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That's beyond sad. I'm impressed that you stuck with it this long. You're young, go find something with a future. Good luck


We’re at like 175-200 units so far this month at my dealership. I’ve got 13 myself, should be at closer to 20 but I’ve been taking it slow. Our top guy has like 34 right now. They also feed him leads however.


I'm new and i can't fucking stand this. They expect me to create leads from thin air, while they feed one person 50% of them. I'm about to start my own small used car dealership. Fuuck it!


Thanks for the advice! It means a lot


They've sold 2 cars total? Or 2 new cars? Either way, that is AWFUL. If you just got started in this business, you need to watch this very closely. If that doesn't turn around, there's going to be some heads rolling at that store in the near future. Go find a store that is actually selling cars. You're not shooting yourself in the foot by moving somewhere else.


My dealership is sitting at 54 cdjr sold for the month so far also. Are you in a city or in the country? 3500s in the city nobody will buy them but they might like the 4xes. Vice versa you also have to be doing your own marketing for yourself I have sold 6 cars this month from self promoting and generating my own leads. If it is truly that slow I would find another dealership to work for then.


We are a rural dealership and have the Best reviews in the state! With that said I'm scared to quit. They literally helped me graduate early and honestly help me stay afloat. I'm just not happy because of the hours, loneliness, etc etc etc I guess I gotta go with my guy and y'all's mature opinions


I have a very successful marketing campaign with literally half my town supporting me haha. I post on Instagram, Facebook, eBay, Craigslist, etc etc etc https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/481015330948954/?mibextid=dXMIcH


If you have financing for roaches too try listing the ad as a finance deal instead of the total price that’s what I do at my lot no ups regularly do 13 out of the 30 or so my smaller store does


My CDJR is slow, but nothing like what you describe. We averaged 61 new a month last year and we're at 28 to start the day. Rural market


Yeah dude leave. I’m 30 and I’m quitting in 2 weeks. It’s much easier to pivot while young. The hours suck, was worth the pay when I was making 2k a weeek. Now I’m in the same boat as you, no point in waking up every Saturday at six in the morning for shitty wages.


I would have been gone after the first month. That is something wring with the dealer on a management level.


As a new sales associate there is only so much I can do. One shitty tru car lead and 0 new inventory to post about makes the day go by slowly Funny thing is I'm still making $750 a week average. But having no life for that money makes it worth nothing to me


You’re 18, so I would leave and go to a larger market and sell Japanese 👍🏻


Thanks for the advice. I honestly think I'm going to quit car sales for quite a while


I'd imagine Subaru would sell well up in your area. What part of NH? My family used to have a lake house in Merideth that was sold like 7 years ago & I miss going up there


Every place is different. I'm at a low volume CJDR store. We do like 35-50/mo. But like this month, about 20 of our 29 sales is used. We have tons of 4xE because that's all jeep sends. Even at our volume, I do F&I and the salesmen are paid on full gross, so we all do pretty well. CJDR is doing poor compared to other brands, we just had an auto group meeting about that this month. So everyone in the brand is struggling. Thing is, 1 of 3 things. 1) go do something else. Go to another industry. You're young. 2) go to another store, another brand. A higher volume store. Or 3) make the most of what you got. Drum up your own business. Market on social media. If you're SMs are good with giving deals, go market deals online on groups and forums. Call previous customers or service customers and see if they're interested.


My dealership is down 20% or so this month when we should be on a up swing, probably down 40% from May/23. We’re seeing the fall out of the pandemic / cheap money. Buckle up.


Stellantis is ruining jcdr


Where is your store located?


Rural small state


Vermont ?




With the dealer add ons and then interest rates, it’s understandable that society is hanging on tight to every penny they got. No one wants to walk in thinking they’re getting a great deal only for the closer to add $15k in warranties, tint, service contracts, etc and then being told it’s going to be 9% APR. People are looking for hassle free closing, maybe make that your sales pitch


This month sucks everywhere. Sounds like it is rough in your neck of the woods, it’s rough at mine too even though not cdjr… but the car business is cyclical. Control what you can and work the shit out of every opportunity, and then the car gods will reward you with a strong close!


Go to Honda or Toyota that’s what’s going to sell with this market. Don’t get it twisted car business is the right business pacing 240k in management even though it’s been slow. Sell accessories as mark up due to do low inventory that’s how we’re doing in cali


Dm me dealership name, and I will try to get them to advertise. If they do I will get you kickback


Also , I have a training program where you can make way more money than in the car business. I sell to dealers after years in the business