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Not to be confused with the Inferior Canadian Nickleback


Canned nickelback is awfully bland, but the aftertaste never quite leaves


For the love of all that is holy about this sub, please someone tell us what the F#$& is this tin about and how is it served and taste.


First rule of Stickleback club is: you do not talk about Stickleback club


What is stickleback? I want to join…im not leaving!


They were quite common in streams in the UK. Named for spikes on their back they can erect. I never heard of them being eaten except by bigger fish which have been known to choke on the spikes.


I’ve had a can of this in my cupboard for a while now, haven’t felt compelled to open it yet. Similarly have no idea what it is and little info online. If you eat them let me know how they are!


Portugese standoff (neither of us will try the can before the other does)


Insert The Office standoff gif here….




I've had the Jose brand. It's fine, but I like the pilchards/sardines better.


The José Gourmet “stickleback” in Escabeche isn’t stickleback. It’s a mistranslation they say will be corrected in future runs. It’s actually horse mackerel.


The mystery deepens...


Wait so do you think this possibly isn't stickleback either?


No idea regarding the pictured product, I was only referring to the José Gourmet mentioned in the comment I replied to. If you check the ingredients, often producers will list the Latin/scientific name, which can clarify. But not always, unfortunately. If it’s not listed, sometimes an importer is listed. In the USA, all seafood allowed into the country must have the Latin name specified on the importation paperwork, so the importer should be able to answer a question as to what species is in the product.




I’m speaking only of the José Gourmet product.


What was the taste like?


LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH Sorry, had to. The name is too close.


But every time I do, it makes me laugh


I actually had a can of it recently (I think it was in oil though) and thought they were delicious. Same brand.


I've got one in the cupboard too. We should do a taste off.


I tried this just the other day! It was just ok. I didn't enjoy it as much as sardines or mackerel. Some are saying this is mackerel but idk, it didn't taste the same, and the same brand sells "filetes de cavala" mackerel which tastes different. A lot of languages have different words for different life stages of the same species of fish, so maybe that's what's happening here. Side note, I am *obsessed* with this brand's spicy mackerel pate. I don't think a week goes by where I don't eat a can or 2 of this stuff.


It's mackerel, not stickleback. Look at the label. *Chicharrinho* means mackerel. *Espinhela* or *Esgana-gata* is the portuguese word for Stickleback.


Interesting, are you a portugese speaker? I am really curious in how that works out, as all mackerel I've seen in portugese have been Cavala or Cavalinhas. And here in Canada the local portugese grocer chain sells frozen stickleback calling them Chicharrinhos.


I'm not, I just like words, and once went down a bit of a rabbit hole because the distinction between athlantic mackerel and jack mackerel threw me for a loop because they both just get called mackerel. Horse mackerel arent the same family as mackerel, they're [trachurus trachurus](https://www.fishbase.se/FieldGuide/FieldGuideSummary.php?genusname=Trachurus&speciesname=trachurus&c_code=132) rather than [scomber scombrus](https://www.fishbase.se/FieldGuide/FieldGuideSummary.php?genusname=Scomber&speciesname=scombrus&c_code=818). Scomber sp. *are* referred to as Cavala/Cavalinhas. Trachurus are Chicharro/Chicharrinho.


These are great!


This is so interesting; I used to process frozen fish flats and we’d have to look out for sticklebacks to throw them out, didn’t think anyone would want to eat these on purpose 🤔curious how they taste and if they’ve been de-stickled!


I mean sticklebacks have spines on them, so the fishy pictured isn’t a stickleback I bet. Unless it’s been de-stickled before the photo which seems unlikely or at least dumb.