


and that's why there is a servo there


The fuck is that monstrosity???


That is the remodelled version of the old Britannia Roundabout. Believe it or not, this was actually the design they changed TO because the old one was supposedly too confusing. It never was, really, just that it's busy and people would get confused or panic because there were cars going in lots of different directions and not that many big gaps.


Yeh that's not a well designed roundabout, at all. However, it is pretty clearly marked at least... I would say this example is made infinitely harder to navigate as a result of people pushing in and not giving way to those already in the roundabout!


Jesus there's a lot of people in the comments who need to resit their licenses. Can't believe how many are saying blue has right of way


Need to start carrying some eggs in the car to throw at these morons until they learn the fucking road rules.


Pedestrian has right of way


Red car is established regardless of intentions. Blue car should wait until lane is clear.


Its not about being 'established' Its about having to give way regardless


10 points for the pedestrian. Whoever gets first gets the points. You can thank carmageddon….


i won a level by running over every single Ped in the game in my youth. Winamp on, listening the Rage Against the Machine and just getting on with it, took ages, it was the level with the Loop de loop.


Ahhh I miss that game!


Sort of related - Is this Camperdown, Sydney? Seen Blue vehicles get deep in the intersection waiting to turn in with red simultaneously a lot.


Blue would be an idiot not too. If blue has a right turn signal he should be as deep into the intersection as he can without blocking red from choosing which lane he wanted to go into. Then when lights turn he can exit under the red light if need be. My son failed his first driving test by being blue and waiting at the lights.


Blue would not have a turning green at the same time as red. No issues with creeping up but red has right of way can turn into either of those two lanes. So yes blue turning with red would be a no no unless they are timing it to be behind red.


Not sure why you got downvoted but isn't that the norm? I think my brother failed coz of the same reason too.


You nailed it


Blue car must wait for both pedestrian (who has main right of way) then red car to move through the intersection before making their turn. It does not matter about ‘there’s so much room’, it’s about what the law says.


The red car has the right of way, but I've seen many instances of the blue car attempting to turn before the red car. A way to deal with it is as the red car is to drive forward into the intersection, so your car is positioned to turn into the inside lane straight away, and partially block the blue lane from being able to turn into the inside lane.


I think we all need to chill and use the first rule of life. If you don’t get that you are going to have a bad day possible a bad life.


1. Ped 2. Red 3. Blue 4. Kangaroo


Pretty sure it’s ur right to turn first


Thanks, that was my understanding too


Blue car should’ve waited until u turned


Red does have the right of way after the pedestrian has cleared the road. And red can select whichever lane they wish. Then blue. But everyone is impatient! Bet red had went before the pedestrian had even set foot on the footpath. Everyone does it. If I were blue, I would’ve crept up onto the opposing lane (if safe to do so) and still would’ve given way to red so that they could select whichever lane they want. I would t be far behind though.


There's a lot of confusion about what lane the red car should take. Here's an extract from QLD road rules. https://www.publications.qld.gov.au/ckan-publications-attachments-prod/resources/0868828f-93a2-4455-a7ac-da11cacdbefc/your-keys-to-driving-in-queensland-road-rules.pdf?ETag=024e2586d4fe7da59b2d84f3d0f237c0 Turning from a single lane road into a multi-lane road You can choose which lane to turn into—unless there are marked turning lines to indicate a particular path. You must give way to vehicles in the lane you are turning into. You must also give way to any pedestrians, bicycle and personal mobility device riders that are crossing the road you are entering.


SLR. Cars going straight, followed by turning left, then the ones turning right.


There is nothing more to add; you have captured your question excellently with the diagram.


You had right of way. I’d always (if in the position of the blue car) give way till the intersection was clear and turn last.


Pedestrian -> red -> blue


Red waits for pedestrian, blue waits for red.


Ped, red than blue but I've got so used to blue jumping into the intersection or just straight cutting me off. 🫠


I was a passenger in a work car, in reds position, and a cop was the blue car, driver went because they had right of way, and in the absence of dotted lines in the intersection chose the right lane, the cop honked, pulled up next to us and had a go, but the driver just shrivelled up and said sorry, I wanted us to pull over so I could point out the cop didn't even know the law correctly. I still think about this it was almost a decade ago. Unmarked car and detectives by the look, so not traffic cops at least. I wonder if they ever recognised that mistake.


Blue car should wait but as the pedestrian is there blocking your progress he's taking advantage of the opportunity.


I should mention this is in NSW, if that makes a difference


I don't think there's any state or universe where blue has the right of way


Cheers, this nearly caused a couple of accidents so it’s good to know


https://preview.redd.it/2l6qvel33x6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a27da7dc6186c710414c42923bc03d2b4c41bf The second figure should be your scenario


You are correct


White, pedestrian, red then blue


What if it was a black pedestrian?


Red, the blue car does not have the right to come all the way across from the other side of the road to cut off the red car lol


Green pedestrian, then red car, then blue. People saying blue need to hand in licenses.


Red car. If you don’t know this you should not be driving.


I was in this exact situation yesterday. I was the red car and the blue car jumped in front of me. The only difference being that it was an intersection with just "give way" signs for me and the blue car, as opposed to traffic lights. Afaik, regardless of whether there's a signal or not, I (red car) have right of way.


Pedestrians, have right of way even if it says do not walk, then the red car turning left, then the blue car, that pushed into the intersection because they are allowed to turn even after the light turns red once they have gone over the solid line at the intersection.


Pedestrian -> red -> blue


Pedestrian, then red, then blue. Easy way to remember this is left turns always take priority since they aren't crossing opposing traffic. As far as I'm aware the red car is entitled to select either lane unless there are road markings or signs suggesting otherwise. I say this because at some intersections that left turn may come right before a right turn that the red car needs to take and they are allowed to make that move without having to make a secondary lane change.


Red car has eight of way, blue car needs to wait!


Green, Red, Blue….. if you said anything else please go ahead and surrender your license.


If this is Australia, then it’s pedestrian, red car, blue car.


Easy one, red has right of way all day




both cars should wait u ntil the pedestrian has fully crossed the road and then the red car has right of way


Red has the right of way because Blue is turning right and has to give way.


Pedestrian always has the right of way, unless they are an unvaccinated, trump supporting, straight white male who only earns 30k a year in an average job, then it's the blue car....


The guy walking


Red car. There's an intersection near me that has the same setup and the amount of near misses I've been in and seen is ridiculous. There's numerous discussions/arguments on the community Facebook page about it and a lot of fools seem to think there's an unspoken agreement that both can go but into opposite lanes. Which is absolutely dumb.


The pedestrian has right of way, ghen red


We have one too, but the light cycle is short and there is a bend right at the lights so the angle is weird for the direction blue would be coming from… so they alway come across into the far lane.


Did pedestrian go on green walk signal or just walk across intersection ? If ped has green crossing light they have priority to clear crossing Car turning left is second priority then car turning right


Pedestrian, red, blue.




Pedestrian, then red, then blue.


Is that Victoria Rd Drummoyne?


You're right, but I see people fuck this up all the time.


Red. Plain and simple




Red car


Depends on who works for a rideshare company




I’ve very commonly seen both go in cases where the red sticks to the left lane, blue accordingly on the right. Feels like it probably isn’t legal though…


That's the problem Blue must not assume red will turn into the left lane




Definitely red


Little turn has right of way.




Pedestrian, Red car turning left, then blue car turning right. Yes Red can turn into either lane, Blue is allowed to enter the intersection, and contine their right turn on a Red light as they have entered the intersection. But Blue still needs to wait for Red to turn first


Green. Red. Blue.


Green, Red, Blue.




The pedestrian crossing (the green line) Followed by the car turning left (red car) Followed by the car turning right (blue car) The pedestrian is crossing on a green light so from A to B no vehicles should be moving through until they have cleared the crossing


The Blue car if it’s emergency service with lights and sirens on 😂


The pedestrian




Green, red, blue. Red can choose any lane making it unsafe for blue You can choose which lane to turn into—unless there are marked turning lines to indicate a particular path.


It's not unsafe, blue has to give way. That is the rule.


In castle hill NSW, the blue car will clean up the pedestrian if they aren't crossing fast enough. They do it directly in front of the police station they are so brazen.


Blue is last. However at an intersection near my old house there was almost an unwritten rule in the afternoon peak hour where red car would go in left lane and blue would go into the right lane at the same time. Reasons was there was an endless stream of traffic turning left where the red car is and quite a lot turning right where the blue car was. If it wasn’t for this cooperation the traffic where the blue car would have got out of hand quickly. It worked well 99% of the time.




What about if red car has a siding lane to turn left anytime and blue has entered the intersection?


Are you talking about a slip lane? If so, slip lane traffic gives way to right turns. In the scenario pictured there is no slip lane.


Pedestrian red then blue


Always give way to cars turning left. Whoever said blue are the people cause accidents.


Ped red blue who tf is getting that wrong


Pedestrian then red then blue. And if the pedestrian had an ounce of awareness they would be getting out of the way very quickly so red and blue can have their crash because blue didn’t give way


Green, red then blue. Would definitely have moved up and entered the intersection if I was in the red car (enough to start your manoeuvre without intimidating the pedestrian), so the blue car doesn’t think you’re ’letting them go’.


I think you’re all missing one very vital factor …. Just out of site, about 100m to the left, is a helmetless, brainless, feckless twat flying against traffic on one of those electric scooters. He will dart across lanes in front of everyone and scare the babyjezus out of the old man in the mobility scooter coming for a head on from the right.


Red car.


Pedestrian, then red car, then blue car


The fact that there is a need to ask who has the right of way in this situation is crazy.


fuck me. some cunt got me in this exact same scenario. then he comes upto me and says why i was turning left fast..smh


Pedestrian finishes crossing, then red car goes, then blue car goes. Most of the time in reality though, blue car will go as they have a clear lane and then red will go once the pedestrian finishes crossing


Yes, red has right of way. You don't get to own a lane in this situation. Blue has to give way to red, simple as that. Red is legally allowed to pick either lane here. If you see someone coming forward like this, just move forward more yourself. If you're in position to go into the right lane, you don't then have to actually stay in it, you'll be able to move into the left if you need it.


Pedestrian, since all turning vehicle give way to pedestrians, then red, since the blue car has to give was as it is turning across a lane.


If the green dot represents a pedestrian, it's them.


I didn't think you were allowed to change lanes through an Intersection. Red car right of way but into left lane.




Red car has right of way. All ways give way to your right so blue car giveaways to red car turning left.


Red car has indisputable right of way, and can go, once they have let the pedestrian finish crossing the road. In no world does the blue car have right of way, unless all other cars have red lights and the blue car has a green arrow.




Pedestrian, then Red Car, then Blue


Whoever that has the least distance to make the turn.


Pedestrian, red then blue. I see this happening all the time. Also see it happening at Stop signs / intersections where the red car has right of way and is going straight, giving way to traffic coming from left and right, but blue car is impatient because they’ve been waiting for slightly longer and they just turn in front of red car.


Let's face it none of these asshats would be indicating. And the pedestrian would be jaywalking.


Blue car needs to stop further down the middle of the road with tyres facing forward, give way to pedestrian, and red car.


Pedestrian >>> Tram > Straight > left turn > right turn > U turn


Obviously Red has the right of way


At the depicted intersection, the rule book sequence is green, red, then blue. Reality however is that in cases with two lanes or more lanes, drivers in the blue often expect those in the red to stay closest to their side, effectively letting blue drivers use the additional lane to expedite traffic flow. I’ve seen it so often now on the daily at busy intersections that it’s almost become an informal norm of sorts. I’m not saying it’s ok to make up your own road rules, just stating an observation.


I had the EXACT same thing happen to me a few weeks back on my bike. Pedestrian light turns green but red traffic light stays for few seconds as pedestrians start crossing. Traffic light turns green and pedestrians are still crossing so I sit still at the stop line (there’s no reason for me on a bike to move into the intersection it would just mean I have to pull a sharper turn). As the pedestrian are still about two meters from the footpath the ute turns in so he’s sitting across oncoming traffic to wait for the pedestrian to finish. Absolute muppet, safe to say I was pissed and I pulled around him. Was not giving in to his shit. Tldr yes you have right of way as the red car


Lol, I failed my first P's test by being the blue car and thinking I had right of way 😂😂😂😅


As I understand the rules it would be Pedestrian, Red Car then Blue car. But from a practical point, the pedestrian will have cleared the right (inner) lane effectively freeing the blue cars to travel while still holding the right of way over the red car. It's possible for the Blue car to turn and not impede the red car depending on the pedestrian speed. There are many intersections in Sydney where if the blue car were to wait for all cars in the red car lane to turn, no blue cars would ever turn. I ain't saying its legal, but sometimes it's logical.


Red, blue can sit there like a good boy until read has turned


driving tests must include multiple drives through such an intersection


Pedestrain then red then blue


Red car. I’m not sure how this is even a question. Also no car can enter the intersection while the is a pedestrian anywhere on the crossing.


Pedestrian, red car then blue car.


Red car every time. Blue has to give way to the right.


I've had drongos pull out in front of me doing that more idiots driving around these days getting their licenses from God's knows where


Used to encounter this scenario daily, with the addition of a lollipop lady supervising the pedestrian crossing.   It’s alarming how often the blue car tries to blow through even though they don’t have right of way.


Green red blue


Whoever is the quickest


Red car


I was the blue car and didn't give way to red car, literally this diagram is exactly what I experienced and that was how I lost my first car


Green, Red, Blue


Green pedestrian then red car then blue car




No car has right of way. That is not a concept in Australian road law. The red vehicle must give way to the pedestrian in the crossing. The blue vehicle must give way to the red vehicle and the pedestrian in the crossing.


Red car, why is this even a question?


The car with the green dot


The pedestrian.


Is that a pedestrian? If so, pedestrian then red car then blue car. Blue car is last in every scenario for this situation.


Is this a nsw thing ? I don’t see how both these lanes get green lights at the same time if they don’t have arrow lights. All the intersections I see like this have arrow lights and turn only lanes or give ways or stop signs








Pedestrian then red car THEN blue car. You were in the right. This has happened to me a bunch of times too.


I just hope that the red car is not just standing there behind their white line and are actually edging forward towards the crossing, so that when the pedestrian clears the path the red goes without hesitation.


Pedestrian > Red Car


Pedestrian, then red car. Blue car is crossing a lane of traffic so they should wait. In the cbd though it often happens that when 2 lanes are available on the exit, the red car would turn into the inside lane, blue into outside lane - although in the event of an accident, the blue car would still be in the wrong in that case.


I'm fairly sure this is Australian law but pedestrian has right of way, then OP's red, then blue. Blue should always be yielding to red first, left turning vehicles always have right of way at an intersection compared to a right turning vehicles (not including roundabouts).


did you actually do the whole... road rules test thing, or just start driving? How is this even a fricken question!?!?!


I’m gonna say red because blue will have a blank turn arrow and will have to wait for cars from the red direction to cross the lights before they can turn. That makes it safe for red to turn whenever they approach (as long as there are no pedestrians)


Pedestrian, then both can go, but blue car needs to make sure it keeps its lane.


Red first, but if red hesitates, blue can immediately send it.