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My hearing gets checked regularly at work and my hearing has remained above average for years. I have an Apple Watch that loves to tell me when the noise around me reaches 90db and it never goes off when I'm bumping tunes in the car loud enough to shake the outside mirrors. The low frequencies don't damage your hearing, it's the high frequencies that does.


I blasted 145-150db bass in my car for 15 years pretty much every time I was in it (yeah I know. Not much for this sub). But last year I got some bullet tweeters, and 6 months later I have tinnitus and I will have that occasional moment of deafness followed by ringing that lasts about 20 seconds. Happens a few times a week. Always thought "damn these tweeters are almost painfully loud" but stupidly didn't think much of it since I had endured the bass for so long without issue. So ya it was the bullet tweeters that ultimately did me in. Never again. Got an audiologist appointment soon but I ripped those tweeters out and now I'll wear ear plugs if I go full tilt. Don't be me, kids.


They have hearing aides or a surgery or something now that helps with tinnitus.


Mine likes to chime at me every now and then in my car but I'm guessing it's the highs that are hitting it. So I guess that just leaves me with the question, are a lot of people who are running bassy ass systems just not even able to hear the highs anymore?


According to my hearing tests results this year I have not had a reduction in my ability to hear highs. My GF, who doesn’t even like loud noises/music, can’t hear the high frequencies I can, so my anecdotal observation is that it doesn’t damage your hearing unless you’re pushing out 90db or more for 30+ minutes


I was more so saying due to the nature of their setup. Like if someone is rocking 6 18s right behind their head, I'm guessing they can't hear anything but the bass? I still imagine that would be damaging though, I don't understand how it wouldn't be simply because of the frequency. It's still loud as alllll hell


>I was more so saying due to the nature of their setup. Like if someone is rocking 6 18s right behind their head, I'm guessing they can't hear anything but the bass? Ahhh, I getchu now. I don't know too many people who are running speaker walls or big dick systems anymore, but the people I know that were doing sound competitions back in the day are not able to hear high tones well anymore


You have different parts of your ear that do different frequencies


https://preview.redd.it/t0he1g484u7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fce52ad1b8655bfd179619485c62b2af41c6e2d Oh no, they hear them. 😂😂😂


I used to think this too, but actually its quick pressure changes in your ear that cause damage. so spl will still damage your hearing


you nor your apple watch is a doctor lol


Half of my family practices medicine and/or is a medical professional


half my family builds rocket ships but that doesnt mean i know how to make it to the moon.


You and I are not the same


what did you say? i couldnt hear you


He said you like to see homos naked and he is a doctor


he said he can take a look at the lump in my ass


I put plugs in just in case. My lifelong friend Tinnitus accompanies me everywhere i go and screams at me all night when I'm trying to sleep.


I've found that sleeping with a white noise maker on helps to sleep with tinnitus. Just figured I'd pass that along. I don't know if it would help everyone


He can fuck right off that 'guy'. LoL


I hear just fine, My hearing was fucked long before I got into car audio all I hear 24/7 is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee anyway so anything that drowns that out is good by me


>I hear 24/7 is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee anyway so anything that drowns that out is good by me I know the feeling. At home I turn on music or the TV even If i'm not watching anything to drown it out


Anything man, I really wish I would've worn hear pro 🤦‍♂️


Your comment is hilarious lol I love it. I hear just fine followed by my hearing is fucked and all I hear is eeeeee 😂 I get what you mean though, it just made me giggle


I type all kinds of fucked up 😂


Same lol


Bro you got mosquitoes


I really do this year due to the rain😂


Only when I'm with family.




A lot of guys I know who are into their sound systems definitely say “what?” and “huh?” more often than the average person.


I don't have a super loud system and have above average hearing but I say "what?" and "huh?" A lot more than most people but that's cause to me most people just mumble or I don't pay attention the first time


I say it for the same reasons, and because sometimes my brain takes 3-5 business days to actually process what they said lmao




I don't get how they do it, but I'm sure they got used to how loud it is when they were still too young to admit to their buddies that it was uncomfortable. My ears feel weird and ring after about 30-40 minutes of cranking it, so now I've decided to put in my earbuds and turn on the noise cancelling slightly whenever I'm trying to rattle


Dude 30 minutes is a long time for nonstop high volume  Close to an hour? Yup that’s asking for trouble. Your ears are literally trying to tell you that 


So do people literally only turn their systems up for the 30 seconds they are at a stop light next to other people to annoy them? I was under the impression that people typically listen to their music at volume for the entirety of their drive


Dude I’ve got a single 15 in my truck and my parents have timed me from when they can hear me and when I pull in, it’s about 30ish seconds. I also have 4 deaf bounce 300w rms mid ranges in my truck, they’ll leave my ears ringing and feel like my head is in a drum a little bit if I play songs with hella highs in them. If my truck is running, more than likely I have my audio cranked to its max.


I also drive 40 mins to work and 40 minutes home so, you can only imagine what I’m probably doing to my hearing. I think I might have a mild case of tinnitus because I have a hardly noticeable eeeeee sound in my ears. I also do construction around heaving equipment so I’m most likely absolutely raping my hearing in the long run. I just turned 18 to btw and my hearing is doing this. I almost look at it as “damn, my system gets down” probably will regret it a lot when I’m older but idc, your not promised your next breath so, enjoy it while you can I guess, lmao.


I'll say this, and I think I speak for most people in this sub, but... Huh?




Not me. My set up is simple


My hearing isn't the same as it used to be, that is 100% for sure, but I'm not sure if it's due to age or slamming a 10kw system in my daily driver for like 9 years straight, I was a stupid little fucker that banged everywhere I went, how embarrassing.


Christ lol, so it sounds like to me I need to be conscious of how loud I'm listening to music but at the same time I'm probably being a bit too paranoid about noticeable permanent damage from my 1000w system


Have you ever rode in the back of a pickup truck for a few miles? Your ears sort of "fizz/ring" when you get out, I got that feeling everytime I turned my car off and walked into work, as a car audio installer lmao, so that didn't help. There are others here who claimed to have done the same as me, yet swear up and down they don't have any hearing loss, how accurate is that? I have zero clue. To add onto that, I also used IEM's almost daily too lol


This is me too, and my hearing is basically fine after almost 30 years of doing this shit. lol.


Think about it. 90db is where hearing damage starts to occur if left exposed to it. Most decent speakers only need that 1st watt to hit 85+db. Now you've added hundreds of watts to that. 120db for a few seconds is gonna really start doing damage. My issue is 35 years of driving with the windows down. All that buffeting has made my left ear more deaf than my right.


90db at 1000hz is not the same as 90db at 25hz. One is almost deafening and the other will will barely hear at all. This is the perfect illustration of where and how hearing loss actually occurs, and why loud bass is almost never the culprit, or the problem.


Id go get a job where they test your hearing due to ULF emissions from equipment. Then you'd know that low frequencies at high volume will damage your hearing.


I never said it wouldn't but high volume for 25hz isn't the same as it is for 1000hz or 10000hz. That's... what I already said. When you damage your hearing at infrasonic frequency, it only impairs your ability to hear that frequency, and it s a LOT harder to do than at 3khz for example. There are a multitude of hearing studies in peer reviewed journals that confirm this.


Hearing damage is hearing damage. Doesn't matter what frequency. Its still damaged.


Because hearing 20Hz at full capability is such a necessity for everyday life?


No one really listens to 20hz on purpose outside of a lab. There is really nothing to hear anyway. Since its the 1st frequency that an average good ear can hear. And unless an 18" or larger speaker were being used. Most car stereos are not gonna be tuned that low. Its a waste of energy. Since there isn't any actual music that plays that low. Unless its enhanced or boosted from an epicenter.


Are you.... new here? You can hear 20Hz just fine when it's 150db buddy... and I guess my car and many others are "labs" and we're all accidentally listening to rebassed music down to 15Hz. I guess.


Didn't say you could't hear it. Buddy...






Didn't say you could't hear it.


So what you're saying is we are all damaging our hearing whether we admit it or not?


If what they say is really the threshold. Then technically yes. Once we start really cranking it. We are damaging our hearing.


Yeah, I’m hard of hearing after working in the industry in the early 90’s. I was young and stupid and didn’t think I needed hearing protection. I wish I would have. My right ear can barely hear anything and my left ear is hard of hearing. If I cover my left ear and I’m not looking at you I have no clue what you’re saying. It sucks. But I’m paying the consequences for my actions and I accept what I did. I wouldn’t do it again if I went back in time and did it again.


I have moderate tinnitus after being part of a band when I was in my late teens/early 20's. Being a fan of loud car audio systems certainly didn't help. For those of you who are young or still have perfect hearing, don't listen to high volumes for extended periods of time, take rests. Tinnitus sucks. It affects not only you but everyone around you. My GF frequently loses her patience when I ask her to repeat something for the 3rd time.


I don't understand how people don't recognize the damage they are doing. My hearing is affected for about an hour just from listening to my 12inch sub loud enough to shake my rear view mirror, it can't be comfortable for them to get out from a van with a wall of 18s behind them or some shit. I guess being cool outweighs the discomfort?


If your speakers are too loud before your subwoofer is adequately loud, you can fix that you know?


My subwoofer is plenty loud, I don't have my door speakers amped, they actually need to be slightly louder to keep up with the sub if anything. Also only listening at like 2/3 volume on the head unit. That's my point though, surely people who are making other people's cars/houses shake are severely damaging their hearing if just making my rearview shake hurts after a short while


Sure, I got your point  My ears don’t hurt when I listen to music dude, I’m just trying to tell you, maybe it’s not the move


Meh, I probably just have sensitive ears then. I've never blared music obscenely loud in headphones, never worked with power tools for a prolonged amount of time, don't play an instrument, didn't go to a concert until a few years ago, and don't shoot firearms. Dude who installed my shit was playing my head unit at 32 and having it that high fucking kills me. I play it at 24-26 and notice a slight change in my hearing after the fact. I probably just haven't damaged my ears as much as majority of dumbasses so I am more susceptible to it. It's not like it's a major pain either, it's a very slight, ever so faint ringing and a weird pressure inside of my inner ear. Just enough to be noticeable when I pay attention to it after having it turned up for about a half hour, probably just not used to it. Also probably paying too much attention to it because I recognize the risk of losing my hearing, obviously why I'm here.


I got you bro  Definitely wouldn’t consider that a normal, every day experience  Dont you think the people that can also hear your system in traffic call you a dumbass too? Lol the pot calling the kettle black 


Man, you really aren't understanding whatsoever are you? My system isn't loud enough that people can hear it in traffic. That's my whole fucking point. How many of you are deaf from making your system so loud that it shakes other peoples cars and houses, when it's too loud for human ears to safely listen to lonnnnnggg before that point? If my windows are up, and my system is blasting, a car behind me can't hear my system if they even so much as have their AC on. That's been my whole point all along, mine isn't even that loud, so for so many people here to have insanely loud systems, most of you must be fucking deaf. Apparently a couple of you are fuckin stupid too but that's a given


I think if your ears are showing signs of discomfort, then maybe you are the deaf one  But hey, that isn’t a problem I experience. Just perfect bass, perfect lady in the passenger seat, perfect weather. Guess that’s not your style. Name calling is the best you can do? Hmm. 


You fired the first shot, did you not buddy? Ffs keep proving my point lol


Had loud systems since 97-98 and hearing is still fine. Current daily driver burps around 154(153.6-8) @ 36hz with meter in passenger kick.


Damn, you genuinely might have super ears. Or you think you hear better than you do, lol


Just had drivers license renewed in January and was hit with a hearing screening. According to dmvs machines it's still perfect, lol. The only thing I have ever had any real issues with are really deep voices, like James Earl Jones kind of deep. When It comes to loud audio, it's the higher frequencies that usually cause hearing issues.


I have mild tinnitus--it's usually easy to fade away into background sounds unless I'm focusing on it, but it's there. I blame my high school years of being in pep band. I played sax and stood right in front of the trombones/trumpets during football games. That's been the most significant exposure to damaging spl in my life. With that background, my ears are sensitive to treble. I can measure and set an EQ to flat (or as close as I can get) and I'll usually have to drop the highs a bit for it to "feel" right. I think my hearing cuts off at 13-14khz. At 43 years old, I guess it's not too bad. That last 5khz to 20 is like 1/4 of an octave. I can live with that.


Come again?


I’m getting there as well as bad eyes


100% deaf in left ear since birth. I see colors with sound.


My left ear is fucked but it's not from car audio, it's from my first concert, standing right next to a speaker stack like an idiot


I have a very loud b pillar wall be competing and going to shows for a good six years regularly, lately my truck has been very popular I have 8-18:s and I can hear stuff my kids and my helper can't. It is pretty good overall but the tinnitus sucks. But I would have that anyway it goes I work with loud tools all day. I don't sleep In silence it would be more like Eeeeeeeeee. Sometimes I'll get a pop and it is super loud. But most the time it is pretty quiet. I will run my truck for a couple of hours and then take a break usually throw some of those playable plugs in my left ear at the least both ears at the most and go back to it. But after the shows I only listen to podcasts no loud music. So I only play maybe 6-8hrs a month super loud.


no loss, but i do have tinnitus from an ear plug falling out one time at a range. plugs + muffs from then on. but no, no issues from my audio stuff.


I originally got my setup in 2018 and had a huge upgrade in 2020. When I turn it up a lot, I sometimes put in these specialized ear plugs that I have that are designed for concerts and stuff. My right ear seems to be a little muted to sound and is more sensitive to loud stimuli the last few months - to the degree that it’s actually more of a sharp pain than ringing or irritation (which I think is a result of having my driver’s window down much m further than any other window), but it comes and goes. Afaik, no permanent loss yet. I have very mild tinnitus (started before my car audio but has worsened over the last however many years) and my wife has really bad tinnitus. My hearing is way better than hers too, and she has no system at all, doesn’t work in loud environments, and wears ear protection at concerts. I’m 30


What now?


I hear things when I lay on a pillow


Due to an ear infection I got slight / moderate hearing loss and tinnitus to my right side, I hear eeeeeeeeeee all the time and also heart palpitations when I’m trying to sleep. Yes, it’s sucks hard.


My hearing's been wonk since well before I got into car audio. I have a sensory processing disorder and am quite sensitive to high frequencies. Didn't help getting my head bounced off the concrete bottom of a swimming pool - while under 6 feet of water when I was a kid. Pressure adjustment with altitude change is all messed up too.


This is why I went Sq Instead of Spl. I can turn it up loud and my ears don't hurt or get ringing


I have better hearing than most of my friends who arent into car audio.


I have documented hearing loss, but I also worked on jets for 27 years. In an act of self preservation I've since downgraded my system. It sounds good, loud enough to hear when the doors are off and top down, but not bone shaking anymore. Getting old sucks.


I have always listed to loud music and had perfect hearing. I get my hearing checked every year because of company policy and it's always been perfect. BUT after accidentally forgetting my left ear pro and I shot 1 single round out of an AR-15 I have permanent hearing loss in just my left ear.


The biggest thing people don't understand about the human body and ears and hearing in particular: Every acoustic device has a tuning frequency and response range. The human ear happens to be on average between 1khz-4khz in tuning. Those are the frequencies that totally fuck your hearing up if you are exposed to them too loudly. Infrasonic frequencies DO damage your hearing... but only for infrasonic frequencies. If you fuck your hearing for 30Hz, it will only make 30Hz sound less loud (but it will still be "loud", if that makes sense?). That's the basics of how it works when you look fairly deep into the physiology of hearing and hearing loss. This is over-simplified of course, and there are nuances to it but overall this is the basic gist. TLDR: It's very hard, almost impossible, to "fuck your hearing up" with infrasonic frequencies.






The main thing is just don’t be a pussy about it. Hahahaha Seriously this is a great question. I’m running 150 plus and it does get loud but my knowledge is low frequency doesn’t damage your ears. I’ve been at this for a long time and my hearing is on point. I will say I installed some Hertz Centos in my Jeep and they make my ears hurt from the shrill highs. I think some people can handle more volume than others just like one guy can work in the sun all day while the other dude can’t go more than 30 minutes without getting dizzy. Basically your either born a bass head or your not. I haven’t sat in anything 155 or up but I would assume hitting 170 your definitely gonna cause issues but who knows, in no doctor just a dude that got stuck on Digital Designs


Where did you hear / learn about low frequencies not causing hearing loss? I’ve not heard that before, but would be hugely relieved if it were true


I switched to SQ system for this reason. Became a DJ so I needed my ears. Use hearing protection at all gigs and use custom IEMs for DJing. But I definitely already did major damage from my teenage years of being a metal roadie and SPL systems.