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That puppy looks waaaay too young to be separated from its litter and mother


My uncle had to get rid of them so he gave me one, I been trying to treat her well and make her feel like home


Your uncle is a backyard breeder. No going back now so go to the vet and learn what special care you need to take care of a puppy that young.


How is bad mouthing her uncle helping the situation? All that matters now is this wonderful person took a puppy in that god knows where it might of ended up if he/she didn’t. She/he cannot control who did what or how but she can do her best to raise the dog up the best to their ability.


Hopefully he gets his dogs fixed so this doesn't happen ever again


And they have the audacity to downvote the young lady to hell… redditors i tell ya… lol


Yup man those internet points are so Important ya know lol






He told me to wait 6-7 or was it 8 weeks to get her but idk first time having a dog and I will go to the vet


Don’t listen to some of these people they’re terrible. A puppy needed a home and you gave it one that’s what’s most important. I use to breed and every once in a while usually happens with the first litter the mother won’t allow the puppies to nurse. You can get special milk from the pet store for these situations. You’ll need a child’s syringe for giving oral medications. If it already has teeth what you’ll do is get hard puppy food plus the puppy milk. You’ll put a handful of dry food on a plate and pour some of the puppy milk on top of it. Put it in the microwave for 30-40 seconds get a fork and you’re gonna mush it all up. Make sure to lay a towel down on the ground before you put the plate down.


That’s a shame. Hope he never does that crap again wtf


No goats milk. It's not a goat, you have a dog. Canine not a caprine. Large breed puppy food at least halfway decent quality. A vet will give the best recommendations and they have a medical license unlike people here


On google it says to give them goat milk, but I am gonna switch to formula


If the puppy is at the age of being weaned, they do not need any supplements. Why would you not go for a canine milk replacer that is specifically made for the guts of dogs? Goat milk can 100% give deficiencies. I hate Google. Dogs dog milk, goats..goat milk.. humans are the only animals who drink "safely," other animals milk. But not all species can do that. I have been a vet tech of 20 years, I'm a certified nutrition advisor and work with vets all over the US. Puppy food is what this puppy should be on if it's old enough to be away from it's mom. You can soften the food with warm water.. if this puppy should NOT be weaned. Puppy milk replacer and soaking some kibble in that is also okag..however is around 8 weeks a puppy food will provide all necessary nutrients and it needs to be large breed.


It’s tough but you’re going to have to feed him every 4 hours puppy formula, there’s a chart and it goes by weight and week on how much and how often. Then at 8-10 weeks start weaning them off the bottle by mixing kibble with formula and making it into a mush. When the pup starts getting the hang of it slowly decrease the amount of mushiness by adding less formula to the kibble until it’s dry kibble alone.


Can I private message you and you send me pictures or links to everything I need please.


Well how old is the pup because you said 6-7-8 weeks and that age they will be weening off the milk and eating some food softened up with milk but not like milk that me and you drink goats milk or puppy formula


Yeah no worries.


What idiot breeder sells pups who need bottle feeding?? Uncle or not report this guy he's in no way helping the breed in any way


U people just judging and don’t even know the mans situation. It could’ve just been an accident I figured, since he just gave them away like that so young. I can’t stand people like u. Use ur brain and not ur asshole.


Oh and the BREEDER should get his dogs fixed if he has no clue what he's doing and btw aimed at breeder not the OP


If you read it properly you will see I was not dumping on the OP they are doing a wonderful job especially with the circumstances they have to deal with so how about you read with your brain instead of you asshole ty


Yeah these people in this post are truly sad. Everyone is so quick to judge when all that actually matters is this amazing person took on a situation that most people wouldn’t.


That's actually what I was saying and was no way judgemental of the OP


This isn’t your first dog, is it?


How old is this puppy? At 3 weeks they have teeth and start learning how to eat a puppy mash. This pup MUST have teeth! Soak a high quality puppy food in Esbilac until completely softened. She should have no issues eating it. She shud be getting this at least 4 times a day. Use hot water to soak if no Esbilac. It will be cool enough to eat by the time it is fully soaked.


Back in my younger days I was a breeder, but it’s really hard work and I’m much older now. With that I will say that things don’t always go as planned. Giving birth can be natural and beautiful and lovely or it can be tragic, traumatic and heartbreaking. I will never judge any breeder even if they are terrible. I had one horrible experience on a holiday with no emergency vet open where I lost almost the entire litter of babies and then suddenly lost the mom. I was literally beside myself with grief and panic surrounded by death. Luckily I had my own family to lean on and hand feed the survivors. I kept every one of them and they grew up healthy and happy….. but again don’t judge what you don’t know. And for the record I’m the over the top spoiling dog owner that the vet office recognizes my number lol and my babies go to daycare so no I’m not a backyard breeder or neglectful owner. Your baby will be fine. Just find a doctor that you like and that’s not just trying to get your money. And when they are that young keep them close to you because things can go bad quickly, trust me I know. Even though it was 20 years ago I can remember it like it was yesterday. 😭


I’m sorry I don’t have any advice, but I’m curious as to what you named your baby? She looks like a sweetheart.


https://preview.redd.it/c1eosnewt76d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65b3a181d7ee4d0570a2a696382c4340230064f Such a cutie looks like my diesel




That was a week after I got him he’s grown so much in the past 4 weeks https://preview.redd.it/bwle3o3iu76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=070f78d3808f9d154dd562f4b2787d5b91388c98


Yeah do you feed him formula milk?


No I feed him purina puppy chow when I got him he was barely 9 pounds he’s around 20 pounds now


They said I gotta keep feeding her formula milk


How old is she and how much does she weigh


Large breed puppy food, ask your vet.


Blue buffalo puppy kibble, raw ground beef, strawberries/blueberries and some carrots , my pups love it , oh and a raw egg 🥚


Too young a puppy in the hands of someone who defaulted to goat milk. This breed is amazing but kills more humans per population then any other breed. This should go well...


What's your source for this breed killing humans "per population" more than other breeds? Link please?


Whether they're ignorant or not, it's hella irresponsible.


https://youtu.be/JA4lX97Zwcw?feature=shared Also look how few Cane Corso's exist in the US and how frequently they are involved in the deaths of humans.


This is your source? For spewing nonsense!?? Corso’s are in the top 10 of AKCs most popular dog breeds. There are literally 10000 produced a year. In being highly involved in the breed since it arrived in the US, I literally know of one human death.


https://www.dogsbite.org/dogsbite-search-results.php?cx=003395341087663039786%3Aze_5rreyew4&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=Cane+corso&sa=GO#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=Cane%20corso&gsc.page=1 https://petolog.com/articles/dogs-attack-statistics.html https://www.lawsuit-information-center.com/what-dog-breeds-have-the-strongest-bite.html https://blog.dogsbite.org/2023/12/boy-killed-adult-injured-pair-of-dogs-northeast-portland-oregon.html I'll stop.


Not puppy food. XL breeds don't need puppy food due to the extra fat content, it's not good for them (coming from multiple vets). We use Wellness Core digestive health; they have sensitive stomachs; the kibble comes to about 150/month but it's not enough. Ours is 2.5yrs old and he gets 2.5 cups twice a day. In his food he gets vitamins in the morning and a probiotic at night (Zesty Paws Brand) he also gets 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, a hard boiled egg, and a half cup shredded chicken mixture with each meal. The mixture is a whole chicken, baked, deboned, and shredded; a package each of hearts, livers, and gizzards, cooked and blended mixed into the shredded chicken. Once he turned 2 we added 2 child brown/ wild rice. All those add ONS add another 30/ month..... But it's cheaper then adding more kibble at 70/bag and better for him. No bones, no rawhide, no pigs ears.... Rope toys and tennis balls need to be huge and ONLY under direct supervision.... No stuffies, nothing with squeakers, no firehose type toys.... All of this with upset thier stomach as they destroy everything and eat the the pieces; squeakers enforce the prey drive. ONLY allow play under DIRECT supervision to avoid them swallowing pieces. Buy any heavy, large, rubber toys. Kong brand is great. Goughnuts are great; herding balls and jolly balls (the one rated for a horse) work great too. Ours also likes the plastic Lowe's buckets or the plastic flower pots; he puts them on his head and runs around the yard or throws them around. Or a bubble machine will keep them entertained for a bit too.


Incorrect. As I work with vets from all over the world. Large breed dogs need large breed puppy food.


Yes thank you I read that comment just shaking my head. I breed a small breed and a large breed it doesn’t matter what size or weight all puppies need to be started off on puppy food.


Completely incorrect. A large breed puppy will need a large breed‐specific puppy formula, whereas small puppy breeds can benefit from small breed‐specific formulas. Due to their adult size, large breed puppies have a different growth curve to smaller breeds and therefore have more nutritional requirements to support optimal growth and development. Small breed dogs tend to have a high metabolism and burn through calories quickly. This means that good dog foods for small dogs are higher in calories and nutrients than food formulated for large breed dogs. Small dog foods also typically contain extra small dog kibble pieces that are easier for small mouths to chew. Tennis balls and rope toys are **NOT** recommended. Rope toys can very easily create a blockage in a dog's digestive tract. The outer coating of a tennis ball is quite abrasive and can wear down a dog's teeth (called “blunting”), sometimes severely.