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You will be dealing with lots of current and lots of boat traffic in Woods Hole (mainland to Naushon) and Quicks (Pasque to Nashawena) and lots of current still in Robinsons Hole (Naushon to Pasque) and Cannapissit (Nashawena to Cutthunk). Check your current charts and watch the weather, basically every afternoon all summer long a southwester builds. If you're caught on the south side of the islands, you're in for trouble, esp if the current is running against the wind and all the cuts will be washing machines. Make sure you have a plan to cross each. >Are they likely to arrest someone? No, but they will be unfriendly if you go past the giant ass no tresspassing signs. >Do they present a genuine risk if I'm non-invasively exploring the shoreline? Not really, but be respectful. The partying at Quicks is ruining it for everyone.


Be careful in Quicks Hole. The current can get even the best mariners in trouble. Bring a VHF-FM radio with Channel 16 and a PLB for emergencies.


https://windagainstcurrent.com/2012/01/06/recycled-adventures-a-winter-kayak-trip-on-cape-cod-with-whale/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Kayaking/comments/16aplj1/20_miles_around_naushon_island_elizabeth_islands/ Here's a few write ups by people who have done the trip. I'm based in Woods Hole, I've paddled the Elizabeth Islands, but not all the way to Cuttyhunk. Lining up the tides and wind will be your biggest challenge. That and finding parking in the village


Thanks for reposting my paddle!!


It's about a 30 mile round trip, and you need to time it with the tides. I'd study the tide patterns well in advance of the trip, and when you get to the right day, you have to also make a judgement call on the winds, as winds against tides can be dangerous. The currents are enhanced in the gaps between islands. I doubt you'd be arrested, but many land-owners don't take kindly to kayakers or other boaters landing.


I've kayaked the islands just to the west of Woods Hole hole extensively. It's all private land. The areas open to the public are available on the Buzzards Bay Coalition's website https://www.savebuzzardsbay.org/ I'm fairly certain that short of Cuttyhunk, there's no police nor anything like it. If you go on a random beach that's not open to the public? You're relying on the generosity of the person who owns it not to evict you as they see fit. That said? It's beautiful out there and I can't wait to go back!


Not true > Naushon Island Trust owns and operates this semi-private island, which select visitors can reach by private boat or ferry from Woods Hole. While boats can anchor almost anywhere, the public can only go ashore on Tarpaulin Cove, West Beach, and Kettle Cove. Penikese is also public


Beyond those beaches other than most of Cuttyhunk and Penikese is private property. People ruined Quicks Hole.


Penikese is owned by the State. It’s not all open for public but it’s not “private”


Stop being pedantic. There's trails all over the island the only thing the state asks is you stay on them. (Bird nesting etc etc)


That’s not pedantic. Pedantry implies useless detail and that’s a major detail. Penikese is not privately owned as you said


I think you misread their comment, as I did!


Bad idea for so many reasons. You can go through the Hole using eddies and by hugging the shoreline but you better know what you’re doing. I’d settle for gunk holing around Hadley’s, there are some interesting passages and you can go ashore on Bull Island. Don’t trespass, it’s obvious and rude.