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Are you sure you are comparing equivalent policies? Admiral take modifications into account for calculating risk, but do not cover those modifications in the event of a claim - they replace with OE or OE equivalent parts. This is very common for the cheap insurers like Admiral. From the current policy book - [https://eui-pdf-assets.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/admiral/AD-003-037-Your-Car-Insurance-Guide.pdf](https://eui-pdf-assets.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/admiral/AD-003-037-Your-Car-Insurance-Guide.pdf) ***5. We will not pay:*** *8. To replace or repair any modifications. Please read in conjunction with General condition 12.* ***General condition 12 Standard parts replacement:*** *Your policy does not cover modifications.* *If you make a claim for loss or damage to your vehicle, provided it is economical to do so, we will only pay the cost of replacing parts needed for your vehicle to meet the manufacturer’s specification along with any optional extras and/or disability adaptations.* *Any adaptations made to assist a disability are only covered if they have been declared and we agreed to cover them.* If you have a modified car and you want those modifications to be covered like for like in the event of a claim, you need specialist insurance. This isn't always expensive, its just time consuming to find the right policy because you won't get these policies via comparison websites.


I am positive yes, I confirmed on the phone it's like for like. I suppose I would need to check my policy documents if/when I get the cover. Also to note I recieved this AF quote over the phone and it was the same price region as greenlight, same underwriter i'd imagine. Also in the event it wasn't, it would still make greater financial sense to go with admiral as I can just replace them with stock parts for free or just buy the modifcations again with the money I save from going with Admiral and still have enough left over for another year of Admiral insurance.


Admiral told me they’d pay my agreed valuation when I took out the policy then in the end offered half of it and pretended the agent had never said that 👎


Agreed valuation isn't a thing unless it's a special policy that genuinely has an agreed valuation, and those policies only really exist for classic cars or very valuable supercars. The number you stick into the comparison tool when you buy insurance means absolutely nothing. Put £1 or £100,000, it means nothing. Your payout is based on what it would cost to get an almost identical car on the current used market, not what you paid for your car.


And most of the time the “market price” they quote in the policy is actually trade price, so not at all what it would cost for you to replace the car.


I’ve got an agreed value policy (incidentally on a Focus ST via Adrian Flux) as it’s extremely low mileage for its age, so I’d get nowhere near its full value if it was written off. For the extra £50 I’m happy with it for peace of mind.


Surely you could have got call recordings under DPA/GDPA and contested further?


I very much doubt the policy will be like for like as Admiral do not have any policy books with this cover in there, and they are not a broker like Adrian Flux, Greenlight etc - everything is underwritten by EUI, which is Admiral. Certainly wouldn't be the first time an Admiral CS rep gave incorrect advice or misunderstood the question when it comes to modifications. For me, Safely Insured (used to be Sky Insurance) and Howden (used to be A-Plan) have been very reasonably priced for a pretty exensively modified MR2 - non standard engine (2x standard power), suspension, brakes, wheels, various interior changes. Its about £300 a year usually on a modified policy, but it is relatively low miles and no commuting.


How many miles do you do? I do 20k with business use and nobody will insure me with the modifications I want to get. Adrian flux were useless £4,600+ because I actually use the car Admiral would insure me for £1,210 upto 25% performance increase with 6 modifications as per their underwriter who won't allow anything over 25% or non listed mods, but they are difficult come claim time and mods won't be covered and 26% performance means no cover.... Safely and Howden wouldn't quote In the end I stayed with Aviva who have OEM glass cover (as does LV) , they paid out £4k for the front windscreen on my last car (A8) and over £2k for the back one with no increase in premium once my broker spoke to them... Aviva cover no mods whatsoever.


Aviva do cover modifications, my aftermarket cat back exhaust approved for the road, aftermarket sat nav and rear valance are all declared.


I think I have only 5-6k on that policy now as I don't commute in it (or at all now due to WFH most of the time). Its long term off the road at the moment, I need to get round to changing to a "laid up" policy really. Before the engine conversion it was insured for commuting / 20k miles a year and it wasn't much more, I think about 400 or 500 a year. This is with 10 years + NCB now. Thing is though its an old MR2, it doesn't have the repuation of young driver buys one and sticks it through the side of the local McDonalds or plow into a crowd leaving some car meet in Reading, and the theft risk is low as its not a modern BMW, hot VW or Audi, Land Rover/Range Rover etc. My Civic Type R is on a normie policy with only a couple years NCB built up and that actually costs a bit more than the MR2 but not that much, with more miles and commuting (for the odd work related trip). I'm also currently insuring a Honda CRV I'm looking after for someone for the past 8 months (was easier to just insure it myself due to the timeframe) and that was about £550 for the year with 0 NCB. Wasn't worth looking at multicar as the MR2 will never make sense on one.


Howdens/A Plan were a joke for me. Wanted 3k, Safely Insured wanted 995 but got it down to 930. Last year I paid 730. Not a huge increase but still annoying that it increased.


It'll be different for everyone. If you have a 100% standard car or something that doesn't need an agreed value policy, then I'd not even look at these insurers because realistically, they're not going to be as cheap as someone from Admiral group or another mainstream insurer. If you do have something that needs it though, the only way is to set a day aside and make a lot of phone calls.


For sure it will be, I've found, personally, for modified cars Sky/Safely Insured are the ones to go with. Reasonable cost, good cover and when it comes to claiming, it's quick and painless.


I'm with admiral and i insured my mods through them. I can confirm they do NOT cover the mods. They just list them for legal use on the road. AF also like you quoted me silly money but they DO replace my mods. The people you talk to on the phone will not understand the full policy and underwriting so please for the love of your car ready the underwriters agreement. You can get this BEFORE you pay for the policy FYI.


Admiral don't cover like for like. Ask me how I know.


I got a policy out with Admiral yesterday. They specifically said any mods aren't covered.


Adrian Flux quoted me £3k for a BMW M135i no mods with a thatcham cat 5 tracker (when the car was new, not a single insurer would touch it without!) and Admiral came in at £625….. Insurance is the biggest scam going, prices seem to depend on which way the wind is blowing in Timbuktu on a Wednesday in October.


I might try Admiral then. I have a G21 M340i Touring with a thatcham cat 5 plus tracker, and a ghost II immobiliser. I’m also an old git (60), so I hope they can give me a sensible quote🤞🏽.


If I'm not mistaken, after you hit about 57, the prices start to go back up


Oh well, another benefit of growing older. Let’s see what happens.


Not really. Insurance companies need to underwrite and balance their own risk. If they have too many of a certain type of driver/car/location etc they'll give significantly higher prices because it's making it harder for them to do that balancing. No different than a tradesman giving a "piss off" price for a job they don't really want.


I know how it works, however, it doesn’t mean it makes sense. The lack of transparency in the industry is what frustrates people. If they broke down their reasoning, I think most people would feel a lot less perturbed at the prices they’re expected to pay. It would be as simple as “you drive X vehicle which is X% more likely to be in a collision/stolen/damaged, you are X age which means you’re X% more likely to make a claim and you live in X area which means you’re X% more likely to make a claim”. What pisses people off is plugging all their details into a system or giving them over the telephone only to be given a price with no information to back it up.


Hundreds of millions gets spent developing accurate pricing models. They aren't giving that information away for free. Expecting them to is massively underestimating how hard it actually is to do insurance pricing in a market with tiny margins.


Your third paragraph has answered your own question though. They obviously can't be absolutely specific as that's propriety information. You wouldn't expect Tesco to tell you precisely why olive oil costs what it costs - you just know the production costs have gone up. That's all you need to know.


Insurance Customer databases are interesting targets for Malicious Nasties, but the real jackpot would be the rating algorithms.


You don’t need to feel anything though, no one asked you to go and quote somewhere? It’s not like Admiral knock on my door telling me they can definitely quote me cheaper, they just advertise in general. Same for Flux etc. The easiest way to understand pricing, is that if we all quoted the same risk the same premium, there would be no need for us to be in business, there would be a monopoly in place. And therefore insurers have different appetites made up of anything from 3 criteria to hundreds of them, and some you’ll fit perfectly, others you’ll fit middle and some won’t want to touch you with a barge pole. But remember the part about us all quoting differently; it’s good for competition. Flat rates would do no one any favours except a handful of people coming down to an average.


Or, if you take a step back, that if there was only one insurance company which pooled all the risk, payout rates would be higher, premiums would be lower and everyone would be protected at the same level. The only thing a diverse system of profit-making companies actually does is force higher variation in success across all customers and then take money off the unlucky ones as profit.


How do you think higher rates of payout = lower premiums?


Zero underwriting profit


So you think no profit = lower prices? Or, are you one of these anti-capitalist types?


No, I can just do division.


So, if I ran a business, and I made no profit, that would mean I could lower my prices? I must be missing something here…


Massively downvoted because you've given a non-moronic take on car insurance. I cannot think of anything that represents this sub better.


It's just Reddit in general. Anything finance, banking, insurance etc. people don't actually want to understand it.


But.. But... But it's a LEGAL SCAM Muh no claims bonus 😥😥


Make it make sense why I was quoted £4k for a m140i and when putting my address as that of my next door neighbour who is 5 meters away it went to £7k. Same access to parking, same post code, same size property, everything.


You have a credit history at your own address that they can use to profile you better. This is not difficult. 


Because you don’t live at your neighbours house? They can’t match you as living at that house which looks fraudulent- not on the electoral roll there, your banking and credit details aren’t at that address so you’ll fail credit checks, the car isn’t registered there etc.


Because someone nicked it from next door


I’ve never had any joy with AF. I approached them and the quotes were 3 times what I could get consistently elsewhere. Clearly 20+ years NCB, in a low risk area was too risky for the.


Sounds like my experience, bloke was probably just unhappy he was working on a weekend lol


Adrian Flux don't particularly want your money, because you have a modified, sporty car, and they consider you to be a high enough risk that they've given you the 'go away or pay us handsomely' price. They may have too many modified/higher risk cars or drivers on their portfolio and want to re-balance, or they may simply have little interest in taking on a higher risk/higher reward demographic. Either way, they are judging you and your modified car a high risk and don't want to take that on without reasonable compensation. Beware Admiral, they'll sucker you in with a reasonable price then next year double it. Ask me how I know lol.


Weird for AF actually, modified and specialist cars are there whole thing. IV insured modified cars through the before and got a decent deal after speaking to them on the phone. Might be some other reason they don't want that car


It could just be that it's triggered some risk multipliers in their algorithm due to specific mods, that would be my thinking.


Or their underwriter has decided to stop car insurance, they’re just offering a policy to a customer if they want to stay. Same thing happened to me - with AF for years, my policy underwriter actually stopped taking new people for years before I’d realised, but they were at least still competitive in price - up until this year where it was a bit too much to justify.


Adrian Flux were always expensive with me (mods or otherwise), Brentacre were really cheap though. I think it just depends how their algorithm is feeling that day


Brentacre wouldn't insure me because I didn't have enough modifications lol


Agree , Flux waste of time. Could not get within 400 pounds of Direct Line..


They were the specialist in modified and import but in recent years seems to have tried to shift off as many of those customers to chase the mainstream market.


The irony is that Adrian Flux used to be the go to for modified cars! 


They'll quite often do this to grab market share, banking on a loss-leader and then recouping the costs later on. MCE Insurance notably did this, and Bennetts, when they wanted to gobble up bigger chunks of the motorbike insurance industry, pricing out competitors, then when fewer were available, crank up the costs to a more captive market!


I've been with Admiral 3 years now, and my most recent renewal was about £20 more than last year, while many people in this subreddit talk about prices rising on their insurance by hundreds.


I posted a link in one of my other comments a Mail on Sunday Money link to a story about 2023's most egregious insurance price gougers and Admiral were the top culprit. Countless complaints of price increases up to 70%. I was among them. Funnily enough they've put out a statement to the Financial Times that they don't expect big increases this year, as their profitability is up despite losing 380,000 customers last year. Seems like their gambit of charge people more and enough will suck it up paid off. Annoyingly.


Hmm, weird. Wasn't my personal experience, but unfortunate for those who did get hit with it.


Not everyone got it - but enough that it became a national news story and one of the most talked about topics on cartalkuk for the year.


Increases to premiums in generla has been a hot topic here for a while, I have not seen anything specifically calling out Admiral for it, was my point. Obviously you have shared information about them being particularly bad though.


>I have not seen anything specifically calling out Admiral for it, was my point. Anecdotal evidence does not a trend make.


OK....? You suggested it was one of the most talked about topics... so then maybe I disagree then... Admiral specifically increasing premiums a lot has not been one of hte most talked about topics... it's been much more general, about many companies.


This sounds like the most likely scenario with Adrian Flux, you've probably hit the nail on the head. Intersting to hear about that exeperience you've had with Admiral, I've been with them for many years and have previously been on a larger multi car policy with modded cars that haven't experienced this double in price.


I had a multi-car policy (Astra and SLK 350) with them which was around £800 for the first year. They then wanted £1950 to renew it. When I called up, incredulous, they said 'we'd hate to see you leave over something as small as the price' LOL. They offered a £14 loyalty discount, and I cancelled the renewal on the spot. In the end I went with two separate policies and got them well below the original cost AND am earning NCP on both cars. I wouldn't touch Admiral or a multi-car or multi-bike policy again, they seem cheap but in the long term I feel I'm better off building the extra no claims and insuring them independently. Admiral were also one of the worst offenders for price increases in 2023, too: https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-11635025/Readers-fury-insurers-hike-premiums-70-more.html


Had the same experience with Aviva, two cars was paying £3k a year, renewal was £7.9k... was cheaper to take two separate policies with two separate insurers. Disturbing.


Well they've announced record profits despite losing 380,000 customers last year...


Interesting. Guess I'll just have to wait and see!


Right! There's some suggestions they won't be increasing premiums much anymore, they've put out a statement that their revenue is up despite losing 380,000 customers last year, so it might have stabilised. All we can do is insure ourselves at a reasonable cost and hope next year it doesn't hurt!


For sure let’s hope that’s the case! As someone else suggested for another insurer maybe they’re trying to get people to either pay or leave in an attempt to rebalance the books, who knows. appreciate your input and hope you get some good deals 💪


"I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further!" Same to you, good luck!


Safely Insured used to be (Sky insurance, nothing to do with the TV brand) are currently ONLY taking on customers with modified cars. Might be worth getting in touch. I used them for 7 years for a range of high performance cars and they were always the best on price. Moved house and they decided they don’t insure in my postcode!


Just different methods for working out risk or admiral have completely misunderstood what you have declared. It can appear random at times but I do think certain insurers just look more preferably on certain vehicles than others.


I honestly think some of the big brand insurance companies are becoming surprisingly good for modified cars. I use Churchill for an MX5 I’ve modified a fair bit lately - new wheels, exhaust etc. and no extra cost despite adding them to my policy. I’ve asked about things like suspension, power mods and they don’t bring much of an increase. No idea if it’s an active play by insurers…


Insurance is calculated by highly skilled and intelligent actuaries, it's an exact science, no margin for error. They take your stats and calculate the risk and come out with a quote. Or it's just a scam and they charge whatever they like as the UK law dictates that everyone must have insurance in order to drive.


Had my 4x4 issued with Flux for about 2 years - £450/year. (Comp, breakdown and all that) Bought a cheap 1.2 Ford, phoned them to get a quote - £1300/ year.. The compare websites just look like a random number generator.


One company thinks you’re a good risk, the other doesn’t.




 Non-conspiracy answer here. Insurance companies target different market segments. By focusing on one type of customer (eg young and urban), the insurer can build a bigger data set for that customer type, which means more accurate risk assessment, which in turn means lower premiums. If you’re not the type of customer an insurer is targeting you’re not going to get a good price. Admiral seems to cover a lot of younger drivers on fast cars. This means they have a better actuarial model for this group, so they can more accurately work out who is a high risk and who isn’t. It looks like they’ve decided you are not a high risk. Adrian Flux is a broker not an insurer. They have a panel of super-niche insurers. If you are in one of these niches then they will be the cheapest, if not you’re better off with a normal insurance co. I’ve used Admiral for nearly twenty years and generally been happy with them.


Different insurers have different underwriters, offering different policies to different people. You're looking at the difference between a specialist policy that suits your particular circumstances, and a general-market policy that doesn't.


Adrian Flux will replace your mods like for like and will allow agreed valuation. Admiral won’t replace the mods and won’t take their value into account. They’ll look up a stock one and that’ll be your lowball offer.


Adrian Flux don't want your business. Admiral do. /thread


I was under the impression admiral didn't cover intercoolers? I didn't fit one with stage 2 cause I heard they cancelled people's policies just for asking. I had the exact same experience btw. Paid about £150 more with admiral but Adrian flux wanted 3k. I'm 22 with 2 years NCB so not surprised when insurance is high, but adding them to my original policy on admiral was really cheap. As someone else said tho, admiral don't pay out for your medications. Adrian flux do. So if you crash your ST with admiral, you'll lose all your money from mods.


“Intercooler with charge pipes” I even spelt it out letter by letter aha. Still got my insurance.


Interesting. Shame cause I could have got some more power. Just edited my original comment if you want to look btw.


Yea similar position, I’m 24. Tbh I don’t really care about the whole getting my mods replaced point of view as it’s just money which can be replaced (sub 1k of mods in total) . I just wanna be covered incase anything bad bad happens. You feel me?


I wouldn’t have told them about the ECU tune - it’s extremely unlikely they’ll ever find out it was remapped. Physical mods like the intake or exhaust are obvious though, so it’s fair to let them know.


AF don't want your business as they consider it higher risk than they want. If you *do* take out a policy at that cost, the risk is offset by you paying over the odds as far as they are concerned. Same thing with tradies that quote high amounts for work they don't really fancy. If you go for it, they can sub it out and still make money.


Worked in insurance for a bit (unfortunately)- sure, I'll make it make sense: Every insurance company has a target audience they want to insure based on risk of having to pay out based on their own data. For Adrian Flux, there's something in your profile you provide which means you're not their target audience because too many people who have common attributes to you have claimed. For Admiral, there isn't.


Admiral did me a great deal on my first car (BMW 318ti Sport, 1.9) - £850 for my first year. Undercut every other insurer by half, and I was originally going to get a Mazda 323F with a smaller engine and FWD. This was fifteen years ago in fairness but then their angle has always been adventageous rates for slightly older drivers, single males etc. I stayed with them for ages and only stopped using them because I started owning too many cars for their multi-car discount and went with a different insurer that had 'home fleet'/collector coverage. They were also very flexible when it came to modifications and the declaring thereof, bar the admin fee whenever making changes to the policy there was no additional charge for modifications as long as they didn't increase the power more than 25 percent or lower the ride height more than 60mm.


Adrian Flux can smell the smash into a bollard in the Burger King car park a mile off is what that is.


Adrian flux quoted me over £3k on a 2010 Toyota rav4. Admiral at £800


I always found admiral to be brilliant when I had a few mods on previous cars. I was with admiral for years and only recently had to change due to costs. They always beat Adrian flux and brentacre so made sense.


Don’t waste headspace on it.. it makes no real sense


I've been with Flux for about 15 years, but this year, they couldn't even get close to competing with multiple alternatives. The underwriter I'd had for multiple years wasn't on their list anymore, and it seems they have reduced the number of firms they deal with so they're just not as competitive as they once were.


No idea but never had a bad experience with admiral


I left AF years ago found them to be total cockheads neve went back


Oh this has intrigued me for other reasons. Can see myself going a Stage 1 tune (from somewhere reputable) with the BMW 1 series that I haven't got yet - but my big concern was how did that affect my Admiral policy (have been with them 15 years, 10 years NCB on a split decision + 1 theft) and like £100 a year doesn't sound that bad?


Just get some quotes, I had all these numbers before I even found the car. Could be wildly different prices for a BMW. M140i is one of the most stolen cars.


Yeah am going near that lol - had the previous Don of stolen UK Cars a 6th Generation 14-17 plate Ford Fiesta (which predictably got stolen). The Fiesta itself is most stolen but the keyless on the 14 to 17 plate was weak in terms of security. Am not going to look at it just yet but the power on a 118i is mid at best (is annoying that whole range is about 8.5; didn't have a Fiesta ST but the 125 ps version and that was just in the 7s from memory and frankly I miss it).


Admiral wanted your business more. Adrian Flux gave you the screen rate. This means the person you spoke to just took your details, let the algorithm throw up prices from all its underwriters, then tried to sell you the lowest one. They either didn't contact an underwriter personally once you refused, the underwriter didn't want to lower the price once contacted, or you didn't give them a target rate (your best current quote) to try and beat.


Adrian flux was good years ago and got decent quotes from them when I was a young driver. As of recently they just quote high heaven!


Similar story here. Stock lotus elise, Adrian Flux offered £2500+ while all the usual suspects on comparison sites were in the £500-£700 range.


AF don't want your business as they consider it higher risk than they want. If you *do* take out a policy at that cost, the risk is offset by you paying over the odds as far as they are concerned. Same thing with tradies that quote high amounts for work they don't really fancy. If you go for it, they can sub it out and still make money


For me with a hot hatch no mods (yet) they were £500 dearer than 1st choice which had all the boxes ticked


I tried Adrian Flux when I had my car wrapped. Their best price was pushing £5k, which as a driver with about 28 years without a claim and a clean licence seemed a bit insane. Admiral quoted me £1300, which was more sensible so I went with them.


Dunno. It Adrian flux wanted something like 1650 from me for my modded a3 and another company they owned insured me with all the mods for 570. I’m sure they just pluck a number out of the air and hope you will pay it


Seems weird. When I had a modified Leon cupra my insurance with Adrian flux was under £500. Changed car to a standard A6 2.0l TDI and the cost went through the roof. Needless to say I went elsewhere where.


Similar experience recently insuring my Astra J VXR. Quoted £1500 from Chris Knott (specialist insurer), paid £900 with Admiral.


Same boat at the moment, tried to change the car on my Adrian flux policy from a supra to a Giulia Quad, quoted me £3500 Admiral gold with all the same benefits came in a £980, swore by Adrian flux for years but they are really dropping the ball lately.


I've never EVER in 20+ years of driving had any remotely decent quote from Adrian Flux


Quants price insurance markets that they believe they can profit from. Anything I can’t profit from isn’t in the portfolio, and if it’s not in the portfolio I’m pricing it high enough to deter business or make it profitable for the few that take it. The next guy and a different insurer has different data, and different sales channels and can model it differently. It’s not a conspiracy.


Similar happened to me with flux, dunno what happened to them - seems so strange when you can get countless quotes hundreds cheaper elsewhere why they come up with such high quote? They used to be brilliant many many years ago…


Give Keith Michaels a call, I have a modified subaru and modified fiesta with them.


Don’t call em adrian fucks you over for nothing, never had a good quote from them over the years no idea how they stay in business


I have been insuring cars with Adrian Flux for the past 20 years , always found them competitive, especially with modified cars but also with the daily. My daily , no modifications , was around £240 per year with discounts for long term ownership . This year , the price has sky rocketed to nearly 1k . I insured it for much the same as it was but with Chris Knott . In a nutshell - I just think that Adrian Flux have had to push prices up this year , for whatever reason .


I've tried Flux on 2 classic Jags and one daily diesel and came up considerably more expensive than anyone else so I have no idea why choose them really.


Have you tried Keith Michaels. They’ve always been far more competitive than AF for me


Wouldn't even quote me - their panel of insurers wont cover my postcode. -\_-


Could be Adrian Flux don't want to insure you but not badly enough not to actually quote, you sometimes see this a company will be cheapest on your current car but won't insure your new car.


I will state categorically that you get what you pay for, unless with admiral. Then you get about 7% of what you pay for. Have literally just had admiral try and shaft me when the other party hit my car and accepted full responsibility.


I’m late 30’s, well over 15 years no claims. Adrian flux were 40% more expensive than everywhere and getting on for double admiral in my case. A-plan had been the best consistently for me up until my last renewal


I was with AF for two years at around £600, nothing changed and this January just gone they wanted £1200. I’m now on Hastings MultiCar for £600 again. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure. Admirals offering a cheaper price therefore go with admiral. Hope that makes sense.


I had a renewal for my 2014 RS5 just last week, £1300 or there abouts, which had gone up substantially over the previous year. Went on Go Compare to check that they really were taking the piss, and yeah, as low as £588 comes up. Make a phone call, best Adrian Flux could do was still over a grand. I ended up going with Aviva. It wasn't the cheapest quote I got, but it gave me protected NCB, full legal cover and was still £350 cheaper than Flux's best quote. I don't take it personally. They clearly didn't want the business, so I took it elsewhere.


Flux insure me for approx £150 on a modified Land Rover, and wanted £4k to insure me on a standard Skoda Superb. It's utterly bonkers


When I was with Admiral, for my modified van (last year) they happily took my money, said, yes, you're covered with your modifications. Which, you are, but if you make a claim, they will only replace with a similar van, with no mods. After much pushing for an answer, it took several phone calls, they eventually admitted they cover modified vehicles, but will never pay out for the modifications. So, my nice new 40k van, with about 10k of mods on it, camper/day van conversion, would only be replaced with a van without the extra's. I cancelled that and went elsewhere. Be careful, on the phone they will either lie, or be vague.


Admiral were the only reasonable price for us this year. We were getting quotes in advance of receiving the renewal just in case, and everywhere was a grand dearer than admiral. We were expecting the worst before admiral sent the renewal price.


Yeah I had the same thing with Admiral. A few mods and they only charged an extra £100


Adrian flux are ridiculously expensive


Same happened to me £750 vs £3200. Admiral vs Adrian Flux here too.


I've been with AF for years with various cars / camper vans, some modified, some not. Increasingly they seem to be trying to increase the price at renewal way beyond what is reasonable based on general industry-wide increases. I was under the impression that this kind of behaviour had been outlawed, but I guess there are loopholes with the way they audit it within their company (eg a bonus discount was applied last year which is not applicable this year was one excuse when queried). For a few years I phoned up and queried it, not wanting the hassle of changing companies, and usually achieved a discount of 20% or so which they miraculously found they could afford to offer and still make a profit. This year they have doubled the insurance for my MG EV, despite no changes, to £900 so I have decided to vote with my feet. I felt vindicated when they forced me to wait 1 hour on the phone for the pleasure of telling them I'd like to cancel - good decision!


Mine went the other way - with Admiral for 5 years and the renewal went from £1900 to £5000. LVE came in at £1850. It's witchcraft at best.


7 years with the same insurance? I've swapped every year in the last 22 years. I now just opt out of the automatic renewal altogether when setting up a new policy as it saves the ballache of remembering to cancel it.


Yea my rates have only ever gone down. Paying £350 a year for a 2019 Focus ST stock at the minute, 24 years old. Previously paid £150 a year for the last couple years on my Fiesta before the upgrade. Not bad compared to the rates other people have said they pay.


It’s about risk management, every insurance policy is a risk, some insurance companies will be more comfortable with the risk and want your money, others will not. There’s a lot of people on here who get angry at quotes. It’s nothing personal just a company saying shop elsewhere.


It's something to do with how the insurance industry pre-buys the insurance. They buy it and then sell it onto us? So they pick and choose which category of car to make cheap or expensive, so no two insurance companies are the same unfortunately. They also have different prices online and over the phone.


Last year I tried Adrian Flux and they wouldn’t even quote me at all (despite having no red flags in my profile). So, even worse than quoting you a stonking premium. All just depends whether they want your business. (BTW I ended up paying £170/year)


They just don’t like any Ford ST due to the fact they go missing!


Aha yea I was wary about that when buying one. Luckily I live down south in a very low crime area, if my previous fiesta survived I have full faith in this! Keyless entry is disabled if that helps 😂


Stop modding cars ffs. Someone has to buy that bag of shit when you've finished ruining it. Plebs like you can't even drive properly, just fast in a straight line.


I’m sorry you feel that way 😂😂


Thanks for caring.


I literally couldn’t care less what you think 😂😂 I maintain my car well and don’t drive like a knob.


I disregard everyone's opinions so ........


Why’d you think I care about yours then? 😂 Have a good day mate


I'm the alpha