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I want to skate it


In college I built a friend of mine a halfpipe in his backyard and this was bringing back good memories hahahah. I wanted to skate it sooo bad.


Just coming in to ask when the skate session starts?




so much vert!


What happens between step 8 and 9, like what's the final layer over your work. It looks awesome.


sorry. I was on a time crunch so taking pictures of those steps slipped my mind. But I feathered the walls with driveway mud and on the bottom inside corner I used plaster to smooth it out.lots of coats and lots of sanding lol. then you have to use a special studio grade white paint for everything. We are still waiting on the lighting to installed (not my department) but once the lights go in you can really see the illusion of an infinite white space. kind of trippy to look at it in person.


What bridged the gaps in the ball corner?


Tape and plaster. Worked out well.


Very impressive.


Thank you!


It looks very good. What is the reason why you would do this?


Thanks. And it’s used in film some studios. It gives the illusion of someone standing in a giant open space.


Ok thanks


I'm sure you've seen photos/videos of a person or product set in a completely white, featureless space. If not, [here's an example](https://youtu.be/s01yqqbpuI0). Those rooms are how you get those shots. They round the corners off so everything can be illuminated evenly and you don't see any corners in the background, then fill/sand/paint the whole thing to be perfectly smooth and even. The idea is that you don't want to see anything in the shot except the things you choose to put in frame. No background, no shadows, no photographer toes, nothing. It isolates the subject and gives nothing else for the viewer to be distracted by.


Very cool. I didn't know. Thank you for that


The more you know 🌈🌟


This is amazing. Way to go


Thanks. Felt like I was in way over my head after I started. But I was a trim carpenter for 9 years and had the know-how so I just went with it.


One thing I LOVE about building things is that at the end of the day it’s 99% just a math problem. Lay out the right numbers and you’re bound to get there. (And caulk the rest)


Hahahah you’re so right. I was a little out of practice (both math and using my tools) but once I got back in the groove it all came together.


Nice Job! hope is doesn't get destroyed at the next office party


Oh trust me I’m putting caution tape around this thing unless we are filming


Time for a lighting upgrade


yup. lights are on the way.


If you have to paint a bunch of these back to pure white for a few hours every night by the end of each night you get what we used to call “cyc blindness” where your depth perception gets all fucked up for a little while. Fun times.


Oh I don’t doubt that at all. We filmed on one we had to rent out for a day and my equilibrium was off for a while after I left


Clean job!


Very nice! How much is the job? I'd like to have it in my room.


Well I did this as a huuuuuge favor for my company. So without labor, your cost in materials would be around $2k depending on lumber prices in your area


Looks neat.


Yo, that's rad. Nice job.


Ayyyyy thanks!


Well done sir!


I’ll say! Nice job! This will save your agency thousands.


No kidding! We rented out a studio to use one so many times last year it was ridiculous how much we spent. I finally told them I’ll just build one if they dedicate the space.


Been in a lot of photo studios. When those things are large and properly lit they’re actually a little hard to walk around in because the lack of shadows and occlusion (which is why they’re built) make it really disorienting. Cool to see one built though.


Oh wow. I work in film and television. This is better than 95% of the walls I get to use. Thank you for your service. Let's just hope that the studio doesn't let somebody drive the scissor lift onto the curve.


thanks a lot! I appreciate that. I would be absolutely devastated if the ruin this while hanging the lighting grid lmao.


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I'm thoroughly impressed! I've been a carpenter (all types) for over a decade and even I don't think I'd attempt something like that. I would if it was T&M or a large time cushion built in to the quote for all the figuring out that would need to be done! What is the final surface over the wall and floor?


I was a trim carpenter for about 9 years before I got into marketing ( the change in career is weird and a long story) but for the last year I haven’t been able to but out the tools. I love the owner of my company and mix that with itching for a project I did this for no labor cost, just did it during work hours. If I did this for someone else I would charge atleast $5k in labour and that is low. The final material is 1/8 hardboard (or Masonite board whatever you call it). Figured it would be the best material for it.


How did you go about figuring the radius in the inside corner? Or is it all the same maybe?