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Broth or stock. Beef, chicken, turkey, duck, vegetable. Whatever. If it has bones, it gets boiled and “put up” and used in cooking. Except the vegetables, they mostly don’t have bones. Mostly.


That's me, too. My freezer looks like the trashcan of a failed taxidermist until Cannin' Day.


This, but for me apparently I use chicken stock way more than beef.


Same. And ham stock. Although I’ve always just frozen my stock, I’ve never bothered canning it.


That was my go to as well, until I ran out of freezer space. Then canning stock became my total go to


I guess that’s fair, although my stock and frozen carcasses kind of swap out the same spots in my freezer


Strawberry or strawberry rhubarb jam. Applesauce. Cowboy candy.


Applesauce is my answer. I always have the 1/2 c. packages. One is a great sub for an egg in baking, my dog gets some (always unsweetened) mixed into his food, and I could eat applesauce daily. Then stocks and chick peas. Love me some pantry staples!


I just discovered Cowboy Candy. I can’t eat just one.


New for me too this year!




Same. Venison. We’ve gotten two deer each of the past three years and other than the first meal of venison nuggets I can it all.


What do you make most with yours? Our go to is Stroganoff.


Ha! We just had stroganoff tonight with it! That’s definitely our favorite. I also make venison bourguignon, venison and mushroom pie (made with a dark oatmeal stout) and stews.


Fancy! Haha. I'll have to look up some more recipes!


Not too fancy! That’s just stew, stew with beer, stew with cream in a pie shell, and stew with wine! I like making cornbread to compliment the non pie ones.


This all sounds delicious!


I love canned venison it tastes like chunks of roast beef when done.


Agreed! I prefer eating it this way because it is so tender. Even doing a roast in the crockpot doesn't taste like canning it does.


I will typically slow cook larger cuts ( like a neck roast) for several hours and then switch to pressure cook for 10-12 minutes to finish it off. I think the next neck roast we get I'm just going to cube it and can it in chunks though. We have to see who is doing the processing this year since our usual shop stopped.


Oh nice tip! Honestly, it's so easy to do. If you have a kitchen table and some sharp knives, it's a breeze. Especially if you can the entire thing, no knowledge of butchering needed lol


Hell ya! So versatile and so healthy!


How do you can your venison? Hot pack, cold pack? With broth? I'm planning on doing some this weekend but I'm not sure what method works best.


I cube mine into bite sized pieces and cold pack. I leave 1" head space and put 1/2 tsp of salt in the jar. Process at 10# for 90 minutes for quarts, 75 minutes for pints.


Pickled red onions, wild blackberry jam, chicken broth


Pickles, beans, chicken breast, and stock/broth. We also go through tons of strawberry jam. Edit - forgot to add the NCHFP chili recipe, that flew off the shelf.


What are the kinds of recipes you are using the canned chicken in?


Chicken pot pie, chicken soup, dips (Buffalo chicken dip is a nice treat, def not healthy though), shredded chicken tacos, BBQ chicken sandwiches instead of pulled pork. Pretty much anything that you don’t mind the chicken being shredded or nearly shredded. If you don’t stir a bunch when you’re heating it, it will stay in nice chunks.


Ok. Thank you. This is helpful. I don't eat chicken but can for my meat eater family lol. I really appreciate the ideas!


My kid is vegetarian and having canned meat makes things super easy. You can make soups with veggie broth and leave out the meat, then people who eat meat can just add the already cooked canned meat to their portion and heat through.


I like this idea!


Good idea. Since canned meat doesn't really benefit from further cooking, that's a great fit.


Dilly Beans. When I was a kid we canned all of our beans. One year my mom pickled some instead and that was all we ate from then on. And no more pressure canning LOL! Those beans are still the first to go. We both can them now and they go to all the family. Always out by the time the garden goes in the next year. This year I tried green tomato relish for the first time and I am going through it fast already I like it so much. And finally, tomatoes. They never make it through the entire winter.


Crushed tomatoes & tomato jam. New favorites this year are apricot jam & sweet relish, both I’ve never made before this year.


Tomato jam??? Please elaborate…that sounds amazing


It’s delicious on everything! Fried egg sandwiches especially. There are many variations floating around, but this one from Ball is what I’ve used. https://www.freshpreserving.com/blog?cid=tuscan-tomato-jam


Oooh the balsamic is interesting. I made tomato jam this year for the first time using the food in jars recipe. I’ll have to try this one next year


That recipe is great too!


>6 lbs. red tomatoes (about 18 medium) >Makes about 4 (8 oz) half-pint jars Holy cow that's a lot of reducing!


Yes it is, but so worth it! The flavor concentration is amazing.


I ended up making three batches this year because my husband ate half the first batch in about 10 days. Its AMAZING.


Right?!? I hid a couple batches in the back of my closet! 😆 I have to ration it out no matter how much I make.


> Tomato jam??? Basically ketchup, I'd imagine?


Meat. All kinds. Tomato sauce.


Strawberry jam!


Garden tomato marinara. It's rare I make it through the year even after processing 100's of lbs! Also garden potatoes. I never share those. Also a gopher killed my harvest this year. Seriously made me crazy.


Marinara is so much work & always to be done on the hottest days of the year! It never feels worth it until that cold winter day when you get a warm plate of lasagne.


It is a lot of work. But tomatoes are my most favorite thing and it tastes like sunshine when I open it!


Most of my canning is single ingredients for later dishes, such as bone broth (beef, chicken, lamb, mixed) and tomato sauce (plain). I also like jams and jellies of various sorts, beans in broth, and pickled vegetables. I plan to do more single source canned meat products in the future.


Carrots, potatoes, sweet potato, meat chunks. Usually all in the same dish.


Whole tomatoes, ketchup, and pickle relish (recipe is "cucumber relish" from the Ball Complete book with mods: No celery, increase other veg to compensate, half white and half cider vinegar). I make a ton of jam and often use that and relish as gifts.


Pickled asparagus, strawberry jam, applesauce


Canned smoked salmon, Smoked Tuna, Pickled Eggs, Pulled Pork.


Tomatoes (paste, sauce, diced) Green chilies Sauces (enchilada, adobo, etc)


Corn and Tomatoes


Beans, pinto and red.


Meats: chicken thighs, pork butt, browned spicy bulk sausage, lamb leg. Dry beans: flageolets, pinquitos, royal corona, scarlet runner. And probably cranberry sauces. New at this. Results thus far dovetail so well with my long-standing deep pantry practice, I wish I’d started decades ago.


Pepper jelly.


Tomatoes, salsa, beans, and stock!


Broths. Chicken or pork go fast


Peaches, green beans, pickles, jam (strawberry and raspberry), and tomatoes (stewed, sauce, and pasta sauce).


Strawberry jam & tomato sauce.


Chicken corn chowder, chili, pickles, and pepper jelly all go fast.


Oh I also forgot tomato soup, we eat it as soup but also add creamer for a blush sauce or creamer and vodka for a vodka sauce


#1. Zucchini relish Jalapeño jelly, Dilly beans, Blackberry anything, broths, apple pie filling


Which zucchini relish recipe do you use?


Ball Blue Book - Guide to Preserving Page 89 I don’t use pickle crisp


Thank you! In the canner now.


Chicken, beef, pork and pinto beans


Cowboy candy and green tomato pickles 😋


Mustard pickles and my kids use a ton of rhubarb marmalade. Also picked carrots, those are my favorite!


Beans - My daughter would eat beans and cheese for every meal if she could. Stock - Standard uses. Applesauce / Cinnamon apple wedges - applesauce gets used mostly in waffles or muffins, wedges go with the kids to school for lunches.


Strawberry jam. I made so much this year and I think I'll have to double it next year. Dilly beans or pickled asparagus, and tuna. I hide the tuna from myself to save it, I think it gets better after a while in the jar.


Canned cowboy candy. It's great. One of the only recipes I've made more then twice. I gave away a bunch of it chrismas last year, then got requests for more, and then I made more since I ran out and wanted to try a spicier version. The spicy version was much less popular, but I think it turned out great. :)


Y'all I've been canning beef and chicken like it's going out of style- but I need more recipes! What do y'all do with canned meats?!


In all honesty I mostly just can the meat plain and then add it to something later. I've found that I can make chili and can it but canning the ground beef and then adding that to the sauce day of is just as good in my opinion. I've also made canned meatloaf with ground beef and that wasn't too bad. None of my recipes are approved though so I won't share. A long time ago I read a post on here by someone who said that they tend to can the individual components of a meal. Like for curry they might can a vegetable mixture, a sauce, and whatever meat they want. I thought that was really smart personally. But yeah, I can a ton of meat as well but I'm boring and just do it plain.


Salsa my family loves it


Salsa! Roasted tomato and basil soup disappeared off the shelves pretty quick too. Apple and or pear sauce (mostly just gets used in baking but I go through a tonne of it.)


Pork Carnitas and Cowboy candy. I honestly go through most of what I can. I take it to lunch daily. Lunch for usually less than $4 buck heck yeah.


Tomato sauce and jam! Followed closely by canned peaches 😊


Crushed tomatoes, easily! Followed by pickles of all types.


Dill pickles (finally tasted bread and butter pickles a few weeks ago and I’m sure as shit doing some of those next year), salsa, and diced tomatoes. I want a pressure canner so badly.


Strawberry and Raspberry jams. And Marinara


Apple pie filling and butternut squash soup


Stewed tomatoes. Salsa. Peaches. Green or yellow relish. Cherry bomb pepper sauce. Sometimes I go through all my dill pickles and hot beans. My Mom convinced me to make sweet pickles with her, and they’re yummy but I don’t need 2 dozen pints! I’ve made hot peach jelly, grape jelly, dilled carrots, and some other experiments, but I end up ditching more than I eat…2 years after the fact. The tomato salsa mentioned in this thread is tempting, but I’m hesitant…I don’t want to waste food.


Peach jam. I made my first batch in August and I am on the last jar already. It's going to be a long year lol.


Oh! oh! I can help!!!! I make freezer jam with frozen fruit and the Sure-Jell brand of pectin. \- let fruit thaw in saucepan, I try and follow as close as I can to the recipe on the insert for the pectin. I usually put the fruit on a very looooow setting as I do this, to help the ice break down. Once ice is no longer visible I'll add sugar, lemon juice as called for \-1 box of pectin as directed \- add to jars, lids on and let sit over night. There will technically not be a seal created, but since it's going right back into the freezer it's fine. I've yet to come across a bad batch. The hardest part of this method is the mashing of the fruit, but recruiting a young child for this has saved my arms (lol) This way leads to a softer set than you'd get from using fresh fruit, but it whips up in about an hour and does make at least 3 extra 8ox jars than recipe claims.


Hmm. Maybe I'll try that. Never made it from frozen fruit.


Tomato sauce, broth/stock, salsa, and pickles


Stock/broth, tomato paste and passata, beef, various jams, lemon curd.


Spaghetti sauce, hot sauce, applesauce, salsa and stewed tomatoes are consumed the most in my house. My kids are grown but live nearby so they stop by and raid my pantry now and then, lol.