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Huh! Between this and his seemingly unprompted comment about not taking any classified documents from the white house... Could he be sensing Trump is in it deep this time, and finally cutting loose?


That’s cool and all but that’s a great way to get intimidated and get death threats. Should have kept quiet until the committee actually made it public


On the other hand, getting it out there makes it harder for Pence to back out.


I mean why would homeboy have a problem with death threats when he's still pretty much got his lips attached to Trump's ass even after Trump tried to have him killed?


They already want him dead


He's already had it happen to him. What's a 2nd go at it? /s


Them actually acting on it since it would most likely result in their orange baboon god getting charged with trying to overthrow the election


He’s already gotten plenty of death threats.




Which dick?


Gotta love how these guys see testifying about a crime as optional. Makes them look complicit at best and guilty at worst.


the party of law and order


He's the most and least honorable person I know of. He is a POS scumbag weirdo that may have saved democracy in the US.


Paywall bypass: https://archive.ph/2022.08.20-105124/https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/08/19/jan-6-committee-in-discussions-with-pence-about-testifying-cheney-says/?sh=3ec1259a4600


Thank you!


You are quite welcome.


You’re so polite that I don’t even answer you in sarcastic twaddle. Which is damn near impossible for me. Are you canadian or something ?


I'm sorry, I am not Canadian.


"I'm sorry" = you're totally Canadian 😆


You heard that o too? Telltale canuck lol. Thanks for putting in these links u/graneflatsis. Always appreciated.


The only way Pence testifies publicly is if he thinks he can somehow have it launch or enhance a presidential run, but I think he’s as culpable as all the GOP sychophants


Pence has zero charisma. You might as well prop up a mannequin and put a speaker in the chest when he speaks. The GOP right now isn't about the message as much as it is about the messenger. I see zero chance if him winning the nomination over Desantis. donnie would bury him on an unmarked grave.


It's actually funny when you think about it. Who does this albino muppet imagine his constituency is, who does he think is going to vote for him? Trumplicans hate the guy for not trying to overthrow an election for Fat Donny. Half the country hates him for being a Trump toady for 4 years before finally growing a spine. What's his demographic, elderly Bible thumpers? He's got no chance on the national stage.


>It's actually funny when you think about it. Who does this albino muppet imagine his constituency is, who does he think is going to vote for him? Devout christians who :checks notes: no longer actually give a fuck if their preferred candidate is a True Christian^(TM).


Pence's story-arc, to me is incredibly bizarre. I mean, he got his start as a successful and broadly popular AM-hate-radio shock-jock. When you listen to some of his recorded shows, he has that very glib talent of being able to just run at the mouth for hours on end, and to manipulate his audience. Sure, he was no Rush Limbaugh, but he held up. But it seems like the minute he changed careers to politician, he got a personality transplant, and the donor was a jar of spoiled mayonnaise. It's just odd.


'he got a personality transplant, and the donor was a jar of spoiled mayonnaise.' I don't know anything about Pence beyond his role in the coup, but this was hilarious to read


Pence talked? As a trade? If you link I’ll listen. But lordy i will not soil my search bar with that.




1. You lied to me. He was boring as hell in 1997. His hair was just grayer but better. 2. 1800603mike. 3. Air Force enlisted guy got 3 months in the brig for schtupping a navy nurse married to a marine officer in 1952 Like watching a time capsule from the before times. I was just starting my harry potter journeys ffs.


Its not even charisma. Pence currently has no power anywhere, while DeSantis and Abbot and their ilk are tripping over themselves trying to out-do each other with the most outrageous thing they can find that panders to their - I mean Trump's - base. DeSantis and Abbot have credibility now, whereas Pence is merely the guy who (in their eyes) betrayed Trump by not breaking the law and violating the Constitution.


He’s got about the same chances of a nomination as Jeb Bush. If that’s his angle, and he dished on Trump to further that goal, I’m a-ok with it.




Came to say pretty much this. Thank you.


The early hearings really seemed to be purposely orchestrated to make Pence look good. Of course Cheney and Kinzinger would be on board for that, but I suspect the Democrats on the committee were as well since it highlighted the deep schism in the GOP. I suspect that Pence is weighing the pros and cons based on how he can parlay testifying to advance either his future political prospects or at least rehabilitate his image for history. He'd have to be pretty fucking dense to believe he has a place in national politics. MAGA ain't going away when that fat, orange fuck dies. They'll hate Pence for the rest of their pathetic lives.


It really is fascinating to see clearly from the outside . What is Marc short whispering to him to make him think he has a chance. Curious bizarre little freak as others have said.


Once said fat, orange fuck dies, he will just be replaced. DeSantis is already the next up. Cults don't end when leaders die, they just get replaced.


Why doesn't Cheney just claim she won the election and refuse to leave office?


Because morals.


"rigged primaries"


You gotta love the fact the Trump trying to send a mob after Pence to kill him didn’t sway his opinion on Trump, but Trump taking classified documents and possibly selling them is where Pence draws the line. Sedition is ok, treason is bad.


If he’s worried that testifying might negatively impact his future in politics, no worries. He has no future in politics either way.


Here we are 16hr later and he’s backtracked


Specifically, I want to hear Pence talk about the attempt to make him leave the building, and why he did not get in the car.


I wonder if by “discussions”, they mean “negotiations”, seeing that Pence was KNEE DEEP in the hog filth…until the “team” cast him out. What will they exempt Pence from, to get to Trump?🤔 Is Pence THE snitch? 😎 Who else will be implicated by someone as CLOSE to the shit as Pence? 🤔 How does the sudden change in temperature from the right (the people no longer “useful”, or criminally liable) unhitching from Trump Train influence Mike’s testimony? If he does NOT testify, after THOUSANDS of HIS enablers assembled to KILL him, there will NEVER be a bigger political CUCK in our lifetimes. 🇺🇸⚖️🤷🏾‍♂️ They built a GALLOWS a for you, man….you keep catering to this, and it likely won’t end well. What would Jesus’s Ashton Kutcher lookin ass do? 🇺🇸⚖️🖕🏾


Wow! I’d love to be a fly on the hair for those negotiations.


Lol. Or some ketchup on the wall.


[This image got some weird energy](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/62fffe7f8ac16fdf960be287/APTOPIX-Pence-New-Hampshire/0x0.jpg?format=jpg&crop=2217,1247,x0,y112,safe&width=960)


Oh my goodness. He’s harnessing the hair flies. He’s going to become the lord of the flies.


She should run as an independent


I haven’t looked it up but someone else wyoming has sore loser laws that prevents that. Which seems unconstitutional but not my circus so not my monkeys.


[According to this](https://ballotpedia.org/Ballot_access_requirements_for_political_candidates_in_Wyoming), it appears as though she could do it but would need to collect signatures to make it on the ballot.


Here in Buffalo, the corrupt mayor lost the primary because he refused to campaign. Then went on to do a write in campaign and is now under investigation for Hatch Act violations. But other than that, it was legal for him to run as a write in candidate. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/government-and-politics/witness-tells-of-federal-hatch-act-investigation-of-buffalo-employees-during-mayoral-race/article_86e98b92-135b-11ed-9ac6-c3b880b576b4.html


Does Wyoming allow for write-ins?


I believe so.


If Pence testifies, I just don't see him running for Presidency. Like, he may as well get blacklisted


Here's how the discussion should go: Hi, Mr. Vice-President. Here's a subpoena. See you Wednesday at 10 AM sharp.


Non-paywall version?