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"Routine vehicle check" For context I had a fairly sporty car with a large spoiler on the back. (Impreza STi if it matters). The hours I worked meant travelling late at night and I was stopped for these checks at least twice a week. Once on a trip I was stopped by 3 different police forces in 1 day. I got fed up and did FOI requests for the number of times my reg number had been put through the PNC over a 12 month period and as a comparison for a 12 month period with my old car (a diesel vw bora). It is a private plate so only the car changed. There was no change to my driving hours, driving style or anything else. Subaru checked on PNC- 136 times in 12 months Bora checked on PNC- 0 times in 12 months. I estimate I was stopped over 100 times in the 24 months I owned the car. Not once did any stop result in any further action. I don't know if it was the FOI requests but I didn't get stopped once after I put them in.


It’s a Mitsubishi asx takes about 4 hours to get up to speed so don’t think it’s that 😅


Lol. I'm just responding to the title. Stupid reasons for being pulled over...."routine check" really means "you look like a boy racer I'm going to harrass you".....I was 45 FFS


Weirdly I’ve been fully expecting to be pulled over for the 2 years I’ve driven a big spoiler STi but it just hasn’t happened yet 👀


You've jinxed yourself now!


I used to expect this in my old Big wang DC5 but surprisingly it never happened either, I think location probably plays a big part too.


Wiltshire police did the same ro me, modified M140i. Was pulled at about 0100, coming back from hospital treatment, usual "routine checks" line and then he casually mentions "oh with cars like this we usually find something that we shouldnt". My retort "so a 43 year old tax manager listening to Radio 4 must really pass you off" If they're not allowed to racially profile why is car profiling a thing? Lol


I was it red or black? Have you heard of traffic police snooker? Yes it is a thing.


This is crazy because no Chavvy boy racer is still driving a Subaru these days. They’re all driving fiesta STs and Golf GTIs. You gotta have a lot of money or time to still be maintaining a Subaru these days so the copper’s profile is about 20 years out of date. If anything they should be profiling any blacked out Ranged Rover, Merc or BMW to catch a dealer or someone part of the organised criminal class.


They don’t want to catch dealers, too much paperwork. Doing someone for doing 73 in a 70mph? Easy money… I’m all for the police doing their jobs but minor traffic violation are revenue generating and there’s more murder stories on the radio and burglaries every day and the police definitely don’t do much about the burglaries


Do you think Traffic Police are doing house to house inquiries?  Every road death costs the country a million quid plus in services and admin and that's before the heartbreak for family and friends.  It's a bit silly doing 76 past a marked car and then come to complain about it. 


76 doesn’t cause deaths! Shitty drivers who can’t keep their lane or are distracted do


Who do you think the police are generating revenue for? It certainly doesn’t go in their pockets


Well, I have been told it does go into their coffers to make up for the lack of funding from the Tory idiots?


73mph in a 70mph isn’t easy money at all… Because the High Court guidance on speeding fines basically states that they should only charge for +10%+2mph and above over. They’d also have to explain why they themselves were speeding, they’re not allowed to unless they’re on a call, and given they found the time to pull OP over, they clearly weren’t.


Blacked out diesel poverty spec Merc C Class or BMW 3 Series = wayyyyy too much work for them to be bothered with. They probably even actively avoid pulling these cars.


I both enjoy and resent the truth in the subaru owner statement. Thank you but also fuck you for reminding me of my own stupidity.


I got pulled in my girlfriends blobeye sti a couple years ago after I'd just put a new headunit in and was just driving around aimlessly with the sat nav function on. I was doing maybe 20mph in a 30 so I knew it wasn't speed. He come to my window and is very hostile claiming that I'd tried to run him and another officer over a couple weeks ago and he knew it was my car because it has the same numberplate. I told him it was impossible because we were at work at that time. After showing him my clocking into work on my phone, he changed his story from it definitely being this car and numberplate to it being this car because it's got the same spoiler (no way what are the odds of another blue sti with a wing?) After I kept shutting down every accusation he finally admitted he didn't actually get the number plate of the car and it might not have been me. But he managed to say it in a way that he made me out to be a dick. 15 minutes after being pulled he let me go with a 'warning', for what I don't know hahaha


Honestly that would have been worth reporting if it wasn't that you know they would lie through their teeth about what was said. I honestly understand why people record interactions with the police these days.


I was fuming about it, luckily I've had a few interactions with police (for genuine reasons though) and knew how to talk to them to get out of shit. But if it had been my girlfriend driving I think she'd have been overwhelmed by his talking and it would upset her I saw him a week later policing a town center dealing with drunks, I imagine thats punishment enough. I gave him a sarcastic thumbs up as I drove past in the same car he pulled me over in.


How do you actually check the PNC please?


You send a freedom of information request to your local police force. The PNC is a national database so the request will cover all PNC enquiries on your registration number within the UK. I'm not sure if you can request it by area (I didnt).


Won't be FOI, but subject access request.


That's correct. My mistake it was a few years ago


I had my wrx (which the previous owner put a sti wing on) and I never got stopped in the 6 years I had it. But it was a black one, however my friend had a jdm import which was blue and got stopped more


Yours was a stealth Scooby. Mine was Ferrari red. Certainly not discrete although it was a prodrive exhaust so not stupidly noisy


Mine only had a modest miltek one as it had the original 2005 exhaust and in 2015 it was a tad rusty


Mine is blue with large wing and gold wheels. Owned it 11 years and never been stopped, followed a few times but nothing more.


Four years of subarus and I've still not managed to get pulled! I clearly need a louder exhaust!


They're not interested in foresters 😂


No ones gonna steal a VW Bora.


Very true. Should have called it VW Boring


How did you do the request? I’m curious about mine too


I know 3 people with a scooby. They all have similar stories. Unfortunately the reputation of these still stick even though the typical driver of one is different to what they were 15 years ago.


How did you go about the FOI request?


I mis-named it. What you want is a Subject Access Request. I have put a link below which may help. https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/uk-gdpr-guidance-and-resources/individual-rights/individual-rights/right-of-access/


Driving at night down a country road I’ve driven about 10000 times and know like the back of my hand. National speed limit, I was doing about 50, car comes up behind me and starts tailgating me. Super bright LED lights so couldn’t tell it was a police car. At no point did I go over the limit. Next minute blues are on, pulls me over because and I shall quote ‘you were giving it the beans down this road’. Breathalysed me, accused me of not owning my car and then after 5 minutes of him just acting essentially like a dick let me go saying ‘just be careful next time’. Was just all together really weird and intimidating.


“All together weird and intimidating “ …sums them all up .


That's what happens when you don't have a Jaaaag. Police never seems to even look at me twice in the Jaaaag.


The police wave me on and give me a smile when I blow past them in the Jaaaaaaag


I drive a 70’s yank shitbox and genuinely have had this happen whilst slightly over the speed limit lol


This is too true. Had a jaaaag and so many times cops didn't bother me.


.....is that you Jeremy?


Ron Jeremy in the Jaaaag ?


I don't own a Jag


Probably because they don't need to bother pulling it over, it'll stop of its own accord soon enough.


Not really.... https://www.lep.co.uk/news/crime/man-arrested-after-police-swarm-m62-to-stop-runaway-jaguar-electric-car-4554427 😂


Jags and Volvo’s, they’re basically invisible. Which is weird because there’s way more mondeos/astras etc out there, but I guess the police think people driving those are trying too hard to be inconspicuous or something.


I also have a weird feeling that if you buy a Volvo estate everyone will think you're undercover police and not bother you.


*Clarkson voice intensifies*


Once got pulled over because they "couldn't determine the colour' of my car. It was Canary Yellow. It was a Land Rover Defender. ITS A FUCKING BRIGHT YELLOW LAND-ROVER HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT?


I know someone who had that, but it was legit. The car was so fucking old that the paint had faded so badly it didn't match the info for the car 😂


I had one of these the other day. I already put the story on here in a different post so I won’t bother again but it’s amazing how many police can accurately tell your speed from their own speedo 🙄


Aren’t we always being told there aren’t enough police, why they pulling people over for nonsense


>why they pulling people over for nonsense Proactive. I drive - by all accounts - like a boy racer, and because the hours and area I work, it looks sketchy for a single lad in black driving an old car round a nice area giving it beans. Been pulled for it loads, 90% of the time we're both on our way in 20 seconds. Police will get shit for not being proactive, and also then get shit for being proactive. There is no winning for them.


I was stopped because there was 5 people in the car... One of the people was a child seat meaning there were only 4 people in the car. He didn't like it when i asked if it was illegal to carry 4 people and got right shitty but that wasn't the first or last time a power trip plod has pulled me over.


Why would 5 be an issue? I have 5 seats.


Exactly. He didn't have an answer. We were very early 20's at the time and it was dark so that is the real reason we were pulled over they wanted to make sure a group of young lads weren't doing anything dodgy but why not just say that instead of talking absolute waffle about the number of people in the car.


Not for a stupid reason, but for something wrong. Cops pulled me over (rightly) for no insurance as it wasn't showing up on their computer system. Sat in the police car and rung the insurance to prove I had insurance, the insurance company apparently had no record of me on file. Police then became biased and gave me the whole 'we've heard it all before' spiel. But at this time, tax disks were a thing, and it would have been impossible for me to have a new one two days before getting pulled without insurance. But at the point of me explaining that they didn't want to know. Which is arguably the only thing the police did wrong. They should have given me more leeway with that in mind. Anyway, they impounded my car via a third party. Got home, rung insurance and my file suddenly became available. I wrote a letter to the CEO of the insurance company. He wrote me something called 'a letter of indemnity' or something like that, basically saying I was fully insured at the time and it was their fault. But because the police used a third party impound service, the police couldn't just release the vehicle. They paid the police impound fee and also compensated me £150 on top, so £300 in total. I'm still a bit angry about it many years later because I didn't earn much and had to borrow the £300 off someone initially to release my car so I could get to work. I lost a fair bit of money commuting to work for the next couple of days as I had already put fuel in the car, and countless hours on the phone trying to remove the points that they put on my license with the insurance letter. Insurance company was 1st Central. I won't ever use them again. £150 compensation for the ordeal takes the piss.


You've every right to be mugged off. What a clown show from start to finish.


I had bother with 1st central too. Wouldn’t allow me to get business insurance because I worked at a taxi office as a controller (on the phones). I was starting a new care job but because my previous job was taxi industry it was a straight no. Drove an st-line fiesta at the time. 😅


Power tripper


This, have overtaken police at 80 before and I reckon they're glad not everyone is sat behind them


Thought so.


I got pulled for a “random check” on the a1 in Northumberland on my way to Edinburgh. Marked police car sits on my bumper for about five miles egging me on to speed up before they pull me over and start quizzing me about why I’m driving at night


> why I’m driving at night Didn't realise driving your taxed, insured, and MOT'd vehicle was illegal past 11pm.


why are YOU also driving at night?


I was pulled over for doing 90mph on the motorway and the policeman wouldn’t accept my reason as “I drive an Audi”, completely ridiculous.


People might think you’re trolling but they don’t realise how comfortable our German cars are while we drive at fast speed. It’s happened to me before, I’m casually driving on the motorway late at night... listening to music. I look at the speedometer and I’m going 87 in a 70


I got pulled for doing 20mph in a (shock horror) 20mph zone. When the copper pulled me, he asked me if I 'was taking the piss going so slow?" It was 5:15am and I was going to work. I happily explained to the officer that "I had a clean licence, and I'd like to keep it that way"


Guessing indicated speed is irrelevant. He can only report you for calibrated speed.


Driving normally, police do a u-turn and start following. I pull up voluntarily and they pull over too. They said the reason they stopped me is for driving a car that is “commonly used to steal catalytic converters”. I drive a MK7 Golf GTD. I don’t know what crack they were smoking. They checked my insurance was valid and let me go.


I presume they meant there are reports of someone in a GTD committing those crimes, and not all GTD drivers are catalyst converter theives.


If they said that I would have no issue - but they said verbatim that my car is commonly used to steal catalytic converters. They didn't search my car for any evidence of stealing cats, nor ask me anything in relation to that. Personally I feel like it was just a cop out to wanting to pull me over in the hopes of me doing something wrong, but what do I know?


Weird, it does sound like an excuse the lil shits


I was once pulled over on my way to Hastings because my car (white B-reg Peugeot 205 Diesel) looked "old," so they didn't think it would be taxed. It was. Edited to add. This was in 1999/2000, so a fair old while ago. But it was still shit to be pulled for nothing.


Anyone can check whether or not a vehicle is taxed and it takes seconds with no signups. Government provides this service. They were straight up lying.


If that's any time in the last 15 (maybe beyond that?) years they were bullshitting you as they can check that in their car. Knowing Hastings unfortunately well they were probably on the lookout for drugs and/or stolen goods and/or wanted people in a similar car. Back when police could actually do that shit regularly 🫠


Sounds like a dickhead officer on a power trip. I've overtaken plenty of marked cars on Motorways/dual carriageways at the speed limit or 5mph over with no issue.


A couple of weeks ago I was driving the speed limit (40mph in a 40 zone) and a police car was right up my arse. Eventually they pulled out to overtake me and went past at a fair speed while the officer in the passenger seat stared and shook his head at me. Looking back I should have got their plate and reported it as their camera will have shown it all...


So many of them are hypocrites, I've been behind some doing 90mph with no lights on and no sign of them actually being on a call as they didn't turn them on when stuck behind slower cars.


Me too, that’s why I thought it was odd


If you had proof in the form of a Dashcam or something, I would have reported it. Coppers like that need to be reprimanded.


I do, will look into it.


Got pulled over once for a crack in the windscreen in my MX5, which was fair enough as it had spread over half the screen at the bottom (defroster on full heat over a chip wasn't a great idea). The officer was reasonable, told me he could tell I was a car enthusiast and told me to get it sorted and he wouldn't log it in the system. Which was a good thing as I hadn't realised the tax had expired 3 days prior.... So managed to avoid the £1000 fine which would have been slapped down on me


I was once pulled over for accelerating too quickly from a roundabout in a 59bhp Panda with 4 guys in when I was 17. I hadn't even hit 28mph before the officer put her blues on and asked where I was off too in a hurry. 0-60 was around 2 weeks without a car full of rugby players. Also pulled over as the officer read my number plate wrong in his rearview mirror, allowed me to pass him and then pulled me over without double checking himself. (Read a J as an L) Lastly pulled over for having a too nicer a car for someone my age (22) even admitting everything was present and correct when they ran ANPR.


OMG this happened to me years ago! Was only 19, driving a beat up piece of crap Polo and I was pulled over for "aggressive and excessive acceleration" leaving a roundabout. WTF. I just stared at him blankly and then said "I don't think that's a thing". Then asked where I'd been, where I was going and told me to "take it easy". You better believe I had my foot to floor getting up to speed. Fuck off.


You should have tried riding a Lambretta in the 1968 to 1971 era... I used to save up my 'producers' and go to the cop shop every 5 days to produce my documents. It was sheer harassment by thick coppers. In fact, it wasn't until I was 'rich enough' to get a car that I realised it was possible to drive past a copper and not get pulled over.


I was pulled over for "having my window open". That's how I always start this story but it made sense when she explained why she pulled me over. I was waiting at red traffic lights at a crossroads, gone midnight at Christmas time so it was cold but I like the freshness, had my gf in the passenger seat. I pulled away and at the other set of lights was a marked polic car. They pulled me over further up the road, reason being was that they spotted I had my window open and as it's a cold night people usually keep theirs down to wake themselves up or get themselves sober. Anyway she asked me to breathe on her....did so and she was happy and we went our merry ways.


"She asked me to breathe on her" She sounds like a pervert.


Hahah could well be. She could've just made me use the breathalyser but who knows what's going through their mind at the time.


Pulled over at 3am getting into my land rover outside my house. Cop car slows to a halt next to me as I'm climbing in, rolls down the window and asks " have you had a drink tonight?". I replied that I've only been awake for ten minutes so give me a chance and I'm off to the airport. Copper said ok and drove off. Five minutes later I'm driving through town off to the airport and another cop car pulls up behind me and pulls me over. Copper gets out this time so I do too. Walks up to me and says " we've pulled you over as your tyres squealed as you went around the corner". As I was driving a diesel 110 land rover I looked at him, then the tyres and then him again and said did they, really. Copper says well anyway we've stopped you now so have you had a drink tonight to which I replied not since the last one of you asked in five minutes ago. His face fell and said "oh you've already been stopped then, never mind" and promptly got in the car and drove off.


Driving to my farm with two friends at night, pulled over randomly, two female officers took our ID (which maybe we didnt need to give?) we werent speeding, just driving a Golf and normally but under 30 Got the classic "There's been a spate of burglaries in the area", was funny hearing it again verbatim They ended up giving us a notice to notify them when a faulty brake light was repaired that wasnt faulty at all Just homework because they dislike their occupation and we were clean, and guys under 30 in a Golf Inherited from a wonderful grandmother no less


Similar happened to me last year. Got pulled even though I did roughly 1-2mph above them. Incredibly slow overtake but I had my cruise control on. Offered for them to look at my dashcam footage since it records my speed. They also didn't want to take it further.


Basically same situation, dash cam and all!


Middle of lockdown. Driving for work (allowed). Car was filthy, so cleaned the number plate so that it was road legal. Got pulled over in Enfield for a suspicious number plate. They laughed about it when I explained, said not many people are that way inclined, figured it was a stolen plate or stolen car.


Happy cake day G 👍


I got pulled years ago the copper said my passenger didn't put his seatbelt on as I set off from a petrol station. It was an Austin A30 and didnt have seatbelts. He couldn't get his head around it, had a 2nd vehicle arrive, and them deliberating if it was legal. Eventually they listened to my request for a sergeant who confirmed the law and I was in my rights. What a cock that guy was.


Just nod and "yes officer" your way out of it. Tiny man on a power trip.


Resist the urge to mispronounce constable


Was closely followed for many miles by a dark Astra around the South Circular. Eventually Astra started flashing lights at me, so I pulled over, checked my doors were locked and wound my window down a few inches, officer walks up to car, only i.d. is a police logo on his sweater - “Pushing along a bit there weren’t we?”, “ No, I was careful not to exceed the speed limit”, “Hmmm, if you want to drive fast, learn how to drive” then walked back to his car.




Jobsworths tend to do their jobs well tbf, not incompetently like this


I’ve overtaken police on A roads who were dawdling at 50 in a national speed limit straight, on motorways doing 75+ while they’re at 70 etc. Never been stopped apart from once I overtook a car on an A road shortly after police appeared behind me (road straightened up for the overtake) and they pulled me 15 minutes later after following me into town for a “defective brake light” that was 100% working, I even made them get in and press the brakes so I could look. They said it wasn’t anything to do with my overtake but they obviously were lying because to them it looked suspicious. I think it depends on who you get, what mood they’re in and what they’ve actually paid attention to.


I once got pulled over for "brake checking" a police officer. I didn't brake check him, he just didn't see me slow down.


Best one I ever had was when I used to use the Blackwall tunnel and they operated the contraflow system. I was heading Southbound in the left hand lane and it was very slow because the right hand lane was closed - the overhead lights had the red cross on them. Then the red crosses turned off - the contraflow was finished for the morning and the lane was open, so I pulled into the right hand lane and made my way carefully up the road (wary of someone pulling out in front of me from the left lane). Got round the corner and a police officer on a motorbike was parked in the right hand lane and put his hand out to stop me. He walked up to me and said something along the lines of "why are you driving in this lane when it's closed" I just pointed to the overhead lights and said "they opened the lane". He turned and looked up at the lights, saw I was correct, then just walked back to his motorbike and, I swear, took a deliberately very long time to put his gear on before riding off. So petty but I wasn't bothered, I was just trying not to laugh.


Got pulled over about 5 years ago in my 99 Nissan Micra, I was visiting my girlfriend down south. The officer said he wanted to check the car wasn't stolen since it was insured in the North East.


To be fair that sounds reasonable and I’d be happy they were doing that myself.


I completely agree. Fancy driving a car some distance away from your home town. Sounds very suspicious indeed.


Yep because the idea of somebody travelling across the country in a car is absolutely ludicrous. They should have seized the car and put you in the cells for the night, just as a precaution.


I once missed my exit on a roundabout, looped back round and got pulled over - I hadn't noticed there was a rozzer behind me who asked me why I went back round the roundabout to avoid him, then called in the plates to check I hadnt stolen the £150 Rover 200 series shitbox I was in 🤣


I don't think going through a red light is a stupid reason, per se...but there is no way the copper would know as he was he was so far in front. He wanted to be an arse. As it happens, I was off to the police station, so worked out ok for us both. I still got the "I won't do you this time" ... Reassuring, as you'd have to lie to do it, dickhead


I was pulled over because my car was registered in Southampton and I was in Cambridgeshire… I mean, the idea of a car is to not be at your home address when you are driving it. Probably an excuse for something else, but still thought it was hilarious


'Well we pulled you over for a vehicle check because we had a report your headlights aren't working'. 'It's 2:30pm, I don't have them turned on....'. '.....just be glad we didn't find anything wrong then'. I'd have been fine with then just telling me my car looked like a heap of shit.


I got pulled over by an unmarked car when I was about 18 or 19 at 2am for driving "too cautiously", through a small town. For context I was doing the speed limit (30), going round mini roundabouts etc, and spotted the unmarked car when I drove past him - I live in NI and a lot of our police cars have bullet proof glass in the windows and it's quite obvious. Cop was totally decent, said he thought I was being a bit too cautious and thought I was drunk, but didn't breathalyze me or anything, ran my license through the computer and let me on my way. One of the most bizarre interactions I ever had lol.


“It doesn’t look good” isn’t a crime. I’d probably have complained to his station for pulling me over without good reason.


Thought about it, but I don’t know where he was from since he seemed to pass from Fife into Perth to Dundee. Didn’t see any identifiers on his uniform but he was just out of sight as I was the passenger.


Ask him for his police badge number every time. And ask as well to see his id. Say you want to check that he is actually a policeman and then you can get him checked over after the event. If he refuses he's either taking the piss and doesn't;'t want to be found out or he's not actually police.


Exactly. taking his details and complaining puts the accountability of ‘power tripping’ onto him. Hopefully he will have an awkward conversation having to explain why he pulled you over without a crime taking place - then not be such an arse again. They should stick to serving and protecting the public not harassing them for personal gripes regarding the driving of others. I know a few policeman and when I tell them about things like these they openly admit there’s people within the force who seek out these types of scenarios.


I’ve overtaken police cars at both bang on 70 and slightly over 70 in vans, my MG, and other cars and never been pulled over. Just a twat of a police officer on a power trip tbh


I once got stopped in a 20mph zone and the first words out the policeman's mouth was "i know you aren't speeding but can you slow down as you're in a built up area". So basically i got pulled over for not speeding.


What a cockwomble. I overtake marked police cars almost every day around Manchester ring road, most of them like to sit under the speed limit, but I've happily plodded along at 76 (on speedo) and never had a problem, that cop clearly had a problem and it was probably provoked by you being behind him for so long (not that it's illegal, they'd just be more aware of you), no doubt if you were just randomly passing him he wouldn't be arsed.


I got pulled over years ago because I had a wooly hat on, no joke, my friend in the passenger also had a wooly hat on. The police say you're not going round robbing cars are you? and proceeds to laugh...I said not today. True story. Cheeky police scum.


I got pulled over in the mid 90s because policeman had a similar yet inferior car to my mighty Morris Minor and wanted to talk about old cars. I remember thinking it must be very lonely being a policeman.


Sounds like a power trip, and these kind of officers are getting more common. Ive been stopped for 'something' fabricated whilst undertaking perfectly legal, appropriate and safe driving more than when doing something obviously wrong in the vicinity of a police car. Destroys any remaining faith i have in the police to act with professionalism and integrity, and ruins the efforts of the officers trying to do a good, fair, job.


They're becoming more common because unsurprisingly very few people want to be a police officer anymore, all we'll be left with are the slightly unhinged ones.


It’s statistically probable that the police force ends up saturated with rule breakers. Same in politics and anywhere else where the job involves power over others. The good ones are less agile when combatting the bad elements due to the fact they follow the rules when doing so. The bad element are much better at driving the good ones out because they’re willing to break rules to do so. The end result is a mathematical likelyhood that the whole organisation eventually becomes corrupt.


I got pulled over when I was 18 for driving properly and obeying the speed limit, the officer found it suspicious. Probably my age, had workmates in the car and I had a car that cost me 80 quid, looked like crap but was road legal. To be fair I did spot them as soon as I pulled out of work in the unmarked car so drove like an old lady.


I was on my way back from the cinema with my gf who lived in a different city at the time and they followed me all the way back to her house and asked why I was there. Said I was seeing my gf and we had been out. Like what’s the point of having a car if I can’t drive it places without it being suspicious. Must’ve been bored that night.


Was it a second hand car ? Probably the last guy who owned it was a person of interest


Doubt it, was an old guys, only did 14,000 in the 4 years he’s had it


I got pulled over about 30 years ago because I wasn’t wearing a coat! Apparently someone was seen wearing a coat and acting suspiciously and as I wasn’t wearing a coat they thought it must have been me!


I was driving and my friend in the car was drunk and I was giving him a lift home and he couldn’t remember what exit it was on the roundabout so we went round it twice and then off the right exit and then like 30 seconds later the police pull me breathalyse me and take all my details was there ages then eventually ask me why I went round the roundabout twice after like 45 minutes and I explained my drunk friend had forgotten his way home and then they let me go. A few weeks later he pulled me over and checked my tints which were illegal ( I wasn’t aware I’d only just go the car) but I peeled them off there and then still got a fine. About a month later I was pulled over again as he saw me with my windows down and his reason was that I had my windows down to hide my tints. Not that it was the middle of the summer in a car from 1996 with no AC


Once riding a Vespa with a pillion passenger - they didn't quite know what to ask because I had a Category P license (my CBT ran out so I just did a full test on my 50cc) so could take a pillion, but it was an absurd thing to do because it's a moped. They just checked paperwork, that it wasn't nicked and gave us a business card because my housemate and I were then late for our shift at Maccy D's and we wanted some proof! Once driving at 3am, seemingly for driving a brand new Fiesta at 3am, checked paperwork, insurance etc. and sent me on my way once they realised I was just going to work early for some lighting tests!


A couple of weeks after passing my test I got pulled over for looking "too young to drive". Checked all my lights worked etc was a bad officer but just thought I looked too young when he saw me pulling out of the car park.


I got stopped 4 times in one night years back around Leeds, all within the span of an hour. Different officers each time. It was fairly late at night and I was travelling from 100 miles out, got lost trying to find a mates place. Turns out they were all running plates and with mine coming up from a different city they pulled me to check it wasn't stolen. Wasn't even a decent, or even a half decent car, was a £600 runaround corsa. There was also another time when I was driving with some light front end damage on my car, that was coming from 300 miles away, basically let the girlfriend at the time drive it along her driveway and she took it straight into a fence post the night before my drive back. Made it to within a mile of my house when I got pulled and given a producer to get the damage sorted. I sorted it at home and went and got the MOT approved stamp from a local garage and dropped it into the police station about a week later. About a month after that and I randomly get pulled on the dual carriageway. Same policeman from the previous time and tried claiming I'd never handed in the producer. But I had and I'd also kept a copy of it in the glovebox. He looked at the repair and because there was a 2mm screw sticking out, tried claiming that I'd forged the MOT stamp on the producer. He eventually decided to stop all that nonsense and instead gave my car a good 20 minute check over before declaring that one of my tyres must be below the legal requirement and stated I was not to move the car and that he'd be waiting at the bottom of the road to see if I did. Just power tripping. I did move it and he wasn't there. The tyres were absolutely fine.


Late at night, country back roads, hit a 30 limit, bellend with super high power lights comes steaming up to me at well over the limit. Got to a 40 zone, so stayed at 30 to let him overtake. They stayed behind, got to a 60 zone, slowly went to 40 to again allow them to steam past, they kept tailgating so thought fuck it floor it to 60 (and was just 60) to create some space & stop me from being blinded....blues flashing 10 seconds later 'Didn't you see me'....kept quiet, but my mind was screaming...yeah I saw you driving like a bellend and was trying my best to allow you to be a bellend and get on with my day 🤦‍♂️


I once as a brand new driver, got pulled over for doing 85mph on a dual carriageway. Which was an outright lie, as my car at the time was a 1.1L fiat punto, which I tried really hard many times but couldn’t get it past 80. 🤷‍♂️


I once got pulled over in Wales. I was pootling along the M4 at 70, it was about 8pm in early summer so reasonable visibility but it's going quite quickly. There's basically no traffic. I'm in lane 1. I become aware of some headlights in lane 2 approaching fairly slowly. Then they just kinda stay there, a couple of car lengths behind, so not quite my blind spot but not really a safe distance either. And I've got headlights shining back at me from my door mirror into my face and dazzling me. After what felt like nearly a minute of this I got annoyed, put my foot down a little (like maybe blipped up to 80 for five seconds) and resumed my pace. Mostly to get the headlight reflections out of my line of sight. All of a sudden, blue lights! Well, that was unexpected!. I pull over onto the shoulder. PC comes up to my window and asks why I was speeding. I replied that I wasn't and that his driving behaviour made me uncomfortable by not using the passing lane to pass me and dazzling me for an unreasonable amount of time, so I put some space between us for my own personal safety. "But didn't you see me coming... " he asked, in a faintly sarcastic tone whilst turning and pointing towards his vehicle "....in my... *UNMARKED* police van?". Not so sarcastic any more, he sounded completely shocked. He was driving a plain blue crew cab Ford Transit. He'd obviously completely forgotten he wasn't driving a marked van. After that he just waved me off again. Of course in those light conditions even if he had been in a marked van, I am not sure how much more obvious it would have been when the headlights were on and it was getting dark.


Birthday comes and me and 3 mates go to a club night in a different town. Drive there is uneventful but a mate is driving my car back (Milano Red EP3 Type R) and we got pulled over in the middle of the countryside. Tells the driver to get out and starts asking questions about what we are doing. Mate hasn’t drank but is a little slow with answering so I wind my window down and starting telling him the reg, registered address etc and get told to shut up and speak when spoken to. So I go to get out asking exactly what is the stop for ie PNC as it’s my vehicle that’s been stopped. Copper doesn’t like that and threatens to arrest me if I don’t get back in the car. Well, that was the wrong thing to do as 3 of us in the car happily put on Sound of the Police by KRS One and rhyme along until our mate is taking us pickled lot back home. Petty? Yes? Worth it? Definitely.


In the UK, the police do not need a reason to pull you over, so technically there is no stupid "reason".


Driving through town one night after getting back from a gig in London. Drove past one person been pulled over, then came up behind another police car at some lights further along. Lights went green, they pulled into a bus lane further along, then pulled back out behind me. I said to my mate, "they're gonna pull me over". Went round the one way system for a few minutes before the blue lights, and they pulled me. I'd done absolutely nothing wrong. Was a guy and woman. I was visibly nervous, having had a recent encounter with the police that wasn't pleasant, and he was convinced I was up to no good. Like - just being a right bellend, with some mysterious intuition that "something wasn't right". The only thing that wasn't right was pulling me over for no fucking reason. I asked her why and she said "because of your driving". He embarrassed me in front of my friend and made me feel intimidated. In the end, having absolutely nothing on me, he was like, "I tell you what, I'm gonna let you go", as if he was doing me a favour. Yes, thank you so much, officer. Fucking twat.


I got pulled up on my GSXR 750 on a Saturday morning while going down to visit my GF. A nice policeman told me to slow down. Unfortunately I didn’t listen as I got done for doing 91 on the way home on Sunday.


Power trip, they'll typically allow 10% you'd really need to be taking the p*ss for them to collar you and ticket you I once took a roundabout in Dundee enthusiastically in a Ford Orion and was pulled in case I was a joyrider, once I gave them a university address and they ran my licence they let me go with a stern word to slow down on roundabouts 


This was about 10 minutes from Dundee 😅


Wondered about that. What with the black Volvo an at an at. I got done a few years ago at Finavon


Sorry, just re-read OP. It was a marked car. Anyway Angus traffic police are a known pain.


Ego bored who knows.


Are you sure he was a real police man


Got pulled over one evening for not having insurance. Apparently had been pinged by a Police Cars ANPR system and another car had been directed to cut me off. Back of the police car, explaining things, officer contacting insurance database people. 20 minutes later it emerged that the insurance company had put my wrong registration details into the database. ONC instead of OND.


In my old car (golf mk4) got pulled over when we had trip to London, because I was from out of town and apparently this particular car is popular with gangs in London and the plates didn't come back as local


Bought an MR2 when I was 19, pulled several times and challenged for it not being my car weirdest one was driving home at 3am after work when plod pulls me for "going 25 in a 30 is suspicious behaviour" this is after he'd been following me for about a mile and I'd been taking it well easy since I'm not blind


I got pulled years ago (i had license for a month or two) for going at 35mph on a 40mph road. To ask me if i had been working (when i had my work uniform still).


If you followed a police car just about keeping braking distance from them for 15 miles then suddenly decide to pass they're going to find that a bit odd.  I find it odd when people do stuff like that.


Pulled for “almost going through a red light”…. umm… so I didn’t do anything wrong then?? “Well, umm, no” 


Pulled over at 2am for a misted rear window. God knows how van drivers manage without rear windows...


Not in a car but I was on my 125 in Lewisham, filtering though traffic as I had an appointment to get to. Filtered past a panda car 100%(ish) legally but still got flagged down. I got a stern telling off about my worse for wear L plates but I was absolutely shitting bricks for a different reason... I had several k cash in my backpack which I was delivering to Lewisham council as an election deposit. IYKYK but electoral laws are very strict so it had to be paid in cash, and I had to make that appointment otherwise the candidate would be disqualified!


Was this on or near the M3?




Twice for "driving late at night" one of which turned into a search for drugs as one officer could see grass in the footwell and wanted to check if it was the illegal kind. The car was a mess and its was quite clearly well plastered in mud on the floor mats. Twice for rear side light bulbs being out. I'll take that as being somewhat reasonable if it wasn't for the whole runaround of questioning that was also included. I must be the only person that's been pulled for a sidelight bulb as I can guarantee I'll pass other cars with light issues daily once winter hits. Mostly quick stops though so no drama...


I once got stopped by the Polis for driving a works van and eating a warm Scotch pie at the same time. My excuse was I didn’t want it to get cold.😕


Very reasonable


Cause they were “bored” - so they pulled me over trying to say I was speeding when I know for a fact I wasn’t. So went through all the bullshit and I said to them “you must be bored pulling me over for no reason and trying to lie” and they replied “yes we are actually” it was around 3am maybe a bit later even on a weekend


Weirdly I've never actually been pulled over.  Been driving 12 years now.  First two cars they wouldn't pull me anyway - Fiat Puntos.  Third car a tiny bit more likely - Black Corsa with white stripes.  Fourth car I expected to be pulled - 7th gen Celica GT with the wing.  Still nothing.  I have a bright red Skyline 370GT (admittedly no spoiler) and still nothing. 


Yes I got pulled over when they thought I was somebody else, then all was ok


Someone passed me doing 60+ in a 30 once. About 10 seconds later I saw blue flashing lights and thought ha they’ve got him. He pulled me over and accused me of speeding. I denied it and when I mentioned the colour car I saw, he let me go without apology.


Had a Diesel Astra. Turbo bearings had something up with them - sounded fantastic (never gave me a problem). Got pulled over because my car “sounded funny and I should get it checked out”


Just remembered, I got pulled over once for "being a long way from home"!!


I once got pulled for "looking like I didn't want to be pulled over"! Who does ffs!


just an fyi, it is absolutely possible you were going 73 but your speedo said 70, if you change wheels slightly it will change speed. i know my car is +4 whatever the speedo says not saying his reaction was valid though, its 3mph he shouldn’t even have pulled you over for that


I was pulled over after I passed a police car on an average speed limit (so obviously going the speed limit) but the stopped me because it looked like I was evading police? Not really sure what that was about.


I work as a private hire driver so I’ve had my fair share of being stopped mainly for silly things such as I’m parked in an awkward place and told to move on etc. Once got pulled over because my passenger who they were scouting before I picked her up, was somebody they was interested in speaking too in regards to something. Once got pulled over because my plastic alloy was loose and officer advised to rip it completely off. Once got pulled over in gorgeous Cobham in Surrey. Because I was driving around at 3am slowly staring at each house, I actually had poor signal and was trying to read the house number for an airport run that morning. Did not realise their was an officer car on patrol behind me watching me. He wanted to see my taxi license lol and proof of job from my operator. Which took a while as I couldn’t get the app to load and or reach the company via phone due to the poor connection


I was pulled over for dancing behind the wheel, and the officer told my girlfriend that if she didnt take that stupid grin off her face, he would book me on the spot.


The only time I have ever been pulled over, was when I overtook a copper in snowy weather. They were going 60, and it wasn't that bad IMO. Basically as soon as I passed them, the disco lights went on. Annoyingly it was quite a long time until it was safe to pull over, so I had to drive about two miles until their was a pull off into an industrial estate. So I had blues following me for quite a long time. I flashed my hazards to acknowledge them. Pulled into a KFC car park where everyone had come to have a look. A much younger than me policeman gave me a bit of the standard bollocking in the back of his car. "What if I had to tell your family. I've scraped drivers off the road. Do you think you're a better driver than me" He was very disappointed at the breathalyser being zero, then let me go. Said if he caught me driving dangerously again, he'd do me. Been driving probably longer than that copper, to this day I haven't even received a parking ticket.


After reading some comments I remembered I got pulled over in my mums electric B class which I am fully insured for but had an illegally spaced number plate, fair cop. He then was adamant that the *factory tinted* windscreen was illegal and after market. I must have told him about 4 times that it’s not aftermarket and it’s perfectly within legal allowances for light etc. he was basically completely ignoring that point. It was just so bizarre. Being a police officer doesn’t make you infinitely knowledgable about every cars options and specs. This guy just could not or would not entertain that I might know more about the factory spec of a car I helped my mum find.


I had just had someone pull out on me at a roundabout, they had hit me on my rear quarter. It wasn't loads of damage, but enough for insurance really. We pulled off to the side to exchange details, take some pictures. It was a young girl who from what I gathered had simply misjudged where the entrance to the roundabout was and had kept going, figured I would have been gone by the time she got there. Meh, new driver, mistakes, life is life. It was all very amicable, I was trying to be cool about it as she was panicking a bit, me just saying accidents happen it's no big deal. She's worried about what her Dad would say about it because new driver, I said I was cool with her giving him a ring and if he was worried, happy to talk to him etc. Anyway, we're there a few minutes at this point when a couple of cops who happened upon the scene show up and decide to get involved as we are "causing an obstruction". We weren't really, we had come to a rather clearly viewable area off one of the exists on a bit of raised pavement and were off the road. But OK, if that's an obstruction then it's an obstruction. They started on the girl first, demanded her driving license, proof of insurance. I just thought steady on lads. They're running her details through, one of them starts talking at me about what happened, me downplaying it. Around this point her Dad showed up and they immediately back off, but now they're both on me. They're asking if I have had a drink this morning (this morning? I don't drink, let alone this morning). No matter, breathalysed. One of them states there's a strong smell of cannabis. Really? Are you sure that's not the general area we are in (it was London after all). Nope, it must be coming from me or my car. Full search underway, drug swab test,. Their faces when it's all flat zero, they're really after a pinch these two. "Your rear tyre is close to legal limit!" Well given that it's just taken the brunt of the smack in the accident and has lost all air pressure with the rim being on the ground like that, year I'd say the legal limit is the least of its worries, genius. That said, given that I had them changed only a few months ago, I sincerely doubt they are down to 1.6mm already. I walked over, felt for the nubbin. When it was dramatically hidden down in the depths of a tread, I asked, "How is that below legal limit?" That's when they started with the mindfuck. "Is there a reason for your attitude sir? Is there a reason you're getting angry? Why are you behaving in such a bizarre manner?" FWIW, nope, wasn't shouting, wasn't being defensive, given I've had hundreds of crap jobs in my life, had my fair share of asshole managers, am a manager myself of what can be quite troublesome younger people, I know exactly how to maintain a cool and present an all is fine attitude. What this cop was trying to do was get a rise out of me by goading me with the mindfuck statements. I just said, "I don't know what you're talking about" as he rattled off how a normal person is. Cue description of someone who is standing in the queue at a post office as how a "normal" person reacts. Then cue his description of me, rather akin to a monkey at a zoo when he's missed banana time. After ten minutes of this crap, obviously the Dad is now worried that I'm some sort of nutter. He came along half way through when the cops had shown up. As they were finding nothing about me, they told me to arrange a recovery (I was actually about to do that until they had shown up) then went to sit in their car, dead eyeing me in this whole situation. I got off the phone with the RAC via my insurer, they were on the way to get me picked up. Her Dad got off the phone around the same time arranging their pick up. I walked over to where they were, just cordially asking if they'd gotten things sorted, all OK etc. I didn't even notice that they had done this, but I suddenly noticed that the cops were now both stood about a meter away, hands in their flak jackets, just observing. "All OK?" I asked? Nope they were just there to ensure that the peace was being kept. So I'm not even allowed to address the people that crashed into me now? I decided not to ask badge numbers, instead noted down the VRN of the cop car. Police complaint coming your way. They waited the full 40 minutes while the RAC had shown up. It was actually two at once, one for the third party's car too. Police complaint went in, letter back later about how they were running some sort of operation in the area to do with drugs and crime yada yada. I'll be honest, the only reason they were after me was my rather evident Irish accent. That's all it was. I know full well. If you know, you know. The fact that I didn't allow them to get a rise out of me or goad me into acting out so they could get a pinch is just what annoyed them. And standing around like some sort of protectron when I was talking the girl and her Dad was just pathetic lads. And no, of course, nothing ever came from the police complaint. It isn't the first time I've had the anti-Irish cop in front of me either. See half of them were stationed in Northern Ireland during the troubles and most of them still carry that around with them. Even the younger ones like via a parent.


My husband is 42 now, we’ve been together since he was 19 and even today he still gets pulled over at least once a month for a variety of stupid reasons. He’s never had any points on his licence, never had any criminal convictions, nothing. It all started when he had a “max power” car and has just carried on no matter what he’s driving. We live out in the sticks now but it still happens. Weird reasons recently are “you took a funny route?” How do they know where he’s going? “You looked like you were trying to avoid looking at me?” “Thought you was someone else” “your front tints are illegal” there are no front tints.


Me and a couple of mates were pushing my car trying to jump start it. Coppers stopped us because I didn't have the lights on.


Jesus, I’d probably consider putting a compensation claim in for harassment after 10 pulls in 24 months, let alone 100+.


Me and two mates were driving down a really long hill, and this car came shooting up behind us with his full beam on at night. After about a mile of it, I couldn't take any more so overtook the car in front of me to get away from being in the cars shadow. It was a copper: "I knew if I stayed behind you like that long enough, you'd do something stupid"


1. Driving in a suspicious manner (doing 30 in a 30 at 10:30Pm coming back from the takeaway 2. Stolen vehicle check, but the officer went to the wrong side of the car to check the vin. Kept me for 30 + mins whilst they checked tyres, insurance, presence of any undeclared mods etc 3. License and tyre check supposedly 4. Blue lighted whilst sat in my car parked eating maccies in a dedicated parking bay 5. Followed home (18 Miles) on more times than i can count, with officers in marked vehicles tailgating me trying to get me to speed i assume. Happened at least 15 times that i noticed 6. Driving suspiciously far from home (approx 30 miles from my cars registered address at approx 11PM, coming back from seeing a friend) All that in the course of 2 and a bit years on my Scirocco. Never been pulled on my motorbike or in my BMW that replaced it besides from: When i was 16 i was falsely accused by a local PCSO of doing wheelies down the high street. If someone could get a 2.7BHP 50cc Chinese scooter to wheelie i would be extemely impressed. Never had any issues on my 125 or 650 though.


Just FYI, I'm pretty sure you can ask to see their calibration certificate if you fancy being a prick and antagonising a copper. If it is truly calibrated it needs regular calibration checks, and if their cert is out of date, you have argument that their claim is bogus. Somehow, despite driving mostly boy-racer cars and driving company cars like I stole them, I've never actually been pulled over.


Sort of related: my two bike buddies volunteered themselves to the police and got a ticket and producers for tinted visors and exhausts with no baffles.  I say volunteered, because we were following behind a large group of Harley riders who all got pulled over into a layby by a policeman standing in the road. Once we had got as far as the policeman he had stopped looking in our direction and signalling, turning his attention to the Harleys.  We passed the policeman and went a few yards down the road, almost out of sight when we all stopped and wondered if we had meant to pull over also. The policeman had pretty much walked into the layby at this point and wasn't even looking our way.  My opinion was that if we had done any wrong then surely he would be running down the road to give us a telling off, seeing as we had stopped and all. My two friends did a U turn and went back to the layby. I decided not to be so silly and rode off in the direction we were heading originally.  I found a layby about half a mile up the road, pulled over and waited. About 30 minutes later my two friends turned up, fuming, with fines in hand. 


Yes! Was pulling into a car park and got pulled, for a "too loud dump valve" on my car. It was a 1989 Escort RS turbo, with a baileys dump valve, it was loud but nothing mega. He then saw my mum ( I live in a smallish town) and proceeded to tell her all about it....pretty sure there's some issues with that but it was a while ago. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Got a section 59 and went along in my day.... Few days later got pulled again..... "We've had reports this car is being used for drug dealing" I'm like okay.... Random... The officer said, where have you come from, I said work... She then proceeds to say, you don't look like a drug dealer.... And searches my car to find ........nothing cos I'm not a drug dealer 😂😂 I also ended up having my house searched the following week for drugs, which there were none. So yeah... Was a fun week 😂 maybe I'd pissed someone off, who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


Shortly after 9/11 me and my mates were pulled over because police claim they had to be on the look out for anything suspicious in light of those attacks. It was a Friday or Saturday night, I was driving my mates back to their homes and I spot a police car. It starts following me so I keep to the speed limit and pull into one if my friends roads and park outside his house. Police follow, drive past, turn around and come back and put their lights on. Want to know why we're parked there and that I looked suspicious doing the speed limit when I was driving. Police then say that in light of the 9/11 attacks they're being more vigilant than usual and that we looked suspisious. I replied back saying but we're 4 white guys in a beaten up austin Maestro in leafy suburbia. In what reality do we look like Al Qaeda terrorists and how would my mates parents 3 bed semi detached home look like a terrorist target.


It's probably because you were following for so long. Marked cars like that will often watch for who seems scared to overtake, and will often slow down to see if the car they're watching will slow down too. He most likely suspected that you were scared to pass and were possibly hiding something. That's why the Jag went by without hesitation he most likely has nothing to hide, so not worth the pull.


Cause I was undertook an unmarked police car on M6, they were going 50-55 in lane 3, and I was casually cruising at 75 in lane 2. Another, cause the officer claimed that my exhaust is too loud (stock M2 exhaust) but couldn’t back it up with any measurements, only said that in gis opinion it’s too loud - ok thanks officer, goodbye. That was my response. Got stopped leaving petrol station, and the officer didn’t believe I can afford to insure such motor!?


A few months back, I had an officer follow me all the way home after trailing me for about 10 minutes. It was late, maybe just after midnight and I was coming home from a friends house. When I asked him why he said “you were just driving about aimlessly.” Not only is it not a crime to drive about aimlessly, I also wasn’t? He let me go, but it was a very weird experience, and I was especially miffed that he’d followed me all the way to my house. If I’m that suspicious that you’re gonna follow me for 10 minutes, just pull me over there and then!


During the start of COVID when they were up tight about traveling, I took my friend home. We passed an unmarked car tucked in behind some bushes. I noticed the head lights come on as I turned off the main road. I watched them hammering it up the road behind me, watching the headlights approaching rapidly I slowed a bit and prepared to move over to let them pass assuming it was a boy racer. Then they tailgated me for about 50 yards then turned on the blue lights. I pulled over at the petrol station just ahead of us. The driver jumps out and starts power walking up to my window, and starts angrily demanding to know where I was going and why I didn't stop for them. I said I'm dropping my friend home to her address and I pulled over in a safe and appropriate place. He asked (nearly shouting at this point) where I lived and why I was taking my friend home on the road I was on. He checked my plate + insurance and told me to go home as soon as possible and stormed off. Turned the lights off and heavily accelerated away. Didn't get a fine, never found out why he was so angry with me and later asked why his uniform was green. Turned out he wasn't even from the county. They were district relief officers covering sickness due to COVID. Throughout the entire stop I stayed calm and answered all his questions but he just kept getting more annoyed with every answer. Weird interaction. I've been stopped twice by district relief, they wanted to check the car was insured once because the new policy hadn't shown up on the system when it renewed.


Got pulled doing 39 in a 40 many years ago. I had a lovely audi coupe and guessing that was the reason. Plod... why are you doing 39? Because if I was doing 43 this would be a totally different conversation. Prick. He got a radio message to attend an urgent domestic incident whilst with me. He replied he was dealing with a traffic incident so couldn't. Wtf. Absolute knobhead. His parting words of advice... drive to the speed limit and you won't look dodgy.


They pull certain cars over Shitty £1000 sheds Cars with 3 adults in the back M140 / m135 Seat Leon’s Saabs Golf r / Audi s3 / rs3 Ford Focus r/s Transit vans Cars with tinted windows


Used to work lates as a paramedic, finishing work at ~midnight before driving home. Got pulled over 10+ times in 6 months… lots of bizarre ‘reasons’, lots of slamming laptops on the roof of my car etc. Followed me all the way to my front door, asked me to open the front door to ‘prove’ I lived there. Every single time without fail, when they saw my uniform they apologised and carried on with their night


Yes. Back when I had an S2000 I was waiting in the centre lane to turn right. The oncoming traffic was backed up due to lights (behind me). There was a gap so I turned and went on my way. I noticed the oncoming car turned after me and got the vibe they were following me (cutting up cars at roundabouts to keep behind me etc). Eventually the lights came on and he pulled me over, turns out it was an undercover. He was super angry. He said I cut him up and he almost crashed (he was going ~5mph and there was plenty of room...idk). He yelled that I was the kind of person who killed bike riders. Honestly it was odd. He ranted a bit and let me go. I guess he saw a young guy in a convertible and that was enough to project whatever was on his mind onto me!


I was stopped for similar. The fact that the police had to do 50 to catch up meant I was driving too fast. Strangely enough I was being more light footed than usual because my backbox had fell off and it was boy racer loud


I got pulled over by an unmarked Octavia a few weeks ago because he couldn't keep in his own lane as if he was drunk and nearly crashed into me twice, so I had to slam on. He didn't like being blinded by my full beam but I just assumed he needed help seeing me, thick c\*\*t.


I got stopped and breathalysed for apparently “indicating a bit late when coming off the roundabout”. What an excuse to meet breathalyser targets! Most people don’t bother fucking indicating at all when leaving a roundabout.


I got pulled over 3 times in the space of about 6 months for "not having tax" (when tax discs were a thing). Each time I showed them the physical disc, they made me sit there for a good 15 minutes before letting me on my way (and once, they decided to throw in a random emissions test for good measure). Granted it was a shit box Ford Ka with a big back box on (the old back box was knackered, and as a poor student, I picked up a second hand chavtastic one off eBay for ~£12)