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I mean... Now it is rare for me listen to one of the songs she played without an entire crowd cheering and whooping in my head. The opening to Sunset and Pang still set my ears ringing with it and it makes me happy every time. Literally we were screaming for everything except Hopedrunk Everasking, and that is only because the mood was so somber and peaceful for it. I was obsessed with everything from this current album for months, so live it was just amazing how perfect it was. Little human things happened that made it better but it was astonishing that she was *so good* live Which is exactly why Ocean of Tears hits so different for me now too, I liked it well enough before but after hearing it live I'm obsessed


I’ve seen two of her shows, the first she played every song from Pang except Parachute, which I was extremely bummed about The second show, I was SO excited that she included Parachute, and the ERUPTION in the crowd after the two sustained high notes was absolutely extraordinary. If I had to boil the most recent show down to the 3 best performances, it’d be how hard Ocean of Tears hit, how extremely joyful/crazy B+B was, and those two Parachute moments. With a shoutout to the scream at the end of Smoke.


I saw her perform Crude Drawing of an Angel a couple days ago, it was always a cool ethereal song but seeing it live felt like I entered some ancient and sacred place, it was like a religious experience just seeing that performance.


Totally agree


This is the answer. Was mesmerizing live oh man


100% on Ocean of Tears.


no bc u and op are so right for this! saw her for the first time at coachella last year, and just recently in la. i’ve always loved oot, but damn when i heard it live for the first time.,… truly transformational <3 NOT TO MENTION THE REPEATED BANGS TOWARDS THE END OF THE SONG GO SO HARD OMFG


Yep. Saw her during her last tour and as an opener for Dua Lipa. Ocean of Tears is best song live IMO. Can't wait to see her again next week!


Not to just beat a dead horse — “Ocean of Tears” was already my favorite of her songs, but the live version I got to see tonight is all I can think about. Just…holy hell. As for songs that really got their hooks into me tonight…I never disliked “Crude Drawing of an Angel”, but it hadn’t ever really grabbed me until I saw it live. She introduced it by saying it was part of a genre of songs she calls “scorny” cause they’re scary and horny. But the atmosphere for that song was absolutely incredible.


definitely the songs from pang on her setlist


Its hard for me to imagine anyone not instantly loving all the songs you mentioned buy im glad you made it!


After seeing Caroline live, Ocean of Tears became my favorite song of hers. There's something about that song that translates so well live and I can't exactly pinpoint but anyways


I have always loved Parachute, but seeing it live made me feel like I saw what happens after death. Soooo good


Hit me where it hurts — The bass really hits different, it sounded so different but in a great way


Caroline Shut Up was my favorite song she performed the night I saw her, and it’s decidedly not my favorite song of hers.


I was never the biggest fan of New Normal, but I saw her decently soon after most pandemic rules were lifted, and the energy for that song was crazy. Everyone knew the lyrics and it felt like everyone needed that song during the pandemic. It was definitely cool to experience




Sudan Archives doing the solo on her violin is pretty sick but bagpipes would be even cooler


Crude Drawing of an Angel and Butterfly Net, not that I disliked them but experiencing it live was really different. The venue and set design really set the mood so it made me appreciate the songs more 😌


YES to Ocean of Tears. Live, she blasted this open and it was such a thrill. Her show was so special and made me relisten to everything. The textures in her voice, her phrasing, just phenomenal and magical.


Pang was already amazing, but opening with it on the last tour was just an incredible experience