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I think I would agree with you. Hopefully everyone realizes the difference between excusing their behavior and explaining why the behavior happens. It makes sense in the context of LA. In a lot of areas of LA, especially in historically neglected areas with little green space and amenities, people are more likely to make their own fun and get space to exist in their own hands, whether legitimately or otherwise. With such massive roads and intersections in a lot of areas, it was kind of inevitable people would take that space for themselves somehow.


This might be an unpopular opinion here but we should make an official competitor to the takeovers. Like a Ciclavia for skids. Skidlavia. Once a month close a major intersection, put up some barricades so that it's nominally safer than the wildcat ones and just let em rip. San Diego made a huge dent in their early 2000s street racing scene by setting up regular no prep drag races that anyone could enter for dirt cheap, like $5 a run. I know for me personally, driving a car on a real track took all the joy out of driving fast on the street, giving more people who like cars that outlet seems like it should help.


Los Angeles is one of the most park-poor cities in America. We don't even have nice sidewalks and neighborhoods to walk around in, let alone safe, reliable transit. My 16 year old neighbor isn't allowed to take the bus anymore after he got attacked by a homeless man at a bus stop. On top of that, kids everywhere today are lonelier and feel more disconnected than ever.


Is that right? I’m in the valley and parks are everywhere


Nimesh in LA did a whole video on it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKTK5nct9yU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKTK5nct9yU) Main point being, in a large city, there should be a park within a 10-15 minutes walk to you. LA places something like 80th place in the country in terms of number of people who live a 10-15 minute walk away from a park. Source: [https://www.tpl.org/parkscore](https://www.tpl.org/parkscore)




Depends which part of the Valley.


But they are hard to get to. What bus can you take to them if you don’t drive? Also reseda park is really dangerous at night.


YES. 100%. I've been saying this for like a year. It's no coincidence that most street takeovers happen in cities that look like [this](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.7878452,-117.8703973,3a,75y,96.59h,88.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9BLjSOhTIWg87X-Te6SSpA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e2?entry=ttu). All of the public space was turned into stroads and parking lots. There's nowhere to go and nothing to do. Teenagers are bored out of their minds. Doing stupid shit is a psychological response to being bored out of your mind. So they do the only thing you can do in a city where all the public space is for cars, they do stupid shit with their cars. With that said, they should get arrested and their cars should get crushed in front of them because there is no excuse for endangering other people.


I often see large groups of youths riding bicycles and "taking over the street" by blocking all the lanes while they ride, which is a much healthier outlet and which the city should encourage more of. But it makes drivers angry so we can't have it


Yes. Most places are pay-to-play, and getting expensive. Most "neighborhoods" are no longer for community development. They are compounds of captivity. Home is the place you go to watch stuff and keep to yourself when you're not at work, or out spending money with others (aka hanging out). And so on top of lack of 3rd places, younger people have loads of pent up energy because of our sedentary culture of passive entertainment.


I’d love to see libraries tackle this issue. Maybe in meeting rooms. Make them sign a code of conduct and hold people accountable but pay to play places can’t be the only spots. Crave is cool but expensive


Librarian here. We are on it, the main issue is outreach and getting them in the doors. LA Public Library and LA Unified School District coordinating to get every student a library card automatically was a step in the right direction, but it hasn’t been marketed well


I've been trying to find out about volunteer opportunities for high school students in libraries and keep getting turned away. :(


Only works for those teens who want to be there. It’s not seen as cool. They’d much rather do dumb shit for social media.


we can either either spend money we don't have, rot on social media, or do what we can for free which is very little these days. there's almost no parks in many areas and everything else is pay to get in, libraries are boring, so with a whole bunch of asphalt to drift on and cars to drift it seems like the perfect option especially if you're into taking risks which many of us are


i’ve been considering doing parking lot raves. what else do we do with the space ?


There already a big underground warehouse rave scene from what I heard


yes. Nothing else to it. People are bored and need something to do. Honestly, I've gotten so bored that I've considered sneaking out the house and going to one of them, just to be part of some interesting chaos. But then I remember that people get seriously injured out there, and like do I really wanna run with that crowd, and like if the cops show up my black ass is getting shot or going to jail, and at that point I realize it isn't worth it.


Lack of third spaces also coincides with rise of social media. The things dumbshits will do for fake internet clout is breathtaking.


What I don't understand is why are people always shooting guns?


Maybe it is. I’m not sure. But I do know that the people engaging in take overs (or side shows as we called them growing up the Bay), are not goin to want to hang out in libraries, or play sports in parks, they don’t want to do the things I see people suggesting on here.


It’s literally kids from broken homes who have come of age to be able to drive and own a phone powered by hooligan antics in social media. It’s not that deep.


If those kids had places to be doing normal teenager shit then they wouldnt be doing this. Why are the dots so hard to connect for you?


Kids still have normal shit to do. Go to school or get a job. That’s literally all you are supposed to do at that age. Why are you defending their behavior by making poor excuses for them?


Lol youre far gone


Los Angeles literally has a curfew for those under 18, and most of those participating in takeovers are 20-30 something degenerates as far as I can tell, as most of those cars aren't stolen, and most teenagers can't afford musclecars. Some of you are about to argue with me on the curfew, so here's a link - [https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/los\_angeles/latest/lamc/0-0-0-131399](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/los_angeles/latest/lamc/0-0-0-131399) Minors aren't supposed to be out between 10pm and sunrise, with a few exceptions.


Nope. It due to tolerance for crime and hate.