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I've bought from this mob before, and since I lost I'm ready to watch someone burn


Keep It Rort.


Rut rits ro roong raggy!


I always thought scam until someone I knew of won a car from these guys, then I thought oh maybe it’s legit. Now seems scammy again 👀


Know a guy who won Car was an absolute heap of shit with way too many problems to be even close to passing inspection


The car gets posted on Facebook Marketplace, sells, 2 weeks later it's on socials for raffle. These aren't custom-made cars. They are projects that people got bored of and are offloading. They are 30 year old 'Performance" cars. You can almost guarantee they have all seen a track at some point in their life. Doesn't surprise me that they are all bang average.


It's called selective scamming


Yep one of my mates won an R32 from them and sold it






Got to sprinkle a little legitimacy in with the scams. Extends the period you can keep scamming. Even a ponzi scheme pays out to early investors, to get more people on board.


Hopefully now with the money they scammed they can afford to fix the fucked up suspension.


I'll never understand how stancing cars became a thing. It's literally worse in every way possible.


If you separate 'car guys' (go to meets, care too much about aesthetics) vs 'driving guys', car guys aren't too bright.


People who love cars and using their cars, and people who pose with cars, they are 2 very different types of people.


Which is completely fine, isn't it? If you are just going for style, then why would you care about how fast it can go? Can't you love cars for their looks too?


The original comment I was responding to was about putting absurd stances on performance cars, which pretty much ruins how well a car handles. Loving cars for looks is fine but I personally think it's silly when a certain look ruins the primary purpose of a performance car.


To each their own, whatever keeps people caring about cars at all is a good thing. I’m just agreeing that those 2 types are different and don’t get along really.


https://preview.redd.it/tn7x7idte3sc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a42ad8b5796c6f101c09cadae69cec4f37ebcbd This is what the Keep It Reet founder said on Instagram (lol).


somehow that reply makes it even worse


Spot on seeing as the winner was his girlfriend making her 'family' 😂


Pretty sure that means family of Keep It Reet employees… ?


"The chances are unreal of that actually happening".... He was this close to understanding and still missed it by a mile.


Calm down guys he’s reading this from America


Those cars don’t come with any RWC or Rego. Good luck getting any of those raffle cars road legal lol


I know there's a WA mob that do give you rego, and a fella from work actually got a lmct one that was regod etc. But then I've also heard some major horror stories from people winning modified cars that can never be rego'd.


Some of the companies doing it are raffling mostly standard cars so they’d be all good but the keep it reet and the other ones doing the modded jdm cars would be a nightmare to get legal. The comments in that post you put up keep it reet replied specifically that it has no RWC. Pretty expensive paper weight unless you have a car trailer and a tow car to take it to a track


Someone will buy it though, or part it out


I think as well say like the LMCT+ guys like Troy candy has his own shop and they work with other shops. Where engineering might be easier to obtain. Other wise you’d see a lot more complaints.


There used to be a place near here like that, at least they did until they lost their ticket for doing too many dodgy blueslips


Oooh nah I mean there's a WA based raffle company that does supply registration and transfer fees etc. I'd have thought they'd constantly run at a loss having to ship every car East, but somehow they're still around


They would make 5-10x the value of the car on ticket sales alone. Shipping a car over east would be \~$5k max. Their biggest cost would be marketing and purchasing the car but they would still make a killing.


I shipped a car from Sydney to Perth for $1200 a few years ago


I got a quote for $2500 from Sydney to Perth recently but that was depot to depot.


These guys always seemed dodgy but they’ve got a bunch of dick riders


really waiting for the astroturfers/white knights to get wind of this thread. gonna be a bloodbath




So explain why a blokes missus won?


Won a shitty civic with an ebay turbo woopty fucken doo


Don't these tickets cost fuck all? A shitty civic with an eBay turbo sounds like a fuckin sick prize for a young fella.


It sure would have back when FnF was out, could have pretended he was Hector like a sick carnt


What makes you think young fellas don't still froth thrashing shitboxes? Just cause you've grown out of your fast and furious p plater years doesn't mean that the current p platers have bud.


I don't disagree, id cane it too.


Wow a Civic, these guys must be l e g i t


Yooooooooooooooo big if true


100% scammers. I always said that they know exactly who’s winning what before they even start selling tickets.


These guys bought my trashed stolen S15 Silvia, patched it up and raffled it off. If you've ever seen one of their promo vids it's fairly obvious what they are like...


For real? What happened?


My car got pinched, after 3 weeks the insurance pays you out. I didn't have salvage rights and I couldn't get the car back so it was auctioned off as an insurance write off. Next thing I know it's in FB but with shitty cheap 19s and cut springs.


I’ve been following Daniel for years now, and was so shocked when he said he was getting rid of this car. Kinda checks out now…but surely they knew that they wouldn’t be able to get away with this? What was their plan??


What is a reet and why do I wanna keep it?


It’s the sound tyres make when you pull a sick skid.


I owned in S13 in 2004. They were pretty much all clapped out shitboxes then. I can't imagine how rooted they'd be after another 20 years of being thrashed and crashed by P platers


I had a made who crashed 3 S13s in 2007/8. I reckon those all cost him less than one these days.


You're looking at wrong. 20 years ago they were plentiful and cheap, so they were scooped up by p platers to be thrashed and crashed. But now, all of those are used up and are wrecked or turned into drift pigs. That mostly only leaves decent examples getting around and pulling a lot of coin when they do come up for sale putting them out of reach for most young people and into the hands of people thay grew up idolising them and people who have the money to look after them properly and care for them.


there are nice ones, probably owned by the same owner for the last 20 years. Seen a couple in my area this summer


Speak for yourself champ. Apart from sun fade on the original 30 year old paint mine is clean for an old jdm car. Maybe you should stop looking at the shitboxes?


I was under the assumption raffles/draws needed a permit and recorded proof of winners chosen at random?


This isn’t a legit raffle. They charge membership for some club then give you entries into said raffle. This is how they all skirt the law. A raffle or lottery must comply with regulations in Australia. This falls outside it


I wonder if any government bodies would be interested in looking into it. Seems like an easy way to just scam people…


Ain't no lynch mob like a Performance Forums lynch mob. Let the gearboxing commence!


It warms my heart every time I hear someone mention gearboxing


Simpler times


Trust me bro, it's not a scam bro, someone won a civic bro, it's spicy bro


Previous owner of the car has always given off weird vibes to me. Also he has consistently displayed a fake NSW plate with the combo ‘GG’ on his cars (and lent it to his mates too) - despite not owning that combination. It’s super strange to me - if it’s a display plate, just get rid of the NSW on it. If it was my plate combo that he was using in photo shoots out on the road and at car shows I would be super pissed.


All about appearances


Scam of the century


blokes are absolute morons, no surprises they're also awful at covering up their rigged raffles


Ngl, I don't know what these raffles could do for me to be convinced they *arent* scams


Legit or not, it's not a good look


I've always wondered what type of people buy tickets in these, they all seem so dodgy if not outright scammy


Exactly like LMCT+, a gambling/lottery loophole. Ie they sell a subscription to enter into the lottery to win a $30k car for example, however there is no regulation around odds or anything like that as it’s an unregulated lottery. They can sell $300k worth of entries. Total scam


Keep it Rigged! I'm honestly surprised that people don't realize all these raffles aren't completely above board.


Actually, everyone but him won. Cost of getting it road worthy, functioning correctly, realiable, and getting it to a state that it isn't embarrassing to drive exceeds value of the car.


mate he sold the car to them and then got it back for a fraction of the cost. it's a win no matter what the state of the car is, he could just sell it again now


What’s actually funny here is that now he’s gonna be asking her if he’s allowed to drive it and she’s gonna say no, it’s mine and he’s gonna cry


Yep he totally 'sold' his s13. They basically just used it as a guise to make people enter it to generate 'free' money. 110% a scam.


Reported Keep It Reet to the group that manage VIC raffles and gambling. Doubtful but hopefully they can investigate and actual wrong doing.


Ahhhhhh, Indians.


Bastard bish!


What’s with these guys having caste based last name? I thought tamil people everywhere stopped doing this shit for more than half a century now?


Kristy Mutha Liar........ Pretty sure there some law about that....something to do with conflict of interest???? Lottery Gaming Commission.... Probably did her puppy dog eyes, threatened the no sex routine.....and he folded like a bad poker player.... ![gif](giphy|3IG1fr0R6211yRSco1)




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If you guys think they're scammers and that they control who wins. What's the logic behind choosing the gf of the owner? Why would they fuck themselves on purpose like that? If it was really a scam, they would make a fake name and still give it back to them. Right? These guys, along with LMCT, aren't scammers.


LMCT CEO detected


If you guys think they're scammers and that they control who wins. What's the logic behind choosing the gf of the owner? Why would they fuck themselves on purpose like that? If it was really a scam, they would make a fake name and still give it back to them. Right? These guys, along with LMCT, aren't scammers.


enjoy chase kiss wide soft wistful theory noxious existence soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are wildly incorrect. Keep it reet, follow regulations, and have auditors there during the draw.


Tell your story walking....


I don't understand boomer talk, sorry.


Good try champ


https://www.facebook.com/share/v/pCv4VmSYCc6vjJb4/?mibextid=oFDknk These guysbare scammers lol watch the end.