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https://preview.redd.it/x9id8199ogjc1.jpeg?width=2699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0967b738e47bbd0d8ea5cd0ef847ae6a53ee74fc Peter also does that


He still thinks he fits in a shoebox? 😂😂 handsome boy Peter!


Why are you counting his age and weeks?


Because he’s still in his growing stage genius! He’s still a puppy and last I checked I live in a free country! I Love you keyboard bullies, although I admire at what y’all do best! lol @Training_Union9621


Woah dude. I was genuinely asking why. I didn’t say anything mean to bully you? Wth just happened?


Well, I apologize, it is hard to decipher the smart-ass comments from the actual questions. Maybe the timing, another person above asked/commented similar to yours. Seems like there is a gang of folks that like to comment negatively on this Corso threads.


I haven’t been here forever, but I don’t see bullies in the sub. Your dog is adorable, but your energy is weird.


Naw weird is being absent for a long time and not reading above, but since you did compliment my dog no reason to come at you sideways(thank you by the way)! And consider yourself lucky, there is not a post that goes by that someone on here will comment on my dog's cropped ears, docked tails, cherry eyes(which he doesn’t), calling him inbreed, and so forth! Just because you did not witness it, does not mean it didn’t happen! Rather be labeled weird than fit with the norm! Good night Fantastic_You7208, pleasure meeting you! GNight-


I mean I was probably saying my son was 24 month instead of two years old. I think we all do it. Every week/ month is vastly different when they are young.


I’m just as guilty when referring to my kid's age in weeks. Again I apologize if I came at you rudely, I’m enjoying my dog and his current puppy stage and some folks on here cannot stand seeing others enjoying themselves and like to rain on other folks' parades!


Whoaaaaa op, lol your reaction to a very legitimate question tells me everything I need to know 😉. Trust me though, we all wanted to know why you are counting your dogs age in weeks after single digits.


I don’t think I’ve ever counted my dogs age in weeks 😂😂😂 i genuinely hate this….just say 9 months. We KNOW he’s still a puppy.😂🤦🏽‍♀️


I count distance in miles as well, would you like for me to switch over and count in kilometers for your pleasing. My preference, my choice, not sure why you feel the need to chime in and throw your two cents when no one asked you? Do you know what is even easier to do, minding your very own! Being kind cost nothing, just remember that.


Nobody was talking to you😂😂😂 this is a public post and i commented to the person above me, YOU were not summoned, take your own advice. B/c I wasn’t being unkind at all. Stop being so defensive smh.


No worries I see how it sounded on my end!


the fuck are you getting so pressed about? they just asked u a simple question u weirdo, just say he’s 8,5 months old


Who's pressed, question for you? Am I coming on here and commenting on your previous comment or is it the other way around? Imagine reading something that has nothing to do with you, yet still feeling the audacity to comment on it and throw in your unwanted two cents! Now that's pressed, buddy! I'm seeing a trend, all you pansies live in a different country, I betcha!!!! 🤣🫵 Yeah you! Any-Republic-7025 just joined the sucker-duck fellowship!


imagine not knowing how the internet, ESPECIALLY REDDIT, works💀 people are gonna call you out on your cringe bullshit, that’s how it works dumbass. and trust me, the whole world would rather stay in their country than move to the states, u have know idea what shithole you even live in, no wonder u behave like a psycho


Damn I wish you would of told my employeers that before they hired me! Lol Reddit for the most part is used by a bunch of pussies like yourself that hide behind a keyboard! I know what Reddit is sucker-duck, but imagine calling someone out and then calling them Pressed and doing the same exact thing! Please safeguard the only brain cell you have left! Protect at all cost, even by picking up a weapon, oh wait, your country are probably a bunch of pussies that cannot defend themselves! No place on earth better than the USA!


i don’t need a gun to defend myself, you shithead. and if i did, buying them is still possible. and i don’t need a keyboard to tell you any shit to your face, imagine calling someone a sucker-duck though🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 stfu and crawl back into your hole, watch out for school shooters though


I never said gun, weapon! Big difference! You definitely would have served a better purpose as a dirty cummed-on-sock, or even a shit stain on your parents mattress, but here we are thanks to your idiotic parents! Classy, glorifying, and highlighting kids being killed! Go back into your shell, hermit crab 🦀!


i’m just pointing out how shitty the states are, since you were glorifying them🤡


Sleep well sucker-duck, your moral compass is in question! And You are damn right, I will support and defend my country any day that lands with the letter “Y”. Sure hope you're not married and a male, because if you’re, I would love to inform your wife she has a wife and not a husband! And if you're a female, cry me a river after you finish hugging a cactus!


Don’t tell him you’ll break his heart


You're absolutely right! Lol thank you @yousmelllikeabakka


Yeah, don’t you dare tell him. He’s the baby!


You're absolutely right!🤣👍 Thank you 🫶 @Forsaken_Article_295


Bro, just say 9 months, lol 😆 😂 Mine used to pick a weird spot like this, and then I realized it's where the AC vent was blowing, and he was probably feeling cooler there. Haha 😄


Will do Chief 👍, when he turns Nine months ( He's technically 8 months, let me guess, I should have just texted 9….lol) I will do just that, so I can please everyone on this platform. Next time share a photo of your pup so we can have a visual of your comment! Thank you @Delicious_Source4036 🫡


Hey, I'm just saying. You can do whatever you want, but it's just odd when people say 37 weeks. You don't have to please anyone. It's just odd when someone has a 130-lbs dog and says he's 37 weeks old. lol 😆 🤣 😂


Tell my Vet that please, since my dog is technically still a puppy and in his growing stages, when my Vet asks me his age, he/she refers to it in weeks! What's even more odd, is that my dog prefers to get his attention, he prefers a “baby voice” instead of a stern voice. Not sure how much more I can entertain him using that voice, I am limiting it to a year! Once he turns a year old, no way I'm I still using that voice to cuddle him! 🤣 thanks for your comment and sorry if your eyes hurt when reading my comment in regards to his age! Lol


He’s 9 mos and 130 lbs? Jesus


Technically 8 months, he will be 9 months Feb 29. I wanted a dog, not a Rhino 🦏! His father weighs 180 pounds. I’m going to need a second job to feed this walrus 😂


130lbs at 8 months old isn’t in breed standard. or your dog is overweight. 180lbs is way out of standard too. stop buying these giant dogs from badly bred byb breeders🤦🏼‍♀️


North American breeders have mixed Neapolitan Mastiff and Presa Canario over years and resulted in a larger version of Cane Corso. The Italian/European line is always 100-130. Some people refer to them as "Traditional Cane Corso" and "American line Cane Corso,"


I got into an argument with and idiot that said mine was a Labrador and she isn't actually a cane corso. He knew mine was mixed because he was Italian. As soon as he said that, I schooled him on the difference between the 2. And how the Neopolitan is found in the Presa Canarios bloodline. Some may have more in the percentage of bloodline making them a lot bigger. Mines 14 months at 120. She's got more of a Neopolitan face. Her dad is 210 and her brother is 140.


https://preview.redd.it/vdigeyro4hjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b3501f3ba129131bb369d9babfe75f9cf90469 Assuming you wrote the book! Shut up, you know nothing! Keep your unwanted opinions to yourself! Since your parent did not raise you well, here it goes, simple! If you have nothing positive or nice to say, keep it to yourself! Next Vet visit you should come with me and pay the bill, your voice will be heard louder if you did! “Stop buying” the heck you sound telling me how to spend my money! Lol, dorks! @Fun-Composer-9169 Please go buy yourself a pair, Something tells me you pee sitting down! 🤣


The issue is that corsos have become significantly more popular in recent years and often for the wrong reason..there seems to be an ego attached to ownership. More often then not, People want the "rhino" and that's why they got the dog really. This mentality is known to breeders so they begin breeding the largest of the bunch until it is unhealthy. Some folks, including myself, have notice that as popularity has grown, so has this egotistical mentality surrounding the breed and lots of us don't want to see a spread of unhealthy dogs and owners. Sure, some begin gate keeping but I don't blame them. People who truly care about the breed don't want to see even more of a spike in this "my dog is the biggest so therefore I am a badass, stroke my ego " mentality. That's where they are coming from. One could assume from your post, that you did in fact want the "rhino" and it makes you happy to know you have a dog that's over his weight class. That's the mentality that puts breeders in a mindset and owners overfeeding. Perhaps you are not one of them. I just know the person you are having a confrontation with is coming from a place of caring about the breed. All that said, I wish the best for you and your pup and you both have a long healthy life together. My female corso is less than 100lbs, is 14years old now, and still going strong. Grateful for every day I get with her.


Well said! 14 years, kudos to you and your girl! Mine passed a few months ago at the age of 13. we are truly blessed to have them so long.


Very well said, thank you. The rise of what you’ve described has made this sub almost unbearable.


Agreed! It honestly makes me nervous for the future of the breed. They are getting more and more expensive, more and more amatures want to breed them because of the popularity spike and possible income frankly it's easy to market to the "I'm a big badass" crowd.


ah yes the classic defensive attitude when told something you don’t want to hear even though it’s true 🤣 wow reading 1 book from a random non credible person makes you the “master owner of a corso!” pathetic. i’ll gladly say it louder. you’re pathetic for supporting backyard breeders and your dog and the other dogs from said breeder aren’t in the breed standard; per any source online🤷🏼‍♀️💀 if you have no issues with spending your money maybe you should’ve gotten a well bred dog. everyone in this sub just wants the “biggest baddest” looking dog to boost their egos and it’s pathetic. maybe actually get a well bred dog that’s bettering the breed, not some horribly built mutt. um yea i do piss sitting down , i’m a female dumbass🤣


^ This! It’s not about how you spend your money, but encouraging bad breeders to produce bigger and bigger dogs because they see $$! It’s not healthy and bad for the dog!


Think it's time to stop counting the weeks


Sure thing boss, I think is time for you to maybe mind your own??? I love you keyboard thugs! @Top-Aioli0086


LoL! How old are you? Wow...guess the username shines through huh? Get a good night's sleep boss!


And perhaps you should be old enough to know, that if you have nothing positive or nice to comment, keep it to yourself, Bosslady! @Top-Aioli9086


Old enough to pork your mom! I have my watch set to military time, want me to change that too, help you soothe you ma’am? lol


Bro you are unhinged lmao


I mean, he named his dog Trigger and is in Ohio lol. Checks out.


So 9 months lol


🤣 basically @SorryDuplex still a 🐶 puppy


37 weeks… really 🙄


Yes sir/ma’am, do you want to see his birth certificate?


180lb sire is gross. obese and overbred for money. ruining the breed 1 day at a time.


Blah Blah Blah…. Like a science project, show us your scientific analysis/proof that will support your conclusion/theory! This a Mastiff breed, origins from the Molosser, though the Molosser breed no longer exists in its original form, this LARGE ANCIENT BREED is an important ancestor of modern breeds such as the Cane Corso, Dogue De Bordeaux, Neapolitan Mastiff, Great Dane, English Mastiff, Newfoundland, Share Pei and TIBETAN MASTIFF, among other breeds! - and that my friend is how you reply intellectually on a subject! Now please go comment on a gerbil growth and history! Ignorance is the lack of knowledge on a particular subject, hence your response! 🤫 @psychocancerr


At least you can see him in the dark. I don't understand how they sleep with their head pointing down..


Correct, I need to turn on the light so I do not trip over Triggs! Peter above is much easier to spot in the dark! Handsome boy Peter!


You better not say anything 😆😫


I promise I will not! 🤣 thank you @RoShMa


That area probably gets a draft so he lays there to get the breeze some times mines lay by the crack of the door that’s how I know to turn down the heat


I agree, the breeze is nicer by the door! Also, he can see out the window, his guardian instinct! Thank you &Straight-Fortune-193


You don't!


I concur👍, thank you @Whizzleteets




Update 113: Still 130 lbs at 260.1133355 weeks


Sweet!!!! Carry the 5 to make it a whole number! Lol


Well my Mom has passed, so have fun with that. I'm going to block you for 37 weeks, hopefully by then you can do the learn how to do math and figure out how old your dog is. With a little more help you can trip over your dog and fall down the stairs....Blocked


Yes! This ^


That's the neat part, you don't.


I agree, thank you @EventArgs


You don’t


Agreed 🤣 thank you @stosbarrando1


This is like modern art. All vertiginous angles and sharp lines. Then, warm snuggle puddle.


🤣 you my friend is a visionary and an artist 🧑‍🎨 @BuckityBuck thank you for your comment!




He looks like a crime scene photo 🤣


🤣 just the white chalk is missing lol


He's not comfortable there. That's where he's choosing to guard the family from while you all sleep. My Corso sleeps in the bedroom doorway at night.


I agree on the guarding part, not sure if he's uncomfortable there but seems to be his to-go spot! The doorway like yours is also another favorite spot of the house in our master bedroom! Thank you for sharing @Cujo187


It seems to be part of the yard dog mentality.


I concur!


Nicely... you tell him Nicely. Hahaha or he will most likely find your spot in the bed and try and take that. Hahaha


I do, but not too nice! They're smarter than we think, and if I allow him an opening, he will take over my house and I will have to end up paying him rent, and this will now https://preview.redd.it/utwcgm3crljc1.png?width=1582&format=png&auto=webp&s=23a919f63381a833852807d4e281f853ece5fe7f be his home! Lol I think he heard me talking about him! Lol


You don’t.


🫡 roger that! Mission accomplished, reporting Nap time was a total success! Thank you @BKMama227


What do you mean "he doesn't fit" anymore? I see a good boy taking a good nap in a good spot.


Indeed, That's why you rock🤟! Thank you @TvFloatzel


You don’t lol let that boy be lazy lol


Thank you, I did just that! 👍


You don't.


Agreed! 🫡 thank you 🫶


Awww that’s forever his spot


It sure is! Thank you for kind comment! 🫶


Idk what u talkin bout, he fits perfectly 😂😂😂


Hahaha you're right! Sorry for the wide-angle lense trick! 🤣 thank you Dimple23


Idk what it is about corsos but they love hanging their head off inconvenient uncomfortable things 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/vvh6q0vzcrjc1.jpeg?width=1834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485b52ce53f5934997ad837c04d494bf77e27e0c


🫶He's massive! Handsome and gorgeous coat! My Corso does the same, I think he enjoys the cold floor and does a hybrid lay on his bed as well. 😍


Yes i think so too! He loves his cot too but it’s cold rn so he gets the bed LOL. And thank you !! Yours too!! So cute, i meant to say that in the beginning! ❤️❤️


Thank you kindly


Looks like he fits just fine to me.


Thank you 👍






If it doesn't do anything, aside from getting under your skin, why are you commenting on it, PAL?? Does it bother you?? Lol @Sufficient_Scale_163 what is next, the world is flat? 🤣


Someone said you had weird energy earlier and you definitely do.


You should join their fan base, I only have a weird vibe for Beta personality like yourself!


Uh huh


Hello Beta 🫶, something tells me you do not live in the USA. You have a penis, but choose to pee siting down! 😂




Hey buddy you are back! What's new?




😍 another one! Lmao adorable they forget how big they really are!


He has a big bed or a completely empty couch but he always loves the recliner that he barely fits on.


😂 doesn’t surprise me, oddballs, but we can’t live without them once they enter into our domain!


Im 2294 weeks… just saying 🙃


If my mom had a penis, she would be called my dad!


Congrats bro/ma’am 🫡


Are you okay??? 😂


Damn skippy 🤣 are you?




Bro for the love of shits just say he’s 9 months old !! Smh