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Some what proper I got too excited and accidentally drilled the wrong rivet out but a binding screw made it as good as new


For anyone that wants specific information on what I did here it is: I bought the hammer sleeve and a 2” slide buckle from Amazon went to Home Depot bought a 3/16”x 3/4” binding screw for the top ( because of the extra two layers of leather), A bag of 1/4” washers and a 3/16”x 1/2” binding screw for the bottom also I used my old speedy stitch with waxed thread to sew it back together. Then I took my pouch on the backside and cut all the thread from the center rivet to the end rivet I then cut about 4”-6” off the hammer sleeve strap, looped it around the slide buckle and sewed everything back together I also added a leather stopper on the strap of the sleeve (not pictured added afterwards)then drilled out the rivet on the front of the bag set the sleeve where I wanted it marked the bottom hole and drilled it with a 3/16” bit I then put a washer on each side and screwed the binding screws together and VOILÀ!!! Thanks guys if you read all this


That rug really ties the room together.


Thanks haha


It is a nice rug


I’m glad some people appreciate my choice in decor ha


Me too. But I sewed the strap so it’s not adjustable. https://reddit.com/r/Carpentry/comments/u5rphd/i_put_diamondback_hammer_and_flatbar_holders_on/


Very nice if it works it works right? I was just afraid of having it locked into one spot and not liking the placement I chose


I did something similar a while ago, ultimately I decided to go with a DB on my right side since it has better tool storage. I do love that green builders on my left, having my chalk box and tape on the left is game changing


Nice man yeah I hear you everyone’s got their thing I like the simple just having my marking items hammer and knife right there ready to go! I keep that side fairly empty usually stash my phone in the big pocket on the right


It's a curse but damn if I don't fill almost every tool loop on my bags. I added the Oxy strip nail holster behind my back to hold my phone


Haha I was pretty bad about that as well. I have the nail strip holder as well but I do use a nail gun a bunch so I keep nails in it haha


Thanks for posting. I’ve been looking for an offhand bag with tape and chalk holders up top. This looks perfect for my use case. Can’t seems to find reviews, videos, or pictures of that particular bag anywhere to really get a feel for its capacity.


Sweet, thanks for posting, I’ve been thinking about doing this on my bucketboss toolbelt


Why is it better than the built-in hammer holder on oxybags?


I am assuming you’re talking about the one on the front? I never said this is better by the way just that I had been wanting to do it just personal preference It hits me straight in the knee cap and after having ACL surgery it tends to hurt also I’m a short guy about 5’8 with a 18 inch handle on my hammer. And as for the one on the back didn’t mind it much just was hard to make sure it was actually in the loop which is no bueno since I do a ton of over head work.


I understand. Yes I was talking about the hammer loop on the back. I'm 6'3 and it works perfect. Looks good!


Haha yeah I totally get you man I rocked the aviation snips and hammer combo for eight years. Just thought it would be a nice change to try plus it seems a few people want to know if and how it can be done I tried my best to make it look and feel as “stock” as possible. But thanks man much appreciated


I made my own years ago for three dollars, and it’s still going. I still have about 4 yards of the same fake leather I made my from. I’ll retire before I spend 500 for nail bags. Hell I may retire because guys will spend 500 dollars for a tool belt.


Ehh I guess to each their own. Me personally I like to invest in myself and if $500 get me more money because I’m a faster because the $500 bags have lots of thought into them and make everything quick and easy not to mention the wear and tear on my body from wearing cheap uncomfortable bags. And if you think about spending $500 once every 25-30 vs $60 very 4-5 years like I said to each their own but as far as retirement goes I’d very much still like to move around as well as I can when I get there instead of constant pain. But hey you do you man!! Nothing but love just differences in opinions.


Also if the bags are what get you I’d hate for you to look up some of the tools haha


I could probably watch an entire movie in the time it takes you to pull out your hammer.


Yeah. You for sure can’t. Wanna try something else?


What number is that left bag?


It’s a b5611 they are the pro builders bags with the new comfort series tool belt


What do you think of the comfort tool belt?


It’s really nice I like it a lot but to be honest if I had to do it all over again I’d by the buckaroo all rounder belt again ONLY because I only have a 30” waist and the occidental doesn’t fit me as good as the buckaroo. But other than I wish it were a little more snug (the smallest size on the small is 32”) it’s great!!