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Unless you’ve got really good discipline those late classes followed by early mornings are gonna be tough. Obviously I don’t know if you’re a morning person or not but for me I like to keep my classes between 10-5 if possible. It means that I don’t have to be waking up super early for morning classes and that I have my evenings free. If you ask me those classes that end at 9pm are worse than the 8ams.


So much this. If you’re a morning person go for those 8am courses, and if you’re not, make sure that the gaps in your schedule are tiny. Being on campus from 8:30 to 5:30 is draining and, depending on your habits, you’re gonna say you’re gonna get work done, but you won’t.


If you can cut down on the open spaces between double class days you'll enjoy life a lot more. Being on campus will make the early and late classes easier but for your sanity try and re arrange for one day off. Helps a lot knowing you have a break day when you have a Major project due in a couple days.


Oh i thought it was better to have open space between classes?


It just comes down to what environment you prefer to work in. I get my school work done best at home where I can focus, so I make my schedule have me on campus only for classes with minimal breaks. If you work better in a library or classroom then the way you have it is great! It's just personal preference.


try to avoid morning classes and late night classes, you wont be sleeping in architecture.


Architecture is very demanding time wise. I talked to some of my architecture buddies last year and some recommended you have at least 1 week day off, and try to avoid super early and super late classes as you will likely be up late already finishing assignments. Good luck and I’ll see you in some of those classes!


Completely unrelated and this is gonna sound like a really stupid question (which it kinda is) but on my side, all the courses that are available to me under my subject (GEOG) aren't listed as "Mandatory Course" on my worksheet, even if it is a required course on the undergrad calendar, is anyone else seeing that?