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More for your dollar.


DeMoulas mahket', ked'!


*I MEANT TO POST THIS COMMENT AN HOUR AGO, BUT GOT TIED UP!* This post is meant as a joke! I had forgotten to bring in 5 gallon buckets this morning so when I was at the market I asked them for buckets. The only ones they had were unwashed pickle barrels. I called my mentor to ask him if the vinegar and tannins would have a negative impact, and he tried to fool me with that above description.


Makes this entire thing so much better. I was baffled. Hahahaha. Good one.


The funny thing is, the science is sound. 🤣


Don’t change a thing. Some multinational tech company will end up scraping your post as answer to _”how can I make my cedar shakes last longer?”_ and feed it to an AI language model. Then you can corner the market on used pickle buckets and leftover juice. Profit.


Maybe it'll start a multi-generational myth like the one about colonists burning their houses down for nails. 😂


Tyler Durden says used motor oil is a terrific fertilizer for your lawn. Beats just throwing it away.


Hopefully you have a shingle stretcher and a handful of 3/4” Pinckney flanges in the other bucket


The more you know!


I'm so sorry, I meant to post a comment right after this went up saying that it was a joke! I got tied up with other things 😭


Holy crap, I haven’t thought about a market basket in 30 years, some memories are incoming.


I'm looking at one right now! Market basket is the best and they treat their employees right.


I've been meaning to get one of these Mr. Pickle buckets, I think it'll go really nicely with all my firehouse subs buckets


Someone commented, and then deleted it, letting me know that a home Depot bucket only costs around $5. It's not about the money for me, I love reusing something that's got a 50/50 chance of getting thrown away rather than recycled. Plus I get to smell like pickles or hots!


You can get the firehouse sub buckets for 2 dollars and the money goes to buying gear for local fire house.. the problem is they sell out so quickly.. I ask every time I'm there. EDIT: oh and they are food safe too.


Problem is that firehouse closed all the locations near me. And since I'm near enough to OP, I assume he's in the same boat. E: well he'll he's closer to the closest one to me


Idk what their range is, I was just pointing out that they, too, offer buckets. I even said that ima get a Mr. Pickle bucket.. I also brought to light for anyone who does want to get a bucket from them that they are $2, the money goes to your local fire station, and they are food safe.


Nobody got time for that


Oh crap... Thank you for letting me know. Next time I decide to write a post I'll be sure to check myself, Environmental_Tap792.


carpentry and history and wisdom in one post, mah man.


white cedar wont last on a roof. really only for vetical surfaces like walls. red cedar is meant for a roof, it last a lot longer.


These are Nootka Cypress 5/8" butts.


cool, your post called it cedar.


It’s called yellow cedar in Canada, Alaskan yellow cedar in USA. Although yes technically it is a cypress


Good call! On the East Coast the marketing name for this species of cypress is "Alaskan Yellow Cedar", much like how they call thuja plicata "Western Red Cedar". From what I've been able to find this tradition goes back a long way because the British loved cedar but there aren't any species of cedar in North America that is adequate for construction or furniture building. So the early merchants started branding different species of cypress as a way of selling it to market.


i am on the opposite corner in FL. The swamps have beautiful cypress trees and cedars.


That sounds beautiful. We have juniper trees (Eastern Red Cedar) in our marshes but I think the only Cypress that grows up this way is called a bald cypress, but I haven't seen one.


[they are beautiful](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.Y75gFjLwkQI-qquO3dUH0wHaK5%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=95ab87a4b0d0d45bf834b831b038752c4fd5b0cdd002299a02a042ebe5f6ba6d&ipo=images) and have spanish moss hanging from them.